I Prayed have prayed
Lord, direct our prayers for repentance and revival in our land, and remove the veil for more repentance through revival!
Reading Time: 7 minutes

We’ve started a series on the importance of repentance in revival (#ImportanceOfRepentanceInRevival), so we wanted to share with you Dutch Sheets‘ teaching from Friday about what repentance is and how revival removes the veil which prevents people from repenting.Ā 

As we were preparing this, it was brought to our attention that Dutch Sheets read Part One of our series on Give Him 15 on Monday. It seems Holy Spirit is awakening both of our ministries to the importance of repentance in this season.

As we lament the direction of our culture, let’s focus our prayers on repentance. We’re preparing Part Two of our series, which will focus on the Welsh Revival of 1904/1905. When 10% of their population repented and made professions of faith in Jesus Christ, their nation’s culture was transformed on many levels.

Here’s the Give Him 15 post from Friday:

An Incredibly Harmful Misunderstanding

What I am about to share with you is not related to what is coming in 2024 in a predictive sense. But it is very related in a causative sense. It is extremely important, greatly misunderstood, and terribly under-taught. Please put your student hats on today and THINK. Holy Spirit, open our ears to hear today, and give me the ability to communicate with great clarity.

Who is praying on the wall?


Much is said in revivals and evangelistic meetings about repentance. It is, indeed, involved in the cleansing of sin, whether when one is being born again or when a believer receives cleansing. Unfortunately, many donā€™t understand the true biblical meaning and process of repentance, which can cause them to miss the transforming power it generates. Believers often struggle with repetitive sin due to this, and unbelievers can think they are born again/saved when they may not be. Statistics reveal that a very small percentage of people who pray what many call ā€œthe sinnerā€™s prayer,ā€ actually become true followers of Christ. Iā€™ve heard statistics as low as 3-5%; Iā€™m certain itā€™s below 10%.

You may have picked up on me using the word ā€œprocess.ā€ Repentance is actually Part 2 of a 3-part process.

Part One – Remorse

Some think of repentance as remorse. It isnā€™t. Regret, sorrow, or remorse is a different word in Scripture (metamellomai)(1), and is the first part of the process. It is good to have sorrow or be sorry for our sins, but biblical repentance involves more. Judas had sorrow (metamellomai) but not repentance (Matthew 27:3). Esau wept over selling his birthrightĀ  – obviously he felt remorse – but couldnā€™t find repentance (Hebrews 12:17).

Iā€™ve seen people weep at altars or when confessing sin, yet quickly go right back into their life of sin. Finney was said to have had men run to the altar weeping while he preached, only to tell them, ā€œPlease go back to your seat; youā€™re not ready yet.ā€ What a foreign thought to most of us. Why would he do this? He discerned that they had not come to full repentance.

Part Three – Turn

Yes I did what most people do when ā€œrepenting.ā€ I skipped a step. But donā€™t worry, Iā€™ll come back to it. Most Christians believe that repentance also means ā€œto turn and go another direction.ā€ This is obviously important, but is phase 3, the end result of the process. This phrase comes from the New Testament word epistrepho (2), usually translated ā€œturnā€ or ā€œbe converted.ā€ Acts 3:19 (ā€­TPTā€¬ā€¬) tells us, ā€œAnd now you must repent and turn back [epistepho] to God so that your sins will be removed, and so that times of refreshing will stream from the Lordā€™s presence.ā€Ā 

The Passion Translationā€™s explanation of the words ā€œturn back to Godā€ reads, ā€œPeter uses the Greek word epistrepho (“turn back to God,” “be converted”).(3) We need to not only repent but to return home to God’s grace and truth. This is a Hebraic thought of returning to the Lord God (the Hebrew word shuv)(4). Every Jew would know what that means: “Come back to God!” Repentance and return is more than a passive changing of one’s mind.ā€

Part Two – Repent

Which brings us to Part 2 of the process: the word repentance itself. Without understanding this phase, we either wonā€™t make the turn at all, as in a sinner rejecting Christ, or we will struggle in sustaining the turn, because it is being attempted from our mind and in our strength.

First, letā€™s define the biblical word, then insert it back into the equation. This powerful Greek word, metanoeo,(5) comes from meta(6) meaning ā€œafterā€; and noieo/noeo(7) meaning ā€œto consider, perceive, think, understand.ā€ These two words are compounded to form metanoeo, which literally means, as Strongā€™s tells us ā€œto think afterwards; reconsiderā€(8). In other words, a person formerly thought one way, but a new and different knowledge or understanding has come, causing what Thayer defines as ā€œto change one’s mindā€(9).

