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I Prayed have prayed
Lord Jesus, we pray that our constitutional freedom to refuse medical treatment would be preserved and that ethical alternatives to vaccines with aborted fetus tissue will be developed.
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There is a push to mandate vaccines in states across the country. Now, leaders of the American Academy of Pediatrics “have called for elimination of non-medical* exemptions to vaccination to be the top priority for the year, ranking it first among the top 10 resolutions during the Annual Leadership Forum (ALF).” They further state in the AAP News and Journals Gateway, “The resolution asks the Academy’s Board of Directors to advocate for the ‘development of a toolkit that highlights successful chapter strategies for the purpose of helping chapters work with their state legislatures to eliminate/reduce non-medical* exemptions that have allowed immunization refusals.'”

Why does this matter to praying Christians? Because many vaccines contain the tissue from the cell lines of aborted fetuses. Download our free Special Report Prayer Guide: Immunized Against Effective Prayer.

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Minister Margaret
March 24, 2019

Some people are really blind to satans devices in this world. Its scary. May God wake us all up as Christians.This is all the enemy setting the stage for antichrist as someone rightly noted. Once govt can force you to take vaccine, then they can force you to take many more medications in the future that think its right. You are their property. Why don’t they say its your body and you have choice? but for abortion they say its your body, you can do whatever you want with it. its satanic. Even the Powerful Almighty God doesn’t force. he allows people to choose and live with their consequences. What make him good. satan believes in no choice except when he wants you to choose evil. People argue that not taking medicine or vaccines lead to death, what about all the people who take medicines and vaccines that die every year. God is wise and never makes mistakes. I am 41 and I trust Christ as my physician. He healed me at 17 of every disease and I told him you will be my physician for life. I’m now 41, a missionary, travel everywhere, and Ive never needed any medicine or vaccine but his healing touch always comes when I need it through prayer. I have never been to hospital over 20 yrs. I trust Christ for divine health. When its time, He will take me. But in over 25 years ive seen friends and family members who put their trust in physicians for healing get more sick with diff ailments and some even die. No one says o medications don’t work. but if you die trusting God o divine healing doesn’t work. Even if countless miracles show God heals.Be it unto you according to your faith. If you choose to trust God, He will not fail you. If you choose physicians, do not try to force others to. I always tell Christians if you insist to spend your money that way fine, when you have free healing in Christ. Church, You are even called to lay hands on sick and see them recover. No wonder world does not take us so seriously these days. Do you see Apostle Paul on operating table? or Jesus? No condemnation intended but Sickness often results from a spiritual problem, that’s how sickness first entered the world. Even now when you get sick ask God why. He can heal the body and the spiritual reason. Yes I know Luke was a physician but never healed anyone in bible. The fishermen did. Jesus said it is the sick that needs physician, by his stripes we have been healed. we are not sick. Receive your healing in Christ. Pray for faith and love for faith works by love. He loves us. He wants us whole, body, soul and spirit.

James Clancy
March 22, 2019

People are in prison for withholding medical treatment from their children who died from their inaction, and rightly so.

    March 22, 2019

    Many more children are suffering from Autism due to being immunized, my grandson is one of them! I am so angry that the pharmaceutical companies are getting these laws passed only because they have the big bucks to do it. Just look at all the commercials these days. Most of them are from the pharmacy companies!

Ted Bjorem
March 22, 2019

humm my none support was blocked? In it I said several Aussies kids have died from preventable diseases.

Ted Bjorem
March 22, 2019

Dangerous you are way off track here. Australia had had two measles outbreaks that killed several and needlessly made many ill because too few were inoculated.

    Kris Kubal
    March 22, 2019

    We make no claim of non-vaccination. We simply are asking people to be aware of the origins of the vaccination solution and to pray and seek alternative vaccination options that do not include aborted fetal tissue.

      March 22, 2019

      thanks or that, was unware they used aborted material

        Kris Kubal
        March 23, 2019

        The special report listed in the article tells about how many of our vaccines were started and are still made today. There are alternatives but the US government owns the material and “recipe” for the standard vaccines made from aborted fetus cells. We feel people need to know so they can make an informed decision about what to do for their families. There ARE alternative vaccines available for most of the illnesses–people just need to ask or find where they are accessible. We are not advocating for NO VACCINES, we are just advocating for disclosure on these vaccines. We read labels for food–labels are available for vaccines–most people are just not made aware. Thanks.

