What comes to your mind when I say “Wuhan”? Coronavirus, lockdown, fear? But what if I tell you that in the midst of darkness, there’s another narrative being written – another picture being painted?
You might have already heard how the authorities in China have clamped down on Christianity in recent years: churches have been raided and members arrested, Bibles have been confiscated, and even celebrating Christmas has become a problem. Persecution is rife.
But at the heart of China’s coronavirus outbreak in Wuhan, Christians are demonstrating the opposite of fear.
In one video, a lady can be seen thanking God and laying out Christian resources for anyone who’s interested to pick it up. In another, a pair can be seen going out to the streets distributing masks, while playing a gospel audio track in the background. It seems believers are using all sorts of ways to broadcast the Bible to their fellow residents in Wuhan, even playing them from their balconies for all to hear.
In a blog post titled A Door Opened in Wuhan, China, one missionary to Wuhan wrote: “Now it is the 10th day since the city has been separated by quarantine, and protective masks are the most valuable thing in Wuhan. Money is useless because you can’t find a store that sells the masks. People are in a desperate situation. In response, our brothers and sisters preach the gospel and give out tracks and free masks.”
As heralds of peace, Christians in Wuhan are now known for their full yellow protective suit that they don while hitting the streets day after day – they’ve even been called “angels in yellow”.
“Yellow has become the most beautiful colour in the city,” the missionary concluded.
If there’s a silver lining in this epidemic, it has to be this: Christ is being made known in China. Against the risk of persecution and infection, Christians are tirelessly working to make the gospel shine in the most hopeless of situations. . . .
Similarly, this was what Reverend Vincent Choo from Life Church and Missions Singapore alluded to when addressing his congregation for the first time after news broke that the church was listed as a potential coronavirus cluster: “What is our real sickness? It is inside us; the condition of our souls. That is what Christ came to save us from.”
O death, where is your victory?
O death, where is your sting?”
For sin is the sting that results in death, and the law gives sin its power. But thank God! He gives us victory over sin and death through our Lord Jesus Christ. (1 Corinthians 15:55-57 NLT)
When we realize that we have been saved from the greatest human condition, “we will not be afraid to be a living testimony no matter the different trials in life”, said Reverend Choo.
(Excerpt from Thirst.)
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[…] read a report last month about the “yellow angels” in Wuhan, China–Christians who took the opportunity (and risk) to share hope in Christ […]
Dear Heavenly Father, right now I lift up to you those people in China under quarantine, those with the corona virus, and those angels who are standing in the gap and spreading Your love and peace. Build a hedge of protection around them, and if it be Your will, please heal those with the virus.
You know Father God how your church in China has been so faithful while at the same time faceing such increasing persecution & opposition. Lord God, let this time of potential disaster come to be known as the Church in China’s “Finest Hour”. When a nation that had suddenly become disillusioned, suddenly experienced a “devine intervention” of Gods Love seen initially through the compassion of your Angels in yellow along with an instant comprehension of the truth of the glorious gospel that causes scales to fall from their eyes & a compulsion to embrace for themselves & their families this Glorious Gospel. Lord God, let this disaster lead to the greatest of all world revivals that will leap over borders & the great oceans of this world. This world that your Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, paid such a huge price for when you Father in your love for us, laid on Him the iniquity of us all when He was crucified to pay the price for our sins.
LORD God I thank you for those who continue to stand in the midst of chaos, those who continue to work in the vineyard bravely, and tirelessly for the salvation of souls in Wuhan China, and it’s surrounding cities, may those who even persecute your servants for the name sake of your son Jesus Christ be saved in Jesus name! Lord I pray that the coronavirus will be send back from whence it came, and pray for those going forth boldly, and in the strength and power of you. Father I pray that every weapon that’s formed against your servants lives in Wuhan China will be dismantled, and every fiery dart be broken in half two times and fall to the ground, may the fiery arrows return back to sender in Jesus name! May your name be fully manifested in China, may the light of your glory be seen, and may Jesus Christ be lifted up that all men may be drawn unto you O God! LORD may your kingdom be revealed in China through your courageous servants! Help us O God who are not there. and who are safe from all hurt, harm, and danger! may we be mindful that we still have a job to do even though we’re not there, and comfortable to pray for our fellow brothers, and sisters in the LORD. the persecuted church in China, we are a team, a army of soldiers called from the north, south, east. and west to do your will, and support one another, may every man, woman, boy, girl, and baby from this day forward be protect supernaturally by you, for you are Jehovah Rophe the LORD God that healeth thee! may all the help coming from all medical workers, and supportive team be protected as they are on the front lines in this devastation, may this virus be not carried around this world, nor take another step in Jesus holy name! LORD may your good and perfect will be done throughout all China, and may you get all the glory O God in Jesus mighty name!
