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I Prayed have prayed
Father, we ask that truth would be revealed and that You would not let us live in fear.
Reading Time: 3 minutes

Lost in the reporting of the World Health Organization’s new estimate that about 760 million people – more than 20 times the confirmed cases – have been infected by the coronavirus worldwide is the impact on the estimated survival rate.


If, indeed, 760 million have been infected at some point during the outbreak and the number of confirmed deaths is about 1 million, the infection fatality rate is only 0.13%.

PRAYER POINT: Thank God that COVID was not as bad as predicted and that the fatality rate is so low. Pray for this good news to be spread.

A rate of 3.4% is 26 times higher than a rate of 0.13%.

The Associated Press reported Monday that Dr. Michael Ryan, speaking to a special session of the WHO’s COVID-19 board, said the figures vary from urban to rural areas.

But ultimately, it means “the vast majority of the world remains at risk,” said Ryan, the executive director of WHO’s Health Emergencies Program.

“Many deaths have been averted and many more lives can be protected,” Ryan said alongside WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus.

“Our current best estimates tell us that about 10% of the global population may have been infected by this virus,” he said. . . .

WHO spokeswoman Dr. Margaret Harris said the 10% estimate is based on an average of antibody studies conducted around the world.

Meanwhile, a new study by researchers at Wayne State University in Michigan found COVID-19’s severity may be fading as the death rate falls.

In August, the New York Times found in an analysis of data that up to 90% of people testing positive carried barely any virus.

Times reporter Apoorva Mandavilli summarized her story on Twitter: “NEW: All these months into the pandemic, we may have been testing the wrong way. Data from some state labs suggest up to 90% (!!) of people who get a positive result are no longer contagious and don’t need to isolate.”. . .

PRAYER POINT: Thank God for this good news! Up to 90% of those people who test positive are no longer contagious and don’t need to isolate! Pray for true news and safe re-opening, especially for people who have suffered in isolation.

Those who died of coronavirus, according to the CDC, had an average of 2.6 comorbidities, meaning more than two chronic diseases along with COVID-19. Overall, the CDC says, just 6% of the people counted as COVID-19 deaths died of COVID-19 alone.

The CDC’s overall count shows a significant downward trend from a peak of 17,054 deaths on April 18.

A recent study by researchers at the Houston Methodist Research Institute raised concerns about coronavirus mutations as the fall season begins. Among more than 5,000 genetic sequences of COVID-19 they found more than 90% of samples contained a mutation.

Significantly, however, the Houston researchers found the mutations did not make the virus deadlier.

The CDC’s latest survival-rate figures were cited by Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis late last month at a roundtable he hosted with health experts from Harvard and Stanford prior to his decision to reopen bars and restaurants in his state to 100% capacity.

DeSantis said that along with lifting state restrictions on restaurants and bars, the state is also barring local governments from shutting down businesses or implementing restrictions without any economic or health justifications.

At his roundtable, DeSantis asked Stanford professor of medicine Dr. Jayanta Bhattacharya about the studies showing 90% of the COVID-19 testing is too sensitive. . . .

Bhattacharya agreed that “what is being amplified” in the testing is “something that is not going to pose any risk to you or to others.”

“It’s not a false positive in a technical sense,” he said, “but in a functional sense it’s a false positive.”

PRAYER POINT: Pray that state and local governments, colleges, universities, and schools would not quarantine Americans who are not contagious. Pray that this good news would get out and policymakers will have the humility and wisdom to adjust their policies in light of new information.

(Excerpt from WND. Article by Art Moore. Photo Credit: Getty Images.)

Are you surprised by this recent estimate?

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Lois Taritas
October 9, 2020

Thank you IfA for posting this encouraging and accurate article, we have prayed and prayed on national prayer call for truth in covid i praise you God for governor Desantis, we are voting in a new governor in our State wahoo.
Blessings to you all! God is exposing saints.

Carolyn Marquardt
October 9, 2020

From the onset, covid-19 has been a train wreck. Even using CDC inflated statistics only .06% of the USA population have died of covid. At the same time 100% of nursing home patients have not had a hug from a family member since March, children have not been meaningfully educated, people have learn to suspect their neighbors not associate with them, heart patients have had surgeries postponed for months while their conditions deteriorate, cancer patients haven’t been treated, businesses closed, and healthy people treated as though they were sick.

Sheree Zippay
October 8, 2020

I am definitely not surprised. Many of us are praying that the truth will come out about the Covid-19 virus and it will come to an end quickly and that we would find out the real truth about how and why this virus has happened. Indeed these new findings are very good news. Bless and Praise the name of Adonai!

October 8, 2020

It seems America has opened its doors and allowed deceptive spirits to come in and cause events to take on a much more sinister appearance than they really are. The fear and chaos caused by this appearance is then used to further a much greater evil plan to shackle the people of this nation. The enemy uses these events by deception to then weaponize them. Now it’s like ammunition used to damage lives and reputations and bring on a mob like atmosphere, and even power and entire political party. Note how the democratic party and the media refuse to report this information which has been available for a long time. Their narrative has been to build up the virus where it’s viewed as an indiscriminate killer. If you don’t view the issue like they do, you are then deemed an enemy. Then they used masks as a way of identifying the enemy, meaning if you don’t wear one, you can then be identified easily. They then use their entire made up scenario against the President, because ultimately they want him out of office. See how this works?
Now look at the stories in the media over the last 4 yrs and you will see this pattern repeated over and over. Russia, Ukraine, Impeachment, Covid, the same tactics, the same purpose, All have been made fabricated using deception, twisted truth, and sometimes just plain lies.
Praise God, the enemy has been exposed like never before. God in his faithfulness has heard our prayers and given us discernment to identify these unseen wicked forces.

