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I Prayed have prayed
Lord God, we look to You for justice.
Reading Time: 4 minutes

What can we do when the unjust are appointed as judges or investigators in our land?

Presiding FISA Court Judge James Boasberg shocked justice seekers after he appointed former Obama era-lawyer and national security advisor David Kris to review court-mandated changes the FBI recently made to the FISA surveillance application process. These changes were required after the release of Inspector General Michael Horowitz’s report in December which identified 17 errors or omissions in how the FBI handled the FISA applications used to surveil the Trump campaign.

The seventeen “errors,” ironically all favored the same political side as they opened the door for wire-tapping privileges of then candidate Donald Trump.

Corruption within the FBI has become increasingly obvious as we watched Obama-appointed FBI officials lead “investigation” after “investigation” in their ongoing attempt to remove the president from office.

However, what has not been known, until now, is what role the FISA Court itself played in the coup attempt against the president and falsified applications for surveillance.

The appointment of Kris, a well-known Trump hater, removes that doubt. Clearly, an unbiased investigation is not the goal. In his attacks against the president, Kris has been vocal in his support of the FBI as “he joined many other members of the Resistance, whether in the media, the Democratic Party, or the NeverTrump movement, in denouncing Nunes and defending the FBI as beyond reproach.” (Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA) first came under attack for a memo he wrote which uncovered evidence of the FBI’s mishandling and misleading of the FISA Court.)

While the FISA Court’s appointee is discouraging, it should not leave us hopeless. As American citizens, what are our options as we watch yet another “investigation” led by an individual who has already declared those he is to investigate to be guilty of no wrong?

Obviously we pray.

The good news is that these overt actions continue to reveal areas within our government which still need to be swept clean of corruption. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see the error of this appointment.

What does the Bible tell us about unjust judges (or investigators in this case)?

Then He spoke a parable to them, that men always ought to pray and not lose heart, saying: “There was in a certain city a judge who did not fear God nor regard man. Now there was a widow in that city; and she came to him, saying, ‘Get justice for me from my adversary.’ And he would not for a while; but afterward he said within himself, ‘Though I do not fear God nor regard man, yet because this widow troubles me I will avenge her, lest by her continual coming she weary me.’ ”

Then the Lord said, “Hear what the unjust judge said. And shall God not avenge His own elect who cry out day and night to Him, though He bears long with them?  I tell you that He will avenge them speedily. Nevertheless, when the Son of Man comes, will He really find faith on the earth?” (Lk 8:1-8)

My husband and I saw God move in our own lives in just such a situation. Years ago an enormous injustice had been done to us that left us on the verge of bankruptcy. Trust me when I say I was relentless in my petitions before the Lord to intercede on our behalf. This was the verse I stood on as I petitioned God to be my just judge. In a miraculous way, the Lord first confirmed His Word to us and then He performed it. Despite the fact that we were told it was a hopeless situation, God turned it completely around and gave us justice.

We learn much from this passage about how to pray regarding the FISA investigation:

  1. We must continue to pray and not lose heart. Do not be discouraged, because “You are from God, little children, and have overcome them; because greater is He who is in you than he who is in the world (1 Jn 4:4).
  2. God has moved on unjust judges before and He can do it again. The widow received justice as she relentlessly interceded before the unjust judge. Likewise, we should be relentless in our request for justice. Call your Congressman or Congresswoman to speak up regarding this biased appointment of Kris.
  3. Relentlessly kneel before the courts of heaven to declare justice and righteousness to prevail in our nation.

Lord, just as you have done before we declare that even the unjust judge gave the widow woman justice, how much more will You give justice to your children who call on your name day and night!