I pray and lift up our fellow Kingdom servants in China. Abba has opened the Door, that no man can close. I lift up my hands and pray for those fighting the good fight for their territory and their Country and for God’s Kingdom to come near and salvations, healings and deliverances to break out as Holy Spirit rests upon His people there and those globally who war in prayer for Chinese missionary/outreachers, I pray strength, Fire, and the Love of God to sustain them as they rush the open door being held by Jesus!!!! Praise the Lord for His fresh move, His Glory and Power that will surge from His people wearing His armor while fighting in Love for lost souls to know and receive the King of Kings and Lord of Lords!!! Thank you Abba for making ALL things work together for the good of those whole love you and serve your Kingdom
I join with the Christians in the USA in praying for those in China like those “yellow angels” sharing the gospel and praying for their fellow countrymen. I pray the peace and protection upon them in the mighty name of Christ our Lord as they walk through a very real and powerful crisis. Give them comfort Father, as they go through each day. Thank you Lord for loving all of us, saving us and giving us great peace in His name I pray, Amen!
Heavenly Father I pray for these precious Christian who are putting their lives on the line to proclaim your gospel to the people in Wahun. I pray for divine protection around them and any disease that tries to attach itself to their bodies dies instantly in Jesus Name! Isaiah 41:10 Fear thou not for I am with thee; be not be dismayed; for I am thy God;i will strength en thee; yes i will help thee; yea I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness. Praise God that He is always with them right in the midst of the battle and they always triumph in Christ Jesus! I surround them with love and faith in Jesus Name! Thank you Father for the the men and women who will come to the saving knowledge saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.
Praise his mighty name. Lord cover my brothers and sister with your anointing. Keep them safe and speak through them that they can reach many people for their salvation. Lord your worthy to be praised. Let the people of China know that we as your children Love them. We have not forgotten them they are in our prayers and our hearts. thinking of them. Holy spirit be with Our brothers and sisters and they minister. Let the Gospel be spoken out to them and open there ears. In you mighty name Jesus Amen
Donna (Canada)
Before this Coroanvirus plague broke out in Wuhan, I opened up a small note book and inside the front of it, was written that one Christian in the midst of a plague can bring hope and life. Now I say that is amazing because that is where they are right now! God Bless all those Christians on the front lines. Kingdom of God multiple in the midst of all this ultimate disaster!
I stand in agreement with all of these prayers.
God I pray for boldness and strength over every citizen in China. May they raise up souls and be comforted by you Holy Spirit. We love you Jesus and through every situation that occurs in China, we bring it to You and we are praying for a deep revival. That every dark plan will be turned around for Your good. Anything the enemy throws will be destroyed and is destroyed in the name of Jesus Christ! We take hold your Double edged sword and fight! Thank you Lord! We praise you and thank You for help and guidance! We thank you Lord !
Heavenly Father and Lord Jesus,
May the quarantine of the Chinese become an opportunity of prayer, stillness and dreams of Jesus who comes to save those who are seeking. As millions of Chinese citizens realize that the big powerful government bureaucracy cannot save them from a virus, may they come to the realization that their soul is loved by the God Who created them and desires an eternal relationship with them. I pray for the Yellow Angels and those who choose to pick up a tract and the intersection where Seeker meets Truth. And may that revelation lead to a great revival in China. In Jesus’ Name ~ Amen
The other day when I read the letter from : Letter from a Wuhan Pastor: Pray with Us — I was deeply impacted and woken up into the reality of the depth of the situation, and also the incredible movement that God is inspiring through this suffering. I had a migraine headache the day after and couldn’t move so I sat very still as I was getting better, and could do nothing, so I continued praying for Wuhan. God’s Holy Spirit took me deep into intercession as I wept and prayed for my brothers and sisters there and for the unsaved. I “saw” in my mind God’s glory cloud over Wuhan, and I just prayed deeply and prayed also in the Spirit. I cannot remember all my words, but it was real and it was heart-wrenching, yet with a glorious hope. I prayed that God’s glory would descend upon Wuhan and go to every door, and into every home and touch every heart. Now we read about the bold Christians on the streets passing out tracts and masks and sharing the gospel and the precious “yellow angels.” I am deeply amazed and happy for this. Go WUHAN indeed. as you say: God is for you, who can be against you?! For who can stand against the Lord???!!
