It may not be conscious or explicit. It may not be overt. But when followers of Jesus decide to avoid controversial issues, adopting the mentality of, “I won’t bother you if you don’t bother me,” they are making a deal with the devil. They are compromising with darkness. Let the truth be told.
We may couch our compromise in terms of “wisdom” and “maturity.” We may cloak our non-commitment in the guise of “love.” But when we refuse to speak up and stand up because it is too costly to do so, we are not wise or mature or loving. We are not thinking about others. We are thinking about self, being motivated by convenience rather than conviction.
There Are Times to Act
To be sure, there are times when wisdom calls for silence and when maturity calls for inaction. We are not called to fight every fight and engage in every battle. We don’t need to weigh in on every controversy that comes our way.
But there are times to speak. And there are times to act.
At such times Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s words ring true: “Silence in the face of evil is itself evil: God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act.”
Or, as expressed by Martin Luther King, Jr., “A man dies when he refuses to stand up for that which is right. A man dies when he refuses to stand up for justice. A man dies when he refuses to take a stand for that which is true.”
How many of us today are dead while yet living? How many of us have lost a part of our humanity by choosing to be selfishly pragmatic rather than selflessly prophetic? How many of us have been paralyzed by the fear of negative consequences, thereby becoming captive to the enemy of our souls?
Jesus said to his followers, “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me. For whoever would save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will find it” (Matthew 16:24–25).
This is what Bonhoeffer and King were trying to say, each in their own way. To save our lives is to lose them; to lose our lives is to save them.
Paralyzed by Jezebel
Three-thousand years ago, an ungodly queen named Jezebel declared war on God’s prophets, slaughtering many of them until they were reduced to hiding in caves. They lived together — in caves! — for months at a time in order to escape Jezebel’s wrath.
But this raises a serious question.
There are certainly times to flee and hide. Jesus himself taught, “When they persecute you in one town, flee to the next” (Matthew 10:23). There are, indeed, times to be silent.
But were none of these prophets called to confront Jezebel? Were all of them called by God to cower in caves? (Really?) Were all of them ordained to inaction?
Personally, I think not. I believe some, if not many, were paralyzed by Jezebel. They were silenced by an unholy spirit of fear rather than emboldened by the Holy Spirit of faith. It was terror, not obedience, that confined them to dark caves.
Would I have done differently if I were one of them? Would you? Only God knows. Perhaps we too would have been hiding in fear, making self-preservation our highest goal.
We, Too, Have Gone Into Hiding
But here in America, no one is putting a literal gun to our heads for preaching the gospel. No one is putting a knife to our throats for taking a stand for what is right. And yet so many of us have gone into hiding.
We don’t want to get unfriended on social media. (Try explaining that to a fellow-Christian who was tortured for his faith.)
We don’t want to lose the richest member of our congregation. (Try explaining that to a Christian woman who lost her husband to martyrdom and yet remains strong in the faith.)
We don’t want bad press in the local media. (Try explaining that to parents whose children were taken away from them because of their Christian beliefs.)
And so, we make a deal with a devil and enter into a pact with hell.
And rather than confront the Jezebelic spirit of the hour we come into agreement with this foul demon. “I won’t make any trouble for you if you won’t make trouble for me.”
My friend, that is no way to live!
Speak and Stand
I encourage every fellow-leader and every fellow-believer to take a moment to ask yourself if you have made a deal with the devil. If so, it’s high time to break that agreement.
1. It starts with asking God to forgive you for cowardice and compromise (which He will!).
2. Then we look to Him for help and grace and boldness and wisdom and compassion, putting on the full armor of God (see Ephesians 6:10-19).
3. Then, when it’s time to speak and stand, be it in the workplace or the home, be it on social media or behind the pulpit, we stand.
It’s time!
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Would it be more correct to say that we fall into the “trap” of the devil rather than that “we make a deal with the devil” when we are silent and avoid controversy rather than make a stand.
Print getting smaller. Made it larger at my end and still too small and not dark ink.
Please help
Thank you for your publication and hard work. You have been commissioned to this battle to stand for a nation and the world.
Oh Heavenly Father, may we as believers in Christ Jesus be willing to take a sabbatical away from TV, away from fake news, away from our favorite idols and spend time in fasting and prayer, that we wont be deceived by the false prophet in todays seeker churches. They are inviting sin in instead of the sinner and being changed and affected not for Your glory but to the delight of the evil one, the father of lies.
Lord cleanse us that we come before You.
Now the goal of our instruction is love that comes from a pure heart, a good conscience, and a sincere faith. Some have deviated from these and turned aside to fruitless discussion. They want to be teachers of the law, although they don’t understand what they are saying or what they are insisting on. But we know that the law is good, provided one uses it legitimately.
