During our Friday, October 18, 2019 prayer conference call, IFA President David Kubal called for a day of fasting for TODAY, October 22, 2019 for justice in the General Flynn case. Today Sidney Powell will be submitting a crucial trial brief. We are also asking you to fast on the day of the hearing, November 11, 2019.
This article explains recent developments.
Attorney Sidney Powell struck again, revealing yet another huge development in the Spygate saga between the lines of her latest motion. That motion, filed in the still-pending criminal case against Trump’s former national security advisor, Michael Flynn, demanded exculpatory evidence from federal prosecutors.
Did you miss our prayer call with Sidney Powell, defense counsel for General Michael Flynn? “Click Here” to watch the recording or “Download” a summary and pray for justice to replace corruption in the Department of Justice.
That the U.S. government has only recently obtained possession of a pair of smartphones used by Joseph Mifsud tells us two things: that Attorney General William Barr and U.S. Attorney John Durham’s probe into the origins of the Russia-collusion hoax is both serious and successful, and that the Crossfire Hurricane targeting of President Trump and former special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation were neither.
After all, Mifsud was the man whose tip to young Trump volunteer advisor George Papadopoulos, that the Russians had dirt on Hillary Clinton, supposedly formed the basis for the FBI to launch Crossfire Hurricane’s targeting of the Trump campaign in late July 2016. Yet no one bothered to interview Mifsud until six months later, when he traveled to D.C. to speak at a conference sponsored by the State Department.
And then the FBI let him go, later blaming Papadopoulos for their inability to properly question the purported Russian agent. Mueller seemed equally uninterested in Mifsud—a strange position to take toward a putative enemy agent.
In contrast, Barr and Durham seemingly considered Mifsud key to understanding the Russia-collusion investigation. At least their reported trip last month to Italy suggested as much, with the Washington Post repeating the news that while there, “Barr and U.S. Attorney John Durham were played a taped deposition from when Mifsud reportedly applied for police protection.”
The timing of the Italy trip, Powell’s motion, and her assertion that the government only recently came into possession of Mifsud’s two smartphones, all suggest Barr and Durham returned stateside with the evidence—something a serious investigation into potential Russia collusion back in 2016 would have already looked at.
It would be an impossibility for our government to cordially obtain Mifsud’s smartphones if he were truly a Russian agent. If he were, he’d not hand over his smartphones to the United States or allow the Italian government to do so.
Powell’s revelation that the government has Mifsud’s two Blackberries goes deeper, too: It connects to the shocker Powell shared in a previous court filing—that Mifsud attended the Russia Today dinner in Moscow on December 17, 2015, where Flynn was photographed with Vladimir Putin. That dinner marks a second connection between Trump campaign folks and Mifsud, with Papadopoulos as the other.
In her motion, Powell suggests Mifsud had been tasked against Flynn, seeking, along with other agents, to arrange “—unbeknownst to him—‘connections’ with certain Russians that they would then use against him in their false claims.” But Powell is handicapped in making this argument, because the prosecution refused to turn over much of the evidence she seeks to defend her client.
(Excerpt from the Federalist. Article by Margot Cleveland.)
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As we fast and pray for General Flynn and Sydney Powell, let God get the glory for the deliverance from the evil forces at work. I pray General Flynn will be vocal as he recognizes God’s divine intervention in this matter; like a Daniel – saved from the mouths of the lions.
Amen and Amen!! Fasted and agreed with all the above prayers. Thank you Father for hearing the cries of your people and for a speedy answer and justice to be accomplished. To God be the Glory great things He has done.
Heavenly Father, please not only vindicate Michael Flynn but restore him fourfold. May the snakes and liars who have brought about his persecution be exposed! Please deliver real justice,to the treasonous deep-state actors who are infecting our systems of governance. Please may your justice come like a flood and wash away all of the many lies! I ask this in Jesus’ Name, Amen!
