Of all the ways identity politics is used as a tool to sow hatred among people where there should be the potential for friendship, “critical race theory” is one of the gravest offenders. Every person of goodwill should know that judging people based on their physical characteristics is cruel and wrong.
This is not the nature of critical race theory, however. Rather, the insidious ideology is being used to promote estrangement rather than friendship, and hostility rather than goodwill. Indeed, the tactics used by proponents of critical race theory share many parallels with old tactics used by the Bolsheviks. . . .
It’s important to remember that because very few of its activists have shown much sincere desire to end racism, critical race theory should not be taken entirely at face value. If a majority of its supporters were sincere, they would be willing to have fruitful discussions in a civil society that supports civil discourse. Rather, critical race theory’s agitators are committed to tearing down civil society on the pretense that it is an incubator for “systemic racism.”
If you’ve any doubt about that, consider the Smithsonian display on “whiteness” that condemned all elements of civil society, including politeness, hard work, self-reliance, logic, planning, and family cohesion. None of those are “white” values, but critical race theory frames them just so. This sort of animus proves that critical race theory “arguments” are non-starters and merely serve as convenient pretexts for power grabs.
Doused with critical race theory, the Black Lives Matter organization and its related Antifa-infused mobs are organized for the same purposes as all cult recruits: to recruit more people and to implement the desire to divide and conquer. The phenomenon can be seen as they surround people in vehicles or restaurants, demanding their victims raise a fist and recite slogans under the intense intimidation and implications of violence.
Indeed, agitators who deploy critical race theory have zero interest in ending racism. Instead, they’ve made essentially the same point over and over again: Racism is an unsolvable problem. If you’ve been tainted as “white,” there’s nothing you can do about it. You are eternally a racist, especially if you don’t believe you are.
Robin D’Angelo explains it all in her best-selling book “White Fragility.” Your only option is the cultist’s option: submit to your critical race theory overlords, then recruit others to do the same. If, however, you’re a black person who disagrees with all of this, well, then, “You ain’t black.” . . .
[Let us learn from the witnesses of communism firsthand.]
Let’s look at a perfect example of this process, a parallel case from Soviet history. As peasant farmers tended to be overwhelmingly religious, traditional, and family-oriented, the Bolshevik government hated them with a fiery passion. Increasing the acrimony further, the peasants resisted giving up their family-run farms—a roadblock to the Soviet leadership’s desire to exercise complete control over the nation’s food supply.
To collectivize agriculture, Soviet leader Joseph Stalin devised a plan to stir up hostilities among the peasants where resentments had never existed before. As would be the case later with Mao’s Red Guard (and today’s radical statue-toppling, Molotov-cocktail-throwing radicals), the Soviets used mobs of youth to do the dirty work.
The communist youth league, known as the Komsomol, went into villages to propagandize and incite divisions, turning formerly peaceful neighbors against one another. In his book “The Whisperers: Private Life in Stalin’s Russia,” Orlando Figes describes the situation:
The villagers had never heard such propaganda in the past, and many were impressed by the long words used by the leaders of the Komsomol. At these meetings, the villagers were told that they belonged to three mutually hostile classes: the poor peasants, who were the allies of the proletariat, the middle peasants, who were neutral, and the rich or ‘kulak’ peasants, who were its enemies. The names of all the peasants in these different classes were listed on a board outside the village school.
This process is eerily similar to the way critical race theory — and all identity politics — has been applied in America. You can see the same three divisions: victims, oppressors, and those who might save themselves by becoming “allies” of the victims. . . .
The whole idea is to sow chaos where there was peace — or, at least progress. It is to disrupt and destroy any sense of community a person may have. Figes continued: “These divisions were entirely generated by the Komsomol. The villagers had no previous conception of themselves in terms of social class. They had always thought of themselves as one ‘peasant family.’”
They then use those newly established identities to “rub resentments raw.” In “Rules for Radicals,” agitator Saul Alinsky described the process:
The organizer must first rub raw the resentments of the people of the community; fan the latent hostilities of many of the people to the point of overt expression . . . an organizer must stir up dissatisfaction and discontent; provide a channel into which people can angrily pour their frustrations . . . your function — to agitate to the point of conflict.
Conjuring up such hostilities is also the essence of what Karl Marx was aiming for in his call for “class consciousness.” The problem, as he saw it, was that people were busy with life and willing to live and let live. Or, to put it in modern terminology, they were “insufficiently woke.” All power elites likewise see social contentment as an impediment to their power.
In the same fashion, today’s critical race theory agitators call for a form of race consciousness that breeds in themselves the same sort of blind hate. Ironically, they’re like a photographic negative, a mirror image of the segregationists in Jim Crow days. We have been assaulted with many other forms of “consciousness” intended to sow hostilities and lawlessness: immigrant status, gender identity, sexual identity, and on and on. We are being overwhelmed.
