Abba Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, show us how to pray for our cities. Unify us in intercession for our nation.
In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans. And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for Godās people in accordance with the will of God. (Rom 8:26-27)
Of all the news accounts that have come out of Charlottesville, Virginia since last weekās riots, one of the most encouraging reports was a story we broke at Intercessors for America about a local group of intercessors that took strategic action on the day of the event ā and saw results. (Read the original story here.)
In our report, Jon Quesenberry, Director of the Charlottesville House of Prayer, told how he and his team had been praying about the event several weeks in advance. They then went on-site to complete a specific assignment from the Lord. He shared their simple strategy of praising the Lord through worship, thus creating a totally different atmosphere than the protesters brought with them. He shared how his small groupās presence and praises drowned out the distractions and silenced the hecklers. This is directly in line with the strategy God gave King Jehoshaphat to win a battle when greatly outnumbered (2 Chr 20).
Even with the tragic death and numbers injured that day, Quesenberry said city hospitals had been prepared for many more casualties. He believes their strategy and obedience to the Lordās guidance helped to shift the atmosphere at the epicenter of the conflict, thus greatly reducing the amount of violence threatening their city.
We believe that what happened in Charlottesville could happen in any city across this nation. As we follow up with this story in the coming weeks, we sense an urgency of the hour to engage and help equip intercessors at the local level. It is clear that the Lord is not looking for large numbers. He is looking for obedient hearts. He is using intercessors in every community to fortify their city through prayer.
They all plotted together to come and fight against Jerusalem and stir up trouble against it. But we prayed to our God and posted a guard day and night to meet this threat. (Neh 4:8-9)
Every city will be different, and the key is to hear the Lordās voice and strategy for YOUR community. We want to hear your testimonies as well as divine insights and strategies that have helped to fortify your city through prayer. Especially for groups of intercessors who have been on the wall of intercession in their city for a while, please share with us. We want to hear from you.
Please consider the following questions and RESPOND by COMMENTING BELOW.
-If your city has been threatened by riots and violence, what collective strategy has the Lord shown you that has been fruitful?
-Have you seen tangible results of Godās intervention from a specific prayer strategy over your city?
-Have you taken part in a similar approach to prayer as the Charlottesville group? If so, what were the results?
We look forward to hearing your comments and will be passing on more practical tools for powerful and effective community intercession in the days to come!
- Wanda Alger, IFA Field Correspondent
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Blessed to see this focus on intercession for our cities.
Friendly invitation to become familiar with Cityreaching.com ~ collaboratiive prayer, care, share initiatives.
National Facilitator Cities/Communities Mission America Coalition
Praying for our heavenly Father to remember the prayers in heaven prayed by generations for our city/ state/ and country. He watches over his word to perform it and will not he who is faithful and true not complete the good work he has begun in our great nation?
i would like to lift us Houston and surrounding areas. I ask that YOu our Sovereign God would stop the looters and those taking advantage of this great disaster. I pray your peace on the area, i pray for a stop of all panic and anger resulting from fear. Our Prince of Peace, be the peace needed in this awful situation. I pray against the enemy of our souls using it to further his hold on the people. I pray that this crisis brings many to Christ, as they call out to you Lord in their distress, cause them to know that you hear them. I pray an empowering of your children, that they would increase in faith and utilize the spiritual gifts you have given each one of us. I pray that worship and prayer teams would go to each shelter and minister. I pray protection on those who are widows and alone who stayed in their homes. In Jesus name, Amen
Praying for Clallam County, WA. Agreeing with the prayers above, that God’s kingdom will come and His will be done here. That we as His children would shine His light to those around us by our words and our deeds. Lord, help us to repent of our wicked ways and clothe ourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. Help us to bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances we may have against one another. Over all these, may we put on love, which binds them together in perfect unity.
“Build Your kingdom here, let the darkness fear
Show Your mighty hand, heal our streets and land
Set Your church on fire, win this nation back
Change the atmosphere
Build Your kingdom here
We pray”
In the Name of Jesus our Wonderful Savior.
I thank you Father for giving us power over all the power of the enemy!.
