NEW HAVEN, Connecticut, August 25, 2020 (LifeSiteNews) — An epidemiologist at Yale School of Public Health praised the proven benefits of hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) in fighting COVID-19, emphasizing at the same time that opponents of HCQ have no science to back them up.
“I conclude the evidence is overwhelming,” Harvey A. Risch told host Mark Levin during the latter’s Fox News show last Sunday: “There’s no question that in the people who need to be treated, and are treated early, [hydroxychloroquine] has a very substantial benefit in reducing risk of hospitalization or mortality.”
Editor’s Note: He said later on, “It’s an absurd situation that people have compared … to 1984 and the Ministry of Truth, and someone that’s limiting what people can say on objective facts. It’s beyond belief.”In reality, “the science is so one-sided in supporting this result that it’s stronger than anything else I’ve ever studied in my entire career,” said Risch. “The evidence in favor of hydroxychloroquine benefit in high-risk patients treated early as outpatients is stronger than anything else I’ve ever studied.”
Risch said most of the scientists working for the government, as well as their institutions, “cite studies that are of hospitalized patients, or they cite studies … that treat low risk patients. These are people under age 60 with no chronic conditions, and so on. People who will survive the virus just on their own, without treatment almost entirely.”
On the other hand, Risch, and other scientists like him, emphasize the benefit of HCQ use in older people and those with other underlying conditions, who are at a higher risk of contracting COVID-19 and having a more severe progression of the virus.
He explained that he was never contacted by Anthony Fauci, the head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) and a key member of President Donald Trump’s coronavirus task force, to discuss how their understanding of the science differs. . . .
“The medication itself has in some people, perhaps 10 percent of normal people — [it] can change the pacing of the heart muscle contractions, called the heart rhythm. That change has only measurement value. In other words, if you measure it on electrocardiogram, you can see it has essentially no bearing for almost everyone who has that, as to any risks for a real arrhythmia that has potentially life-threatening consequences.”
Risch said the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) “is a very strange organization that has a history of not making science-based, rational-based decisions about its approvals.”
According to Risch, this started in 1987 with the FDA failing to approve of simply creating official guidance that doctors should consider using a certain antibiotic to potentially prevent HIV-positive people from contracting a specific type of pneumonia.
Instrumental at the time was Anthony Fauci, who became head of the NIAID in 1984.
Fauci said in 1987 that he wanted “randomized controlled, blinded controlled trial evidence” as his “gold standard,” Risch recounted. Within two years, “17,000 people with AIDS died because of Dr. Fauci’s insistence on not allowing even a statement supporting consideration of the use” of the antibiotic.
“Now we have Dr. Fauci denying that any evidence exists of benefit,” Risch continued, “and that’s pervaded the FDA. The FDA has relied on Dr. Fauci and his [National Institutes of Health] advisory groups to make a statement saying that there is no benefit of using hydroxychloroquine on outpatients. And this is counter to the facts of the case.”
“It’s outrageous,” he concluded. “People need to be writing or calling their congressmen and senators and complaining that this is not the way the country should work.”
“A bureaucracy that’s in bed with other forces that are causing them to make decisions that are not based on the science — that is killing Americans.”
Back in July, Sten H. Vermund, the dean of the Yale School of Public Health, defended Risch from criticism for findings that don’t correspond to mainstream opinion. “I have championed maintaining open academic discourse, including what some may view as unpopular voices. The tradition of academia is that faculty may do research, interpret their work, and disseminate their findings.”
“If persons disagree with Dr. Risch’s review of the literature, it would be advisable to disseminate the alternative scientific interpretations, perhaps through letters or other publications with alternative viewpoints to the American Journal of Epidemiology, Newsweek, or other outlets,” he added. “My role as Dean is not to suppress the work of the faculty, but rather, to support the academic freedom of our faculty, whether it is in the mainstream of thinking or is contrarian.”
What do you think about this professor’s remarks? Discuss in the comments. . .
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Fifty years ago when I first came to Christ God impressed on me, “Where ever He took me, He would always have gone before me and prepared a way thru what ever he required of me. In my 50 plus years of following Christ I have a;ways found this to be true. In march when Covid19 was a serious but unfamiliar threat, I heard the first reports on Hydroxycholoraquinine. I felt quite secure in that being God’s provision for Covid19 that, and Psalm 91. Inexpensive, safe, and already provided. Being 79 I made sure my family physician understood should I be in that situation I wanted it provided ASAP.
As for the professor and the above comments concerning Fauci, Absolutly, From the beginning I found him repeatedly contradicting himself, and I ignored him.
Dr Rich’s research has been confirmed by numerous doctors on the frontline who used HCQ with great success. Many doctors found that when it was combined with zinc, it was even more effective. As a science researcher myself, I find it interesting to note that two symptoms associated with Covid-19 are loss of taste and smell and two symptoms associated with zinc deficiency are loss of taste and smell. This is an important correlation yet I have heard no one mention this. It is also interesting to note that Dharavi, a slum in India and the backdrop for Slumdog Millionaire, used HCQ, zinc and homeopathics to successful treat and control the virus. “There have been only 27,497 COVID-19 deaths in India through July 19. With a population of 1.3 billion, that is an extremely low death rate of 19 per million, or 0.002 percent. (That is much lower than for tuberculosis, which kills 440,000 each year in India.)”
