For those who have been praying for God’s will to be done on earth as it is in heaven (Mt 6:10), there is anticipation of God’s goodness and glory being seen in ways never imagined. We are praying for His kingdom to come and for His righteous rule to be demonstrated in every sphere of our culture. As we consider how the kingdom of God can be established in our communities and in this nation, Scripture reveals something that needs to be in place before we do anything else: we need to invite Wisdom.
The Lord brought me (Wisdom) forth as the first of his works, before his deeds of old; I was formed long ages ago, at the very beginning, when the world came to be. (Prv 8:22-23)
Proverbs 8 personifies Wisdom and indicates that wisdom was with God the entire time that He was establishing the earth, setting its foundations in place, and giving the water its boundaries. Before He began the process of creation and setting things in order, He invited WISDOM to join Him. Why is this important? As we pray for those who have been called to lead, direct, and pioneer new frontiers in the coming days, we must pray that we invite this divine Wisdom to guide and direct our course.
Consider some of the benefits of Wisdom from the book of Proverbs and pray these promises over yourself, your family and friends, and those in positions of leadership. Through Wisdom we will:
- Find the knowledge of God (2:5).
- Be successful (2:7).
- Receive God’s shield of protection (2:7-8).
- Have greater understanding of what is right, just, and fair (2:9).
- Receive knowledge that will become pleasant to our soul (2:10).
- Be saved from the ways of the wicked (2:12-15).
- Be delivered from those who would lead us astray (2:16-19).
- Live longer lives in prosperity and peace (3:1-2).
- Win favor and a good name in the sight of God and man (3:4).
- Be free from fear of doom or disaster (3:24-25).
- Gain honor and a glorious crown (4:8-9).
By wisdom the Lord laid the earth’s foundations, by understanding he set the heavens in place. (Prv 3:19-20)
Pray through these prayer points from Proverbs by watching the short video below.
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If we can do this as a people we will see the hand of God in such a miraculous way I agree in prayer Wanda Alger and with you my dear brother. May God help us.
Yes, what a great prayer point from proverbs for our nations leaders. And we must pray and declare from our watch posts the establishment of kingdom of God be on earth. I felt the Lord speaking to me through this mornings prayer time that we the church must first establish the kingdom by our actions over every national and world issue that are concerns on political lines. We cannot fail to do ourselves what we are praying this government or any government should do. We pray one nation under God, but often fail as a church to recognize the over seating government of Christ which is upon His shoulders is our first and most concern. The very term ,”one nation under God”, should first be seen as the world wide nation of the reign of Christ. He establishes all governments under this one government. Remember 1 peter 2:9,” we are a royal priesthood, a holy nation”. I believe the Lord is speaking today this wisdom also, establish His kingdom regardless of all political differences and oppositions 1st and all else will follow, Matt. 6:33. So my added pray for the nation of america is that the nation of holy believers, the royal priesthood, come out of its criticism of non believers by saying “hey I paid taxes for that’ and can’t the government take care of that”, and stop worrying about political lines not doing what God wants them to do to establish a righteous nation. And that the church would breakout and establish the holy nation and govern the way it is meant to. That we would drop the criticism and judgements of mans system and follow ferociously with love the ” one nation under God” system and that we the church would remember we are a kingdom not of this world and we operate without the help of this world, but rather we are a priesthood to the world. Father awaken your church to its duties to your kingdom and establish charity rarely known by this world. May the love you shed abroad in our hearts by the holy spirit not be harbored there but freely given by the release of all comfort and goods. May your kingdom come, your will be done through us first. Amen
Father, I agree with the prayers of Wanda Alger concerning wisdom for our governmental leaders. We ask for Thy will to be made known that Thy will can be done on earth as it is in heaven. Father, may the church leaders also be blessed with Your wisdom so that Your people who are called by Your name will humble themselves, seek Your face, turn from our wicked ways that You will heal our land. May we live in peace as we follow Your ways. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.