Why is IFA asking you to pray about the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA)? Wasn’t that an idea from the 1970s that lost steam a long time ago? Actually, no. It’s an old idea with new support and a disturbing new application. Read on . . .
This is important! Read below and then send a message to your elected officials about the Equal Rights Amendment.
“In the November 5th election, Virginians put both houses of their General Assembly into the hands of the Democrats. With controversial Democrat Ralph Northam in the Governor’s House, the state apparatus will be under complete Democratic Party control. Already, an effort is underway among Virginians to ratify the Federal Equal Rights Amendment. Passed by Congress in 1972, only 35 of the 38 states (3/4) required by the U.S. Constitution to ratify the amendment had done so by the March 22, 1979 deadline. The Legislatures of four of those states then voted to rescind their ratification before the deadline. A fifth state voted to sunset their ratification as of the deadline. In 1978, Congress voted to extend the ratification deadline to June 30, 1982, but no new states ratified. In 2017, in hopes of an ERA revival, Nevada, and in 2018, Illinois, voted to ratify despite the deadline having passed. U.S. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, an advocate for the ERA, has written that any ERA ratification process would have to start all over, but last week Chairman Jerry Nadler and the House Judiciary Committee voted to pass a bill to extend the ratification period again along party lines (21-11). In an earlier House Resolution 216 Democrats and 2 Republicans voted in favor of such a the move — 218 votes are sufficient to pass the bill. The Equality Act passed earlier this year by Congress, which redefines “sex” to include “sexual orientation” and “gender identity”. It would not only remove legal protection of women and girls for separate public restrooms, scholarships, sports teams, etc., it would also enshrine abortion on demand, taxpayer funding for abortion, and end conscience protections for medical workers who object to abortion. (Hear Perkins, Mosley & Semelsberger on ERA; see Blue Virginia wants ERA; Efforts Hit Snag — U.S. Constitution; Eagle Forum: Reasons to oppose ERA; Family Institute: 9 Reasons to Reject the ERA; Press Conference: FRC Opposes ERA)
Sara Ballenger of Capitol Hill Prayer Partners received this discernment during a prayer walk in the fall of 1994:
The ERA was written by Alice Paul at the Sewall Belmont House on the corner of Constitution and 2nd street in 1932. When you tour the house, they proudly display the actual DESK Alice sat and wrote her Amendment. The library is also filled with feminist literature . . . Alice Paul was a card-carrying Communist. Anyway, now there is a BIG sign on that corner: “home of the Equal Rights Amendment.” So unlike when we FIRST discovered that place in 1994 .. . now the hidden has been proudly revealed for all to see!
There has been MUCH PRAYER offered at the S-B House over the years; let’s REACTIVATE those prayers NOW! PRAISE THE LORD! THE BLOOD NEVER LOSES ITS POWER.
Also, S-B House was the home of the suffragettes during the movement to get women the right to vote and is a hotbed of everything feminist now. The lobby has statues of ONLY WOMEN who were “heroines” over time. Hillary Clinton used to serve on their governing board.
Father, most Americans have little understanding about euphemistic titles like “Equal Rights Amendment” or “Equality Act.” Protect the American people from deliberately ambiguous and contradictory use of words to mislead and manipulate voters, common in politics today. Protect us from tragically misguided efforts to redefine sacred words like “man,” “woman,” “family,” “marriage,” etc., in an effort to overthrow your created order. May your people arise to teach the nations everything you have commanded us. Restore your moral order to our backslidden nation. The blind lead the blind, Lord, and both are falling into the ditch. Intervene, Oh God! Raise up a new generation of leaders like Phyllis Schlafly in our day to lead your people from the brink of cultural self-destruction! Please stop the so-called “Equality Act” and “Equal Rights Amendment” and help us to embrace your wisdom and liberty and not subjugate ourselves to immoral elitists who will redefine sacred things, mislead our children, and subject Christians to abuse and persecution. (Gen 1:27; Pr 6:16-19; Is 5:20; 42:22; 58:1-14; Jer 3:22; 1 Cor 2:12-14)
(Used with permission. Written by Pierre Bynum of Family Research Council and Sara Ballenger of Capitol Hill Prayer Partners.)
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Unmask the deceivers, may your people always look to you God. Those who lay a trap for us all think themselves clever. We do not look to them to be fair or rational but we look to you Jesus to judge according to your righteous judgement.
Dear Heavenly Father, Incline our hearts toward You at all times. Open our hearts to perform Your will at all times and unite our hearts to pray with the Mind of Christ for the healing and preservation of the founding values of our nation. Keep us from being overcome with anxiety and apathy at the power of the enemy of our souls, knowing that we are more than conquerors through Him who loves us and gave Himself for us. Give us grace and Your joy for the strength me must have to be diligent in watchfulness and warfare. I plead for Your Presence to engulf each one who calls upon Your Mighty Name. In Jesus Name for His Sake. Amen.
Father God, the enemy of our souls is attempting to push the apostasy to the finish line with this Amendment. We pray for more time to be granted for our unsaved loved ones to come into Your Kingdom. We pray and ask this in Jesus’name. Amen
Yes Amen I agree.
Not by might, not by power but by your Holy Spirit these strongholds will be demolished through faith in your Son, Jesus Christ and prayer. Let us unite in our petitions knowing we pray according to your Word and Will.
Zechariah 4:6
Father in Heaven,
You alone are creator of male and female people, and I rebuke this sinful ploy to try to change what is your will and your creation! I come against the sick act of killing babies!!! Stop these horrible, twisted acts of the devil!! Open people’s eyes so that they will see the truth and not be led blindly when it comes to politics! Lord, please show us trustworthy men and women that are your followers to vote into these positions of authority, and I pray that the evil people will be deposed of their positions. It is not your will for these things to be happening … if our nation doesn’t stop its evil ways of trying to push the opposite agenda from what your plan is, then our country will be destroyed and it will fail! Lord, help us! In Jesus name, Amen!!!
Heavenly Father, as I read this article I felt a deep sense of pain and helplessness in my spirit and a sense of being overwhelmed by the spirit of this kind of direction our nation is taking. It reminds me of the words that Our Lord spoke to the Scribes and Pharisees in Matthew 15:1-9. Verse 8, “They replace God’s commands with their own man-made teachings.” This approach is not new in America, it has been going on since the beginning over 200 years ago. The goal of the enemy is to sanitize the land of the Word of God by any and all means, deceit, fraud, murder, etc. I join millions of others in this nation praying against this evil spirit believing that You Father, will hear our prayers and bring relingment throughout our land, in the Name of Christ our Lord,
Amen. Thank you Father in Jesus Mighty name
Yes Father…I agree against this evil spirit that you will hear our prayers and realign us morally and spiritually.