We ask for your help. Lord, we don’t know what to do, but our eyes are on you. We ask for your intervention against this injustice and biased appointment. Thank you for revealing the hidden things and those who are not who they say they are. We pray now regarding the individuals on the FISA Court who are not walking in integrity and who have joined to oppose the President to be removed from their positions. We also ask that any within our government in the DOJ, CIA, FBI, the State Department, the Pentagon, and every area, that those who practice injustice would be revealed and removed and replaced with men and women of integrity. Lord, we declare that You are the God of justice. And we ask that you bring justice. You detest dishonest scales, but accurate weights find favor with You (Prv 11:1). We ask for accurate weights once again in every area of our government and in our land. We pray that You would eradicate evil from our midst. And in its place, we pray for revival. We ask that Your cleansing power would flow out across our land and draw us to righteousness.

Karen Hardin is an intercessor, author, minister, and literary agent. Her work has appeared on USA Today, World Net Daily, Intercessors for America, Charisma, CBN.com, The Elijah List, etc. For additional information, you can contact her at www.prioritypr.org or www.karenhardin.com.


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Jerry E Sauls
January 23, 2020

Here is what the Lord says as recorded in Psalm 33:1, “All you that are righteous, shout for joy for what the Lord has done; praise him, all you that obey Him…(V-2)”give thanks to the Lord with harps…(V-4)The words of the Lord are true, and all his works are dependable…(V-10) “The Lord frustrates the purposes of the nations; he keeps them from carrying out their plans.” (V-13-15)”The Lord looks down from heaven and sees all mankind. From where he rules, he looks down on all who live on earth. He forms all their thoughts and knows everything they do.” (V-16) “A king does not win because of his powerful army…(V-19) “He saves them from death…(V-22)May your constant love be with us, Lord, as we put our hope in you.”
Our faith and trust must be in God regardless of what man says or does. We must realize that the bottom line in all of the ways of the wicked is an attempt to do away with God, His Word and His People. This has always been the goal of Satan. Knowing this, we must stay strong, keep our faith and pray like we have never prayed before. Amen!

January 19, 2020

[…] the FISC’s goal is to hold the FBI accountable for its serious misconduct, Mr. Kris does not appear to be an objective — or likely effective — amicus curiae for several reasons,” Rep. Jim Jordan and Mark […]

Sharon Fowler
January 17, 2020

Thank you for showing me that I needed to repent of my feelings against those who are perpayrating all the caos and discord in our Country.
God Bless you All 🙏

January 17, 2020

Father, we need not despair when evil/injustice is revealed. We must see the revelation as a way to inform our prayers and to show us where You are at work. Please teach us to pray powerfully for Your intervention. Help us to see what is needed and pray that boldly. In the name of Jesus, Amen.

January 17, 2020

Father, we invite you to come, arise and shine over this nation and let Your enemies be scattered. In Your powerful Name we pray. Thy kingdom come Thy will be done. Bind the strongmen over America. We proclaim you are God, You are King of Kings. You are The great I Am. Nothing and no one can stand against You. Saturate and anoint Your people today with Your Holy Spirit as we pray for this nation. In Jesus Name amen

January 16, 2020

I read that Chief Justice Roberts appointed every one of the judges who are on the FISA court.

R Leimer
January 16, 2020

Lord, Your word is clear, You are a righteous and just God. (Ps 36:6 “Thy righteousness is like the great mountains and Thy judgments are like the great deep.”)
Lord, You are a righteous judge. We pray YOUR RIGHTEOUSNESS and YOUR JUSTICE would prevail in this court. Our hope is in You alone and we wait on YOU.
Christ is all!

Marlene Falvey
January 16, 2020

AMEN AMEN! To all the preceding prayers!

John Curry
January 16, 2020

Thank you, Karen Hardin ! A thoughtful, thorough, and wise message on a rarely discussed subject: the systemic corruption of Justice in our land, which once was known for “Justice for All”, and “Equal Justice under Law”. No longer ! Even our school kids don’t believe those slogans any longer. That dear, blindfolded lady with the balance in her hands is being raped by thugs while we watch! And “when the foundations crumble, what can the righteous do ?!” Ps. 11:3 Well, Karen has pointed out the one, absolutely essential response : RELENTLESS, BELIEVING PRAYER. Jesus makes this perfectly clear by saying it THREE times. At the beginning (Luke 18:1) when we learn why He told this story (“that men ought always to pray and not faint”), and in the story itself (the widow’s persistence was what turned the tide), and in the closing statement, in which the Judge of All Men, Himself, promised to come swiftly and deliver Justice, looking for “faith”(18:8) — which in this case clearly means believers who are still beseeching God for Justice BECAUSE THEY BELIEVE He will keep His promises.
Heavenly Father, hear and answer the cries and pleadings for Justice in our land, and throughout this world. With Your healing fire of Judgment cleanse this land of bitter things. King Jesus come quickly.
The Spirit and the Bride say, “Come !”

