I Prayed have prayed
Lord God, thank You for the many ways Senator Manchin has blocked unwise legislation. Inspire us to pray for him and all our leaders.
Reading Time: < 1 minute

Manchin has been remarkably consistent, and all the major media outlets have reported it time and time again. If you’re surprised by what Manchin is saying now, maybe you’ve been really busy, tied up on other endeavors and haven’t listened to or read what he’s said. That’s understandable. Life moves pretty fast.

But if you have listened to Manchin and you’re still surprised by or enraged at his positions, that may be because you’re irrationally hopeful he will change his beliefs, or you’re engaging in wishful and likely unrealistic thinking. Maybe you’re just listening to what you want to hear. But don’t worry, you aren’t alone. Half of official Washington has decided that they’re going to ignore what Manchin says and believe he has a secret set of beliefs he’s waiting to unveil.

Here’s what you have to understand about Manchin: He says what he means. When he gets heavy pressure from the left, it helps him back home.

Here’s the reality: Joe Manchin is a filibuster-supporting conservative Democrat who is also an ardent supporter of coal, skeptical of big government and massive spending packages. He never pretends otherwise. Let’s all stop acting surprised when he says the same thing for the umpteenth time.

(Excerpt from Hotair.com. Picture Credit: Getty Images.)

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White House
October 23, 2021

Holy Father, I continue to pray for Senator Manchin and Senator Sinema, Lord, that you would grant them supernatural courage. Please strengthen their resolve to stand firm against the total takeover of the wicked agenda that seeks to destroy this nation. In the name of Jesus, Father, move upon their hearts to separate themselves from the party of tyranny and division. I pray that you would work in the hearts and lives of all Americans to unite us, one nation under God again. Amen!

October 22, 2021

Father we come to you today in praise for all the blessings you bring your people. Father even though at times America seems to be handed over to the evil one, we can see your hand holding back total destruction of America. Father we pray for Senator Manchin and Senator Simema. Father we ask in the name of Jesus to send your angels to watch over and protect them. Father we ask for your Holy Spirit to help them hold back this evil and continue to stand for the people of America. We ask this in the name of Jesus Christ our King, Lord and Savior. Amen

The Holy Spirit has placed on my heart to hold these two Senators in my prayers . The evil one has his eyes focused on destroying both these Senators. They are literally the firewall between America the Free and the Peoples Republic of America. Please join me in keeping them in your prayer, peace +

    October 22, 2021

    I agree. Holy Sprit confirmed that when Sen. Sinema was being followed (in the bathroom even). Praying Ps 91 over these two courageous senators.


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