I Prayed have prayed
Lord God, encourage your intercessors. We are so thankful for them and for Your work in their lives.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Just a few days ago, we celebrated the 243rd anniversary of the Declaration of Independence, when our forefathers gathered at Freedom Hall in Philadelphia to sign the document that marked the birth of a new nation, the United States of America.

Across America, ā€œOld Gloryā€ flew proudly on the porches of millions of ordinary citizens who love our country; was held high in patriotic parades; and waved beautifully on tops of state capitols, the White House and national monuments.

Incredibly, last month, at some of our American embassies, one diplomat revealed that ā€œan insurrection of the first orderā€ was taking place involving our ā€œstars and stripes.ā€ . . .

I want to thank President Donald J. Trump and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo for making the decision not to fly the gay flag over our embassies during June in recognition of gay pride month. That is the right decision. The only flag that should fly over our embassies is the flag of the United States of America. The gay pride flag is offensive to Christians and millions of people of other faiths, not only in this country but around the world. The U.S. flag represents our nationā€”everyoneā€”regardless of race, religion or sexual orientation.

Here at home, 10 of the top Democratic 2020 presidential contenders flocked to Iowaā€”the nationā€™s first caucus stateā€”for the Des Moines Capital City Pride Festival. New York Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand served drinks at a gay bar; Texas Rep. Beto Oā€™Rourke sported a rainbow sweatband; and gay South Bend, Indiana, Mayor Pete Buttigieg talked openly about his coming out.

The notion that such immoral behavior clearly condemned by Scripture is now flaunted here at home and abroad reveals the deepening depravity that now vexes our country. What has happened to our great nation, whose Founding Fathers were men of uncommon character, virtually all of whom possessed a deep reverence for Almighty God and a firm belief in the hand of divine Providence?

They built this nation upon a strong foundation rooted in Godā€™s laws. Sadly, that same moral and spiritual framework, which has held our nation together for 243 years, is now unraveling so quickly that I fear for the future of our children and grandchildren. The America that I knew as a young boy growing up in the mountains of North Carolina has changed so radically. . .

Nonetheless, I believe God is able to powerfully and supernaturally work in the midst of prevailing moral darkness to shine the saving truth of the Gospel into the hardened hearts of men and women.

This I knowā€”God hears and answers the prayers of His people. Prayer is the most powerful weapon in the universe because our prayers come before Almighty God, who works all things according to the counsel of His will. ā€œThe counsel of the Lord stands forever, the plans of His heart to all generationsā€ (Psalm 33:11). His purpose can never be thwarted: ā€œI know that You can do everything, and that no purpose of Yours can be withheld from Youā€ (Job 42:2).

It was men and women of faith who founded this great nation, relying steadfastly upon their faith in God.

May it be men and women of faith todayā€”faith in the awesome, sovereign power of Godā€”who will stand fast on the Word of God and refuse to bend their knee to the false gods and idols of this present age. (Excerpt from Decision, commentary by Franklin Graham)

We are so thankful for you, interceding for our nation. Our prayers can change the direction of this nation.


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Micheal Alirez
July 14, 2019

Watchman On The Wall

Father Adonai Creator Of Heaven And Earth And All That Is Living, Forgive Us Our Transgressions, Heal Our Land Father If It Be Your Will. We Pray That This Nation Turns From Its Wicked Way’s And Returns To The Living God.
In Jesus Mighty And Precious Name We Pray.

Joan Garvey
July 14, 2019

Dear Holy Spirit of God! We repent in such sorrow that we allowed our Lord to be taken out of the Public Schools so many years ago. We ask you please to be in our Public Schools making Jesus known to teachers, children and administrators. We praise you for your mercy Jesus. AMEN

Ken Budz
July 14, 2019

Dear Lord God Almighty thank You for everything. Thank You for Your mercy. You are Holy Lord and You are just. Lord Your patience with fools is way beyond lovingkindness. This blatant sinning and lack of moral character is hard to take for me but You Lord being pure and our Creator and all knowing and all powerful, I’m surprised at how long suffering You are. God please help us. Turn this around. Please help those who believe in You to reach out to You in prayer and encourage others to behave themselves. I pray this in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

July 13, 2019

Farce is a comic dramatic work using buffoonery and horseplay and typically including crude characterization and ludicrously improbable situations.
Lord God this is what I see happening in too much of our society! Lord help me love you enough to do your will; even that of a Living Sacrifice of doing Matthew 5:44

Keith Yakouboff
July 13, 2019

I know a bunch of folks who pray weekly for the nation’s spiritual and political soul. I have no intention of stopping.

Clara Shirey
July 13, 2019

I pray Jesus’ prayer on the cross, “Father forgive them they don’t know what they are doing.” Also, I ask in the Name of Jesus, that You convict these and draw them to Yourself to see You as Who You are and how much You love them, in the mighty Name of Jesus I ask.

July 13, 2019

Thank God for all the Christian home-schooling parents who are teaching God and true history of the Bible and our nation. Thank God for the young people who see what is happening and are standing against and turning away from the world standards and desiring to learn God’s way once again. There is hope and light against the darkness.
We cannot depend on the NEA or any government to change this nation. It must come from God and His people. Keep praying and believing.

Alan K. Veasey
July 13, 2019

Prayer warriors man the ramparts. Thank God for the people who are contending for the soul of this nation.
The darkness and depravity are deep, but the Light is greater. The downward slide is steep, but with God all
things are possible.

Mary Ahlborn
July 13, 2019

When a nation no longer remembers where it came from it also will not know the way in which to go. Generations of American children have been robbed of this knowledge and the inheritance of this freedom given to all men and women through faith in God.
Dear Heavenly Father, restore our educational institutions to teaching the truth about our history and God and all institutions which have indoctrinated the minds to forget who they are and where they came from which is you, in Jesus Name.

    Patricia McClung
    July 13, 2019

    I join you in this mighty prayer. Amen.

    July 13, 2019

    Praying in agreement

      Anne Conolly
      July 14, 2019

      Praying in agreement – Restore to us Father God. We cry out have Mercy on us!

    Chuck Henne
    July 13, 2019

    Mary, your comment on a nation that is forgetting its foundations is right on target. As a volunteer in our public schools on a regular basis, I am constantly confronted with this truth, and the sad results of it. Thank you for praying with understanding for our education system.
    God Bless You.

      Mary Ahlborn
      July 14, 2019

      Chuck, Thank you for your comment. I am an educator and have taught in public schools for 21 years. I have witnessed Christ working in the schools where leadership and those who teach come together and pray. Nothing is impossible with God and with those who believe and trust in His sovereignty and Goodness Amen!

Lloyd&Nancy Banta
July 13, 2019

Praise GOD for Rev Franklin Graham for taking the Biblical stand on TRUTH…not
what is politically correct!
We need to pray-as followers of JESUS-that All who live this life-style will come
to repentance…not by condemnation or rejection, but showing them through the WORD, and our actions…GOD is love, full of mercy&grace &forgiveness-“In Christ we are set free by the blood of His death(upon the Cross) and so we have forgiveness of (our)sins..”(Ephesians 1-7-9)

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