1 Timothy
Lord, raise up those that fear You alone to boldly proclaim Your name, those that will take lessons from our president, to continue to stand in the face of evil, disregarding all lies and slander, knowing You go before us, Your promise to never leave nor forsake us, vengeance is mine sayegh the Lord. You have already won the battle for good, may we stand in the face of evil and declare Your Precious Name Jesus!
Yes, as long as the words are backed by prayer, the leading of the Holy Spirit, and works of biblical love.
Amen and Amen!! Sins of omission don’t affect just Catholics, Lord God, wake your people up to their sins of spiritual apathy and carnal living. May you be the Lord of the lives of all those that have put faith in Jesus, in Your name, Amen.
This prayer is confirmation from the Lord, thank You Jesus. He just moved on me recently to repent for the American christians cowardice regarding persecution. We have known about the horrible persecution of fellow believers all around the world for decades. We have been so blessed to have been spared what they have gone through, yet we seem to be so afraid of people who oppose us and act like the Word doesn’t talk about persecution. Often we act like we are exempt from persecution and forget that one day it will happen on a greater level even here in America. Jesus help us love You more then our own lives and fulfill Your will and give You all the glory no matter what comes our way…
Lord, you know
Help us
Keep the enemy from deceiving us
Give us wisdom
Give us courage and boldness
Keep us on your path
God told me years ago there was suffering all over the world. He would give me my little bundle to be responsible for so I wouldn’t agonize over the whole loaf.
Others need to meet in private and get their assignment. Sometimes hourly as the need comes to light and He always provides a light on our path and lamp unto our feet. Amen.
Heavenly Father, I come to You in the Name that is above all Names, Yeshua, our Messiah and Lord. I thank You that You hear us as a loving Father that You are. Forgive me, Lord, and forgive every believer in You for being complacently quiet watching how the spirits of darkness are robbing, killing and destroying the minds and will of the people. Forgive us oh Lord for being complacent and for not standing up for righteousness to speak out Your commandments and Your truth. Heavenly Father, I stand in the gap for all the believers and ask that Your Spirit of Truth that is in us stirs up our hearts to be one with You, and be a mighty army against all unrighteousness. We need Your help! Help us to resist these spirits of darkness, the Jezebel spirit of fear that is out there in all kinds of forms and shapes operating in crooked minds to make us freeze and go into hiding. We desire to be strong and courageous, help us oh Lord, to get in Your Word and be prepared to come out of our own caves and stand tall and firm in commanding orders as You lead us in this spiritual battle that we’re facing. Help us to remove these mountains that are before us and to fight for the nucleus of our families, husbands and wives and children. Keep us from falling into the lies of these spirits. Forgive us oh Lord. You said that we are the salt and the light of this world, the salt that cannot lose its savor and a city on a hill cannot be hidden. We want to be that what You called us to be, a light on a lamp stand, to give light to everyone. Not a lamp under a basket. Help us to be this light that shines before men, so they may see our good deeds and glorify You in heaven. Thank You for strengthening our President Trump and his cabinet, for protecting him and his family, and all that You have made him accountable for him to complete. He’s done so much for us and especially for the land of Your people Israel. You’ve promised to bless those who bless Israel. We are counting on Your promise, Lord. Don’t let him go until he has done the work that You have appointed him to do for Your Glory and Your Honor. Our nation has to come into grips and understand with no doubts in our minds that we are a people who stand by what we say in our motto “in God we trust”, the true living God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, Whom we serve. We refuse to serve any other gods that are present in the wicked minds of those who want to destroy us. I declare that together with You we will turn our nation back to You. We know that this is possible when we make Yeshua Messiah our Lord, because “In Him is life, and the life is the light of mankind”.
I stand with Maria in prayer. Strengthen us for the battle ahead, for we know it is coming. Your word says so.
Thank you, KD. Lord, You promised us that when 2 or more are gathered in the precious mighty Name of Yeshua, You’re in the midst of us, and when we call unto You,You will answer us and show us great and mighty things which we do not know. How Awesome You are!
Amen and Amen! To God be the glory!
Every word, so true!!! Amen!!!
Lord, I lift up this country and its people. We need you, Lord, and we have shut you out of our lives – from our homes, our schools and public buildings. We have been distracted by new technology in so many forms that we don’t have time for you. Wake us up, Lord! Give us the spirit of your word and help us to realize that we are lost without you. I lift up those who have lost loved ones this weekend. Help them to recover in their grieving. Give Christians the boldness and wisdom to put on the full armor of God and sense when it is time to stand and speak to others about You. You are so good, God, all of the time. I pray this in Your Holy Name. Amen.