I Prayed have prayed
Reading Time: 3 minutes

What we hear on the news and what we read on social media is often so twisted, contorted, and misconstrued that it is hard to discern what is true. The forces of those aligned against the purposes of God and His kingdom are continually manipulating the facts and perceptions in order to distract, dissuade, and even deceive those who are searching for answers.

In addition, national leaders are making decisions that will affect generations to come and the ramifications of those choices are significant, both in the natural and in the spiritual. How do we pray for our leaders as they walk through the minefield of ongoing threats, false accusations, back-room deals, political agendas, and demonic attacks? There is a powerful key from the book of Proverbs that can help straighten out those crooked paths, separate the truth from the lies, and make sense of all the chaos that has been unleashed.

Hear [says Wisdom], for I will speak noble things, and from my lips will come what is right, for my mouth will utter truth; wickedness is an abomination to my lips. All the words of my mouth are righteous;Ā there is nothing twisted or crooked in them. They are all straight to him who understands, and right to those who find knowledge. (Prv 8:6-9 ESV)

According to this chapter in the book of Proverbs, Wisdom is personified as one who has the power to do some incredible things for those who listen to ā€œherā€ voice. This is divine Wisdom speaking as God offers himself as an extension of His just and faultless character. Not only does Wisdom offer the clarity and insight needed for lifeā€™s challenges, but also brings great blessing and long-term fruitfulness for those who follow her.

I believe these characteristics can mark any leader whose heart and mind are yielded to the Lord. Letā€™s pray for our President and his administration to lead our nation with this much-needed Wisdom from heaven.

Pray that our leaders will embrace wisdom, so they canā€¦

  • Speak what is true and right (v. 6).
  • Detest wickedness and anything that is an abomination to the Lord (v.7).
  • Possess knowledge with shrewdness in making decisions (v. 12).
  • Walk in the fear of the Lord due to hatred of evil (v.13).
  • Hate pride and arrogance and any speech that is perverted (v.13).
  • Provide sound counsel with understanding and insight (v.14).
  • Demonstrate a strength and determination to do what is right (v. 14).
  • Decree what is just and govern with uprightness (v.15-16).
  • Love Godā€™s Word and seek His wisdom diligently (v.17).
  • Yield the fruit of heavenā€™s wisdom through honor and enduring righteousness (v.18-19).
  • Grant an inheritance to coming generations with treasures both natural and spiritual (v. 20-21).

We must also pray that this wisdom is spoken clearly and heard accurately. In order to demolish the lies and twisted truths that assail our daily lives, we must be bold and speak out that which is true, accurate, and trustworthy. We must pray for those who are kingdom ambassadors in this hour, raised up to speak, write, and report that which will defeat the lies of the enemies of God. Pray that they will be heard for their marked wisdom and insight which will dismantle the falsehoods and deception.

Wisdom is not simply an attribute of God, but a powerful expression of the Fatherā€™s heart and eternal purpose. Letā€™s not keep Wisdom at a distance but seek to listen and apprehend that which she gives in order for our country to be governed rightly and ruled in righteousness.

By me (Wisdom) kings reign and rulers issue decrees that are just; by me princes govern, and noblesā€”all who rule on earth. (Prv 8:15-16 NIV)

Pray through these prayer points by watching this short video clipĀ (for closed captioning, click on the “cc” at the bottom)



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Vanna Almond
June 28, 2018

I feel such a need to pray for truth in homes and churches as well as government and media!

It grieves me when churches leave out parts of the gospel. I pray weekly for churches to be empowered and led by the Holy Spirit!

Jerry E Sauls
June 27, 2018

Thank God for your gift you use to say things as I would like to say them. When I read something like this I see in it exactly how I feel and have prayed many times in my prayers over the many years of my life walking with Jesus. May God’s richest blessings rest upon you as your pen writes the words and the Spirit of our God guides. Peace and Grace be upon you and upon us all. Amen!

June 27, 2018

Wisdom in Proverbs literary device is written as she , thank you for staying true to the word not be swayed.
I gets so much to learn and follow from Wanda’s writing and now to hear on the video. Knew you to have wisdom and beauty of the Lord now I see your outer beauty.

Marie Ferrell-Mewes
June 27, 2018

God is not a “she” but a “he”. Sorry, but I can not abide the distortion.

    Wanda Alger
    June 27, 2018

    Marie – We certainly aren’t suggesting that God is a “she.” In writing the article, we simply stayed with the literary device used by the writer and quoted it exactly as written to be faithful to the text. The overriding thrust of the article is to look at God’s Wisdom and it’s impact on our lives – not any suggestion about God’s gender.

Naomi Dean
June 27, 2018

Thank you. How we need prayer and Biblical living in our own personal lives, our families, and our churches. We need a revival of the truth of God’s Word every where. God bless.

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