I was visiting my son and his wife out of state recently and as we were driving home from dinner I was overwhelmed with the presence of the Lord and His heart for our nation. The Lord impressed upon me to pray specifically for the “unexpected.” As we tend to focus our prayers of protection on the larger nations posing threats, such as China, Russia, and Iran, I felt that we need to be watching and praying against a threat from a smaller nation that hasn’t been a focus before. The enemy likes to distract us with the obvious, while using the obscure to attack.
I am praying that the intercessors will stay alert, listening and watching, and that any scheme of the enemy to distract or do harm will be exposed.
What are you hearing from the Lord about the nations? Please share in the comments.
Blessed are those who listen to me,Ā watching daily at my doors,Ā waiting at my doorway. (Prv 8:34)
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watch and pray. Amen.
The following is my own personal beliefs. It up to everyone to walk in the light that has been given to them.
Itās my view that GOD is selling this nation beginning with California to foreigners that do not want the American idea that GOD is the one that gives us our rights.
This is what I hear GOD saying,
ā I will make the streams dry (drought) and sell the land to strangers. I will bring desolation on the land and everything in it by the hands of foreigners. I, the LORD, have spoken.ā
Ezekiel 30:12
The cravings of the mixed multitudes will bring judgment upon America.
The Bible says –
āThen the foreign multitudes who were traveling with the Israelites (America) began to crave the good things of Egypt. And the people of Israel also began to complain. āOh, for some meat!ā they exclaimed.
Numbers 11:4
They craved ideas that were contrary to the commandments of GOD.
And brought their foreign gods or no God at all.
Like Marxism
Like socialism
Like abortion
Like homosexuality
Like critical race theory
Like Godlessness
Like idolatry of government
Like anti nuclear family
Like redefining marriage which was an absolute abomination and the second most horrendous act by this nations courts.
Abortion being the worst.
Because you have forgotten the LORD that planted you America.
And a special promise to California straight from the word of GOD to the habitation of devils . A state with more Christians than the rest of the 49 states put together yet it is the most liberal state with the most anti God anti church leaders in the nation.
ā He turns rivers into a wilderness, And the watersprings into dry ground; A fruitful land into barrenness, For the wickedness of those who dwell in it.ā Psalms 107:33-34
āBehold, therefore I will bring strangers upon thee, the terrible of the nations: and they shall draw their swords against the beauty of thy wisdom ( The wisdom of your constitution that came from above) , and they shall defile thy brightness (The liberty and freedoms that flow from it).ā
Ezekiel 28:7
Itās my personal beliefs GOD gave us a reprieve (more time) because of The last administration but will not stop the inevitable judgment.
GOD help us, Take care, Seek the LORD and remember –
Rev 18:8
A few years ago a Mainline Protestant denominational in our town was on the market.,The Denomination were even willing to sell it to Muslims.
Once , on a Sunday morning service , 26 imams (Muslim clerics) came āto visit ā and check the building out.
At that time the little church I was going to was using the building, renting it on Sundays and Friday nights from the Mainline denomination. I saw the imams the day they visited. We went into high prayer and spent several evenings praying out this building.
The Muslims decided not to buy it.
It is my personal belief that there are already many Islamic terrorist cells hiding in this country, in the ābelly ā of America, and at some time they will spring into action to attack America from WITHIN. I believe this will be Godās judgment upon America for the millions of babies we have murdered in the ābelliesā of their mothers.
We must continue the fight against abortion through action and prayer. The blood of over 60 million babies is crying out from the ground…a NATION of future people who never got to live out their God given purpose.
That is what I think will happen first. America will have to fight for her life from within.
But I think if we continue to fight in prayer, repent and change our sinful ways , perhaps God will count us worthy to escape these things coming upon the earth.
This is late response and may not be seen. I have wondered about the silence from and about our Muslim leaders during COVID. I do not believe their silence is a good thing. I am not referring to muslims in general. I often prayer for muslims here and world-wide. My wondering includes the questionable election results in Michigan.The Church in USA needs to be alert.
Access to the Panama Canal could be restricted along with foreign investments and banking. Religious groups could also stir-up negative attacks.
If His people, the church, will come back to Him, we will see Him move! The enemy within this country is far more concerning to me, than the enemy without! My burden, for some time, is to see the ” blood bought church,” in the United States, get back to our foundation, which is Christ! This country was blessed by God, because our founders made a covenant with Him! To say we have broken it, is a huge understatement!! This country was blessed to be a blessing. We have strayed away from that. Our “prosperity, our wish list, is not what the gospel of Christ is about! Our churches have gotten weaker, politically correct, “woke” (whatever that means!) we have compromised His Word, by accepting what He says is wrong, we go along to get along, and, many pastors and believers, cringe in fear, daily! We’re called to be light, salt, to be humble, courageous, overcomers, discerners of the truth, fearless, etc. We are to have godly leaders…..we do not! We need true repentance and turning back to God….THEN, we will see His Mighty Hand of deliverance! “Call unto me, He says, and I will show you great and mighty things you don’t know about.” Christians in this country have a big battle, but God’s Word says, ” the battle is the Lord’s” I believe He’s waiting on His people to come back to Him! I look at all the United States is allowing, and, accepting, and, I wonder if we will.