Okay, you might be thinking, obviously a person who endeavors to change course and go Godā€™s way has had a change of mind. So why make this definition a big deal? Patience, dear ones, Iā€™m getting there. And be ready to think! This truly is meat from the Word, not milk. Weā€™re headed for deep waters here. And if you understand what Iā€™m about to tell you, it is a game changer!Ā 

The biblical meaning of repentance from sin, though including a change of mind, is NOT referring to a simple mental exercise, decision, or choice. Biblical repentance – a change of mind – is the result of revelation, which literally means ā€œlift or remove that which hides or coversā€ (apakalupsis)(10). Second Corinthians 4:3-4 tells us a veil or covering came to the heart of humans at the Fall, ā€œblindingā€ us to Godā€™s truth and perspective.

The Fall and the Veil

This occurred when Adam chose his own ā€œknowledge of good and evil.ā€ When he did, his own mind and intellect took over, gaining ascendancy over his fallen spirit, which had lost Godā€™s life and Spirit. He no longer operated according to and under Godā€™s truth and logic, but according to his own fallen, carnal, fleshly thoughts. Adamā€™s soul, his psuche(11) (Greek: mind, will and emotions) was now in charge. The New Testament actually calls fallen man a psuchikos(12), from psuche, this Greek word for soul. Usually translated ā€œnatural man,ā€ it literally means ā€œof the soul,ā€(13) referring to one who is led by their soul, not their spirit. In contrast, a ā€œspiritual manā€ or person in the New Testament is pneumatikos(14),Ā  from pneuma(15), the word for spirit. Humans went from being pneumatikoses led from their spirit, which was filled with Holy Spirit and Godā€™s life, to being psuchikoses, led by their souls and whatever information or emotions were held there. James actually tells us the knowledge that originates in this exalted psuche is ā€œearthly, natural and demonicā€ (3:15). Unredeemed humans now live by and from this soulish knowledge, and Scripture tells us ā€œA natural person [psuchikos – ā€˜man of soulā€™] does not accept the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness [moria – ā€˜moronishā€™] to him; and he cannot understand them, because they are spiritually discernedā€ (1 Corinthians 2:14 NASB).

Since the Fall, because of this shift in power from spirit to soul, and the ensuing veil, we humans have needed revelation – ā€œa lifting of the veilā€ – in order to see and understand truth, Godā€™s logic, at a heart level. When this revelation occurs, THAT IS REPENTANCE! When Holy Spirit has been able to lift the veil of deception, give us a new understanding (His!) of our condition, and the will to recognize Jesus as Lord, we receive faith and Holy Spiritā€™s empowerment. We see Godā€™s way, we want Godā€™s way, and can go Godā€™s way. Weā€™re changed by the power of Holy Spirit, can now think His thoughts, want what He wants, and believe what He says.

The biblical process of change: Remorse, revelation and repentance, turn back to God.

This process is what we must ask for and war for when praying for the lost. It is what believers need to seek in order to overcome sin. And please hear this: when the true gospel of the Kingdom is preached, power from Holy Spirit is released (Romans 1:16; 1 Corinthians 1:18) to break the power of and remove this veil. The measure of faith (Romans 12:3) needed to believe is then activated. This power is multiplied in revivals. The power of Holy Spirit becomes so prevalent in the spiritual atmosphere that revelation breaks through the veil of deception more quickly. Revelation, in essence, becomes corporate, the veil being lifted throughout entire regions.

When Holy Spirit tells us revival is coming, and He is, Heā€™s telling us revelation is coming. When He tells us revelation is coming, He is telling us repentance is coming. And when He tells us repentance is coming, He is telling us breakthroughs of every kind are coming. Our role is to pray, asking for this; and also to decree its release, along with Calvaryā€™s provision, with Christā€™s authority. Holy Spirit and the angels will respond.

Pray with me:

Father, the prophets and prophetic intercessors are seeing a great thing. You have called them into Your inner council, as You did Isaiah, and allowed them to hear Your plans and timing (Isaiah 6). They have Issachar ears and hearts, understanding the times and knowing what to do (1 Chronicles 12:32). They are telling us revival is here and coming, and will intensify this year.

