We have been praying that God’s Spirit would be poured out on all flesh and that all would see the glory of God. Many believe there is yet a final outpouring of His Spirit that will usher in the greatest harvest ever seen. We have repented, fasted, prayed, and appealed to heaven, longing to see the fullness of this promise. Even as these practices are right and good, in Proverbs 1 there is a hidden truth that may be another key to ushering in this long-awaited revival.
Wisdom cries aloud in the street, in the markets she raises her voice; at the head of the noisy streets she cries out; at the entrance of the city gates she speaks: “How long, O simple ones, will you love being simple? How long will scoffers delight in their scoffing and fools hate knowledge? If you turn at my reproof, behold, I will pour out my spirit to you; I will make my words known to you.” (Prv 1:20-23 ESV)
Wisdom is crying out in streets around the earth, stating that she can release an outpouring of the Spirit of God! Wisdom – not just prayer, passion, or pursuit – but Wisdom claims to have a key for heaven coming to earth! What is it about wisdom that would be so powerful as to open a door to revival? The answer lies in verse 23 – If you turn at my reproof. The word reproof means “rebuke, correction, chastisement, punishment.” Wisdom is saying that if we would turn and allow God’s discipline to have its way, God’s Spirit would be poured out on us!
Isn’t this the same as repentance? Haven’t we been doing that as a nation? I would propose that though we have repented of national sins and asked forgiveness for past wrongs, we have yet to fully embrace God’s personal, fatherly discipline and correction as His children in our ongoing journeys. It’s not only our past that He wants to transform, but our present condition as well. One of the biggest strongholds in our nation that is being displayed on screens around the world is that of rebellion against authority. It is the unwillingness to be corrected, challenged, rebuked, or disciplined.
Unfortunately, this has also crept into the Church. Due to past hurts from authority figures and corporate offenses against various denominations or churches, many have alienated themselves from the Body, and become convinced that any correction or rebuke is either religious, abusive, or controlling. This has resulted in a belief system that shuts out Wisdom’s ways due to fear and rejection. Could this be why some of our prayers for this global outpouring are yet unanswered? Are our own painful experiences blinding us to Wisdom’s work of correction and discipline?
Scripture teaches us that God disciplines those He loves (Prv 3:11-12; Heb 12:7-11). He rebukes, corrects, and chastises us so that we will become holy, even as He is holy. This is the path to the center of His heart. I believe that the love of the Father is so strong, He will do anything to see that we become fully mature, built up and perfected (Heb 5:8-9). And, He will often use others in the process to guide, counsel, and…yes…correct.
As we pray for our nation to be kingdom-centered and righteously governed, we must pray that our own hearts are free of any rebellion to God’s discipline. Wisdom’s finest work is often accomplished in the crucible and in the fire. If we can learn to listen to Wisdom in those places, we could very well see the promise for an outpouring of God’s Spirit. To pray effectively for this spirit of rebellion to be dismantled:
- Ask the Lord to reveal any hint of rebellion in your own heart due to past hurts or misunderstandings (1 Sm 15:23; Ps 129:33).
- Forgive those who have hurt you and release any offense, personal or corporate (Mt 18:34).
- Repent for any criticism, accusation, or bitterness towards those in authority and determine to bless them and pray for them (Rom 13:2; Mt 6:14).
- Determine to receive Wisdom’s correction and discipline through those whom God places in your life (1 Pt 5:5; Ti 3:1).
Habakkuk 2:14 says that the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord as the waters cover the sea. His glorious presence is already being seen and demonstrated in many parts of the earth. But, it is His knowledge (Wisdom) that is yet to be fully demonstrated through His sons and daughters. Let’s pray that we can listen to Wisdom and embrace those needed corrections so that God’s Spirit can be poured out in fullness.
Pray along with these prayer points in the short video below (for closed captioning, click on “cc” on the bottom).
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I love these prayer videos from Wanda! It is more effective for me, personally, than reading prayers.
Praying for an outpouring of the Spirit of Truth upon the people of the United States. I am asking for Father Go to have mercy on our rebellious population, and come against the deceit, lies, exploitation being multiplied upon us, by sending the outpouring of His Spirit of Truth. We need His discernment to see His mind, heart and ways for our nation right now. We need wisdom to divide between compassion that comes from Father God’s heart,and our own human , flawed compassion. We need His eyes to see as in John 2:24. ” He would not entrust himself to them, for he knew all men, he knew what is in a man.”
Very timely words of wisdom for us as individuals and for our country and world! I pray that we all repent, and learn to honor a Holy God. Thank you, Linda
Thank you. TRUTH, in an age of deception. God bless you. May we all take it to heart.