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Father, we ask that You would protect our southern border. Give our leaders wisdom, Lord, and show them the best way to secure our border.
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Title 42 is set to end soon. How will the Biden administration handle the incoming surge of illegal immigrants?

From New York Post. The real, true, and final end of pandemic-era measure “Title 42,” which allowed for the quick expulsion of all illegal immigrants crossing the southern border, is nigh.

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Set to end May 11, the title was a potent deterrent when former President Donald Trump applied it to almost 90% of all illegal crossing immigrants and far less so under the President, who expelled only 35%.

I predict big trouble is on the way to the southern border, from which I’ve just returned. …

A human tidal wave is building all over Mexico and farther south.

Biden administration officials claim they have a plan. Don’t believe them. …

This is the same one always provided by the Immigration and Naturalization Act, known as “Title 8 expedited removal.”

Biden’s top people talk really tough about how they are going to use Title 8. …

Unlike Title 42, however, Title 8 has a host of sure-fire dodges that all but guarantee escape from expedited removal and admission into America.

The first of these is that any immigrant who merely declares an intent to claim asylum on grounds they were persecuted at home pushes off Title 8 removal proceedings and gets into a separate end-run asylum-claim line. …

Tough talk for domestic political consumption has it that Biden’s government will presume that no immigrant is eligible for asylum and quickly deport them.

No one should buy this …

First, this “presumed ineligibility” is not going to apply to minors who jump the border without parents or guardians, the new policy explicitly specifies. …

Next, the administration’s proposed regulation makes instant dismissal of an asylum claim very difficult.

All any migrant must do is claim they face “an extreme and imminent threat to their life or safety, such as the imminent threat of rape, kidnapping, torture or murder,” the regulation discloses.

That’ll get most of them released into America …

This new plan envisions deporting only the immigrants who do not follow a script they have been carefully taught by human smugglers and immigration advocates.

They will take happy selfies in hotels paid for by New York City taxpayers for the folks back home, who will constitute the next group waved across the border. …

Share your prayers for our border security below.

(Excerpt from New York Post. Photo Credit: Greg Bulla on Unsplash)

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April 25, 2023

Lord, we ask for Your intervention, that You will change lives, whisper Your thoughts into the ears that so desperately need You, that You will spread truth & fan revival among all the immigrants. Lord, reverse the lies, protect those who honestly suffer, change selfish hearts!


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