I Prayed have prayed
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Pray for a spirit of unity to spring forth in our nation.

“Complete my joy by being of the same mind, having the same love, being in full accord and of one mind.” (Phil 2:2)

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What a privilege it is to live in a country where people can protest issues with which we disagree. In certain countries, if you protested the national anthem, you could be imprisoned or worse.  The freedom of speech we enjoy in America is amazing!  NFL players this weekend participated – or didn’t participate – in the national anthem in all sorts of ways to make a statement.

Some players were protesting racism in general, some were protesting our President, some were standing in unity with their teammates, some were protesting police actions, and some have taken their protests as far as flashing the black power sign after tackling white players (http://freedomdaily.com/racist-nfl-player-just-started-sick-new-trend-hes-tackling-white-player/). All of this fueled by comments made by our President and magnified by the press.

There is a very fine line here, and we as followers of Jesus Christ, need to be careful with our words and actions. The NFL is fortunate that it operates in the United States. Despite our problems, this is a great country to live in, and to be able to make millions, such as the NFL players do, and to be able to speak what is on their minds. No doubt, there are injustices and racism is still alive. Yet, what impact will the NFL players’ protests have across the country?

I believe this is an important question. When there is solely a focus on the symbolic without effort toward a solution, sinful human nature will always take control.  Broken, hurt individuals will take the opportunity to express their anger in dangerous ways. People will view the symbolic through their pain; justifying the reasons for them to lash out. There is a sense of lawlessness that is coming against our nation bringing into question all forms of authority from our President to our local police.

My concern is that the level of anger and division in our country will continue to ratchet up, creating more lawlessness. Already, high school football players are protesting before their games. Little league players are even protesting! This poses a dangerous opportunity for rebellion to reign; creating potential problems for principals and administrators to maintain order in schools. This will be a great threat for years to come as impressionable teens, who after being given attention through their protests, will see protesting as an avenue to voice their opinions for years to come.

I have seen prophecies stating that the next 90 days are critical for America. I have the same sense. We are fighting a spiritual battle. Intercessors, we must pray with intensity in these days ahead! Click here to download your free resource to effectively pray for those in authority.

  1. Pray for focus on solutions, not just the symbolic. “And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up.” Galatians 6:9
  2. Pray for peace among Americans “I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people—for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.” (1 Timothy 2:1-2)
  3. Pray for those in authority – Roger Goodell (NFL Commissioner), NFL Coaches, your local high school football coach, your local principal – to have wisdom to know how to handle protests. “For lack of guidance a nation falls, but victory is won through many advisers.” Proverbs 11:14

Reverend David Kubal is the President and CEO of Intercessors for America (IFA). IFA equips and supports praying Christians to shape the nation’s history through prayer. As the President, his vision is to mobilize a multi-generational army of intercessors. To learn more, visit IFApray.org.

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October 4, 2017

Dear God,
Please be with the victims and their families. I pray against bitterness, depression and damaging anger. I ask for miraculous healing of both body and mind for all. I ask that hearts would turn to you in faith.

May Christ’s name be glorified.

September 28, 2017

amen Jim and Shirly u guys got it right may ur comments go viral as they say in this lost world of technology next is nascar then rodeos because prayer and GOD is at least acknowledged before the start the enemy hates humans and if ur washed in the blood of JESUS u are number 1 on his list being politically correct means ur not a follower of CHRIST so in a loving spirit and tone plant seeds for the coming kingdom souls are depending on us many are being led astray hunker down in prayer and be in ur bibles there is no safe place to be except in
GODS presence PRAY HARD REPENT DAILY or hourly if need be and LOVE OTHERS but most of all LOVE GOD first be blessed my brothers an sisters see u all in the promised land whoop whoop

A I Call
September 28, 2017

I feel that, as a country, country we are in a real spiritual battle.
Satan and all of his followers are angry, because we finally have some leaders, in office, that want to get things back the way our forefathers set tem up. We need to pray for our government officials daily.
We need to pray for those who are stirring up so much trouble, and not be vengeful.
God says vengeance is His, and He will repay. Let’s trust Him to take care of things.

StellaA (TX)
September 28, 2017

Thank you for standing for our Constitutional rights which serve every American. Laws established are the bar of measure for what’s right. Thank God for your brave, strong stand to defend protect & uphold and honor truth of who we are

September 28, 2017

The president fueled this disunity and division? Let’s put the blame where it belongs…….Barak Obsma!!!!

September 27, 2017

Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. Hearts are being exposed these days, and that is a very good thing.

Unrepented sin never disappears regardless of how many people want it to just go away. The church in America has for hundred of years been complicit in many things- racism being just one. It’s so unfortunate how many Christ professers entangle politics and earthly citizenship and skin color bias with the gospel.