As Your voice in the earth, the Church must release Your will. We do so now, decreeing in Christā€™s name, which is all powerful and carries all authority, that revelation and repentance are being released into atmospheres throughout the earth. We decree the release of Calvaryā€™s victory in the Middle East, breaking the stronghold of the prince of Persia over millions of people. They will have revelations of Yeshua, they will experience miracles; they will receive dreams and visions. Revival will explode in that region. We declare this over Asia, as well. The greatest revival in earthā€™s history is coming to these two parts of the world.

America and other regions will experience revival, as well. Powerful, strong, veil-lifting revival! Awakening! Transformation! Deliverance! Captives freed, the oppressed delivered, the broken made whole! We decree that the lid comes off in 2024, and breakouts occur all over the world! In Jesusā€™ name, amen.

Our decree:

We decree that revelation and repentance are coming to the harvest fields of the earth, and will release great power.

Click on the link below to watch the full video.


Share your own prayers of repentance and for revival below.

  1. James Strong, The New Strongā€™s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1990), ref. no. 3338.

  2. Ibid., ref. no. 1994.

  3. Peter uses the Greek word epistrepho (ā€œturn back to God,ā€ ā€œbe convertedā€). We need to not only repent but to return home to Godā€™s grace and truth. This is a Hebraic thought of returning to the Lord God (the Hebrew word shuv). Every Jew would know what that means: ā€œCome back to God!ā€ Repentance and return is more than a passive changing of oneā€™s mind.

  4. Ibid.

  5. James Strongā€™s Exhaustive Concordance, ref. no. 3340.

  6. Ibid., ref. no. 3326.

  7. Ibid., ref. no. 3539.

  8. Ibid., ref. no. 3340.

  9. F.F. Bruce. The Acts of the ApostlesĀ [Greek Text Commentary], London: Tyndale, 1952, p. 97.

  10. James Strongā€™s Exhaustive Concordance, ref. no. 602.

  11. Ibid., ref. no. 5590.

  12. Ibid., ref. no. 5591.

  13. Ibid., ref. no. 5590.

  14. Ibid., ref. no. 4152.

  15. Ibid., ref. no. 4151.

(Used with permission. From Give Him 15. Photo Credit: chatkarenstudio via Canva Pro)

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Grant Windholz
January 16, 2024

Lord God Almighty, we are all broken and in great need of a Savior! Only you can truly accept repentance and revival of our hearts and souls. Thank you so much for that ā¤ļø !!!

January 14, 2024

Thank you, Mr. Sheets! This teaching is very informative and inspirational!
I agree in prayer with this Decree!
In Jesusā€™ Name I pray! Amen!šŸ™šŸ™ŒšŸ™šŸ™Œ

January 12, 2024

Amen! So glad to see this. Thank you.

January 11, 2024

Amen! Amen! AMEN!!!
Not a new teaching at all, so glad Dutch and IFA shared it again, cause our Poppa G-D knows we need the reminders, for encouragement!

Deborah Melicharek
January 11, 2024

Amen, Amen, Amen!!!

Darlene Estlow
January 11, 2024

Thank you for sharing Dutch Sheets’ words. I am praying for that revival over the earth. God is doing a great thing! Praise his name.

Barbara B.
January 11, 2024

Many years ago when I first got saved, the Lord gave me a message on repentance. I’ll keep it brief. He showed me in Psalm 51:6 that unless we come before our Father with a true and sincere repentance, we cannot expect to ask Him for a renewing of His Holy Spirit. Ps.66:18 If I regard iniquity in my heart, the Lord will not hear me. Isaiah 59:2 but your iniquities have made a separation between you and your God and your sins have hidden His face from you…so He doesnt hear us. Anger toward our brothers. Matt. 5:22, having anger toward our brothers shall be guilty before the court. He did not say forgiven…but guilty. Ps. 51 says the Lord will delight in righteous sacrifices. Be reconciled with our brothers and sisters or resentment is bound to set in. We must be true and sincere before God and lay all our sins at His altar and ask for His forgiveness. There can be no renewing, rejoicing or rebuilding without repentance…true and sincere.

Joseph Blanton
January 11, 2024

I humbly ask that you refrain from using words such as ecclesia (church) in your articles. You do not want to take a theologically elitist approach in this ministry. You will discourage those who do not have theological training and are not familiar with what these words mean. May God bless all those who serve Christ Jesus at IFA. jdb


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