Pray for God’s wisdom in making life’s decisions. Pray for the voting populace to wake up to Truth, about God and about our national policies.
So keep my rules and my decisions, which, if a man does them, will be life to him: I am the Lord. (Lev 18:5)
Recent Pew Research data reveals a Democratic trend among women voters. A majority (56%) of women identify or lean Democrat (a 4% increase since 2015). Additionally, a majority (70%) of Millennial women identify as Democrat, a dramatic change from 56% four years ago. While many women vote Democrat from a “compassionate” perspective, here’s why they should reconsider:
1.Poverty: “I’m a Democrat because I care about the poor” is not an uncommon statement, but is it true? Do Democrat policies actually help the poor? Welfare and entitlement programs have arguably been the greatest contributors the breakup of urban families in the last several decades. By incentivizing lack of work, unwed motherhood and fatherlessness, welfare programs have created generational poverty and most tragically, have contributed to the loss dignity in poor communities….
- Abortion: “Abortion hurts women” is not a political or religious statement. It’s a scientific fact. Whether it is increased substance abuse, increased suicide risk, or complications in subsequent pregnancies, abortion harms women physically and psychologically….
- Education: Women understand the value of education. When it comes to our nation’s children, educational opportunity should not be limited to a zip code. Democrat policies continue to pour more money into failing public schools, while teaching pornographic material as “education.” This is unacceptable. Women deserve better for their families. They deserve school choice.
- Guns: Women are more likely than men to be sexually assaulted, raped or to be victims of other sexual crimes. More women are the single caretakers of the home than in previous generations and more women have to walk through a dark parking garage after working late. On average, it takes 10-15 minutes for the police to respond to a call, which is inadequate to save a woman from sexual assault. For women, a gun provides safety. While not every woman feels comfortable carrying a weapon, those who do should be able to protect themselves. If a gun can save one women from being raped, that is enough. Her right to defend herself should be protected.
- Border Enforcement: Democrat policies fail to address the criminals and drugs pouring over the southern border. In 2015, 32-year old Kate Steinly was fatally shot while walking with her dad in San Francisco. Her murderer? A five-time deported man who, at the time, was on probation in Texas for seven felonies including unauthorized reentry, narcotic manufacturing and heroin possession. In addition, the MS-13 gang members who enter primarily though the southern border, commit criminal activity including extortion, robbery, prostitution, drug dealing, rape and murder following their motto, “Kill, Rape, Control.” …
Women are not just voters. They are teachers, nurses, doctors, lawyers, engineers and CEOs. They are daughters, sisters, aunts, wives, mothers and grandmothers. They care about their families and their communities.
Women need to reconsider their priorities and reject the toxic, victim-based identity-politics which are leading our country nowhere….
The Democratic policies based upon the exploitation of the poor in welfare, the exploitation of women in abortion, the lack of quality in education, the lack of compassion for women protecting themselves and the lack of border enforcement policies has rendered the Democratic party and its policies unacceptable. The truly empowered and intelligent woman should face this reality and have the courage to be a conservative. (Excerpts from Caroline Lewis post on CarolineLewis.com)
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Father, We know that You created the family with a mother and a father. We ask You to bring our families back to Your plan. We pray that You will reveal Your plan to all women so that they will no longer be satisfied with having sex outside of marriage. We pray that young men will stand up and be willing to take their place as fathers and make commitments to their wife & family.
Father, young women do have many opportunities to make a difference in our world. As we look at the Bible Jesus was the one who allowed women to take part in His ministry. He did not treat women as lower than men. Galatians 3:28 says,”There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.” I thank You Father for setting me free. I pray that the young women who are willing to be the Esthers, Ruths, Rahabs, Abigails, and Marys in this generation will take the place that You have called them to take. May the young men also rise up and take their place. You have called us all to follow YOU. In Jesus name I pray. Amen
I find it difficult (impossible really) to accept the idea that women should be empowered in both the secular venue and church to compete against men in a supposedly equal manner. This concept does not come from scripture. It also leaves men with no clear identity and role and often results in men passively following a female lead as Adam did. The abdication of women from the home has allowed indoctrination of the children in Marxist concepts though the public school while the mother is at work outside the home. The present course is not biblically conservative and also not good for society generally. May God open our eyes!