I Prayed have prayed
Lord, we ask that Your sovereignty and justice preside over this Senate trial. Guide our nations leaders with Your wisdom.
Reading Time: 4 minutes

The fact that Democrat Sen. Pat Leahy – not Chief Justice John Roberts or Vice President Kamala Harris – will preside over former President Donald Trump’s impeachment trial should draw bipartisan condemnation as an assault on the very same democracy and U.S. Constitution that Democrats claim to be vindicating through that trial – and that Democrats know they’re headed to a political setback.

Traveling the globe representing our nation, and in the years since then continuing as an official international observer for other nations’ elections, is enough to impart on me a profound reverence for democracy – that people can rule themselves. It is a rare thing, a precious thing … and a fragile thing.

You see this in the Constitution when it carefully sets out the extremely narrow and limited role in our democratic republic for impeachment: the process for removing those in power without going to the ballot box.  . . .

This is especially true when it comes to removing the president of the United States. . . .

That is central to the purpose of the Electoral College, giving weight both to the population of each state and the fact that each sovereign state has particular regional concerns should be addressed – thus, that each state gets two electors for being a state (reflecting the state’s two senators), plus an additional elector for each congressional seat (reflecting how many people live in that state). . . .

Whether you voted for Donald Trump or Joe Biden, all can agree that this profound shift proves that elections have consequences. . . .

The Constitution mandates that impeachment of an executive officer can only be for specific purposes: treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors. It also requires a two-thirds vote in the Senate to convict, rather than a simple majority. . . .

When the Senate holds an impeachment trial of the president, the Constitution commands that the chief justice of the United States shall preside. Legal scholars note that this is because otherwise the vice president could preside as the president of the Senate, a vice president who would stand to gain the ultimate promotion if the trial results in a conviction.

But a second purpose is served by requiring the chief justice to preside. Senators are political animals, elected through the democratic process. . . .

The chief justice, however, is life-tenured and is the head of the judicial branch of government.  . . .

It also means that only the involvement of both the first branch and the third branch of government can remove the head of the second branch from power or disqualify him from future office. Requiring the chief justice’s assent to the process is to make it as difficult as possible to remove a sitting president.

Leahy’s usurpation of Roberts’s role in the second impeachment trial of Trump highlights how this whole affair is unconstitutional. Leahy is not an impartial judge – he has already called for Trump’s conviction before he’s heard any witnesses or evidence. In a federal court, Leahy would be required by law to recuse himself. In fact, there were no such due-process protections in the snap impeachment in the House, and the Senate is poised to mimic those due-process violations – something that the chief justice would surely oppose. . . .

It appears that Roberts has signaled he refused to go to the Capitol to preside over this unconstitutional circus act. Had he gone, perhaps he would but had to rule in favor of a motion to dismiss the proceeding at the outset, a motion raising a constitutional point of order. Roberts is clearly no fan of Trump, so the objection would be based solely on the Constitution, and it says volumes that Roberts will not preside over this illegal farce.

What then do Democrats hope to achieve?  . . .

The voters decide who to elect for president, not senators. The Constitution does not allow them to take away the people’s choice when it comes to former officeholders who might run in the future.

Even if the Senate could impose such a penalty on a former elected official, it would still take a two-thirds supermajority of 67 senators.  . . .

Removal and disqualification are the full range of penalties for a conviction – and two-thirds is what is required for any Senate conviction – including any of the penalties attached to conviction.

That is also why Harris will not be sitting in her seat as president of the Senate for this trial: The Biden White House knows this travesty is a loser for their side. This kangaroo court is not about justice; it is about revenge. The hard-left base that currently controls the once-great Democrat Party is nothing short of bloodthirsty in its deranged crusade to inflict any injury on Trump that they can. Cooler political heads in that party do not want Harris anywhere in the camera shot of this debacle, especially one that Democrats are sure to lose. Voters in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Georgia, and other swing states would not approve of seeing Harris leading this inquisition driven by the politics of personal destruction. So instead Leahy, the far-left senator from far-left Vermont, will preside, as president pro tempore of the Senate.

Leahy’s unconstitutional trial will instead result in a repeat of the headline from last year’s impeachment trial: “Trump Acquitted.” Hardly an auspicious maiden voyage for Chuck Schumer’s Democrat-majority Senate, or for the Biden-Harris administration, which will not be able to completely distance itself from this shameful miscarriage of what is supposed to be a solemn constitutional duty of last resort. . . .

(Excerpt from Breitbart. Article by Ken Blackwell. Photo by Alex Wong/Getty Images.)

What do you think it will be like with Senator Leahy running the Senate trial?

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February 3, 2021

The word fair or impartial in the present administration are just “words”. It wasn’t enough to defraud Pres. Trump and Americans… once hatred takes root, it then degenerates into bitterness and revenge. The unchecked out of control bitterness that courses through many of these people is fully being driven by Satan. Our battle lies in prayer to bring down this stronghold(s) that rears its ugly face daily through polished and scripted political statements disguised as “truth”. The masquerade these demons vomit up through the use of certain people is so evident that even those who know nothing about spiritual battle recognize it. Roberts, Leahy, whoever – they make no qualms about using their position and pulpit to force their hatred on Americans. God sees right through it.
**Lord, as intercessors we lift up President Trump to you. You know and we know that he did absolutely nothing wrong in his speech that day. We know that this impeachment is another vendetta that is rooted in hatred. President Trump was put in office by you Lord. We still struggle to understand why this has gone the way it is but we must trust You for the unseen. We put our hope in You Lord. Pres. Trump puts his hope in you Lord. We cannot fight this battle without you Lord. We ask that you would equip Pres. Trump’s legal team with Your wisdom, preparation, knowledge, strength, discernment and Your heart. Help them to never get distracted or diverted by our enemy Satan prior to or during this time. Give them peace in the course of all of this.
Send continually confusion into the camp of the enemy. Let their course of action be filled with pitfalls, confusion and the inability to maintain their lies. Remove all protection from even their best argument. We ask for You Lord to allow their words, their case, their desire for vengeance to fall on it’s face and not be able to get back up. We pray that Americans will be exposed and see the hatred that brought this forth. We ask Lord that You would make a mockery of their arrogance in their attempt to destroy a great president.
Give Pres. Trump and his team and America a victory. And we ask that your name would receive the glory because of that victory. Amen.

    Shirley p
    February 3, 2021

    Awesome Mcn! Thank you and that your words, faith not return void but go in the power of the Holy Spirit, in Jesus authority to bring victory…finally!

Regina Whitley
February 3, 2021

Psalm 94:20-23
Can a throne of destruction be allied with You,
One which devises mischief by decree?
They band themselves together against the life of the righteous
And condemn the innocent to death.
But the Lord has been my stronghold,
And my God the rock of my refuge.
He has brought back their wickedness upon them
And will destroy them in their evil;
The Lord our God will destroy them.

Karen Knee
February 3, 2021

The big problem here is that the RINOS want this. Monday I heard many (Lindsey Graham) knew the whole Mueller investigation was a fraud. Many other influential people knew this and they did NOTHING to stop it. I believe President Trump won and I also believe the Dems. know it as do the RINOS. This impeachment is a farce but I think it will be like this for the next 4 years unless God intervenes. The left wants us to be silenced as the RINOS do too. We are in for a hard 4 years.

    Laura K
    February 3, 2021

    I agree, but our God is bigger in all of this and is still on the throne. He will bring an end to it all in His perfect time.

      Darlene Estlow
      February 3, 2021

      Amen. We need to intercede and know God has the final word!


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