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Lord, we thank You for empowering the White House to stand for Your people. Protect Jews across the world from hatred and violence, God, and protect the nation of Israel!
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The White House has chosen to take a strong stand against anti-Semitism, although some feel that the new strategy doesn’t do enough to defend Israel.

From Fox News. The White House on Thursday released a broad national strategy to fight antisemitism, describing the initiative as unprecedented in scope amid a surge in anti-Jewish crime.

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However, the White House evaded an increasingly contentious debate over how to define antisemitism, avoiding a clear endorsement of a mainstream, widely accepted definition while simultaneously welcoming an alternative pushed by progressives who argue the former doesn’t allow sufficient space to criticize Israel, the world’s only Jewish state.

The 60-page document details four pillars that undergird the strategy: increasing awareness and understanding of antisemitism and appreciation of Jewish American heritage, improving safety and security for Jewish communities, reversing the normalization of antisemitism and countering antisemitic discrimination and building solidarity across communities to counter hate.

President Biden called the strategy “a historic step forward” and the “most ambitious and comprehensive U.S. government-led effort to fight antisemitism in American history” in a pre-recorded video message to kick off Thursday’s announcement. …

After Biden spoke, his outgoing domestic policy adviser, Susan Rice, and his homeland security adviser, Liz Sherwood-Randall, along with second gentleman Doug Emhoff, outlined key elements of the strategy, which includes more than 100 policy commitments across the executive branch.

The document also contains more than 100 calls to action for lawmakers and others across society to take in order to combat antisemitism. …

The strategy also argues that antisemitism must be defined to combat it. …

However, rather than endorse a definition, the White House refers to several competing definitions of antisemitism as educational tools for both elected officials and the public.

“There are several definitions of antisemitism, which serve as valuable tools to raise awareness and increase understanding of antisemitism,” the strategy states. “The most prominent is the non-legally binding ‘working definition’ of antisemitism adopted in 2016 by the 31-member states of the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA), which the United States has embraced. In addition, the administration welcomes and appreciates the Nexus Document and notes other such efforts.” …

IHRA provides 11 specific, contemporary examples of antisemitism in public life, the media, schools, the workplace and in the religious sphere. Beyond classic antisemitic behavior associated with the likes of the medieval period and Nazi Germany, the examples include denial of the Holocaust and newer forms of antisemitism targeting Israel. such as demonizing the Jewish state, denying its right to exist and holding it to standards not expected of any other democratic state.

Experts have argued the definition is important for a range of practical uses such as adjudicating legal cases, monitoring bigotry on campuses and training law enforcement. …

However, critics have argued the newer examples of antisemitism cited in the definition don’t allow for what they describe as legitimate criticism of Israel and its policies. …

The Nexus Document, written by a group of academics, argues that applying double standards to Israel and opposing Israel’s continuation as the nation-state of the Jewish people may not necessarily be antisemitic, creating tighter standards around when anti-Israel speech and activity is antisemitic. …

“Importantly, the strategy avoids exclusively codifying any one specific, sweeping definition of antisemitism as the sole standard for use in enforcing domestic law and policy, recognizing that such an approach could do more harm than good,” J Street said in a statement, adding that the administration “rightly cites [the IHRA] definition as just one of a range of illustrative and useful tools.” …

Other Jewish groups were less supportive.

“This decision seriously weakens the White House strategy. It is yet another instance of Biden caving to the anti-Israel radicals,” said Republican Jewish Coalition CEO Matt Brooks, who added that Biden “blew it” by not exclusively using IHRA’s definition. He also noted the timing of the announcement — hours before the start of the Jewish holiday of Shavuot and near the end of Jewish American Heritage Month. …

Critics of the strategy also noted the White House’s inclusion of the Council on American-Islamic Relations, or CAIR, as a partner in building “cross-community solidarity” to combat antisemitism. According to experts and advocacy groups such as the Anti-Defamation League, CAIR has numerous ties to Hamas, a U.S.-designated terrorist organization that frequently fires rockets at Israel from its neighboring stronghold in Gaza. …

The new White House strategy comes as levels of antisemitism are at historic highs in the country. Jews are the victims of 63% of reported religiously motivated hate crimes but account for just 2.4% of the U.S. population, according to FBI data. …

What do you think of the White House’s new strategy? Share this article to keep people informed.

(Excerpt from Fox News. Photo Credit: Canva)

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Christine Stott
June 1, 2023

Lord, we thank You for empowering the White House to stand for Your people. Protect Jews across the world from hatred and violence, God, and protect the nation of Israel!

May 31, 2023

I am amazed by IFA’s support of anything biden or his cabinet puts out! These people lie daily about everything! I trust nothing that comes out of the white house! Why doesn’t biden fix our borders, schools, the fbi, the nsa, the cia, the teachers’ unions and go back and help Afghanistan and East Palestine, Ohio! “I will not have you to be ignorant of satan’s devices” says GOD! This is only another one of satan’s devices coming through biden’s white house! FATHER GOD please give YOUR people discernment to know satan’s maneuvers in JESUS NAME!

