The National Assessment of Educational Progress has issued its “Nation’s Report Card” on America’s schools and the data is clear. Private schools — which are mostly religious — outperform their public-school counterparts in science scores in almost every subcategory, including physical science, life science and earth science.
But, I thought religious schools were backwoods bulwarks of knuckle dragging science deniers?
After all, if you listen to the likes of Rob Miller, the superintendent of Bixby Public Schools in Bixby, Oklahoma, you’d never think it possible that religious schools could even teach science — much less teach it better.
“School choice,” he said (and by inference he implicates all private religious schools), is little more than a ruse to empower theocratic parents, “who want to use the Bible as [a] biology text.” According to Mr. Miller and his cabal of establishment elites, education will be irrevocably damaged if we — God forbid — don’t forbid God in the classroom.
Our “Nation’s Report Card,” however, appears to disagree. . . .
When the test results are in, it appears it is conservatives who are actually the ones who are pro-science and not their detractors.
This should not surprise you.
After all, it is conservatives who believe in reason, rationality, and the reality of the tangible, the physical and the material. Today’s progressives argue for the opposite. They deny science in favor of the social. They ignore the empirical evidence of physics, physiology and genetics. They disregard objective data while they celebrate “feelings” over facts. They disparage truth while claiming it is true that nothing is true.
It is conservatives who know there is a right answer and they pursue it to its logical end. They are willing to constrain themselves to live within the laws of nature and nature’s God. They know morality is tethered to an immutable “measuring rod outside of those things being measured” (C.S. Lewis). Progressives, on the other hand, know nothing can be known. For them, there is no “right” answer and that’s the only right answer. Their law is that there is no law. Everything is grounded in emotional constructs and driven by power, politics and individual passions. Morality is an illusion and to disagree with them is, well, immoral. . . .
At every turn, we see more and more evidence that it is conservatives, and not progressives, who care about evidence. Conservatives follow the truth. Conservatives don’t deconstruct it. Conservatives adjust their lives to reality. Conservatives don’t ignore it.
Time and again, the daily news proves it: Conservatives are much more interested in logical debate and an open exchange of ideas. Conservatives welcome a good argument while progressives want to silence the dissenting voice.
Religious conservatives understand the common sense of Chesterton: “The object of opening the mind, is to close it on something solid” and “he who stands for nothing will fall for anything.” Progressive secularists recoil against such common sense because, apparently, it makes too much sense. . . .
Endnote: It is becoming clearer every day that progressive elites are just as religious as those they criticize for being too religious. In the end, both the left and the right believe in God. The conservative believes in the one he sees in the Bible. The progressive believes in the one he sees in the mirror. One worships the Creator God. The other worships the god he’s created. One is humble and admits he looks through a glass darkly, yet thinks clearly. The other can’t think his way out of a paper bag and is totally blind. One’s mind is redeemed; the other’s is deluded. One follows science because of his reverence for God. The other denies science because he thinks he is god.
Here’s the basic question: Which one would you rather have teaching your sons and daughters about science? (Excerpt from The Washington Times, commentary by Everett Piper.)
Watch IFA President Dave Kubal explain the difference between conservatives and progressives. What do you think of these arguments? Leave a comment.
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I just don’t know. How can any ideology that invents personal realities and 57 genders be out of touch?
As a retired elementary teacher in public school I have to mention my children were educated in parochial schools. Had they been educated in public schools they would have had just as great an education academically. An important point the article leaves out is that students do not enter school with equality in backgrounds. School is not a manufacturing factory which starts with the same basic equal product in all ways. Most children in private schools have parents who value education and the money to pay for tuitions. Most children in public schools do not have a lot of background experiences that wealthier children have. All of this is most important. Children who thrive and start higher in all ways graduate higher. That was not considered in evaluating private over public schools.
The private college I attended said,”We’re selective about who gets in so we don’t have to fail anyone.” Meanwhile, the public college down the road accepted everyone but was expected to fail half the freshman class. That’s one difference between public and private in a nutshell.
May God bless the IFA for there leadership in the most important area needed in America, Prayer, for Jehovah God is our only answer to lead us out of our “Egypt”. Amen!
This excerpt speaks the truth. I pray for my wrongheaded Progressive/Leftist friends, and they are just that – wrongheaded – anti-God/Jesus/Bible. Progressivism needs to be understood and defeated.
I am deeply saddened to see an excerpt of such a biased commentary with a blatant “us and them” mentality forwarded to this intercessory group. Is IFA praying from a heart of humility for salvation of all people in our nation? Or to further political agendas? Such an article with “superior” in its title is tainted with a spirit of pride, which ultimately leads to division between groups of people. In my opinion this type of biased, judgmental writing should not be forwarded in a group whose purpose is intercessory prayer to Christ. The facts of school scores, yes, celebrating the success of private religious schools, absolutely, Glory to God for that! The way this commentary presented the information with the critical language toward progressives, no. Will a kingdom divided stand? It was the tax collector beating his breast praying oh God forgive me a sinner, and not the prideful Pharisee counting how his ways were superior, who went away reconciled to God. As God forgives, I forgive IFA for perpetuating divisiveness with this article. Oh God forgive us all, especially me, the worst of sinners.
I agree, Nancy, that pride might be present in the article and that we shouldn’t lose sight of the frailty that we all have, only remedied by the cross of Christ; however the article, to me, spoke more to encourage those who struggle in Christian education and those who feel assaulted by the constant pressure of the world to not lose heart. That’s what the article did for me. As for divisiveness, that’s a given in this age. What do those who follow Christ have in common with those who war against Him?
It seems, to me, that pointing out the illogical viewpoints of those who class themselves as progressives is no worse than the Apostle Paul’s condemnation of those who sought to lead churches astray with false doctrine as found in Galatians and other letters. At least in principle. IFA seems to have a goal to pray for secular leadership in America as Paul exhorted the believers to do for the secular leaders in their time. To determine success in our prayers we need to review results, and when the results are positive for God’s Kingdom, why not exult in them?
I don’t see progressives praying to God for forgiveness because they don’t believe in the God of the Bible and they don’t believe in sin.
Progressive agenda is to replace God with Government!
Yep. They are the fascists accusing their opposition of fascism. They are the would-be gods of the country declaring and enforcing their edicts from their Mt. Olympus in Wash DC.
The progressive is an authoritarian. They promote “positive” freedoms (vs. the negative variety established in our constitution), which inevitably put us all under their boots.
Thank you Dave Kubal for clearly defining the difference between conservatives and progressives. Your comments were very enlightening. Thank you for standing for Truth and for your dedication to intercede for our nation. Also, thank you for sharing President Trump’s commitment to surround himself with Godly advisors while in the White House. Unfortunately this isn’t heard often enough. After hearing this message I feel better equipped and inspired to pray more diligently.