What the Lord spoke to me after the election and was so disappointed with the results. He gave me three words, Stand, Wait and Watch. I was to stand in faith for those who Stand in faith will endure, I was to wait for those who wait upon the Lord shall be renewed and I was to watch for the Glory of the Lord will be seen. so I stand by my watch post and ask the Lord to show us His Glory that all will see the works of Your hands.Amen
Heavenly Father, nothing is a surprise to You, nor is there any power that can stand up to You! Grant us discernment and wisdom as we pray and help us to remain diligent! Thank you Jesus! Amen.
And it was:
Where Revival came in the early and mid 20th.C.
And it is: The Underground Church is increasing yearly..
And it will be: A Great Unprecedented Awakening is coming to North Korea and the surrounding nations..We and Intercessors around the world stand in His Presence to see this happen to The Glory of God!
Psalm 64: 7-10. I believe this scripture is being highlighted right now which corresponds to a dream I had months ago.
“But God will shoot an unexpected arrow at them and suddenly shall they be wounded. And they will be made to stumble their own tongues turning against them; all who gaze upon them will shake their heads and flee away. And all men shall reverently fear and be in awe and they will declare the work of God, for they will wisely consider and acknowledge it is HIs doing. The uncompromisingly righteous shall be glad in the Lord and shall trust and take refuge in HIm and all the upright in heart shall glory and offer praise”
I believe if we honor Israel and especially the messianic jews with our firstfruits of prayer and finances, God will give us dominion over the “gods” of the Nations (China, Iran,etc.) and we will be able to reap harvests in the Nations even in the midst of our enemies. Deut. 28 says it is God’s intention to make Israel the “head” Nation. Yeshua will fight for Jerusalem and rule from there (Zech. 12-14., from the Throne of David. The Throne of David is the Throne of Jerusalem/Israel. When we connect to the King of Israel and the Head of the Church we will have an authority alignment over the Principalities and powers of the Nations, and be empowered like never before for World Evangelism. Matthew 6.33. Psalm 110.
two days ago as I was getting ready to leave a medical building 2nd level parking garage the whole ground shook. My first impression there was an earthquake.. The Lord is shaking the ground! That was unexpected in browed day light in Indiana.
Regarding the nations, Deuteronomy 32:8 is becoming more and more meaningful to me: “When the Most High divided to the nations their inheritance,.. He set the bounds of the people according to the number of the children of Israel.”
Also, regarding America, I pray that intercessors would have the “divine esionage” that God gave Elisha: “And the man of God sent unto the king..saying, Beware that thou pass not such a place….” 1Kings 6
Mark 13:8 The Passion Translation
āFor nations will go to war against each other and kingdoms will clash with kingdoms. And there will be terrible earthquakes in place after placeāseismic events of epic proportion. And there will be famines and riots. This is how the first contractions and birth pains of the new age will begin.ā
I woke up early the morning of June 21st in a vision. I saw the whole earth and all the nations of the earth were clashing. Nations were being uprooted and smashing into other nations, almost
li a pin ball machine. I saw some nations lose chunks of themselves. And some lost their recognizable forms as the boundary lines were altered by these clashes.
I asked God how to pray and I got Psalm 2 and Isaiah 40:12-24
āLike a pinball machineā
Yes and amen. My note on Psalm 2
“There is a present part but God’s view extends to the eternal”
I am reminded of 2 Corinthians 4:15.
We as a Nation had strayed from God, then Covid19 hit. Fear struck our Nation and churches shut down across our Nation. Now it’s time to focus on the church to rebuild her by cleansing her and rooting out the world from her. We are in a spiritual battle. The battle is the Lord’s but we must take our authoritative position do what Jesus taught us to do by walkingin the word of God. Faith over fear is the key in every area. Haggai is what I heard. Time to rebuild. From the inside out. Then people will see Jesus in us. Amen
I am sensitive to African and European nations, having visited many countries on both continents. I especially note when US and other navies hold joint operations. Our Navy personnel, mostly
in carrier strike groups, but also on small ship assignments, are worldwide ambassadors for peace. I pray daily for them.
This is clearly what I heard the Lord sing this morning. I was dreaming and heard music and singing. As I woke up, I heard this line being sung.”The Lord break your head and crush your neck.
I knew He was talking about our enemy, Satan. That’s what He’s doing, breaking the head of the enemy and crushing his neck.
I like the post about Satan being smashed. Let’s be open to revival in our country, but the unexpected could be revival in places like Iran (already underway in Iran), and maybe in places like China or North Korea. The Spirit of the Lord will land where it is invited and welcomed. Watch where you see persecution and the Lord will show up. Let me really bend your thinking…maybe the revival starts in Silicon Valley…May it ever be so dear Lord!