I Prayed have prayed
Father, we pray that the truth about Critical Race Theory would be revealed and that You open our nation's leaders eyes to this industry and may they see it for what it is.
Reading Time: 3 minutes

During the first presidential debate between Donald Trump and Joe Biden, moderator Chris Wallace asked the then-president why he had signed an executive order ending “racial-sensitivity training” for federal agencies that addressed “white privilege and critical race theory.”Ā  . . .

On his first day in the Oval Office, President Biden rescinded the Trump order banning critical race theory (CRT) training programs for employees of the federal government.Ā Once again, federal employees ā€” at the Department of Homeland Security, the Federal Election Commission, the Consumer Finance Protection Bureau, the Department of the Treasury and elsewhere ā€” are being placed in mandatory training sessions during which, for example, white employees areĀ toldĀ to “sit in the discomfort”Ā of the white supremacy they are complicit in “by automatic response to the ways we’re taught.”

Some employees have been taught about the “myth of meritocracy”Ā in America and why the expression “color-blindness”Ā is a racist microaggression.Ā Trainers told employees at DHSĀ that statements including “America is the land of opportunity,”Ā “everybody can succeed in this society, if they work hard enough,”Ā and “the most qualified person should get the job,”Ā are based in harmful racist stereotypes and will no longer be tolerated.

The curriculum is now rapidly spreading through American public education, with students across the nation being taught that “everything about our country and culture, our classes, our law, is based in white supremacy,”Ā according to Kimberly Hermann, general counsel at Southeastern Legal Foundation, a constitutional public interest law firm.

“It’s teaching our young students to hate one another,”Ā said Hermann, whose organizationĀ has joined the Stop Critical Race Theory coalition, an alliance formed recently to fight the curriculum in the courts.Ā “It sounds like it’s extreme, but that’s because it is,”

The coalition, which aims to “effectively abolish critical race theory programs from American life,”Ā is led by Discovery Institute researcher Christopher Rufo, who has studied the expansion of CRT throughout the U.S. government and school system.

Hermann and Rufo hope to elevate the issue of critical race theory all the way to the Supreme Court. Hermann explained that the legal team hopes to prevail in courtĀ on a First Amendment argument.

“We’ve got teachers in classes telling students if you do not affirm these statements and say that you are a racist, or say that you have white privilege, and what that means, then you will get a failing grade,” Hermann toldĀ Just the News AMĀ recently. “So we need the courts to affirm that that violates the Constitution.

According to one recent lawsuit, a student was instructed to “unlearn” the “basic Judeo-Christian principles [his mother] imparted to him” before being required to reveal his “racial, sexual, gender, sexual orientation, disabilities and religious identity” as part of an assignment ā€” all for the sake of sorting him into various categories as either the “oppressed” or the “oppressor.” . . .

“Everyone has fought for them, for decades, to not be in that place,” she said. “They are not oppressed, they are not victims. They are strong, and they are smart, and they need to be able to speak their minds.”

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis recently made headlines by banning CRT from his state’s school curriculums.

Proponents of the critical race theory say it has the potential to sensitize institutions to the need for social justice and is being misconstrued.Ā  . . .

Critical race theory originated as an academic movement created by a group of civil-rights scholars and activists who sought to examine the law through the lens of race in America. The theory focuses on the idea that white supremacy exists and maintains power in American society through the law and various socio-cultural institutions.

But since its development in the late 1970s and 1980s, the theory has morphed into multiple sets of race-based school and work curriculums that are being force-fed to students from pre-school all the way through graduate studies programs, and to employees in both the private and public sectors. . . .

While promoting itself as a social justice initiative, critical race theoryĀ has become a big industry.

Howard Ross, for instance, is the consultant who createdĀ training that is used throughout many of the federal agencies. In the last 15 years, RossĀ hasĀ billed the governmentĀ upwards of $5 million for his services instructing government employees in CRT training, according to information made public by Rufo.

Do you think CRT will end up going to the Supreme Court? Discuss in the comment below!

(Excerpt from Just the News. Article by Sophie Mann. Photo Credit: Unsplash.)