I bind in prayer with you, in Jesus Name amen. Thank You Father for answered prayers.
what is meant for evil you God use for good. God you see the whole picture and we look for justice and righteousness to your glory.
Lord, may the lions that prowl be left without prey:
“The lions may roar and growl, yet the teeth of the great lions are broken. The lion perishes for lack of prey, and the cubs of the lioness are scattered.”
(Job 4:10-11)
Father God Almighty! Thank You for Your divine intervention LORD as we await in eager expectation how You are gong to reveal Yourself in this situation to bring glory to Yourself. Father, In the mighty Name of Jesus we pray, AMEN!
Agreeing in Prayer with All!
Nothing is impossible with You Holy God! We bow down in prayer seeking Your breakthrough in Jesus’ Name
Lord, I pray for Sidney Powell as she represents General Flynn, for courage, wisdom, and a willingness to shine light in the darkness. (Is 42:16). I pray that You will walk beside Sidney Powell and General Flynn as they face the threats of the deep state and a corrupt justice system. Encourage them to be strong and trust in You. Restore justice to our nation, Lord. Expose the lies, the deceit and corruption in all branches of government. Grant protection and success to those Christian leaders in government that are striving to honor You and serve the nation.
I agree with Steven’s prayer. His prayer is to the heart and core of the matter at hand. Holy Spirit, please bring this prayer to fruition today, Oct. 22, 2019
The weapons of our warfare are not carnel but mighty to the pulling down of strongholds. Hallelujah
Lord hear our many prayers!
Yes, Lord. I agree in prayer and I am fasting today. We seek Your will, Your help, Your justice in the outcome of this case. Thank You always…Amen
Yes, Heavenly Father, hear the prayers of Your people this day for Sidney Powell and General Flynn. I agree with Steven’s prayer. Let Thy kingdom come and let Thy will be done here on earth in the USA and around the world, too. Let no weapon formed against Your people prosper. Amen
Praying for justice in Jesus’ name.
Father I pray in agreement with the prayer call from last week, Isaiah 48:17 I believe, that YOUR Word would be glorified, YOUR Word would have pre-eminence in this situation. We pray that Truth would be revealed, that Sidney Powell and others would clearly see the hand of God. We pray that she would receive ALL the information needed to defend her client. We also pray according to Joel 2 that what the locusts devoured in General Flynn’s banking & savings accounts in depleting them to defend himself… that he would be blessed BACK 10X what was devoured, that Sidney Powell would ask for reparations & compensation against this baseless prosecution. I also pray that counter-prosecutions would be picked up by the Attorney General’s office for those people that coordinated false statements, used Government assets & did treasonous acts against a US military officer & White house official. We pray for YOUR Justice & YOUR righteousness to reign in this situation in Jesus name.
Amen and Amen
Seriously. So sick of the deep corruption in DC. Will it ever end. Such demonically driven hatred for a God ordained president. And the church is busy preaching the feel good gospel weak and powerless some ordaining homosexuals. How can we ask God for grace and mercy. Must not cease praying day and night.
Oh Lord God! We do repent to You Holy Heavenly Father on behalf of our nation and our churches that are preaching a watered-down gospel and neglecting the truth of Your Word! Oh God help us, forgive us! May truth and justice be restored in America once again! And Lord in this particular case I pray that you will bring out the truth Lord in a way that You would be honored Lord and that General Flynn would be justly treated and those who have wronged him brought to justice. We ask this in the precious name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ amen!
Jesus! We implore Your Devine protection and revelation in this case. May SPowell’s voice be Yours. Wisdom from Papa’s throne that righteousness and justice flow unimpeded.
Amen! I agree!
Thank you Lord for the opportunity for corporate prayer in this situation. May your hand of protection, your guidance and wisdom be with Ms. Powell to restore what has been wrongfully taken – in the name of Jesus. Amen.
Amen, fasting and agreeing. The powerful right arm of God administer justice.