I Prayed have prayed
Father, we ask for You to protect the integrity of our elections. We ask that Your Truth will become known and that Your righteousness and justice will prevail.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

A brave whistleblower stepped forward and shared an image of a computer that was used at the TCF Center to process absentee ballots from a recent Detroit election.

According to our whistleblower, who had access to the room where absentee ballots were being counted, Wayne County election workers were instructed to keep laptops used in the counting facility on “airplane mode” at all times…

The photo was taken when the whistleblower turned off the “airplane mode,” and the following internet connections appeared:…

We shared the image of the computer screen with the former two-term MI Senator Patrick Colbeck. He explained to us that the image could be “an internal network…”…

In June 2021 Attorney DePerno posted a series of tweets, where he explained how the EMS (election management system) was REMOTELY and successfully logged into anonymously on two different dates.

He begins his series of tweets by saying, “We have been lied to.”

1. The Antrim County election management system (EMS) was REMOTELY and successfully logged into anonymously on 11/05/2020 at 5:55 PM and again on 11/17/2020 at 5:16 PM.
Yes, that is correct . . . REMOTELY

2. Those dates are significant because they correspond directly to the dates the county and SOS were trying to correct the intentional computer problems that subverted the election…

Are you concerned about the integrity of our elections? Please share your prayers and comments below.

(Excerpted from Gateway Pundit. Article by Jim Hoft. Photo Credit: David McNew/Getty Images).

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August 16, 2021

Christians, we need to rise up and communicate with our representatives and make our voices heard while we still have time to do so.

Do not support a party or politician that will not actively investigate 2020 election fraud. We need to do whatever we can to ensure “free and fair” elections.

Without free and fair elections abortion issues will not matter as the left will be able to do whatever they want.

Without free and fair elections our jobs and industries will continue to be outsourced to other nations.

Without free and fair elections our borders will remain porous and immigration laws will not matter.

Without free and fair elections corrupt lobbyists will continue to dominate in the legislative process.

Without free and fair elections our energy supplies will again become dependent on Middle Eastern Countries that wish to do us harm.

Without free and fair elections our nation’s standing in world affairs will continue to diminish.

Without free and fair elections the liberal plans for the Courts will come to pass and there will not be anything we can do about it. The liberal left who are not governed by fairness or truth will dominate the House, Senate and the Whitehouse, then the Supreme Court as well.

Without free and fair elections we WILL NOT be a government “of the people, by the people, and for the people.
We will be a government of unelected bureaucrats, corrupt MSM, and anti-Christian leftist globalist elites who want a managed decline of the U.S. so they can implement their ideology and goals.

We, the people, have been trampled, worn out, and beaten down by our corrupt political system for decades. We need politicians to stand with and defend our citizenry, like Trump did. We need political leaders to take action to stop this hostile take over. We always hear words but rarely see action from our leaders that claim they support us.

We need to tell our leaders that freedom is not always pretty, but fight for it instead of pouting in Washington and pretending you are representing the people.

We need to tell our leaders to resist, to fight, to investigate, expose, and correct any election fraud or nothing else matters….

Rosalie Skwiers
August 15, 2021

I live 40 miles north of Detroit.I was born and raised in Detroit. There are many things I love about Detroit. I was in Detroit yesterday.
Detroit is the most dangerous city in the United States. My mother used to talk about fraud in Elections in the 60’s. How do we stop it?

August 15, 2021

We can try to explain this in multiple ways and by doing so, we often miss the mark of what’s actually important.
Electronic voting has been ripe for “piracy” from the beginning of when certain computers began to have so many varying options / functions. Think of the electronic world we live in where a transfer of funds can take place from Malaysia to the USA in mere seconds… without any hands on.
The moment voting was connected to any outside source via internet, etc. leaves the door open for “you name it”. Under the Obama administration, there was a huge push, with taxpayer money, to replace electronic voting machines with new software, machines, etc. in roughly 10 states. According to Obama and his administration, this would help update and secure future elections. Software for much of that equipment came from a George Soros owned and/or involved company. (imagine that!)
Pretty much “Anything” electronic today can be reprogrammed, adjusted, fixed, etc. from miles away. The smart revolution is also the “Pandora’s box for fraud” revolution. That is why you see corrupt officials at every level of government “assuring us” of secure and fair elections. No, not even close!! It’s a nice thought but many of these officials don’t know where to start in investigation, are too proud to admit they’re wrong, don’t want to be bothered with anything outside what they’re used to doing and some are just downright afraid to uncover the fraud. That leaves you and me – the citizens and voters of our nation to get involved and stay involved. It won’t change without us. It you can, run for positions that oversee elections or have influence in how they are run. Do whatever you can to help. These are often behind the scenes positions but absolutely necessary. Approach doing this with what I call the 1% principle or rule. You may not think what you are investing (yourself) or giving your time to is having an effect but over a period of, days, weeks and months – the 1% multiplies and results appear.
We have to be willing to challenge those who think everything is just fine. That includes challenging our church members to get involved and active. Quit complaining and make some waves where needed.
Recently, I wrote a letter to an important leader in our national government. They were asking for donations as they try to look forward to regaining seats in the house and Senate. Now I’m not against that. I’m all in with looking forward to trying to rid of government of certain people that are working against this nation, especially ungodly leaders. In the letter I wrote, I challenged this person of why should I donate to a party that isn’t talking about or addressing the known and proven fraud that took place. Why are they moving forward in a status quo way that it’s business as usual? I asked why they aren’t discussing some solid solutions with their voters and why they aren’t consistently challenging what happened!! I asked multiple questions and asked what they intend to do. Because one thing is a given. Those who defrauded America of an honest election(s) are already plotting again. They are scheming on how to counteract any new safeguards that are being installed. Those that stole from Americans what should have been a secure election are doing everything they can to steal again and again. The network of election theft is a layer cake that is incredibly complex and thorough. The arrogance behind it is laughing at our voting citizens because they think that because they got away with it once (or more I’m certain)… they think they now own America. And if we do nothing, they will. That is the price we will pay if we think others will figure this out for us.
Prayer is critical and the first step but our involvement is equally as critical.

    August 15, 2021

    I couldn’t agree agree more with you. I have contacted my Congressmen, and said, basically, the same thing you have. I have contacted other Republicans (I don’t waste my time with Democrats). We have to challenge these people! And, you’re right, we have “to put feet to our faith.” The Democrats have been doing the “community organizing,” the plotting and scheming for years and they’re good at it! It’s past time for us to get very involved! We will lose, not just elections, but our country, if we don’t! Blessings to you.

      August 15, 2021

      Thanks Pauline. I just noticed now I have some sentencing errors as I reread my comment. I usually proofread it but this time I didn’t do that very thorough. But the bottom line is the body of Christ can no longer stay “uninvolved”. May the Lord answer our cries and bless our efforts.

John Yocum
August 15, 2021

It appears that the computer was connected to the “City of Detroit” network; the others listed are just available WiFi networks which it picked up as having a strong enough signal to connect. This happens all the time – there are a lot of devices out there!

Interestingly, the task bar at the bottom shows the current WiFi network (“City of Detroit” in this case) as having essentially zero signal strength. I am not knowledgeable enough to know what that means.

August 15, 2021

Very concerned about the integrity of our elections! I live in Illinois!
Father, thank You for Attorney DePerno and all those on the frontlines of voter fraud and please continue to strengthen and encourage these brave men and women to stand. You make a way where there is no way \o/ In the name of Jesus Christ , Amen


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