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I Prayed have prayed
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By Steve Strang, Charisma Magazine

Today, we need another genuine revival. Without it, culture will continue its downward spiral. Many Christians recognize this, but many don’t. One segment of the evangelical church, alarmed by the marginalization of Christians and increasing public immorality, focuses on electing politicians who seem to share our values. But politics won’t change things (I say this even as one who believes Donald Trump’s election was an answer to prayer).

A powerful evangelical leader recently visited my office to discuss how we must move our culture, where only a small percentage views the world through a biblical lens, toward a Christian worldview. He wanted my help in motivating apathetic Christians. Of course, I said we’d cooperate. But I also said change toward a Christian worldview won’t happen until our country experiences true revival. He looked at me with a blank stare.

My friend seems to think logic and arguments can change minds and attitudes. We must never withdraw from the marketplace of ideas, but we must also remember this: Nonbelievers develop a Christian worldview only through a powerful encounter with the risen Christ via the power of the Holy Spirit.

Consider the Pentecostal movement. After the fervor of the early-20th-century charismatic outpouring and Latter Rain Revival died down, Pentecostalism moved into malaise. I remember the older generation praying constantly for revival.

Logic persuaded almost no one to embrace the gifts. But when people received the Holy Spirit in a powerful way during a prayer meeting, their theology changed. They saw the Bible with fresh eyes.

God answered those prayers for revival in unexpected ways. Beginning around 1960, the Holy Spirit poured out on more liberal denominations like Episcopalians, Methodists and even Catholics, whom most Pentecostals didn’t consider saved. Long-haired, sandal-wearing hippies began showing up in our services, often carrying huge Bibles and sitting cross-legged on the floor at the front of the church.

At the same time, God was doing something in Israel and awakening among Spirit-filled Christians an enduring love for this nation. Jews for Jesus sprang up, and Messianic congregations developed.

Some Pentecostals remained in their ruts, but most embraced all this as a move of God. Today, Pentecostalism continues to grow. Yet once again, a sense of malaise has arisen. But let’s remember: God is still God.

So I challenge my fellow believers to pray as never before. Publicly and in our prayer closets, let’s ask God to pour out a mighty revival that sweeps millions into His kingdom. It’s the only way culture will be changed—by changing the hearts of a huge segment of the population here and around the world.

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betty davis
May 22, 2017

Father God, that men everywhere would begin to call on the NAME of the Lord’s Jesus Christ. Upon confessing with their mouth You as Lord and believing in their heart that God raised HIM from the dead, they would be saved… receiving instantly the living spirit of God within them…that the newness of their lives be so powerful revival would spread across the land. That men women and children would hunger for the living God. We ask for a spirit of deep convictions….many souls would be added, signs and wonders would be seen, evidences of your great and mighty power! You a r e worthy Holy God of PRAISE, you have done great things!! We know it only takes a spark to get a fire going……in one willing soul here…..and there. Pour out you spirit upon the earth…..Thank you heavenly Father…Our generous gracious loving father….full of mercy and grace….We thank you for what you are doing even now!!! Be with our President today….give protection and wisdom in all matters we ask, in Jesus Name amen and AMEN

John Michael Bazzell
May 21, 2017

Never give up.

Elizabeth Ferrell
May 21, 2017

I have prayed for revival here for over 20 years and the sins of this country seem to get even worse. Most people don’t recognize what sin is. The culture has pushed the envelope until what is evil is called good & good called evil. Until people recognize that so much of their attitudes and actions are offensive to God they cannot repent. Pray for recognition of sin, then repentance will accompany revival.

Lucille E McIntosh
May 20, 2017

I am going to share what the Holy Spirit has impressed on my heart so strongly. Repentance on a national level must precede revival. Some leaders of this nation of America, past and present, had committed some terrible abominable acts which opened the door to the demonic world. This gives Satan and his troops legal access to the soul of our nation and they do indeed take over. Only national repentance can take the legal right from satan and his cohorts and take the legal rights back from them and strip them of their powers. This day of repentance is a bit different from the Nat’l Day of Prayer. On this day the only focus is on repentance. How this can be done is for all past and present leaders ( some may not participate but that’s ok – that’s between them and God) and leaders of the churches and other experienced intercessors and prayer warriors gather together, ideally on the grounds of the White House, and pray and fast before God and repent of the sins of the leaders and of the people of this nation for a whole day, from sun up to sun down, only water allowed. All those who attend should be from invitation only. In addition, everyone else in the body of Christ should be encouraged to participate on their own, whether individually or in a group at church or at home. This is what the Holy Spirit has been revealing to me and I strongly believe if this is done, there would be the greatest revival in this country that this nation has ever seen. Since the leaders of government and churches had committed the sins, it is imperative that they show up to pray and repent before God. That’s how ll Chronicles 7:14 would become a reality.
I had shared this idea with several politicians and leaders of Christian organizations and churches but I got no response. I’ll keep praying.

Belay Woldemaraim
May 19, 2017

The power of God will never ever change. As a Christian we have to pray for the transformation and revival of churches,for the visitation of Holy sprit to individuals, families, communities, and nation through the body of Christ.
About 26 years ago, when I was in Ethiopia. God spoke to me to pray for America. At that time, I didn’t have enough information about America, but I prayed for this nation in the underground church, because we were under a communist government at that time. I came to the USA in 2003. I mostly prayed in fasting for the visitation of Holy sprit for America and sometimes I took my two kids with me to give witness about the gospel by giving tracts to men and women on the road. I have a plan to preach the gospel in several states. But I don’t have ability to do this all by myself. I need a man of God like you to work together.
May God bless the U.S.A
Belay Woldemaraim

Florence Wheeler
May 19, 2017

Oh my yes! The most vital action we are called to is fervent prayer for revival! However, I am old enough to vividly recall being told that Christians should stay in their prayer closets and not get involved in the “dirty” fields of politics, business, and entertainment. Guess who’s camp took over those fields, then! Of course, we are reaping the poisonous tares of that neglect! As Lance Wallnau points out, as God’s people we need to take control of the high ground of EVERY cultural mountain–the kids’ “King of the hill” game in real life! And that will require a mighty, coordinated attack with prayer warriors and angel hosts giving the air cover, boots on the ground physically getting getting into those camps and retaking the ground, and everyone well protected by the full Armor of God and directly led by our Almighty Commander-in-Chief!

May 19, 2017

There is an old song we used to sing during the Pentecostal movement, which is echoing in
my spirit today: ” Burn ! Burn, Holy Spirit !
Set our hearts on fire. Fill us with Thy mighty power,
and change our hearts’ desire. “

Peggy Green
May 19, 2017

My constant prayer is for an outpouring of Holy Spirit as never before on a sin bathed America, washed by sordid television and even more sordid movies via hand held devises. That the church would once again rise up as the blood bought body of Christ, emerged in Holy Spirit and driven by the desire to see revival in the Church and an awakening in our land. Are we willing as the early revivalists were to love not their lives to the end. I am thinking of David Brainerd, Jonathan Edwards, Charles Finney, the Wesley Brothers, the Moravian Church and so many others who gave their all in lives of prayer and examples to all of us. Pour out Spirit of God.

Big Shirl
May 19, 2017

Your premise is true because God is Truth. Only a changed heart moves. We all act on what we believe, but too many people believe lies. There are Deceivers who lie. The Believers who take action based on the lies of the Deceivers. The rest of us are the Receivers of the actions taken by the Believers who believe the lies of the Deceivers. Then it is up to the Achievers, those who pray for revival, to ask God to move in His timing for His glory. Thanks for this article.

Peter Shoaf
May 19, 2017


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