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Jeane Whiteside
April 9, 2021

As Black Lives Matter , White lives matter too. And itā€™s constitutional not communistic. We all matter and programs like this cause discord and division. We have seen it okayed out since Obama was in office. And heā€™s still trying to put icing on that cake he baked. Itā€™s overdone and needs trashed as we come together to bless each other

April 8, 2021

Critical Race theory should make it to the Supreme Court but I am not sure even if it does anything will be done to stop it from being taught to our children and pushed in the employment arenas. Our Supreme Court seems to have sold their souls given their recent decisions in refusals to even hear current controversial cases. We should pray to our Lord for His will to be done.If we are entering into the period of our final days I pray we all have the strength and the fortitude in our Faith to withstand the evil times before us all. My Lord, my God please give me the strength to withstand what is to

April 7, 2021

Revival is coming to schools onto the children. Spoken at Regeneration Nashville Prophetic Conference, April 7-11, 2021.

Anna Detwiler
April 7, 2021

I pray that justice rules, that America will trust in God as a guiding force.
I pray that the word of God is our educational and spiritual mandate.
I pray that the wrong teachings will be made right
With liberty and justice for all

Yvonne Pendleton
April 6, 2021

Sadly this insanity has been around as we have ignored its existence. Father, give us discernment to know truth that only You can reveal.

April 6, 2021

Every agenda of the left is for the purpose of brainwashing and dehumanizing younger Americans. May God have mercy on this country or we will soon see robotic response to the designs of the enemy to destroy this nation and future generations.

Pearl Marable
April 6, 2021

CRT is needed. If you’ve never been discriminated against, of course you don’t see or understand systematic racism and discrimination. Lord, how dare we need use the eyes of your understanding according to Ephesians 1st chapter. Forgive those who refuse to see the evil and colonization that was never cleased from these United States of America. Let there be open repentance from spiritual leaders who refuse to acknowledge and repent from these racial atrocities that permeate still in every facet of modern American society. Father, we can’t fix anything until we acknowledge it, repent, and recognize that racial bias exist vastly in our church and nation as a whole. Father, I choose to forgive those who choose to close their eyes and ears to the crys of black people who have paid higher interest rates, refused loans, and not allowed to have the same benefits of their white counterparts. I forgive them, and I bless them. In the name of Jesus. Amen

    Dorothy Campbell
    April 6, 2021

    “CRT” is a big distraction promoted none other than satan himself.As a black American naturalized (not African American), I was not born in Africa. I have searched as far back in my geology and can find no slaves. however I grew up as a little girl in the Segregated south and experienced true, “RACISM” which for the most part was on the decline until it began to rear its ugly head again (I can tell exactly when this start to reoccur).”CRT”is a sin straight from the pit of hell. JESUS is the ONLY SOLUTION

    Dorothy Campbell
    April 6, 2021

    As a 70 year black female who has been discriminated against many times. I grew up in the Segregated south, so I lived “RACISM” 24/7 and I don’t feel the need to have anyone validate me as a black person. “CRT”is an evil to further divide. I am blessed to live in a country who twice elected a black president, and who had two blacks back to serve as Attorney Generals, just to name a few. “CRT” is not about “Racial Equality or Equity” as we are lead to believe. I am to blessed to be “oppressed” and I am not “struggling” as a black American

      Lorraine Casanelli
      April 7, 2021

      Who is the second black person to be elected President? Barrack Obama is the only one I am aware of, and I’ve been around for 78 years.

        Dorothy Campbell
        April 7, 2021

        Should have read to be elected, then reelected. Referring to Obama, elected once, then reelected

      April 8, 2021

      You are an amazing women of God, thank you for sharing. I am so sorry you were treated so unfairly! May you later years be filled with Godā€™s abundance.

    April 6, 2021

    Jesus taught us to pray, asking that our heavenly Father would forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors….for if you forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you, but if you do not forgive men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.
    Consider, also, the heart of Joseph toward his brothers, “But as for you, you meant evil against me; but God meant it for good…”
    And If it is possible, as much as it depends on you, live peaceably with all men. Beloved, do not avenge yourselves, but rather give place to wrath; for it is written, “Vengeance is Mine, I will repay,” says the Lord. “Therefore if your enemy hungers, feed him; if he thirsts, give him a drink; for in so doing you will heap coals of fire on his head.” Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good. Romans 12:18-21

Rich Swingle
April 6, 2021

Today happens to be the 156th anniversary of the last battle of General Robert E. Lee in the Civil War, before surrendering at the Appomattox Courthouse three days later. It was fought on the farm of the Lockett Family. If you don’t know the story of Matt Lockett and Will Ford, it’s told in their book The Dream King. I used it as a running reference in a sermon: http://www.RichDrama.com/TheDreamKing

Praying racial healing will come the Lord’s way, and that Critical Race Theory will be exposed for the Marxist tool that it is, seeking to rub resentments raw.