    Joseph Serpico
    January 16, 2020

    Lord, you knew this day would come. Let us not be dismayed, but ever hopeful because you are the Gid of justice. You had the prophet speak in 2007 and 2014 that those with deceitful hearts would be against President Trump. These are the birth pains, yet we know that they will usher in the coming of the son of man. Until then, holy Gid, we pray for justice in this land. In this matter. Do not allow this blatant evil to go unanswered.

    Karen Hardin
    January 16, 2020

    Thank you for your kind words. You are accurate Lady Justice has been “raped by thugs.” What a stark analogy of what has taken place which has caused young and old alike to distrust the system. Thank you for praying!

    January 17, 2020

    Well said John. Please continue to comment on other posts on this site so we can learn from your godly wisdom.

January 16, 2020

God, bring your Truth to Bear Judgment on the wicked. “Contend with those who contend with us and save our children” as your Word to Isaiah says. Preside over those who presume to preside over this false impeachment made up of false witnesses. Bring the healthy Fear of the Lord on our government in all 50 states and on DC.

January 16, 2020

I also think about Balak and Balaam. Balaam was hired to curse the children of Israel, but when the time came, he couldn’t do it. Yah had only put words of blessing in his mouth. May the same happen to David Kris. May he open his mouth and find only blessing pouring forth.

January 16, 2020

Father in the name of our precious Savior Jesus, I pray that your will be done in this earth as it is in heaven. I pray you intervene into the injustice that is being done and the unjust people being placed in high places. Your word says that the liar will find his place in the lake of fire. I am standing on your Word that justice will be done as I know Your Lord are judge over all. We call on you to reach out your hand and touch these people that are spewing untruths about our President and the things he has done. My eyes are on you Lord. Prov 11:1says You detest dishonest scales, but accurate weights find favor with You. We ask for accurate weights once again in every area of our government and in our land. Intervene in the evil from our midst and we ask for revival and love and compassion in our land. In Jesus mighty name. Amen

Michael Guidera
January 16, 2020

Dear Lord, as I ponder this situation , I realize Your ways are so above my ways. Are you giving this man, David Kris, an opportunity to redeem himself? Are you giving him enough rope to hang himself? I only know you love all mankind and want all to come to the knowledge of You. I also know that your word says the guilty will not go unpunished and you laugh at those that scheme and plot and give us assurance that justice will be served. So I pray for justice to come in your time. The corruption in our government is extensive, that it is difficult to understand how it will be fixed, but You are a God of miracles and we ask that you would intercede and clean this mess up and exonerate all the innocent and bring to justice all those that have abused their power and brought such heartache and financial ruin to so many. I also pray for the media, which has been complicit in supporting this injustice and deceiving so many people, to decrease in their influence. I pray You raise up journalists that would report the truth without bias and fulfill their responsibility to the public. Give us Your wisdom to see as You see. May the Holy Spirit who lives in us guide us to be the most effective in becoming part of the solution. Teach us to hear You and know Your ways better. We love You and put all trust in You.

    January 16, 2020


    January 16, 2020

    Amen! May it be so, Lord Jesus. For our country, for our families, and especially for Thy Kingdom which is coming.