As Reverend Choo said: “What is our real sickness? It is inside us; the condition of our souls. That is what Christ came to save us from.”
O death, where is your victory?
O death, where is your sting?”
For sin is the sting that results in death, and the law gives sin its power. But thank God! He gives us victory over sin and death through our Lord Jesus Christ.”
From the USA we are praying for you China! and standing with you. The Church in America loves you China! YOU are bold in Christ! and we are inspired by you! May the Lord continue to shelter you under His Wings.
I cannot tell you how much I am in agreement with you and our Chinese brothers and sisters. May the Lord prosper the Good News through these dear brothers and sisters. May they be supernaturally protected and survive to further continue their quest.
Also, I pray for a “loaves and fishes” miracle over them that the supply of masks and anything else they are distributing may never run out. Amen.
Father God, I thank You for those in China who are brave enough to stand for You in such a hostile environment. I pray for their continued protection. I pray for America’s protection as well. Most of what we get and use is ‘Made in China’. I pray that we will continually look to You for our help. You are our only REAL HOPE. In Jesus’ Name. AMEN
Lord, give the people in Wuhan your wisdom and strength to continue to share the Gospel and bring light into this dark world,hope in a seemingly hopeless situation.Bless them Lord and give the doctors and nurses and those doing research the knowledge they need to make a vaccine for this horrible virus. Help them Lord and I pray this in the Strong Name of Jesus, Amen.
And along with helping Doctors develop a vaccine, Pray that the Lord would quickly cause a mutation in the virus to become harmless along with a healing for the ones with the disease that would give Him Glory. PTL
The righteous are bold as a lion!
PTL! HE is in control, and HE answers our prayers for the leaders in China to get to know Him as Savior and Lord. Also, HE chooses to use His people even in the worst circumstances.
Let Your Name be glorified throughout all of China! May Your power enable our brothers and sisters to rise above fear and to go out in the highways and byways to lay hands on the sick that they be healed, and to raise the dead! May the fear of God fall upon all in China. We release the news media from captivity, that they broadcast the miracles being wrought by the Church. May revival so transform China that they are saved in a day. Father God, remember the blood of the martyrs. May their blood result in a huge harvest that no man can number. Bless China to be a sheep nation.
We love our brothers and sisters in China. We love their meekness and their servant hearts. We thank You for the anointing upon them to minister to the needs of their fellow countrymen in love and in meekness. We bless them to speak truth and to share the gospel. Thank You for softening the hearts of the Chinese people through this virus. Let no virus touch Your Church. Let it be for a testimony, as it was in Egypt when the children of Israel did not suffer the plagues that others suffered.
This is the Lord’s opportunity to reach that nation. He has a redemptive plan for all nations.
Father God, we thank you and praise you for your great faithfulness. You are siting on your throne! And thank you that we can approach the throne of grace with confidence, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need. Oh Lord! We need you! The people of China need you, Oh Lord! We cry out to you! Please shield our brothers and sisters, protect them, that they may continue to share your Word and love in the mist of this epidemic. In the mighty name of Jesus, Amen.
Thank you for your vessels Lord. thank you for saving us. You are good when there’s nothing good in humans when the devil has conquer the minds of a man in power. You are love in display for all to see light of the word.
This is such an encouragement! God uses all things for His purposeS and for the good of those who love Him! May the Holy Spirit be with these brave Christians and May millions of hearts be opened and receive Christ as Lord and Savior!
Prophets and people of God throughout the ages rose up in times of trouble, famine, plague and peril. I thank God that His church is fearless and their love true. Continue on in good works!
Pastor Regina
Amazing courageous Chinese believers to experience the persecutions that American Christians do not have not learned how blessings we are living in America. This is a wake up call for all of us to be alerted what is going on in America. They are my hero! They are in my prayers! Love you all brothers and sisters in Christ.