    Dorothy Campbell
    April 6, 2021

    “CRT” is a big distraction promoted none other than satan himself.As a black American naturalized (not African American), I was not born in Africa. I have searched as far back in my geology and can find no slaves. however I grew up as a little girl in the Segregated south and experienced true, “RACISM” which for the most part was on the decline until it began to rear its ugly head again (I can tell exactly when this start to reoccur).”CRT”is a sin straight from the pit of hell. JESUS is the ONLY SOLUTION

April 6, 2021

Do you think CRT will end up going to the Supreme Court?

You have to make a case first. I haven’t heard anything that merits the Supreme Court weighing in on the subject.

    Dorothy Campbell
    April 6, 2021

    AMEN, as a black American I totally agree with your comment

    April 12, 2021

    Did you read the article above?

    I would say this is more than enough to base a case going to the Supreme Court….

    ā€œWeā€™ve got teachers in classes telling students if you do not affirm these statements and say that you are a racist, or say that you have white privilege, and what that means, then you will get a failing grade,ā€ Hermann told Just the News AM recently. ā€œSo we need the courts to affirm that that violates the Constitution.ā€

    According to one recent lawsuit, a student was instructed to ā€œunlearnā€ the ā€œbasic Judeo-Christian principles [his mother] imparted to himā€ before being required to reveal his ā€œracial, sexual, gender, sexual orientation, disabilities and religious identityā€ as part of an assignment ā€” all for the sake of sorting him into various categories as either the ā€œoppressedā€ or the ā€œoppressor.ā€ . . .

    It is an evil Marxist tool and will be stopped. In Jesus powerful name!

      April 12, 2021

      Yes. I read the above article and I too can copy/paste. Making a case does not mean “she said he said she said”. It means to delineate principles that violates the Constitution for example, a violation against the 1st Amendment. Also, to establish “wokeism” as antithetical to what it means to uphold the Constitution. It needs to be spelled out MINUS the drama and emotion.

April 6, 2021

The way to end racism is not to teach people to hate and punish those who supposedly oppress them. That bar is so low. Time to raise the bar.
Lord,though it will cost us all our individual rights, finally unify the Church! Some of us have been praying for this for decades. Please pour out Your Spirit upon us toward this end now. We have a lot to learn, but please use the Church to show the world the truth about what it means to love one another. And as You do, may a great number be drawn to You. For Your Name’s sake we pray.

    Dorothy Campbell
    April 6, 2021

    Yes, we as blacks and all people need to learn this. The heart is always the issue at hand. “The heart above all things is deceitful and desperately wicked, who can know it” The heart issue was why the man murdered those Asian women, not “RACISM” but the “HEART”

Skye Alison
April 6, 2021

The work of satan is to divide and instill hate. The work of God is to redeem and reconcile. O Lord, help us to see hate has no useful end. It sends people to hell and an early grave. God save us from this horrible trap. Amen

April 6, 2021

Dear Heavenly Father, please open our eyes to the truth about CRT and I pray that the Church would open it’s eyes also and Act. There is a lot of work to be done. I pray that we will do Your will and help us to make more individuals alert to this critical problem and that they would act also. In Jesus name, amen.

    Dorothy Campbell
    April 6, 2021

    AMEN,this “CRT”is a tool of the devil to instill hate and divide. Let’s us black and white citizens UNITED TO STAMP IT OUT!!!

April 6, 2021

Father God,
Thank You for all the people who are speaking out against CRT and doing what they can to stop and reverse its influence. Bless them, LORD. Grant them favor and success.
We ask for special protection over our young people that You do not allow them to be brainwashed to believe lies.
I also lift up the employees who are enduring this wretched oppression. I pray for Your Holy Spirit to strengthen each of them in Your Truth and give them peace of mind and heart.

In Jesus name may Your kingdom come and Your will be done on earth as it is in Heaven. Amen.

    Dorothy Campbell
    April 6, 2021

    This “CRT” hatred reminds me of my childhood of SEGREGATION. HEAVENLY FATHER exti guish the fires of this CORRUPT AGENDA. IN THE PRECIOUS NAME OF JESUS CHRIST

April 6, 2021

In my most humble opinion, these prayers that we are being led to pray for these articles, particularly this one, I believe is not the correct prayers we should be praying. These people (our leaders) know exactly what’s in CRT. They know what’s really going on behind the scenes even better than we do. They are stubborn, hard-hearted, stiff-necked people who want to destroy the Gospel message and Christ’s Kingdom nhere on earth which includes us (Christians) and the United States of America because we (up to this point) protect freedom of religion.