Sylvia Keller
May 31, 2023

I am surprised that IFA would support this new strategy of the Biden Administration. This is only one more plan that sounds good on the surface but in practice does exactly the opposite of what its stated purpose is. The following article exposes what is hidden within this document. ” Biden’s push against anti-Semitism is supercharging his ‘diversity’ agenda
‘A lot of fluff’
• The White House’s new strategy to combat antisemitism is also advancing the Biden administration’s diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) agenda into sports leagues, veteran programs and federal agencies.
• Multiple departments have all been tasked with expanding DEI programs to go beyond targeting antisemitism.
• “True reform would mean addressing the problems that exist within DEI, rather than just adding another group to a structure which is often failing,” Kenneth Marcus, the founder and chairman of the Louis D. Brandeis Center for Human Rights Under Law, told the Daily Caller News Foundation.
The Biden administration’s strategy to combat antisemitism includes efforts to enhance its diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) initiatives, some of which aren’t related to Jews or anti-Jewish hate.
The administration rolled out the “U.S. National Strategy to Counter Antisemitism” Thursday, with over 100 recommendations and initiatives for multiple departments, institutions and society-wide stakeholders such as sports teams. However, the strategy also includes guidance that would increase the number of DEI initiatives under the administration, while also addressing issues unrelated to antisemitism such as anti-LGBT discrimination and “white supremacy.”
“Antisemitism threatens not only the Jewish community, but all Americans,” Biden wrote in a statement. “People who peddle these antisemitic conspiracy theories and fuel racial, ethnic, and religious hatred against Jews also target other communities—including Black and brown Americans; Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians, and Pacific Islanders; LGBTQI+ individuals; Muslim Americans; women and girls; and so many others. Our intelligence agencies have determined that domestic terrorism rooted in white supremacy—including antisemitism—is the greatest terrorist threat to our Homeland today.”
The White House tasked the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to develop a series of online workshops to fight “hate-motivated violence” beyond just antisemitism.
“DHS will conduct a series of regional and online workshops on countering antisemitism, Islamophobia, and related forms of hate-motivated violence, such as online misogyny and gender-based violence, and violence against LGBTQI+, AANHPI, or Black communities,” the plan read.
The workshops will be put into effect by November 2023, and the White House argues they will help the department find additional ways to protect and “assist the Jewish community” along with other groups the Biden administration believes need additional protection from discrimination.
The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) is also taking the opportunity to further diversify, according to the plan. The VA will be launching new “educational programs that highlight the diversity of the veteran population” in September of this year.
The strategy further notes that the programs will include “contributions of Jewish veterans and Jewish VA employees,” while helping veterans speak out and fight all “hate-biased incidents.” Additionally, the VA is going to create training regarding antisemitism as well as “anti-Muslim bias, anti-Sikh bias, and related forms of bias and discrimination” for the department’s Community Clergy Training Program, which trains religious leaders on how to help re-integrate veterans back into civilian life.
The strategy also emphasized U.S. sports teams and their role in fighting bias and discrimination, according to the plan. The White House consulted the National Basketball Association, Women’s National Basketball Association, National Football League, National Hockey League, Major League Soccer, National Association for Stock Car Auto Racing (NASCAR) and the Eradicate Hate Global Summit Sports Working Group to create tools for athletes and sports leagues.
Fan clubs and organizations are encouraged to “adopt fan charters that contain anti-hate clauses” and create “honors or awards for combating hate, and for promoting inclusivity, accountability, and respect as best practices in sport.”
Kenneth Marcus, the founder and chairman of the Louis D. Brandeis Center for Human Rights Under Law, told the Daily Caller News Foundation that several of the proposed initiatives were already in effect and wouldn’t do much to help antisemitism.
“True reform would mean addressing the problems that exist within DEI, rather than just adding another group to a structure which is often failing,” Marcus said.
Unions and small businesses are featured in the plan as well, with the Department of Labor planning to give its employees “palm cards” so union members can learn to spot discrimination as well as distributing “model resources” about how “countering … discrimination relates to workers’ rights” by the fall. The Small Business Administration will connect owners with “community-based organizations” that offer “training and resources” on how to respond to “forms of hate.”
Several Jewish groups expressed dissatisfaction with Biden’s strategy, arguing that it didn’t focus enough on the Jewish community’s concerns or suggestions.
Marcus told the DCNF that overall the White House’s plan contained “a lot of fluff” and was “stronger on rhetoric than substance.”
“While we do have an excellent definition of anti-Semitism that was used during the Bush, Obama, and Trump years, as well as earlier in this administration, unfortunately, the new Biden policy confuses the issue by referring both to our existing (“IHRA”) definition and also to the controversial “Nexus” alternative that has been favored by some left-wing activists,” Marcus explained. “By citing both definitions, the Biden White House is actually undermining the very training that they are promising to provide.” ”
Foundation’s request for comment. https://www.wnd.com/2023/05/bidens-push-anti-semitism-supercharging-diversity-agenda/?utm_source=Email&utm_medium=wnd-brief&utm_campaign=dailypm&utm_content=brief&ats_es=%5B-MD5-%5D

    June 1, 2023

    Thank you Silvia for bringing the truth of biden’s true motives with his antisemitism rhetoric! Oh the devil is crafty, but we must hold on tight to JESUS as HE will always expose the enemy of our soul’s strategies! May the LORD bless you and keep you safe always in JESUS MIGHTY NAME! Amen!

Allena Jordan
May 30, 2023

Father, You said in Your Word to choose wise advisors. It is not wise for the U.S. Government to choose advisors who are opposed to Israel as a nation. Father, I ask You to put it on the hearts and minds of U.S. officials to listen to wise counsel and those who have a Christian worldview. Chane hearts, Lord. I declare and decree that the U.S. will continue to stand for Israel and all Jews everywhere. Amen.


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