Saddest of all is how critical race theory exploits the tragedy of racial divisions in America. The tragedy is thus reduced to nothing but a vehicle for a power grab by elitists in the circles of academia, media, and Big Tech. Ironically, those power elites are vastly and disproportionately white and in it for their gain. So, rather than serve as a balm for healing, critical race theory has proven to be poisonous to liberty, true community, and our common humanity.
(Excerpt from The Federalist. Article by Stella Moribito. Photo Credit: Unsplash.)
Share your own thoughts about critical race theory and how we can learn from the witnesses of communism firsthand. . .
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This is exactly right on & what I’ve tried to tell family & friends when they have been questioning all of this. Thank you Jesus for shining the light on this. We need to pray for the veil to be lifted off our eyes especially the church in Jesus Name.
Thank you for this very insightful article to what we facing right now and has been brewing and being perpetrated against us here and throughout the nations.
Once again I wanted to share this article but you had an advertisement posted right in the article.
When you know what your up against, you become empowered. Thank you Father that you have equipped us with your Spirit and your WORD. We can stand against these false narratives that are demonically inspired. You said that the gates of hell shall not prevail because we can together pray in the power and anointing of your Holy Spirit to tear down these strongholds in Your MIGHTY NAME.
STUPIDITY RULES! Don’t give the Marxists any more place than they are slyly pushing for!!!
We don’t have to keep on acting like idiots!!!
Father God, I ask that You empower Your children to not take the bait of deception and division, but give us wisdom to reject every manifestation of critical race theory wherever it rears its ugly head. Help us fix our eyes on Jesus, our Good Shepherd, hear His voice clearly and follow Him only. Amen.
Critical race theory is to divide us by race, position in society, and differences in the role God has given us. Whiteness is criticized. Only black lives matter is the new mantra when all lives matter. This is counter culture.
Well done article. Spot on!
We must pray! ASK!
A – Ask, and keep on asking!
S – Seek, and keep on seeking!
K – Knock, and keep on knocking!
Daniel has insight to answered pray, as the battle is not against flesh or blood,
Then he said to me, “Do not be afraid, Daniel, for from the first day that you set your heart on understanding this and on humbling yourself before your God, your words were heard, and I have come in response to your words. But the prince of the kingdom of Persia was withstanding me for twenty-one days; then behold, Michael, one of the chief princes, came to help me, for I had been left there with the kings of Persia. Now I have come to give you an understanding of what will happen to your people in the latter days, for the vision pertains to the days yet future.”
Daniel 10:12-14
We must be good soldiers and press on! Do not watch the dance of the cobra!
May the Word of God separate us from this culture of thinking for His Word is Truth. Father, teach us to love as You have loved and may we learn true humility as we lay down our lives one for another. the healing of racial issues in this country will only be transformed as we are willing to forgive the past and be renewed and transformed by the Word of God and the power of His Spirit in us. If we fill our minds with the theories of discontent we will never know the peace that comes only from a relationship with Jesus Christ as Lord. He is the bridge that brings true love and peace between all mankind. Paul exhorts us to be content in all things and with His Grace we can have this peace. People and theories that stir up discontent are not of God and we as His people should stay clear and put on the whole armour of God.
Yes let us keep our eyes on Jesus, our Prince of Peace, but just enough awareness to not be deceived and not be entrapped by any kind of evil spirits too from false religions and ideologies. With this encouragement. precious journeys with all races and some accidental journeys I pray to be able to pray better for others and with more insightful encouragement.
The church needs to stand up! The church SHOULD be the solution here. Christians of all colors, languages and nations need to love each other and love and pray for those who hate us. That is the only antidote to the hatred. This love will have to be downloaded from Heaven as it not in our ability to muster up love for people; rather it is God’s provision for us in our weakness and learned behaviors.
We need to remember that this is a spiritual war, so much prayer, to keep our own hearts free from the animus that surrounds us, will be needed. And we need to pray for Divine Appointments that strengthen our faith that He is in control, despite the chaos around us.
Open the blinders of the Church as individuals, so that they can see the truth which will set them free. Please help them to draw closer to You so that this blinders will never up again. Including Nancy Pelosi, Joe Biden, Diane Feinstein, etc … etc … whom You have created.
Your will be done as always on earth as it is in heaven. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
If we fail to learn from history,it will repeat itself. What does my life speak in replies to insults? Am I a peacemaker or another angry Facebook poster?
God, there is one B.S. story after another — you said you would answer speedily lest the Son of Man find no faith on the earth — bring the power of God against the LIES of the father of lies and bind his minions and slaves — IJN
We do pray so much and trust He will find Faith on earth.