The so-called “For the People Act of 2021” — H.R.1 legislation that the House will vote on later this week — represents an ambitious Democratic effort to steamroll federal government control over how states run national elections, enable the U.S. Congress to breach foundational separation of powers over an independent Supreme Court, and restrict First Amendment free speech rights.
Most particularly, the nearly 800-page package is stuffed with an uber-progressive wish-list of provisions that, if passed by the Senate, would institutionalize and expand conditions surrounding the 2020 elections which have undermined public confidence and produced contested outcomes.
The Federalization of Elections:
H.R.1 will override a constitutional guarantee that state legislatures, not the federal government, will establish election practices.
Passage of the bill will override all state laws requiring validation of legitimate mail-in voters to be notarized or signed by witnesses from having to submit “any form of identification as a condition of obtaining an absentee ballot,” except a signature or “affirmation.” . . .
Delayed and Contested Results:
Such undocumented mail-in ballots would be issued to anyone who requests one with no excuses necessary, and if postmarked in time, late-arriving ballots would continue to be considered valid nationwide for 10 days after “Election Day.” . . .
New York’s 22nd Congressional District didn’t determine a victor for 97 days, resulting instead in an “Election Quarter.”
An alarming 6.6% of 10,097 late-arriving Pennsylvania 2020 ballots lacked legible postmarks to establish when they were submitted, and a state Senate seat outside Pittsburgh turned on whether, or not, to count mail ballots that voters neglected to date. . . .
Conflicting Federal/State Requirements:
Similar H.R.1 questions hold for state conflicts with other federal mandates. For example, would mail ballots be accepted 10 days late in the race for president, but not for a governor?
The bill also says that convicted felons who have been released from prison can’t be denied the right to vote in federal elections. This would seem to be incongruent with the Fourteenth Amendment of the Constitution which allows certain individuals to be barred from voting for “participation in rebellion, and other crimes.” . . .
A Ballot Harvesting Bonanza:
H.R.1 would also overrule all state ballot harvesting restrictions, allowing Americans nationwide to “designate any person” to return a vote so long as the carrier “does not receive any form of compensation based on the number of ballots.” . . .
Violating a Separation of Powers:
H.R.1 would allow Congress to create a commission to determine a “code of conduct” for judges of the Supreme Court. This will serve as an open invitation for federal House and Senate partisans to gin up ethics complaints and phony calls demanding recusals from decisions that they believe run counter to their desired outcomes.
We have already watched this ugly and unconstitutional scene play out in a transparently bogus impeachment campaign against Justice Brett Kavanaugh. . . .
First Amendment Encroachments:
The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), an organization that most typically supports Democratic Party policies, opposes H.R.1 because many of its provisions would “unconstitutionally impinge on the free speech rights of American citizens and public interest organizations. They will have the effect of harming our public discourse by silencing necessary voices that would otherwise speak out about the public issues of the day.”
Among these free speech impingements, H.R.1 gives federal bureaucrats powers to control political speech through a new category of regulations called “campaign-related disbursements” which apply to nonprofit advocacy groups and others interested in communicating about public policy issues.
Such restrictions would include public communications that mention a specific candidate for federal office and attacks or supports that candidate without regard to whether the communication expressly advocates a vote for or against the candidate.
Included are all public communications that meet the current law’s definition of “electioneering communications.” . . .
Follow the Money:
H.R.1 would create a scheme of public funds to match small political contributions at a 6-to-1 rate, whereby a $200 donation would be eligible get an additional $1,200 from “the government.” The match money would come from a 4.75% surcharge on fines and penalties paid by businesses or corporate officers. . . .
Incidentally, the top-five list for share of funds coming in from small donors includes two socialists, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Bernie Sanders.
No, despite its lofty-sounding moniker, the “For the People Act,” is not about people like you and me.
Rather, it is for politicians who are bent upon seizing powers to limit our constitutional rights and control us. . . .
Share your comments about HR1 below. . .
(Excerpt from News Max. Article by Larry Bell. Photo Credit: Getty Images.)
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There is still time for us to PRAY and to CALL and EMAIL our elected members of Congress and Senate.
IFA recently posted an article:
“https://staging.ifapray.org/blog/h-r-1-the-worst-piece-of-legislation-relating-to-elections-in-u-s-history/ ”
Thank you!
The writers of this blog wrote a sample email message to send to your elected officials.
Your prayers and messages will help for us as Americans to retain our freedoms and liberties.
God Bless America!
Rise up America.Speak up America.
Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for Him; do not fret when men succeed in their ways, when they carry out their wicked schemes. Refrain from anger and turn from wrath; do not fret, it only leads to evil. For evil men will be cut off, but those who hope in the Lord will inherit the land.
A little while, the wicked will be no more, though you look for them, they will not be found.
But the meek will inherit the land and enjoy great peace. The wicked plot against the righteous and gnash their teeth at them, but the Lord laughs at the wicked, He knows their day is coming!…their words will pierce their own hearts and their bows broken…Psalm 37: 7-13; 15;
To you who intercede against wickedness..it may look like is anything happening? How long must we wait to see the Lord intervene in our behalf…and how will the wicked ever be no more? I know He is testing us to stand on His word..no matter how bleak it looks..stand on His word, decree, declare it that it might be established!…hang in there, saints..do not wilt!
Lord, we pray that you cause this bill to be defeated. Please lay on the hearts of all Democrats and Republican representatives the unfairness of this bill so that they vote against it. Guide them and move in their hearts so that they are bound to obey you, Lord. Turn their hearts toward You and Your ways. We pray that they vote against the passage of this bill. This bill is so significant that its passage may destroy our republic. Please, if it be Your will, cause the Democrats and Republicans to see through the schemes of America’s enemies so that they vote against this bill. Make them aware that America has been infiltrated and are using them to achieve their purposes. Let them take bold, decisive and effective against all methods of inflict ration, including voting against HB 1.. If they are intentionally destroying our republic or allowing our republic to be destroyed, please confuse them and thwart their plans. Please bring a revival of the Church in this nation. Give us wisdom, courage and strength to take action as You direct each one of us individually. Please help us communicate with other members of the Church who are like-minded so we can pray and take action as you direct. Through you, we are the leaders we are waiting for. Strengthen us, embolden us, give us wisdom and courage. Amen.
Lion of Judah, rise up and ROAR over election integrity in our nation. It’s in your MIGHTY name we pray.
Dear GOD – please guide our leaders to core values such as being honest in all that they do. Their definition of being for the American people and my definition differ greatly. Our country and our leaders do not follow Christian values anymore and it shows through the bad decisions being made. Help us all to find the light (YOUR light) soon. Most of the decisions being made are not good for us – they are mainly for money and power for those making those decisions. YOU are in control and I have faith that YOU will shed YOUR light. Amen.
Outrageous! Father, our country is spiraling away from its foundation, please defeat H.R.1. In Jesus name I pray, Amen!
Amen so true
Father, in the mighty name of Jesus, we continue to appeal to Your to thwart and confuse every scheme Satan has to destroy democracy in our nation. Nothing good can come from this bill. We ask that You, in Your great power, stop HR1 form becoming a law. Thank you, Lord for Your mercy and grace. Thank you for the hope we have in You and the promises of Your Word. We can boldly declare that no weapon formed against this great nation shall prosper and You are mighty to save. You govern America. We give You all glory and honor.