If we spent less time listening to media of any kind and more time scanning our own hearts and listening to Holy Spirit, our towns with churches on every corner might experience the power of the one, true living God!

In my 31 years of Christianity and observing church goers, unfortunately on skin color issues, the “church” is worse than than the world- because we have the Truth, but don’t apply it in this area. Lord, forgive us for allowing earthly identities and loyalties to drown out the gospel and thus misrepresent You to the world. How many souls have and are continuing to tumble into hell while we play the world’s petty political and social games!?

September 27, 2017

I have seen this from the beginning of Pres. Trump getting in Office. The hate from the Left, and the Liberal Media. It’s like every single day, Antefa; BLM; attack on the South (statues). Now the NFL is just one more step. I got to the point I no longer watch any NEWS t.v. because of all the one-sided stories they tell. The one thing I did like was my Sunday football. I turned my Browns on, saw all those taking a knee, before the Anthem finished, I turned it off. I will not watch a single NFL game this year, (which is a waste of 3 hours anyway). Next step is to give back my t.v. box, and maybe save some money. Learn to be at peace in my house again. Pray for calm hearts/ and pray for peace. No more football for me/ no more liberal t.v. for me. Save some big $$$ as well. I can still watch Jesus t.v.

Min. Sharon Crenshaw
September 27, 2017

Dear Lord,

Let those of us then who are mature be of the same mind, and if you think differently about anything, this too God will reveal to you, Amen.

Philippians 3:15

September 27, 2017

Father God, forgive me almost forgetting our battle is not with people but with principalities,powers, rulers of darkness and spiritual wickedness in heavenly places. My prayer,Father is forgive the NFL,they don’t know what they are doing. They don’t know Satan is using them and their pride and defiance to rob,kill, and destroy every man,woman,boy, and girl that sees them as their role model. They do not know You as their Father because they can’t hear Your voice. Their father is the devil, and they have to do what their father tells them to do. He is a murderer and the father of lies, he lives to deceive, conquer, and destroy every soul on Earth any way we will allow him. I say in Jesus’name and on His behalf, repent for The Kingdom of God is at hand. I say this to all of you and myself, repent, turn around and return to God so that your sins will be blotted out and times of refreshing may come to us all in the presence of our Lord Jesus Christ. I ,for one cannot watch anything on TV that dishonors God, our President and other authorities God placed over us for our protection, or our soldiers flag, or country anymore. Too bad, devil, you lost this NFL fan. Please kiss Jesus or perish you proud, arrogant selfish,lost,blinded men. Amen.

Michelle Wittenbrook
September 27, 2017

Abba Father, I lift up this nation to You and ask You to move on the hearts of the people with Your Spirit of Truth, and may we no longer be blinded by hatred and discord and selfishness. Stir up the Church to repentance and the truth of your Word so we may speak the truth in love, and help us to actually do what You tell us to do. Forgive us and heal us in Jesus’ name.

“Submit yourselves for the Lord’s sake to every human authority… Live as free people, but do not use your freedom as a cover-up for evil…” -1 Peter 2:13&16

Help us as your beloved children to “walk in the way of love, just as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God.” -Eph 5:2
And help us to be “peacemakers who sow in peace and reap a harvest of righteousness.” -James 3:18. May Your people arise now and “live a life worthy of the calling we have received.” -Eph 4:1 and bring glory and honor to Your Name.

“For it is God’s will that be doing good you should silence the ignorant talk of foolish people.” -1 Peter 2:15

Emilie Gewecke
September 27, 2017

This is for those of us who intercede, for those of us who are so confused by this grievous action against our country’s symbol of
who we are together – good or bad, the poor or rich, the well or
infirm, the weak or the strong, the smart or the challenged, the
believer or the unbeliever. One little verse from one little song “Turn your eyes upon Jesus, look full into His wonderful face and the things
of earth will grow strangely dim in the light of his Glory and Grace.
This is my prayer for our country, those in authority and those under authority for this is the ultimate solution to strife and conflict in any
and all differences and divisions. So thank you for drawing the intercessors together at a time such as this that we may raise our voices to the throne of grace for forgiveness and mercy for our
country for a time such as this remembering that Jesus is King of Kings and Lord of Lords and Victorious over all.

September 27, 2017

It sounds to me as if the NFL players are protesting problems that have nothing to do with the flag and anthem. And rather than fixing the problems by taking a knee during the anthem, their method of protest is only making things worse by causing anger and division.
But why does it have to be all or nothing?
If they want to protest something, maybe they could show how they feel by wearing armbands in various colors. At least that would draw attention to what they are upset about in a way that wouldn’t cause divisiveness and anger. If they want help with the thing that they think is unjust, they aren’t going to get it by making those individuals angry who could possibly be giving them the help they want.
The NFL players have been given many wonderful opportunities just by living in this country. Standing during the anthem shows unity with other Americans and appreciation for those opportunities. It also shows respect and honor for those military men and women who put their lives on the line in order to protect them and those wonderful opportunities.
Please stand during the anthem to show appreciation for the good things in this country and wear an armband to remind us that there are still issues that we need to work on – hopefully in unity.