Dear Father, thank you for your discernment. We now turn our focus to defeat these unseen enemies. I bind this spirit of deception in the name of Jesus. I rebuke you spirit of deception and command you to release your grip on our nation. You have no ability any longer. You have been outwitted and overpowered by the blood of the lamb. I command you to leave our political arena, I command you leave the media mountain. I pray for all in our nation deceived by this spirit. Lord remove the blinders that have been placed on their eyes. I loose discernment and truth over our nation. May the power of this spirit no longer feed into the Democratic Party in Jesus name. May they no longer use deception to try and obtain power. Oh dear God, return the power to elect to we the people. Stop this manipulation to deceive people to get them to vote for a particular cause or person. May the American people return to have the ability of hearing one side and the other truthfully. No more lies dear God. We are sick of it and ask You to finally put and end to this deception. In the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

    Lois Taritas
    October 9, 2020

    I read a prophetic message on the courts of heaven!
    We can take satan to the court
    To silence him and all Democrats.

October 8, 2020

This confirms what I have suspected all along regarding this “pandemic”. The liberals have once again tried their very best to deceive us. Lord, I fervently cry out to You that the truth about this situation prevail upon Your children. Thank You , Lord, for revealing Your truth through these doctors and medical experts. Set us free from worry and fear. In Jesus name we pray.

Mel Teoh
October 8, 2020

Thank You for IFA. Thank You for this article that we know is reported based on truth. Thank You for who YOU ARE.

Father-God, please let the Church as individuals always remember that we are not in control of our life or death. But YOU ARE. So that we, the Church can be fearless to comfort others who haven’t known YOU yet.

Father-God, I’m asking for the soul of the mainstream media reporters from CNN, MSNBC, NBC, ABC, CBS, NYT and all others that I don’t even know their network names. Please Father-God, let each one of them feel your nudging in their heart to report the TRUTH and to unmask LIE.

Father-God, I’m asking for blessings for all the reporters from OANN, NEWSMAX, BREIBART and all others that I don’t even know their network names too. Please Father-God, allow them to feel that YOU ARE with them and that they’re doing well. Let them draw closer to YOU so that they can do better.

Father-God, for the rest of us who are in the audiences. I’m asking for the soul of each Christian who have the Holy Spirit in their heart to be able to discern what is TRUTH and VOTE for YOUR CHOSEN CANDIDATE on Nov. 3, 2020 in person. All of the Church as individuals will go out and vote in person. So that the winning are significant therefore any wickedness that was planned will be debunked from the result.
Father-God without YOU, we cannot do this, because we cannot see what darkness that are done in secret.

Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. In Jesus’ name we pray and thank You. Amen.

Karen Secrest
October 8, 2020

The Holy Spirit told many prayer warriors right from the beginning He would protect us from this disease BUT if we stayed close to Him, He would protect us from the lies of those in authority that are pursuing their agenda of accumulating power through reed and manipulation. That is still true for every day.
Your safe place has been and always will be under the shelter of the wings of the Father.

Lois Taritas
October 8, 2020

Father God Thankyou for Ron Desantis, I pray you would open the eyes of the other Govenors to see their darkness. We thank you Father for these coming forward with Truth!
I pray you unmask the spirit of fear from people, yes we know we have to keep our distance, but we donot have to live in fear. Perfect LOVE casts out all fear!
Return to God, not the media which is spewing lies.

October 8, 2020


Jayne Hayden
October 8, 2020

Thank you Lord for the courageous and wise researchers and medical professionals who willingly put forth this truth. May your light shine so brightly that those who are walking in fear and darkness can’t help but turn to the light and truth. You are Lord over all this and soon it will be reduced to its place.
There is healing in Your wings! May we run to You and find shelter and peace under the shadow of the Almighty. Let the heavens rain down your Mercys and Love for all the world to know You are Lord! Praise Yashua.

October 8, 2020

Unmasked!! Praise the Lord for His mercy and truth .

    Connie Carpenter
    October 8, 2020


      October 9, 2020

      Sorry, I stand with masks. The virus still kills and damages the body in some people and I think those people are important. As Christians, we are told in the Bible to obey the authorities who were put there by God. ( Unless of course it meant not preaching the Gospel, etc.) This is a medical issue, not a poltical or religious issue. A mask is such a simple thing to ask of us in this temporary time. Our blatant ignoring or rebelling against health guidelines
      could actually usher in more disdain and persecution of Christians should we cause a spike in cases by our large meetings without masks. There is all sorts of info coming from all angles and even biases. Just use your respect for others and some common medical sense. Err on the side of being safe.

        marjorie L wisker
        October 11, 2020

        Thank you, Cathy…. well said.. we are not to be rebellious. we are to love by thinking of others over us.

    October 9, 2020

    I have to wear a mask to go into businesses. So be it. According to the Bible we are to follow government guidelines and laws unless they go against the Word of God.

    October 18, 2020

    It is possible that Judy meant the lies are being unmasked (a play on words), instead of that she refuses to wear a mask. =:)

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