UPDATE: Edward has prayed for more than 55,000 potential voters at VoteYourValues2020.com. We asked him about his passion for prayer and this Vote Your Values assignment. We were so encouraged by his response:
Prayer has been a focal point in my blessed life from my mid teens forward.Ā Through Bible studies, sermons, and personal study time in the Word, the Lord demonstrated the value of prayer, and I am so thankful for His insights and guidance through the Holy Spirit.
In the beginning, the prayers were for an open mind to learn what I needed to know in high school, college, night school, and life itself. In my late teens, I prayed for a suitable marriage partner, and our pastor in a small country church introduced me to an attractive young woman, Evelyn, who became my wife 18 months later.Ā We both taught Junior High kids in Sunday School, and our pastor knew both of us quite well. In April of this year we celebrated 60 years in a Christ-honoring marriage, and have tried to live quiet, peaceful, and holy lives before the throne of God. We have been through many storms in life and have grown spiritually as a result.
Sometimes, the larger the storms, the more you learn as a believer.Ā We are both humbled by what He has done and where He has led us.Ā During our lives we have witnessed many life changing events: End of WWII, the Korean War, removal of prayer in public schools in ’63, the Vietnam war in the late 60’s with frequent college protests across the country, violence in our cities in 1966, Roe v. Wade in 1973, unbridled inflation, debt restructuring which now exceeds 23 trillion, colleges becoming more liberal, expansion of our idol worship to include worship of ourselves, our wealth, position, status, homes, cars, sports teams, money, and a host of other idols which ultimately have destroyed our relationship with God.
In America, we are currently engaged in an battle for the soul of our country, and many have allowed their wealth to destroy their spiritual anchor, which will result in ultimate calamity and possible destruction. Some months back we had never heard of Black Lives Matter (BLM), Antifa, and Revolutionary Abolitionist Movement, and today they are household names.Ā The overall purpose of these organizations is to destroy our great Republic and the basic spiritual principles that brought us success over the past 200 years, and replace them with socialism or communism. The destruction of our historical monuments is a daily reminder of efforts to erase events that shaped our history, some good and some bad, which allowed us to become the most powerful country in the entire world. TheĀ new left and radical groups such as BLM are becoming the foundation for a new wave of public opinion, and we are greatly saddened by the turn of events. Unfortunately, I must admit that we are on the same path as Israel in 586 BC at the fall of Jerusalem and exile to Babylon.
Prayer became a key component during most of our lives and we will provide some personal experiences in order to demonstrate where God deepened our trust, love, and affection for Him as we lived through some times of great uncertainty, pain, and distress.Ā About 40 years ago, we experienced 3 chapter 11’s in Michigan, the last of which created great havoc for our family. This was a federal test case designed to be used on other companies in the 1980s. The U.S. Government charged all 6 employees of our small coin company with 38 federal felony counts, high penalties, and heavy legal fees for defense in the District court in Grand Rapids, Michigan (one of the longest trials in their history at that point). All of us were exonerated and lost all of our savings and wealth, but our family learned a great deal spiritually–to keep trusting the Lord. When we moved from Michigan to Arizona, my wife and 3 young daughters experienced another Chapter 11 just several weeks after we arrived. Needless to say, there was much soul searching trying to determine how and why we were here in Arizona under very difficult circumstances. During the above upheaval, we joined a solid evangelical church of 5000 parishioners called Grace Community Church in Tempe. Prayer was a key element of their ministry. Many people prayed and fasted with and for us during those rough times.
One of the members of Grace was a German immigrant who lived in Germany during the war–he and his family lost their home to allied bombers on the outskirts of a city in 1945, and were then forced to live in a partially destroyed apartment for 4-5 years. He and his family were then employed for 18 months by a sheep farm in Bufffalo, Wyoming to pay for their traveling expense from Germany to America, living in nearly slave-like conditions in a small trailer. He was 12 when he arrived in America, and moved to Milwaukee. He worked for American Motors at 18 and at age 26 he opened a small striping company . After 15 years he moved his company to Phoenix in 1981. During that period he became a born again believer, raised a family, and became a millionaire in Wisconsin. He hired me, because of my 20 years of excellent managerial/executive experience in sales. The Lord blessed us greatly at Ace Asphalt–we hired other Christians in sales and management, and the remainder of my business life was both challenging and rewarding.Ā The company grew from $3 million gross to over $100 million, with over 500 employees in 4 western states, winning many awards for our growth and customer loyalty. All members of my entire family have worked for Ace and my son-in-law now holds an excellent sales management position. I retired last November. Sometimes God provides big challenges and hurdles that we must embark upon to experience his full blessings.