          Ted Bjorem
          March 23, 2019

          Hi, you have a different situation there, Im in AUS. I didnt know, thanks for extra info, blessings

March 21, 2019

Deuteronomy 27:25 – “Cursed is the one who takes a bribe to slay an innocent person.” Almost every representative and senator in our state legislature of OR is taking pHARMa money. The federal govt is similar-the amounts are just larger. Our school district receives $450 Million to vaccinate 95-96% compliance. Except for now and they are doing an emergency measure (because of 4 measles cases), to eliminate all exemptions: medical, religious, philosophical to attend public school, private school or extra-curricular activities for home school.There is something very wrong with this immense authoritarian threat and people should be waking up that almost 1/3 – 1/2 of the states are in a huge push for this right now. We should be asking WHO is behind this? Speaking of the WHO, (World Health Organization) they say that anti-vax parents are some of the most dangerous people on the planet! We hear that muslims can lawfully do genital mutilation but now parents exercising their religious freedoms to reject vaccines with aborted babies in the vaccines can not say no. 2 Chronicles 16:12 -“And in the thirty-ninth year of his reign, Asa became diseased in his feet, and his malady was severe; yet in his disease he did not seek the LORD, but the physicians.” I am not saying that there is not a place for doctors, but we have put our TRUST in them for our security and not in the LORD. The medical professionals want to shoot up our newborns with Hep B, and Vit K on day 1 of life, both with exorbitant amounts of aluminum. Our district requires 3 Hep B before starting school. ( For a sexually transmitted disease!!!) What has happened to reality? https://jbhandleyblog.com/home/2018/7/2/hepthree .Please look for this title:”New Study:Hep B vaccine “may have adverse implications for brain development and cognition”. It states, “We have clear, unequivocal, replicable scientific evidence that the first vaccine given to most American newborns causes brain damage.” Soon at the 2 month baby’s “well-baby check” (oxymoron) they are shot up with a slew of more toxins. We, that have witnessed the decline of our children’s/grandchildren’s health realize the purpose of the “well-baby’s check” is to make patients for life. 1 in 2 children have chronic health issues now. Again we are putting our hope in doctors. Isaiah 66:17 – “Those who sanctity themselves and purify themselves, to go to the gardens after an idol in the midst, eating swine’s flesh and the abomination and the mouse, shall be consumed together,’ says the LORD.” This is what’s in the vaccines, only injecting instead of eating, is exponentially more dangerous. Please look for a video on youtube called “VaxXed Tour: Marcella on Religious Exemption”. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RU2BDZL3OFY&t=1s. And from the NVIC (National Vaccine Information Center) is an important article with 102 references at the end-“Taking No Prisoners in the Vaccine Culture War”.
https://www.nvic.org/nvic-vaccine-news/march-2019/taking-no-prisoners-vaccine-culture-war.aspx. This is the real war: the seed of the serpent against the seed of the woman and to kill the image of God and the praise of His precious little ones.

Alan K. Veasey
March 21, 2019

The prime directive of socialism, and indeed all big government, is that people are the property of the state. Their life, liberty and property have less standing than the state. The reason for things like opt outs for medical procedures including vaccinations, as well as opt outs for abortion services is that a key guidepost to the enslavement of a population is disallowing decisions based on conscience. If your conscience is expendable, then you are expendable. If your conscience is respected, then you are respected. Thanks be to God that ordained free will. Stealing free will violate God’s sovereignty and we should pray back (an effective form of push back).

    March 22, 2019

    Thank you for your wisdom.

    March 22, 2019

    I agree! God’s Word says my people die for lack of knowledge, parents need to find out what are in the immunizations; lead, aluminum, peanut oil. We should have the healthiest children from all the immunizations they’ve had yet we have children with the most allergies than ever before. Also Autism is on the rise due to the dirty immunizations our Children are receiving.

March 21, 2019

Father God we lift up this issue to YOU. All loving parents have a right and a duty given to them by YOU to raise and take care of their children. You gave them their children and now many policies, laws, and governments are trying to strip away their ability to protect their children. I pray specifically against these vaccine bills. Please help those fighting to stop these bills. Please protect the children and all who want to keep their bodies pure and do not want vaccines and unwanted drugs in their bodies. Please help those who are working to prove that vaccines cause autism. Please help them to find facts that cannot be denied. Please help us fight against lies, reveal the truth, and find favor and victory in each committee hearing. Please stop these mandates from becoming law. In the holy name of Jesus I pray. Amen!

    March 21, 2019

    Amen! This is my constant prayer!

    March 22, 2019


    March 22, 2019

    Amen! I agree with my sister in Christ, Victoria. We come against the big pharmaceutical companies who do not care about our children just more money! Father we thank you in advance for all you do in Jesus name Amen

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