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Oh Father of all life, thank you that we see hope in the movement to protect life. Help us to not take this for granted--helps us to be thankful and continue to press on!
Reading Time: 2 minutes

To anyone who’s been paying attention, it’s clear that the pro-life movement is gaining enormous momentum. However, if you still have any doubts about pro-life progress, you need only glance at Planned Parenthood’s latest press release, responding to data just published by the Guttmacher Institute, Planned Parenthood’s former research arm.

According to the Guttmacher Institute, since the beginning of this year over 250 pro-life bills have been introduced in over 41 states. Almost 50% of those bills would ban abortion in “some or all circumstances,” says the organization. In fact, according to Planned Parenthood’s analysis, legislators in seven states have proposed bills that would completely ban abortion, while six states are considering or have passed “trigger bans” that would ban abortion if or when Roe v. Wade is repealed. . . .

Another immensely encouraging piece of news from the Guttmacher Institute’s report is that six states have only a single abortion facility left. In other words, these states are on the verge of eliminating surgical abortions from their borders even without passing legislation banning abortions. In fact, statistics show that the number of abortion clinics across the country has plummeted over the last two decades. According to Operation Rescue, in 2018 the total number of abortion clinics in the U.S. fell to 697. That’s a decrease of 79% since 1991. The Washington Post blames many of these closures on the successful passage of pro-life progress in legislation.

The massive growth in such pro-life legislation, and closure of abortion clinics, coincides with a dramatic decrease in the U.S. abortion rate. According to the CDC, the U.S. abortion rate reached a historical low in 2015. That translates into millions of lives saved. . . .

Amidst the hundreds of pro-life bills that have been introduced, a more conservative Supreme Court, a president who seems determined to fulfill his pro-life promises in the face of any amount of backlash, and the release of what may well be the most successful pro-life movie ever made – Unplanned, telling the story of former Planned Parenthood director Abby Johnson – the abortion industry in the United States seems set to have what may well turn out to be its worst year since the Supreme Court first passed Roe v. Wade.

That said, pro-lifers should be wary of growing even a little bit complacent. Pro-abortion forces are terrified, and in response they are rallying their supporters and legislative allies to push back…hard. As Planned Parenthood noted in its release, the pro-life bills “have triggered a counter response from constituents and reproductive health care champions”. This, in part, explains the glut of attempts (some of which have been successful) to pass laws enshrining the most extreme versions of legal abortion in states like New York and Virginia.

(Excerpted from LifeNews, Fr. Shenan J. Boquet reporting)

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Sarah L Powers
April 22, 2019

LORD Jesus,
You do all things well. You never make a mistake. I thank You that You are all powerful!. Please I ask that the hearts and minds of all Americans be touched by Your Holy Spirit so that the truth of the damage of abortion will continue to be known/exposed. Remove all blinders off of eyes and ears of this horrific act so it will be seen as murder from the moment of conception. Call all the “gray haired” to be in prayer and be outspoken to the younger generation about the truth – let it be done in love. Remove those from political office who refuse to stand up for LIFE from the smallest office to the largest. Please LORD overturn Roe vs. Wade in my lifetime. Let this not only happen in the courts but most importantly in the hearts and minds of Americans. I ask that You would cancel all funds to Planned Parenthood. And protect President Trump for his pro-life stance. We humble ourselves and call on You to help us. In Jesus’name, Amen

April 18, 2019

Heavenly Father, As we celebrate the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ in the next few days, may we continue to pray for and support and culture of life in this country and stand up to defend the lives of the innocent victims of abortion. We pray for an overturn to Roe v. Wade in this coming year, in Jesus Name.

Mrs Gay
April 16, 2019

Thank you Lord for bringing this sin so public that we cannot avoid it! May this nation. . .and all the world become aware of this terrible sin! As we continue to protect the lives of unborn women and men, may we also be aware of the sexual slavery of many girls and women who have been trapped by boys and men who desire to use girls and women for their own sexual satisfaction. Draw us closer to You Lord, and strengthen us to live lives pleasing to you.

Lisa Malloy
April 16, 2019

Almighty God,King, Lord Jesus Christ Praise your Holy Name continue to pour out your spirit. Lord I declare that life reign, you came to give us life, you are the creator and that we would repent and heal our land. Lord, abortion is an abomination to you, forgive us Lord for partnering with it in any way known or unknown and Lord each of us have a responsibility to uphold your word and your holiness and to partner in our lives in deed, word and action to protect what you create. Now is the time, Lord redeem respect for children and honor for them in every area especially in the womb. I declare through the power of the living Christ that every heart will be changed!

Alan K Veasey
April 16, 2019

Thank you O Great and Terrible God, the God of Great mercy and great severity, for leading a counter attack on the wickedness
of abortion and infanticide. Lovers of those things are exterminationist and must wake up and repent. There has been no traction in pro life areas for a while, so thank you Lord for providing movement.

April 16, 2019

Father, I have lost a walking companion for being outspoken about anti abortion but I ask that I and others will not back down for speaking out on this issue in the strongest supportive terms for the unborn. Lord open the eyes of those whom satan has blinded just as you did for Abby Johnson that the truth will be made clear and acted upon.
Thank You for the closure of many Planned Parenthood places. I ask that more closures will follow in Jesus name.

    Sallly ray
    April 16, 2019

    We all must keep praying and standing go these precious babies. So many wonderful people are desperate for babies. Why murder them?

April 16, 2019

One of the prayers our Lord has placed on my heart is that as He is pouring out the 3rd great awakening in this nation that He would cause the abortion industry to go bankrupt for lack of customers as the people realize that those collection of cells in a woman’s womb is a life given by our creator, worthy to be treasured. It is very encouraging to read the younger generation is leaning pro life and our legislators are also being changed. Praise our almighty God!

April 16, 2019

I am grateful in this moment, with this movement that it is being honestly shown in print, the truth to protect life with a Pro- Life stance. Our Lord with the Holy Spirit’s lead is on the move, as we pray with a humble, thankful, contrite heart to seek His will. Praying that this world would turn back to His Godly principles. May those who haven’t seen: “Unplanned”, please see this movie. May we pray for Abbey Johnson’s honest words of truth in this movie to reach all those who indeed seek God’s truth, face, and come to Him through such an awakening. She has risked so much to go public with His perfect design for her life to change the “tide” of this dear land. May blessings abound ,1,000 fold, with her and others that boldly fight the good fight. (Deut. 1:11) News Media in general has a suppressive, dark way of painting this course of action that is happening, with a lack of the conservative side brought forward. Oppression of the “truth”, is the same as “lies”. May God bless us as a body of believers to pray for Journalists to be better trained, plus have integrity to speak in words written/ spoken their best and that people in high office have the seeds of Christ to bring back common sense, (founding Godly principles) to this wonderful land, to His Almighty glory. May He forgive us in the lack of our “boldness” in Him to proudly raise Him up, and increase His name. “Thank you, dear Lord, and may we have a blessed Holy Week in devout reflection for all you do for us daily with the gift of your Son, His atonement for our sins- the only perfect gift- we thank /praise You for daily.”… In Jesus name…

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