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Lord, You are the head of all government. You are on the throne!
Reading Time: 3 minutes

You may be happy with the state of the U.S. economy, but many young people aren’t. And as a result, a lot of them are embracing political extremism.

A recent poll by YouGov finds that half of all millennials ā€“ and even more of the generation that follows them ā€“ distrust capitalism. Seventy percent of millennials say they’d be willing to vote for a socialist. If you’re not shocked by this, it’s only because you’ve seen it before. But it ought to scare you.

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It’s taken us almost 250 years to build this country, and we could wreck it in a single generation. At this rate, we will. In order to prevent the looming disaster, we need to be clear on what has gone wrong.

You often hear it said that young people support socialism because they’ve been brainwashed by their professors. There’s some truth to that, of course, but it’s not the main problem. The main problem ā€“ the reason capitalism is increasingly discredited and socialism increasingly popular ā€“ is that for too many young people, our current system isn’t working.

“Go to college,” we tell them. “You’ll be successful if you do.” But too often, that advice is outdated, if not an utter lie. Many of our kids wind up impoverished by the experience, their dreams thwarted forever.

The reason is debt. Forty-five million Americans now labor under student loans. The average debt burden is $37,000. For professional degrees, it’s far more. The average law school grad carries more than $110,000 in student loan debt. For new doctors, the burden is nearly $200,000. Overall, 2 million Americans owe more than $100,000 each in student loans. Imagine starting your first job with that hanging over you.

Keep in mind, college debt isn’t like ordinary debt. Thanks to a well-funded lobbying campaign, student loans can’t be erased by bankruptcy. They last forever. Many of today’s college freshmen can expect to spend their working lives paying interest on loans that, in the end, didn’t help them at all.

No wonder young people aren’t getting married, buying homes or having children. They can’t afford to. No wonder so many support Bernie Sanders. If this is capitalism, they don’t want any part of it.

There’s got to be a better way. Some on the left have proposed forgiving student debt entirely, which is to say sticking American taxpayers with the bill. If there’s one thing that could make this terrible situation worse, it’s that.

Taxpayers didn’t cause this problem. They shouldn’t be punished any more than they already have been. The corrupt higher education establishment concocted this scam. They spend tons of money lobbying in Washington to keep it going. They should now pay to fix it. Harvard’s endowment is $40 billion. Yale’s is $30 billion. Let’s start there.

These massive endowment funds are built tax-free, meaning they’re subsidized by average American taxpayers. To make matters worse, the universities often aren’t even using these endowments to help their students. They keep building larger and larger endowments, essentially for bragging rights. Most tax-free foundations are required to pay out 5% of their total funds each year for charitable activities. That’s how they justify the tax-free treatment.

And who’s exempt from this? Universities. They just grow the money with no requirement that they ever help a single student.

How can anyone justify this? How does this make sense? Congress could easily pass a law to make universities pay down 5% of their endowments per year like every other nonprofit foundation is required to. Who would be against that? Only the higher education lobbyists who spend millions every year protecting this insane system.

We need to move the crushing financial burden of student debt off the shoulders of middle-class families and 22-year-olds and back onto the people who’ve gotten rich from it. That’s an idea every sensible person can support. And there’s a political payoff for any politician wise enough to adopt it.

(Excerpt from WND. Article by Tucker Carlson and Neil Patel.)

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Mary Ellen Hale
November 4, 2019

Intersting article! I want to share it but not until the title is corrected: Why Kids…AND How.

Irving Jennings
November 4, 2019

I agree with this article but I think that equal responsibility rest with the lie that you need a college education to succeed. This has left many trades short of skilled laborers. The educated elite want you to think that even these specific skill jobs need a liberal arts education to guarantee success and employability. I don’t know the stats but many of these college educated people in so much debt can’t get a job in their field and are not even using that over rated, over priced university degree they obtain.
There needs to be a new paradigm for our educational approach in our country. We need to equip young people for the occupation and contribution they are created for. Aptitude, motivation, desire, and skills should be assessed to rightly put our young people on a course of preparation and equipping. For many fields no the job training would be so much more effective, and would result in trained and productive contributors minus a huge college debt, in fact for most no college debt at all.
Most higher level institutions are designed to brain wash, and under mine the values and faith that our young people enter college with and we still promote these soul killing institutions as a stepping stone to success.

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