Be on guard against “false apostles, deceitful workmen, disguising themselves as apostles of Christ.”
“And it is my prayer that your love may abound more and more, with knowledge and all discernment, so that you may approve what is excellent, and so be pure and blameless for the day of Christ” (Philippians 1:9-10)
A bit of news you may have missed over the past couple weeks was that of about 2,000 high-profile Christian pastors and church elders who, on May 24, marched on the White House.
This event was done under the auspices of the “Reclaiming Jesus” movement. It was led by the likes of Bishop Michael Curry (of Royal Wedding fame), Jim Wallis of Sojourners Magazine and “Red Letter Christianity” proponent Tony Campolo.
There is so much wrong with “Reclaiming Jesus” that it would take pages to provide any meaningful critique. But, let’s at least acknowledge the tip of the iceberg.
The duplicity of this movement’s leaders is shameless. They celebrate exclusion in the name of inclusion. They model intolerance in the name of tolerance. They condemn the sexually immoral while defending sexual immorality. The social gospel is cheered while biblical orthodoxy stands silent. Government rather than God is their instrument of justice.
Pretending to be “feminists” they offend the female by denying the fact of the feminine. They actually claim that women are not a biological reality while pretending to be pro-women. These people scold the right for not defending the dignity of all human beings, but then they choose to say nearly nothing about the indignity of killing millions of human beings at the hand of their “choice.”
Leaders of the “Reclaiming Jesus” movement claim to be apolitical while showing themselves to be overtly partisan. “When politics undermines our theology,” they say, “we must examine [those] politics” and then they proceed to undergird their entire agenda with their politics. In the end, they are blatantly divisive while calling for unity.
The list could go on and on….
An insult to the image of God is an insult to the image of man and an insult to the image of man is an insult to the image of God….
Christ is clear. Nowhere in all of scripture are we told to define a believer by his inclination to sin. To the contrary, Jesus tells us to “deny” ourselves and to confess our passions, hungers and proclivities, not sit around and affirm them.
I have fought this battle against “inclinations = identity” for 30 years in the halls of America’s universities. I have said over and over again that labels matter and if we accept this dumbing down of what it means to “be” human, we have no choice, legal or logically, but to then sanction the “behavior” that is now aligned with this new definition of what it means to “be.”…
Apparently, all that Jesus-talk about “dying to self” and being “born again” is just idealistic claptrap and metaphor at best? Apparently when Christ told us that the ideas we hold in our heart make us culpable of the actual sin, he was just using instructional hyperbole? I’m just curious. My question for the “evangelical” leaders of “Reclaiming Jesus” and its hyphenated-Christianity: Where does this all end? (Excerpts from Everett Piper article in The Washington Times – Everett Piper, president of Oklahoma Wesleyan University, is the author of “Not A Day Care: The Devastating Consequences of Abandoning Truth” (Regnery 2017).)
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TRUTH is a Person–we must hold fast, and draw near to Him as never before. For if not for His shortening these evil days, as in the days of Noah, NO ONE would escape deception. Our love of TRUTH (really, our love for HIM, and nurturing that relationship), is our only HOPE–our lifeline, anchor and refuge. If we know Truth, we will discern counterfeit.
May the Lord keep the Body of Christ, add to her those yet to be saved, retrieving the Lost and strengthening the Bride. May we be faithful to be cleansed by His Word and endure the heat and pressure that will present us without spot or wrinkle to our wonderful Bridegroom.
Yes, there are so many wolves and rogues and criminals parading as “men of God,” and we need to exercise discernment and do our due diligence.
When I heard Michael Curry preach at the Royal Wedding on love, I was impressed and thought to myself, “there is hope for Chicago.” THEN I found out who he really was and it really frightened me that I was almost taken in by his flowing words and deceived. I realized how easily it is to be deceived and I had been praying that God would protect me from deception. Thank God for answered prayer.
Heavenly Father, We pray for the Truth to be taught and made known. Thank You for Jim B’s honesty telling how satan deceived him & he fell for the lie. May his witness warn all of us to be on our guard against the wiles of the devil.
I agree with Judy’s prayers for Jim B. Father, we know You are the Great Restorer. We know that Jesus paid a tremendous price for our restoration from our sins, sicknesses, and diseases. Jesus came that we might have LIFE and have it more abundantly. We pray You will bring restoration to Jim and his whole family that has been broken and hurt. Father, You gave us marriage and families to bless us. I pray for the restoration of all families. Children need a mother & father to love them and train them up in the way they should go. That is Your plan. Thank You Father, thank You Jesus, thank You Holy Spirit for creating us, loving us, providing for all our needs, and restoring us from our sin. Amen
These are not part of Christianity, but agents of Satan!
Jim, I am believing God will restore those years the locust have eaten!
Praise God you have confessed and repented and now know His magnificent forgiveness and grace.
I pray your children’s hearts will be drawn to Jesus and His restoration will begin.
He is trustworthy and always at work! The thief doesn’t win and the Light overcomes darkness. \0/
The Lord is separating the wheats and tares. It is moving quickly. Thank You Father for those who follow after You and not the world view. Keep us strong and firm in the truth of Your Word. In the name of our wonderful Savior Jesus. Amen.
Matthew 24:25 “Behold, I have told you in advance.
We see, many betray one another, hate one another in the Chruch or outside the Church.
We should be Unity genuinely. It is time for reforms and awake Believers. Thank you.
In Christ Jesus, Joseph.
The thief comes to steal, kill, and destroy…all the while presenting as one who promises to supply (vs steal), affirm (vs kill), and build (vs destroy). He is a liar and the father of all lies. When Satan delivers on his promises, the results are, from a Kingdom perspective, marked by the precious/holy being defiled, the pure being diluted, and/or what’s right being compromised at least and utterly destroyed at best. I speak from personal experience! I live with the conviction that my choices to turn ever-so-slightly away from Truth over time were ultimately motivated by my own lust of the flesh, lust of the eyes, and the pride of life. It’s just that simple. While on the path toward the fulfillment of my rebellion, I was under the delusion that I was “having The celebratory time of my life…finally getting what I deserved” after an arduous 26 years of marriage. Once my sin was realized, and all was said and done, the weight of my rebellion stole my peace, killed my marriage, and destroyed my family, my integrity, my witness, my testimony, my sanity, my friendships, my support system, and my ability to do my job. It also proclaimed a message to those around me that submitting to God and His ways is optional, in fact not recommended! This flies in the face of all the years I spent training and disciplining my four sons in the authentic fear and admonition of the Lord. While I ended up divorcing their mother, and marrying the woman I committed adultery with, and while I have good days, the truth is: I forfeited everything of significance, from a Kingdom perspective, all because I chose to take the bait of Satan and reject clear instructions from God’s word. I have some peace today, but nothing close to what I had in my first marriage! I have zero relationships with 2 of my sons, 2 of my daughters in law, my 1 granddaughter, and severely limited relationships with the other 2 sons. I have not been welcome or witness to high school events, college events, multiple graduations, 2 weddings, and the list goes on and on. When I was in adultery and divorced my wife to be with the other woman, I did everything I could to justify my sin, to find scriptures that might soothe my guilty conscience. I twisted and turned my interpretation of verses to support my sin. It was characterized by and still represents the signature of Satan…so much stolen, killed, and destroyed. That’s what I see happening in the “reclaiming Jesus” movement. It breaks the heart of the Father when we move out with what we believe is a good purpose, but one which violates His heart and Word.
Powerful analysis of this great divide in Christianity.