September 27, 2017

I’m not a sports fan and have not witnessed what most of you have seen. We do need to be on our knees for our country’s unity and warfare for what the enemy’s snare is attempting to kill, steal and destroy in disunity.
My feelings are that if you are on payroll and idols to younger generations then your rights are to be good role models on job and freedom in private life to do as you desire within boundaries of no gross sins, sexual or abuse to people or animals. On payroll go with what past and majority of sports idols have left you for your future legacy. NFL ought to be penalized for decisions to stay on knee showing many disrespect of flag and our anthem. As fans of sports ought to boycott and show these athletes
Who is helping to support their income.

Many go to sports arena for playtime and bonding with family and friends not to be in political mode.
Keep kneeling players and it will affect your huge income. I think these expenses for average family is out of line maybe if fans boycott it will bring down cost and bring unity to America and what it stands for.
I agree I don’t want racial discrimination for any one but share your voice through writing letters to legislators and local communities, lobby your voice and take it to Washington and your state level. Pray and seek God’s wisdom as to what he would see as answer. So much of the time His way comes with best answers.

Vikki Z
September 27, 2017

They absolutely have the right to protest, however they SHOULD DO IT ON THEIR OWN TIME! The average American family spends a small fortune on over priced tickets, memorabilia, concession stand and gas driving to and from these venues. For many it’s a time to leave everyday stresses behind for a few hours of relaxation not be subjected to political protest. The minute the consumer enters the stadium it is time they BOUGHT and PAID for to be entertained for a few hours.

However the greatest threat to our country isn’t the President, it isn’t cops, it isn’t inequality, it isn’t racism, it isn’t lack of opportunity, it is a lack of GOD! The evil one is alive and well and growing in strength and he’s using Main Stream Media as his platform, THAT’S THE GREATEST THREAT TO OUR NATION! They are doing nothing to calm or quell the tensions in this country instead they are escalating HATE and DIVISION. They learned a long time ago if they say something over and over again, they can brainwash the masses and sadly it’s working. They are pitting brother against brother, citizen against citizen and neighbor against neighbor and either we are to blind or to stupid to see what they’re doing. They spew HATE and DIVISION 24/7 non-stop telling us we are either racists bigots or victims. I’d bet my life on the fact that the majority of Americans are NOT racist, but we’re being made to believe we are! Mika on MSNBC said, “It is our job to TELL YOU what to think.” These ARE NOT journalist they are PROPAGANDISTS. A real journalist will report a story and believe YOU are intelligent enough to decide the merits of that story on your own. When was the last time that happened? They want to start a race war! Why? Because their New World Order was interrupted with the election of President Trump. We are being led like sheep to slaughter and Satan is happily leading the way, he’s using MSM, NFL, LATE NIGHT TV, and the HOLLYWOOD elite. We are being exposed to his frequency 24/7 non-stop! We need to pray for God’s frequency 24/7!
Even our Institutions of Education are under attack. When you provide safe rooms to shield young minds from debate and a difference of opinion that is THE ULTIMATE IN MIND CONTROL! They want to create generations of mind controlled zombies, not free thinkers! It’s all about CONTROL! Yes Satan is doing everything in his power to deceive humanity and we better step up with PRAYER, and REPENTANCE, especially REPENTANCE and HUMILITY! Pray daily that this country gets on GOD’s frequency, not Satans, pray daily for repentance and pray daily for our President. This should be our priority to shut down Satans FREQUENCY for GODS FREQUENCY!

Kathie Hubbard
September 27, 2017

The enemy is real good at using a situation like this to get so many people riled up and divided. Satan is such a deceiver. He loves to get people sidetracked with issues that are divisive and not at all productive. We all need to be a part of the solution of issues, not continuing to be part of the problem.

Kimberly McCarthy
September 27, 2017

The Lord is disrupting all kinds of “idol worship” in our country. Our “normalcy” is being divinely interrupted for a time such as this. Nothing feels right, nothing is right and most things we have counted on in politics, media, entertainment, sports and weather have had divine disruptions. The NFL is no exception. People who feel out of “control” are “fleshing out”. Lawlessness is rising in an extreme kind of way. God is on the move, not in the way we can wrap our finite minds around. I can’t figure Him out, but I know, without a doubt, this is all Him. I keep praying that He will do whatever it takes to make us once again, “One Nation, Wholly-Holy Under God,”. God is in control, don’t underestimate just how much! This display of dishonor to our flag and our national anthem saddens me for basically one reason that our men and women who honorably sacrificed their lives for this country come home with flag draped coffins. We should never dishonor the flag they gave all for.

