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Lord, in Your divine wisdom, You created us male and female. Our fallen world has perverted Your design and our children are being hurt in the process. Help this nation return to Your ways so that our children will be protected from this crazy fad.
Reading Time: 3 minutes

“Talk with teens about possible regret.” That’s what the American Academy of Pediatrics says about tattoos and body piercings. But when it comes to giving a girl who thinks she’s a boy a double mastectomy, the same organization thinks parents should “respect” their kids’ wishes.

That’s just part of the hypocrisy Dr. Michelle Cretella was trying to point out about the liberal medical community in a popular video for the Daily Signal. I say “trying,” because after two years, the flaggers at YouTube decided to pull down the 2017 content and ban it. The truth about transgenderism, they said, “violates YouTube’s hate speech policy.” According to liberal flaggers, the offensive part was just one sentence — but, as Daily Signal editor Katrina Trinko explained on Thursday’s “Washington Watch,” it was an important one.

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“If I walk into my doctor’s office today and say, ‘Hi, I’m Margaret Thatcher,’ my physician will say I am delusional and give me an anti-psychotic,” Dr. Cretella explained. But, “if instead, I walked in and said, ‘I’m a man,’ he would say, ‘Congratulations, you’re transgender.’ If I were to say, ‘Doc, I’m suicidal because I’m an amputee trapped in a normal body, please cut off my leg,’ I will be diagnosed with body identity integrity disorder. But if I walk into that doctor’s office and say, ‘I am a man, sign me up for a double mastectomy,’ my physician will.” Then came the part that really set YouTube off: “See, if you want to cut off a leg or an arm you’re mentally ill, but if you want to cut off healthy breasts or a penis, you’re transgender.”

Nothing that Dr. Cretella said is medically inaccurate. “And yet [it’s] so ‘offensive,'” Katrina argued, that “YouTube cannot even let it be said.” And what’s even more incredible is that this video has been online for a whole two years! It already has 70 million views. If YouTube wanted to keep the lid on these facts, they sure took their time doing it. But even now, after months of back-and-forth with the Daily Signal, it’s obvious the company isn’t concerned about truth or fairness. “We said, ‘Hey, we understand you’re a private company. We respect that you have the right to have your own rules. But we really think that this is a targeting of conservatives. Can we come to some sort of understanding?”

At a time when children are being legitimately and irreparably hurt by this ideology, the last thing any social media company should be doing is silencing experts. Dr. Cretella is a pediatrician with decades of professional experience. She understands the consequences of this because she’s seen them. If families reinforce and support their kids’ biological gender through puberty, “the vast majority of gender-confused children [as many as 98 percent!] get better.” But here we are, she warns, rushing to “chemically castrate gender-confused children with puberty blockers. Then we permanently sterilize many of them by adding cross-sex hormones, which also put them at risk for heart disease, strokes, diabetes, cancers, and even the very emotional problems that the gender experts claim to be treating.”

The truth may be uncomfortable. The science might be “offensive.” But what people don’t know about this fad of self-expression is destroying our children’s futures. The Left can’t debate Dr. Cretella — they can’t argue against the facts — so they call it “hate speech.” It’s time for the rest of us to rise up and speak out — while we still can! Conservatives may not be as loud and noisy and quick to complain as liberals, Katrina says, “but we exist.” And we should be allowed to speak freely. If you agree, weigh in. Tweet at them: @YouTube and @google. Or leave a message on Google’s Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/Google/) or YouTube’s (https://www.facebook.com/youtube/).

(Excerpt from the Family Research Council. Article by Tony Perkins.)

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Jane (cell)
November 14, 2019

Dear Jesus please draw us back to You especially the church & let us stand on Your Word which never changes, on the solid Rock which is You. Please let Your people see that feelings change like the wind & are not to be trusted. You are our Creator, who makes no mistakes in Jesus Name.

November 12, 2019

In your mighty name, I proclaim the truth of your word that we all are fearfully and wonderfully made. May these confused people be confronted with the truth of this and repent and ask for your mercy in attempting to deny and change it, in Jesus name, Amen.

November 12, 2019

Father- One wonders why there is so much protection given to the idea of transgender behavior and yet none given to the children who are being hurt by this idea. It would seem that we have truly turned truth on it’s head. We call good evil and evil good. We cry out for mercy. Families and children are being destroyed by this ideology. We have no foundation because we have traded Your ways for the shifting sands of “How I feel.”Thank you that Dr. Cretella is speaking out. But now public venues for being heard are being closed to her. We pray that her message would still be heard and that others would be willing to join her. Help us to see that we are in a revolution and we need to stand together or we will hang alone. We must fight the good fight and not be ashamed or afraid to stand. Please help people who are concerned to find a way to connect and find ways to be heard as one voice. Help us to defend the defenseless.

November 12, 2019

This is so appalling that it renders me speechless.
Lord God Almighty I ask for Your intervention in the hearts and minds of those who are being led astray by changing Your order of creation in the human body. You did not make a mistake in our gender. We were born male or female according to Your design. Thwart the plans of Satan and his demonic followers in Jesus name.

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