What we need to be praying is that God removes these people from office and anyone who does not have His Will in their hearts and mind and intentions and replace them with His own people that He has designated. Then we need to act accordingly and use the power God has given us (through him) to help remove these people and then do our due diligence to pray for those who are of God’s choosing.

If anyone feels he does not have the wisdom to be able to do this, then the Bible says ask for it and it will be given. We are not helpless as Christians, left only to pray and hope Jesus makes a change. He has already told us His Will. Now, let’s do it.

I am praying the Church and its warriors wake up to the Truth and ACT. Wake up sleeping giant! There is much work to be done

    Dorothy Campbell
    April 6, 2021

    As a black American, I am aware of what is included in the “CRT” agenda, hate against GOD ALMIGHTY Lets pray that GOD removes those who are destroying our counry. IN THE PRECIOUS AND HOLY NAME OF JESUS CHRIST

    April 6, 2021

    Better yet, let’s pray they each have a Damascus Road experience with the living God, as Saul did, and that each be made new, with old things passed away, and all things made new, just as our reconciling Creator did in Paul, so that our Lord God may be abundantly glorified, and His glory cover the earth, as the waters cover the sea!

Rita W.
April 6, 2021

We truly need the help of God. I pray the clarity of right and wrong will return to our culture. I pray God will confuse the enemy and they will be defeated. I hope it will be heard by SCOTUS and they will do what is RIGHT.

April 6, 2021

This is another ploy of satan to divide and conquer the Body of Christ Jesus. People need Jesus! Therefore, I bind and cast out every lie of the enemy in the Name of Jesus Christ! I loose truth into our nation, into the Body of Christ in the Name of Jesus Christ! Our weapons are not carnal but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds! I declare and decree that satan will not have our nation! Ekklesia, rise up in the Name of Jesus Christ!

    Dorothy Campbell
    April 6, 2021

    As a black American I join in prayer and total agreement with you. The news media and others would DECEIVE Americans to believe this “CRT AGENDA” is for me and my benefit, however it is a scheme and trick of the devil. As a black American, I implore you not to fall for it. JESUS WE ASK IN YOUR PRECIOUS HOLY NAME TO STRIKE DOWN THIS EVIL KNOWN AS CRT.

Ann Gerrity
April 6, 2021

All parents and grandparents need to start going to school board meetings and stop this untrue and destructive program from being taught to our children.This is a racist program and is brainwashing our youth.

    Dorothy Campbell
    April 6, 2021

    Yes,I am a retired teacher and I observed this evil agenda being ushered in during my final years of teaching, but just under a different name, “,INCLUSIVENESS” I am black and hate that I am being used as a ploy and pawn to promote this evil

      Peggy Garcia
      April 6, 2021

      Thank you for your courageous stand against CRT as a black person who knows whereof she speaks. I am a 71 year-old white woman from the north who watched the Civil Rights movement play out. I saw and admired the courage and strength of MLK and those he led in truly “peaceful protests” in spite of the cruelty of the opposition to their cause, the physical attacks, and arrests they endured. To equate what is happening today to what you and your peers experienced is to trivialize your experiences and seek to divide us once again. No one who is being honest who lived during that time should do that.

        Dorothy Campbell
        April 6, 2021

        Such a well thought out reply, you touched on things I had forgotten about especially. The MLK “Peaceful Protests. Forgotten about because I have moved on with living my best life possible and not dwelling on the past. Again thank you

          Peggy Garcia
          April 6, 2021

          It is obvious that moving on and living your best life is a credit to your values and character. Thank you for your contribution to this conversation.

Deborah Sanders
April 6, 2021

Unfortunately I donā€™t know what cases this Supreme Court will hear any longer. After what we went thru with the lawsuits re the election being turned away without hearing, I wonder if the Supreme Court is just another arm of a political party, rather than a branch of government for the people, and for the land.

    April 6, 2021

    Letā€™s not lose hope. Letā€™s keep praying and pray harder. Letā€™s believe in the power of prayer and the faithfulness of our all- powerful and sovereign God!

    Dorothy Campbell
    April 6, 2021

    Makes you wonder doesn’t it ?

      April 6, 2021

      God bless you, sister, above what you could ask or think!


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