September 27, 2017

I feel there is a need to bind the mind Blinding Spirit and the Spirit of Antichrist from theses Players. Pray To release the Holy Spirit releasing revelation of Jesus Christ. To pray for a move of God in signs and Wonders in the stadiums. These
players need Jesus Christ. They are millionaires because of fans and sponsors
The demonic forces are using them to influence our millennial and youth. If we pray every time we see a game or pray in a stadium just think what God could do. Maybe pick your favorite team and spend time praying daily for them.
Jesus Christ is the answer for these men , and coaches.

September 27, 2017

Most of the problems we’re facing in our country today are rooted in a lack of knowledge. People needed to be educated on these issues. If people truly understood how healthcare works, I.e. deductibles, premiums, employer sponsored plans, mandates to have healthcare and how this affects employers budgets to hire employees, costs for products and services, etc. With regard to the NFL, people need to understand the impact on revenue to pay the players when people stop going and watching games…how it affects advertisement, and general happiness and relaxation for those who enjoy sports. They also need to understand the lyrics of the National Anthem. It would also be helpful to understand how single parent homes contribute to poverty and crime. Black Christians especially need to better understand the platforms of the political parties, so they can discern for themselves that the Democratic party does not represent their interests. Once a thorough education has been given on these topics, the level of anguish, despair and hatred will plummet!

Telma perez
September 27, 2017

Eso es una falta de respeto a las leyes lo q ellos hacen las leyes se respetan y EL presidente es el presidente y gracias DONALD TRUMP por todo lo q estas haciendo ppr america mi saludo para ti necesitabamosalguien como usted con principios y valores DIOS te guarde y bendiga.Gracias y bendiciones .

September 27, 2017

This is important for several reasons. The primary observation is that for too long we have had an unhealthy relationship in this country with sports figures, games, entertainment industry and political figures. The time for abstinence is upon us. The President, in one tweet, hit the hammer on the nails head–Our hearts are being deluded into thinking that it’s ok to disrespect our flag, our country, our leaders, our armed forces our law keepers. Just by ‘taking a knee’ you think? Yes. The Liberal left is using our own laws against us to slowly corrode our hearts of what is just and right and good. We have turned over liberty and taken up with her ugly step sister called tolerance. Do you think tolerance of evil exists in the throne room of God or the streets of heaven? Front and center America. Time to take back all of our country from the airwaves to the playing fields. What we allow we give license to.

Virginia Stevens
September 27, 2017

I disagree with the author’s analysis. If the nfl is afforded such “freedom of speech ” why can’t Christian cake makers exercise their freedom by passively expressing their opinions against homosexuality??

The author might argue that the baker is “denying service” to the homosexual. Well, the football fan bought a ticket with the expectation of seeing a football game. The nfl players then HIGHJACK this venue forcing the fan to watch their (misguided) politicization of the game.

I challenge the author to demonstrate that this is just.

September 27, 2017

Pray against the infestation of America by the Demonic spirits originating from the Greek & Roman ancient Pan Mediterranean-games including the Roman Colosseum Gladiator games, Bolstered up by the Central American Mayan Ball-player games & their demons from hell. Pray Christians worship Jesus instead of ancient demonic sports spirits. This is an opportunity from God Almighty to transform America’s sports worship into a return to Jesus!! IF the CHURCH PRAYS & INTERCEDES>

September 27, 2017

This is so true the divide started in 2012 president administration and he let the media push it to its fullest he wanted it this way Satan is walking people pay attention

September 27, 2017

Father, I pray for our country. America – the land of the free and the home of the brave. We are begging You for Your help! Please Lord, help us to STOP all this arguing and bickering and hate. Please fill our hearts with love and peace for each other. I think the intent of kneeling during the national anthem was to point out differences. THAT IS SO WRONG!!! True patriots KNOW the symbolism of ANY country’s flag and national anthem is UNITY and LOVE for your country! Whether they realize it or not, they are creating divisiveness and hate. Maybe they don’t care – Father, PLEASE touch their hearts and make them care!! Show them what they are doing! Touch our hearts, minds and souls to love each other and come together as a country to work together to find solutions to our problems. Help us all to look to You and put You first in our lives. When You come first, everything else will fall into place.

September 27, 2017

These football players are influenced by a pact mentality. They do not understand that our flag represents the freedoms we have were won by men and women who fought and died for this freedom. Can you imagine how our troops, who are still in a war, feel when they see these million dollar players disrespecting our flag. How utterly sad!!

September 27, 2017

I do not believe a football field is the place to dishonor the anthem. I watch football for enjoyment, not to be annoyed. Take your protest somewhere else. And try to help someone, not just protest. I have a son that served a year in IRAQ and he lost one of his best friends there. I do believe these NFL players do not have a clue what that flag stands for.

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Dave Kubal
IFA President
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