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I Prayed have prayed
Lord Jesus Christ, thank you for Your Righteousness. We want to be right before You. Help us. In Your precious name, Jesus, we pray.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Prayer alone isn’t going to save our nation or overturn wickedness in the land.  It is only the tangible evidence of a righteous people who pray from that posture that will attract heaven to earth. It is not simply our petitions, but our practices that will determine God’s response to our cries for intervention.

Even as an increasing number of believers are interceding for a Kingdom outcome in our government structures, we must remember that it is only the prayers of a righteous man or woman that are powerful and effective in displacing strongholds (James 5:16). To be righteous is not simply to believe in God or desire His ways. To be righteous is to be obedient; one who faithfully listens to God’s voice and follows His instructions. Abraham’s promised legacy of a righteous nation was the result of his obedience and faithful walk, not just his prayers.

Your descendants will take possession of the cities of their enemies, and through your offspring all nations on earth will be blessed, because you have obeyed me. (Gen 22:17-18)

In Psalm 37, there are numerous references to those who “inherit the land.” In each instance, there is a prerequisite. Interestingly, none of them is to pray:

Verse 9: “…but those who hope in the Lord will inherit the land.”

Verse 11: “…the meek will inherit the land.”

Verse 18: To “the blameless…their inheritance will endure forever.”

Verse 27: Those who “Turn from evil and do good…you will dwell in the land forever.”

Verse 29: “The righteous will inherit the land.”

Verse 34: To those who “Hope in the Lord and keep his way, He will exalt you to inherit the land.”

We are most definitely given the command to pray (1 Tim 2:1-2) and urged to intercede for our leaders (Jer 29:7). And yet, those very prayers will only bear fruit if they come from a heart rightly postured and a life rightly lived. Let us remember that it is the evidence of obedience and faithfulness to God’s Word and His ways that will ultimately determine the outcome we so fervently pray for. Even as we search our own hearts on a consistent basis, let us also pray for brothers and sisters around the nation who desire righteous rule in our country. Let us encourage one another to walk in a manner that draws heaven’s attention and creates a place where the Righteous Judge can execute justice and grant us our requests.

Righteousness and justice are the foundation of your throne; love and faithfulness go before you. Blessed are those who have learned to acclaim you, who walk in the light of your presence, Lord. They rejoice in your name all day long; they celebrate your righteousness. (Ps 89:14-16)

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Deborah Lemons
February 23, 2019

Thank you, Oh God, for providing this resource of strength to keep us informed, encouraged and aware of great Prayer needs, especially for our nation and our government workings; reports of your working.

Thank you for this resource to band together, to come together in agreement, concert and accord for the needs and repentance of our country, our churches, the people. Create in us a diligence to prayer and to intercession, to seeking your wisdom and guidance, to offer praises and thanksgiving.

We lift up for your working, your intercession and guidance in lives, in events, in actions, in choices of our President, Vice President, Cabinet, Congress, Supreme Court, agencies of government. Praying Lord for hedges and disruptions against the powers of evil at work. Praying that our churches will be strong in faith, strong in Biblical knowledge and principles, following the commands and precepts of your word.

Thank you, Father for your love, mercy, your grace and spirit that you give to us freely. Thank you for your Plan for us and your gift of atonement through Jesus Christ and his death on the cross and our righteous through his resurrection.

Laura Nguyen
February 23, 2019

Whatever happens politically, our individual relationship with God the Father, Jesus Christ the Son and the Holy Spirit is our top priority. By constant reflection on our inner thoughts and feelings and prayer to refine our discernment of where our sin nature continues to embed itself, we can work toward higher levels of purity and righteousness. Yet we can retain our God-given personality. There are many righteous men and women in the Bible, and they each had a distinct personality and character. I pray that as the body of Christ, we value the different attributes and functions of our members,
all subjects with a divine purpose in the Kingdom of God.
In the name of Jesus Christ, our King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

February 20, 2019

Thank you Lord for IFA and the tools and resources they provide to direct my prayers for this nation. May your will be done in this land, may your name be praised, and your righteousness be honored.

In Jesus name amen.

Marvel Baehr
February 20, 2019

As a 92year oldBeliever and a prayer warrior many of my adult years, I’ve been so discouraged with the negative changes in the ciulture of America, asking myself, how did this happen, where was I and other Christians on our watch?

    Suzanne Favalora
    February 20, 2019

    I am sure the Lord gives ear to your prayers and the prayers of your fellow believers. I do know scripture says that in the latter days men would be lovers of themselves and not lovers of God. I also know it states that the devil would come down upon mankind with great wrath, knowing that his time is short.
    I can imagine the the internal anxiety and fear experienced when knowing your future is eternal torment. I would fight to my last breath to remain in the blessings of life and take whatever means was available to me to secure those blessings, even if it meant the suffering or death of someone else, or corrupting an entire nation to secure my ease.
    Knowing you are destined to eternal torment is enough motivation to do evil to others.
    So keep on praying, witnessing, loving and blessing those who need the Lord so desperately. Keep trusting the Lord to bring those He has chosen to salvation and continue being a blessing to all. In Jesus’ Mighty Name. Amen.

Kathy C. Young
February 20, 2019

We have to pray; but we need to put shoe leather to those prayers.
Once satan gets his foot in the door, it’s hard to remove it; for example; Roe versus Wade. Look where that is now.

Karen Secrest
February 19, 2019

Even as Zachariah the Prophet told us when helping restore the temple and wall at Jerusalem: God says “Return to me and I will return to you.”

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