We exercise that power right now and we bind the power and break the spirit of the witch, the wizard, the warlock and the witchdoctor.
We bind and break all hexes, spells, assignments, blood ceremonies, incantations, or certificate of writings, word curses or spells set up to bring disharmony, racial tensions, anger and hate against any race or organization in our community. We pour the blood of Jesus over then right now and break their authority and power.
In the name of Jesus and by the blood of Christ we declare confusion and civil war in the first and second heaven among the forces of evil.
We declare and render ineffective any entrapments, or control over the residents in our cities whom the evil one will target to commit acts of violence.
Fire of God, minister destruction to the minister of destruction and bring him to open shame.
We destroy, by the blood of Jesus, the shrine of the strongman and send forth warring angels to stand shoulder to shoulder against any evil force sent out to bring evil upon our cities and the United States.
We call open disgrace to those who oppose God’s righteousness and that the Holy Spirit will bring them to swift repentance or death.
IN Jesus Name -AMEN.
My prayer for Austin and its suburbs is for revival. But I believe that revival must first come to the church. So I’m praying that God continue to draw the hearts of His true followers here in Austin together in unity, with a heart after His heart, filled with passion to see His kingdom fill our land, sold-out in commitment, with only one agenda – to see His will accomplished, regardless of our denomination or theological background. I pray that the Spirit of the fear of the Lord fall upon the church here, drawing us into repentance, humility, intimacy, holiness, and fruitfulness! Yes, I’m praying for revival but I know that revival starts with us, His true followers – that WE must be worthy vessels fit and willing to carry His glory. So I’m praying for God to bring true godly repentance and revival to those of us who pray, believe, and minister.
My prayer is that the winds of the Father will blow across our region of Northern Arizona and awaken the churches to seek Him while he may be found. That we be united in faith and deeds to see His Kingdom come on earth as it is in Heaven.
We The CommUnity Prayer Wall over Winchester and Frederick County are praying selective parts of the 91st Psalm, (paraphrased:)
We dwell and abide under the shadow of the almighty. God is our refuge and fortress, we trust in Him.
He will deliver us from the snare of the fowler and from the perilous pestilence.
Under His wings we take refuge, His truth is our shield. We will not be afraid of the terror by night nor of the arrow that flies by day, nor of the pestilence that walks in darkness, nor of the destruction that lays waste at noonday!
Because we have made the Lord our refuge, the Most High our dwelling place,
No evil will come near our city, nor will any plaque come near our dwellings, for He will give His angels charge over our community.
Praying for unity and spiritual leaders to rise with authority and a life style of prayer, Walking in humility and forgiveness, Changing the family, the city, the nation. Thank you Father for placing eternity in us. May we walk as our Father taught us.
As I was reading your article on promptings I came to realize why more people don’t pray. You mentioned it somewhat when you said pray for their forgiveness. Also ask for your own forgivenes. Well that is the reason people don’t pray like they should its because they have unfinished issues in their heart. So the favor and the boldness comes from the by Holy Spirit. We must walk in obedience settling issues with God to sense His presence and promptings. Parable of mote and beam fits here very well. A mote is one issue but in order to pray effectively we must get the beam out or several small motes in a beam of light. Then we see clearly how to pray and have Holy Spirit promptings. God Bless America!
I have been so grieved by the loss of a generation, the very ones who are so chaotic and confused right now and don’t know right from wrong.
They have no foundation. Psalm 11:3 says, “If the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do?”
They haven’t been taught the Word of God, and the book of Genesis has been dismissed as foolishness.
They are fascinated with death and demons, but don’t really know where death came from.
When asked is they are “saved”, they reply, from what!
Pray that a strong word will rise up in a teacher for them. We love them but we have failed to bring up children in the fear of the Lord.
Heavenly Father, I lift up to you the city of Lancaster, Pennsylvania – a place with a strong Christian history and heritage and continuing influence. May the people come to know the true religion of the Gospel of Jesus Christ – in reality, not just in name or tradition.
May the fear of the LORD grip the hearts of the people. May your laws, your testimonies, your statutes, your commandments, your true and righteous judgments (Ps. 19) — revealed and fulfilled in Christ — command the attention of the people, both young and old.
