Ask the Lord to give President Trump His wisdom in dealing with Muslims. IFA offers several resources to help inform our prayers for Muslims and Islam in America; all are free. Click to download—Prayer Guide Bookmark, Praying about Islam; Special Report, Islam: A Mirage of Peace, or in a daily email format.
“My son, do not go along with them, do not set foot on their paths; for their feet rush into evil, they are swift to shed blood.” (Prov 1:15-16)
According to The Religion of Peace website, Muslim jihadists killed 399 people since May 17, the beginning of the Islamic holy month Ramadan. During the last 30 days, the site reports there were 140 Islamic attacks in 28 countries resulting in 633 people being killed and another 753 injured. The Religion of Peace is a non-partisan, fact-based website which examines the ideological threat that Islam poses to human dignity and freedom and admits that it is unable to document all such attacks. The site states: “In the full context of the Quran, ‘peace’ means submission, and ‘tolerance of other religions’ means not killing those members who agree to live in a subjugated status to Islamic rule.”
There are some 109 verses in the Quran that call for war or violence against nonbelievers in Islam. Muslims who do not follow these commands are warned that hell awaits them. Now many people, including some Christians, say that the Bible does the same thing. They are showing their ignorance. The instances in the Bible that call for violence are for a specific group for a specific time. In contrast, the Quran singles out Christians and Jews, in addition to others who do not submit to Islam, without restraint in perpetuity. Contextually speaking, the “peace” of Islam truly translates “submission,” meaning people must accept humiliation, convert to Islam or are killed. Islam is the religion of submission not of peace.
Ramadan is a holy fast of Islam commemorating the first revelation of the Quran to Mohammad. It is celebrated by fasting during the day and “Iftar” dinners after sunset. Muslims are also supposed to refrain from sinful behavior, although killing infidels is not considered a sin in Islam, but rather honor. An example: Marking the beginning of Ramadan, Muslims in Gaza spurred on by the terrorist group Hamas, embarked on a “peaceful” March of Return to Israel to, in the words of Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar, “remove this transient border…our people can’t give up one inch of the land of Palestine.” Generally, Islamic countries are notorious for their human trafficking, drug trade and suppression of religious freedom. Every year, they rank among the most egregious violators in the State Department Country Reports on Human Rights Practices.
Last year, President Trump did not hold an Iftar dinner at the White House as did his past three predecessors, but this year he will. Presidents are put in a tough position because they want to encourage the vast majority of American Muslims who are peaceful. Islam’s duality, however, of war against unbelievers and peace (meaning submission) should not be encouraged. Neither should Islam’s acts that foment evil against much of mankind. Proverbs 1:15-16 says to stay away from those such sinners, “walk not in the way with them; refrain your foot from their path: For their feet run to evil, and make hast to shed blood.” White House Iftar dinners were a bad idea when Bill Clinton started them, and they are still a bad idea. (Excerpts from Bill Wilson, Daily Jot archives)
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President Trump has done remarkably, because he has honored the One True God: Jesus Christ, the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. In I Corinthians 10:20 No, I am suggesting that what the pagans sacrifice they offer ( in effect) to demons (to evil powers) and not to God at all. I do not want you to fellowship and be partners with diabolical spirits (by eating at their feasts). President Trump does not realize what he doing by honoring the Muslims’ false god. O Lord I ask that the The Blood of Jesus Speaks to every chair at that feast and place the Sword of Lord against every Evil Principality and Power Of Islam, AntiChrist, Anti-Semitism, Murder, Violence assembled at that Iftar dinner in the White House.Ps. 18:12, 13 The Lord Thundered from the heavens and the Most High uttered His voice amid hailstones and coals of fire. He send His Arrows and Scattered them; He flashed forth lightnings and put them to rout.
God Almighty DESTROYED NATIONS THAT HONORED gods: Read II Kings 19—II Kings 23. He honored the Kings of Israel & Judah that tore down the altars to false gods. The Kingdoms of Hezekiah, Asa, Josiah flourished. This destructive Prince of Islam is bound in the Name of Jesus. Loose your Mighty Sword, Lord of Hosts against these principalities and powers and spirits of wickedness. Loose your horses and chariots of fire, your spears and arrows and flames of fires against this Islam,AntiChrist, Levithan In the Names of Jesus and Stop this Iftar dinner that honors Islam. O, God have Mercy.
Well folks, I doubt anyone would disagree that God is in complete control. His plan and purposes throughout the earth will be accomplished in His time and His way. We know what will happen to a people, a nation or tribe that dishonors the true-living God and chooses another way to reach some other false god. Fear God and seek salvation and put your faith in Him is a clear message we share with the world. I too ask God to bring the muslim people out of their deception and into the Light of God’s truth and life in Jesus Christ. Muslims are another tool of satan’s strategy to control the world and destroy Israel. Old ‘stupid’ tried to get rid of Jesus and that back-fired and he still thinks he’ll defeat God. My, oh my! Praise the Lord God of heaven and earth who reigns and lives forever and ever.
Why is the president having a Ramadan dinner? Really? And Brian (above) are you a troll muslim? Seriously? You can’t compare the Bible with the fake quran. What a farce…a ramadan dinner, a fake intercessor that thinks the quran should be held in the same standard as the word of God, the Bible. Praying for Mercy. May the Way The Truth and The Life of the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ be honored. For there is nothing greater than the shed perfect blood of Jesus Christ, the Only Savior. Islam in any form should not be recognized in this country, it is not a religion, it is a way of life that is opposed to our freedoms and our great constitution of our wonderful USA. Why is our president honoring muhammad, the pediphile repusive lunitic! This self-proclaimed fake prophet is islam. It’s repulsive to me, a Christian, that anything muslim should even be in the United States, let alone recognized as anything but a fake religion and a way to usurp our political system! Islam is more about taking over governments and people losing rights than anything. And why isn’t wearing a hijab illegal? Seriously? These women don’t know that our government will protect them from being raped by muslim men. For heaven sakes, Christians wake up! Anyone wearing a hijab in the USA should be against the law, it is stating that the rest of the women (not wearing a hijab) are trash that can be raped. This islam “bs” is exactly that. Everything islam needs to be eradicated from the USA, Amen.
[…] for America is not happy that the Trump White House is planning to hold an Iftar dinner this […]
Heavenly Father, We pray for a Damascus Road revelation for those that are seeking to know you and live lives pleasing to you. Lift up more and more evangelists from Islam to Christianity. Help us to engage with and share your love and hope and salvation with our Muslim neighbors. In the posture of love and boldness, fill our mouths with your words of truth. We pray that truth will be shared through the power and love of your Holy Spirit at the White House at all dinners. In Jesus’ Name we pray. Amen.
We must continue to pray that the veil would be removed so they can see the truth. The Lord is not willing that any perish. It is encouraging to hear reports of Muslim people coming to the Lord, many of them through miraculous visions of Jesus.
I am praying regularly for people who believe in the oppressive religion of Islam. I pray their eyes be opened to Biblical truth and their hearts be set free by the Gospel.