Janet kilmer
January 16, 2020

I pray the prayer that ALWAYS works: Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven! I pray all evil be exposed and that truth prevails. I pray GOD fearing men be put in charge.AMEN

January 16, 2020

Our Father in Heaven, You have told us that the devil is a liar and all liars will find their place in hell.
We declare that lies are but for a moment, but the Truth is for ever. Greater is HE that is in us than he that is in the world.
We pray Almighty GOD to YOU, our all powerful Father, Creator of the Universe, and ask You to send your mighty Wind LORD, blow away the lies, expose the TRUTH, and scatter YOUR enemies, that we might live the peaceful lives that You, LORD, want us to have that Your Name would be glorified. In JESUS Name. Amen.

Betty Mayes
January 16, 2020

Thank you all for this heartening article,& prayers.Have been troubled hearing of the appointment of blatently biased judge to “reform” FISA rules; must try to keep in mind God is in control.Constant praising of lawlessness and injustice by mainstream media is discouraging and heartbreaking

Gail Timmons
January 16, 2020

God I thank you that you never slumber or sleep. Your eyes are on the wicked and the just. We cry out God for justice to prevail.Deal quickly with the corruption in the Fisa court.Give these men women no sleep until they tell the truth. Release your angels of conviction to do your bidding and to polarize these lies and bring these men and women to justice today not tomorrow but today.We bind the truth around there necks so that they cannot lie.Thank you God that you have the first word and the last word. They will never upset your justice or overthrow you. You are King Jesus. Mighty in battle and mighty to save our country. You deserve all our praise and honor because you have won this VICTORY.In JESUS name. AMEN

January 16, 2020

Lord we continue to seek You day after day in asking You to send forth Your Truth and Light to break into the darkness encroaching upon our land. Break up the foundations of unrighteousness and wash and cleanse our nation that we may once again pick up Your scepter of righteousness. Cast Your Light on every area of our leadership in this nation. Bring us back to You, oh Lord, even as we cry out for justice from our adversary, and fill this nation once again with the hope of Your glory. In Jesus’ name we pray.

Emma Van Iwaarden
January 16, 2020

Father, I pray for the heart of this man who has been appointed to be turned to you. I pray that as he sees the enormity of this undertaking his heart would be broken of the truth verses politics. Father even now, let his heart see the reality of unrighteousness’s negative effect on his own behavior and thoughts. Cause him to shrink back from preconceived ideas and manipulative behavior to attain his own agenda. Send him godly friends to love him into a soft, heart of flesh that is open to you. Let him see the error of his thinking and be convicted to do right before you. God have mercy on these people who have been lied to and manipulated to perform the deeds of darkness. Expose the adversary so that their eyes would be opened. In your kindness, lead them to repentance, and for all in our nation, for those who already know You and those whose hearts have not been yet awakened. Save us, oh God.

January 16, 2020

Precious Father, Like Moses we lift our hands to you and we ask that you fight this battle. We pray for those who are fighting on the side of justice. We call on angels to fight the principalities of darkness as we pray in your name Lord Jesus. Amen and Amen

M. J. McFalls
January 16, 2020

Heavenly Father, we are often confused and dismayed by the overwhelming amount of information false or truth we have to ingest just to try to pray or speak to others intelligently about what is going on in Washington DC. Please give us wisdom to comprehend and decipher what is truth and what is false. And please Lord, not only us who come before you, but the average USA citizen as well.
We are bombarded with lies and so that we cover our ears and hide. That is exactly what the enemy wants. So help us Lord, to be sharp. Help us to fight for truth. Help us to see the difference and to not believe the lies. I ask this not just for me, but for the citizens and general population of USA and the world as well. Amen.

January 16, 2020

Heavenly Father, our faith is not in the wisdom of men but in the power of God (1 Cor. 2:5)! We pray for you to shine light into this darkness and expose all that is wrong. Bring forth justice tempered with mercy, exposing and removing those who oppose your good and perfect ways for this president and this nation.
In Jesus’ name,

Peg Futvoye-Sterling
January 16, 2020

Lord, hear our prayer as we thank and praise You for Your Loving Mercy and Divine Intercession being done. Let Your Divine Will be done. All Glory and Honor are RIGHTFULLY YOURS now and forever. Amen.


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