Thank God for these comments that have been made concerning the virus. “The evil powers that be” want to withhold any treatment that will work to cure covid because they are trying to bring America down by closing all businesses, shutting up well people in their homes causing depression, loneliness, suicide, and child abuse. Like so many people have said, we normally quarantine “sick people” and not the well ones. The George Soros paid protestors who riot in the streets are a disaster to our nation and need to be put in jail when they start setting fires, beating up people and destroying property. We ask God to bless America and rightly so but AMERICA NEEDS TO BLESS GOD!! We must get on our knees and pray for our leaders, repent of our own personal sins as well as the sins of our great nation and then God says He will heal our land! 2 Chronicles 7:14.
Yes, HCL works, been made in Germany since 1934 and FDA approved since 1947. There are also other antivirals that work like Remdesivir, Plaquinel, Ampligen and Leronlimab — we need the FDA to step it up with Therapeutic authorization… Here’s what we don’t realize: While we are worrying about misinformation like mandated vaccines and falsehood like computer chips, COMMUNIST CHINA is ready to UNLEASH a FETAL-CELL Vaccine to the WORLD… This was part of their GOAL in RELEASING THE VIRUS that started in WUHAN…
OUR BEST 2 VACCINES DO NOT USE FETAL CELLS, WON’T BE MANDATED and DO NOT HAVE TRACKING DEVICES… PRAY WE WIN THE VACCINE RACE WITH ETHICAL AND SAFE VACCINES — NovoVax (Gaithersburg, Maryland), InoVio (Plymouth Meeting, PA, with University of Pennsylvania, Perelman School of Medicine, [UPENN]).
Inovio is testing its DNA plasmid vaccine using human fetal kidney cells (HEK-293T), so even though the vaccine is not developed using fetal cell lines from aborted babies, their testing has tainted their research & development methods to still be ethically questionable. Moderna’s mRNA-1273 vaccine does not require fetal cell lines to produce, but preliminary research isolating the spike protein from SARScoV2 virus used human fetal kidney cell line (HEK-293) to culture the virus. HEK-293 was taken from a baby girl who was aborted in the Netherlands in 1972. Novavax uses an ethically derived invertebrate cell line Sf9 to produce protein nanoparticle antigens that make its vaccine work. Sanofi-Pasteur and Glaxo-Smith-Kline are using ethically produced antigen for their vaccine (no fetal cell lines). Sinovac (China) vaccine company is using monkey kidney cells for their vaccine development. (See https://pop.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/WB-Ethical-vaccine-061020.mp3 from Population Research Institute, “Which COVID-19 Vaccines Are Being Developed with Fetal Cell Lines Derived from Aborted Babies?” by Jonathan Abbamonte; June 4, 2020.)
Thank you, Karyl, I was going off the article, below… I will read the article you posted, I have seen some articles that say Moderna does, and doesn’t, I hope it doesn’t since they were allowed to skip animal testing and go right into humans (which all but garantees they’ll be the first produced. ANy other articles you know of are helpful, obvious you must have a scientific background, so I appreciate learning. God bless IJN
Thanks for your reply, David. My husband and I are both medical doctors, and we have been trying to follow the vaccines in development. WHO has a complete list of COVID-19 vaccines, but they do not highlight which ones are using fetal cell lines. Moderna’s vaccine does not use fetal cell lines, but they did use the cell line HEK-293 in their preliminary research.
Thank you for the link to pop.org! I donated. What a great organization!
He has added to everything the front line doctors said. President passed the right to try treatments for life threatening conditions. Therefore why can’t we exert that right to try HCQ with the China virus.ITS EFFECTIVE! DITCH THE VACCINE WE HAVE TREATMENTS.
Dear Lord, allow the truths about this virus that Only You know come forth. Please push back and restrain the enemy by Your Holy Hand, as he tries to push with lies, greed, and even idolatry. Let these truths be made known thru Your Divine Power so that You Only receive All the Glory, Power, Blessing, Majesty, Honor, Praise and Dominion! Hallelujah Hallelujah!
I so agree with Dr. Immanuel when she said that the HCQ could be used as prophylaxis. so many other countries have this over-the-counter. America should have it as an over-the-counter too.
this forcing globalism upon America by using this damnable COVID disease/situation is WRONG! Not only must we pray that all of us, all of Americans DESIRE law and order, but we MUST pray that whatever spirit or spirits of demonic are persuading people into complacency so that this push into globalism is keeping all of us, all of Americans, from having access to that HCQ medication over the counter, that there MUST BE A RELEASE of the confusion, the clamping down on folks minds so that people are not willing to fight.
the men and women who came to this country long ago on the ship, Mayflower, fought. and so did the people after them, some just to scrap out an existence, until finally much of the land of the continental US was tamed. we don’t fight that sort of battle now but the battle still is A BATTLE and we must not be complacent. we must fight to preserve FREEDOM not just for us but for the generations coming behind.
I call forth a desire for the return to law and order in our nation. I call forth a willingness to “fight the good fight” as soldiers of the Lord. God bless America with a hunger for righteousness. I decree that the stronghold surrounding the public use of HCQ is broken, and the med will be provided over the counter in the US, and even manufactured in the US. In Jesus Name.
Amazing how our political environment blocks truth, so an agenda can be further. LORD let Your light shine, for You LORD are truth. In Jesus name, amen