ALL OF THE ABOVE WAS THE RESULT OF OUR SOLID, FERVENT PRAYERS AND THOSE OF FELLOW BELIEVERS.Ā We must be the instrument God wants to use to accomplish change.
During the past 10 – 12 years, my wife has had major 4Ā life threatening surgeries (one ended with sepsis, a difficult prognosis, and a 9 month recovery.)Ā Again, the Lord provided us with strength and endurance to fight and win in our surgical battles with PRAYER.Ā Evie, my wife, and I have attended Grace Community over the years. She was a gifted Bible instructor and I presented a small workshop on prayer and other Bible growth topics.
What we accomplish during this next 6 months may determine the course of history for our Republic.Ā The Forces of Evil are quite strong and seem to be gaining momentum with each week.Ā The coronavirus pandemic has overwhelmed all cultures around the world, and truth and fiction are intertwined.
I enjoy praying and it gives me comfort and contentment as we overcome mainstream news bias.Ā This election may go down as the Election of the Century as we fight against falsehood, deception, and outright rigging to elect those who wish to destroy us.
In America we have great wealth, power, and prestige with little thought of the God who provided it. Hopefully, we will experience a great revival here in the U.S. If we could assemble 1000 prayer Partners to pray for 500 people per day, that number would total half a million per day.Ā This would enable us to cover all battleground states with multiple prayers.Ā Hopefully, all people under the IFA banner can recognize this election has profound implications. The Democratic party has moved markedly to the left.Ā Future generations are depending upon us to do His will to the best of our ability in this year 2020.
The coming generations that follow will view this election with great interest and our freedom is in great jeopardy.Ā Ā This election will be a true slug fest at every level in our country, and we are praying for God fearing, righteous candidates to be the winners. II Chronicles 7:14 says ” If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves, pray, and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land.”
We are committed to pray and serve where ever we can on a local, state orĀ national level.Ā We will continue to phone as we have in the past month and will continue to pray for you in all your efforts for a successful election.
Will you join us? Go to VoteYourValues2020.com.
(Used with permission. Written by Edward Ondrick, IFA intercessor.)
Please share this wonderful testimony of the power of prayer over a lifetime.
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I canāt imagine how Edward has prayed for that many people by name and would be very interested to hear of the different strategies that people use.
I have been praying vote your values 2020.com for the past two weeks but only manage to pray for 10-15 people by name each time. š³
Lord it is not my opinion that matters, it’s Your will that matters. Help those who are faithful to You to follow Your will. May they read Your word and see where You stand on the issues. May they go with what You want Lord. I pray this in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
I truly believe in what you are saying and would like to be a part of this in Florida.
As a IFA board member I want to say thank you for your fervent prayers. Thank you also for sharing the perspective God has given you over many years. What you shared is priceless. I hope all of our readers get the opportunity to read what you wrote.
Thank you Jesus for these faithful couple. I just want to share that God loves America and has placed the burden to pray on so many people’s heart. I am not an American and I live in Africa, yet the Lord has placed this burden in my heart.
Though the battle for the soul of America seems hot, the victory is sure as we persevere on the altar of prayer.
Thank you Father for this encouraging testimony. May we walk in faith and prayer.
Thank you so much for sharing your stories. What an encouragement to realize that God whose grace has brought us safe thus far will surely lead us home.
May God raise up these 1000 prayer warriors to pray for 500 people a day! Lord, please help me to do that!
There have been so many things I have feared in my 39 years, but God has delivered me from them all. One that has tempted me to fear again lately has been reports of Yellowstone becoming active again. Such a thing could obliterate our country worse that Communists ever could. But yesterday my mom read our prayer group this verse:
For the mountains shall depart, and the hills be removed; but my kindness shall not depart from thee, neither shall the covenant of my peace be removed, saith the LORD that hath mercy on thee. (Isaiah 54:10)
No matter what we fear, God is faithful and HE KNOWS THEM THAT TRUST IN HIM. Lord, strengthen our faith and help it cause us to be strong and do exploits for Your glory. Raise up more Edwards and Evelyns among today’s youths. Please, Abba. We need Your Spirit to shower grace where all this sin abounds.
Thank you so much for sharing your story and for continuing to pray. No telling how much your prayers and the prayers of your fellow believers worldwide through all the events you mentioned have reached heaven and kept things free for my generation to get to know Jesus in freedom to visit a website like this.
Pray that we will pick up the torch and run strong until God calls us home.
Thank you Edward. Thank you IFA. You have greatly encouraged me and it is now engraved on my heart to pray for these people.
Thank God for your faithfulness to pray, Edward!
God bless this couple! Thank you for the encouragement!