Praise God for the many who fearlessly spread Your love to anyone who will lessen! And thank You Lord for the ones who will come to know Your Son and our Savior, Jesus Christ!
May an awakening begin in this land that will spread around the world! May You be lifted up and give the glory that is due You, O LORD!
I ask this in the Precious and Holly name of Jesus! Amen!
Thank You, ABBA, for what You are doing in China. Some if Your great servants have told us that You will not release Jesus’ return until the great harvests from China, Russia, and the Middle East comes in. It is written, He
We bring our brothers and sisters In China before You today and ask that You supernaturally infuse each one of them with Your bold truth and give them a revelation of Your power within them to shine Your light in the midst of persecution and pestilence. Just like in the days that Your great hand brought the Israelites out of Egypt, bring China out of bondage as You pour out Your Spirit over their land. Do it again God! Amen!
Scriptures used above r a good reminder for me to offer to someone going through a tough time here in the USA. So what Christians r doing in China is even helping here because of the prayers & testimonies. PTL. Praise the Lord! To God b the Glory!
Thank you, Lord as your demonstrate Your amazing love through our brothers and sister in Christ. Protect the, strengthen them and expand the reach of Your Word. Prepare hearts to receive Your grace and eternal salvation. You are an awesome God! Praise and glory be to You! May the harvest be plenty! Praise You, Lord God! Thank You Jesus!
Lord, please confuse the strategy of the demonic realm fueling this virus. Make one lie prove another wrong until they kill each other and fall to the ground in Jesus name, Amen.
I’ve been praying for the church in China for years. When they first got saved many had to keep silent. I met someone from China and there two daughters who came here Thirty years ago. They said please pray for the underground church in China.I have been. When I first heard of the the virus I prayed that none of the Christians would get it. I prayed they would lay hands in the sick and people would be healed. PTL they are yellow angels spreading the gospel. They are the hidden church and a great revival will come to China.
Wow! I just prayed about this yesterday with no earthly knowledge that it was happening! During my morning prayer, I prayed for the strong believers who are spreading the word of the Lord in China during this time. I prayed God would strengthen them and give them courage. I had an image of a great awakening and harvest in China. Lord, may your will be done and may the people of China be freed and declare you name above all. You are the great Hope among tragedy! You are the light shining in the darkness! You are the rock on which we stand! Let’s all pray for our brothers and sisters spreading God’s word in the face of fear and hopelessness. Joshua 1:9 “Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”
“That which the enemy has intended for harm we will believe God will turn around for good!
May the gospel spread like wildfire, destroying all the fear and filling those who are turning
to Jesus with His perfect peace which casts out fear.
In the precious Name above all names, Jesus!
Give the yellow angels your strength and keep them healthy while they do a good work for you. Protect them not only from the virus but demons trying to thwart their efforts. In Jesus name amen
Let’s go church!! Let’s cover this in prayer!! for the Glory of God!!
Fight the good fight of faith!!!
Thank you Lord, for these Christians who are not afraid to spread the “good news”. We ask for Your supernatural protection over them, in Jesus name. Amen
And we are witnesses to these things, and so also is the Holy Spirit whom God has given to those who obey Him Acts 5:32
And they conquered him by the Blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, for they loved not their lives even unto death Rev12:11
In a land of persecution and darkness, We and Holy Spirit are witnesses to those believers living out their faith in our beautiful Savior, Jesus
They Are living testimonies! O Father, we cry out to You on behalf of Your people living out their Faith in You under terrible circumstances!
Therefore do not be ashamed of the testimony of our Lord, nor of me, His prisoner, but share with me in the sufferings for the Gospel according to God, Who has saved us and called us with a Holy Calling, not according to our works but according to His own purpose and grace which was given to us in Christ Jesus before time began………2Tim 1:8-9
Father, We Praise andThankYou for living examples of Your love and Power being lived out in China and everywhere! ThankYou for the selflessness of so many including the young Doctor , husband and father who died trying to warn in December of this terrible virus and would not abandon his patients. We give Glory to You Father, Son and Holy Spirit for what You are accomplishing in China through Your Faithful Ones.
We ask for Your Mercy, Your Peace,Your Protection Your Wisdom, and Your Power to show forth through the love and kindness of Your Body!
In The Beautiful Name of Your Son, Yeshua, Jesus