May every local church and its leaders be true to your revealed Word and side with you on matters of life and family and sexuality, so that the sexually broken and confused, the shattered families, the violence and lure of death will be confronted with truth (John 10:10).
Oh, Holy Spirit, sweep over this city with conviction of sin and righteousness and judgment — that many will be brought into the Kingdom of God — to the glory of God, through Jesus Christ our Lord!
We may not understand the deep hurt that occurred during the days of slavery. In some areas and places, the slaves were treated well. In other areas, there was abuse–including sexual abuse and harsh treatment. Slavery was definitely wrong in that it took freedom of choice away from people. There were many other problems with slavery–ie many not being able to read or write–no education–splitting up of families–etc. —We need to address and repent of these deep hurts–it should start with those who had slaves in their family. My family was among those who had slaves–from what I learned, the slaves were cared for–yet that does not make slavery right.
Today, we are seeing many of those past hurts surfacing–God wants them cleared through humility, confession, and forgiveness. He will forgive–I John 1:9. II Chronicles 7:14
I encourage all who had families who had slaves to go to the Lord and confess sins of their family.
Perhaps we need a forum to move forward on this–maybe IFA could provide such a forum.
Here are the World Rulers of Darkeness to cast out, AFTER THEY ARE GONE OUT OF YOU:
the 7 āWorld Rulersā spirits of darkness.
Stubbornness – Idolatry
Antichrist – Conquering
Rebellion ā Corruption ā Slavery – Racism
Pride – Blindness
ā Paralysis
We have been praying for Central Florida for over a year. We believe those prayers so far have kept our area peaceful and minimized the damage done here by the enemy. We are praying that God will turn Central Florida red for the 2018 elections and that we will see a great revival in our state.
Pray, that all sin is out of you, so you can take dominion over the earth. When sin is gone out of you then you will have authority to pray against Principalities and powers, and World Rulers, However when they are bound/cast out you, what is bound on earth will be bound in heaven, so you won’t need to pray that much when you are without spot or wrinkle.
2nd Chronicles 7:14
Grace & ability to perform the command given:
Septuagint Bible:
When my people who are called by My name humble themselves, and pray to Me and seek my Favor, and turn from their evil ways, I will hear from heaven and forgive their sins, and heal their land.
ā¢ When my people: we Christians need to take responsible, and be accountability for the world conditions, the unsaved canāt see, and canāt really pray. As the church we are the plumb line in the sand, and the moral compass that moves the universe seen and unseen.
ā¢ Who are called by My name: if you are recognized by the unsaved, and they call you personally a Christian, then you have passed the first requirement to be ready to move on. An excellent beginning is to fellowship (do not forsake the assembling together), in a āfree churchā; that is to have Jesus as the head of your church, and not the state as is the outcome of a 501C3 corporation church. God Almighty says my name not ādoing business asā, as a free church Jesus can run it. 2,000 years ago the early church had to fight being a Roman corporation, and many died, because of the refusal to be a state corporation.
ā¢ Humble themselves: Stop grieving the Holy Spirit. There is a shift here in ability, where you can receive grace to move on to the next command to pray [1 Peter 5:5 God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble]. Your soul at this point has to realize it canāt do anything spiritual except come to the end of itself, give up and cry out to God Almighty; your soul can stop blocking the Spirit from receiving; it can open up to the heart & confess from a connection to the spirit; Ps 34:17 The righteous cry out, and the LORD hears, And delivers them out of all their troubles. In other words repent of your personal sins, not someone elseās sins.
ā¢ Pray to Me: (Not just pray, but move into the next phase toward Renaissance, pray to God Almighty directly), You can & need to be persistent āask & keep asking, then progress to seek & keep seeking, and finally knock & keep knocking!ā [Ps 34:17 (The righteous) cried, and Jehovah heard, and delivered them out of all their troubles.]; you are beginning to stop your suppressing & denial of the truth here. Judging others is also an attempt of the soul to create itās own justification, and bypass Jesusā work on the cross, by comparative self righteousness.
ā¢ Seek My Favor: Under the new covenant Hebā¦ tells us āCome boldly to the throne of Favor/Graceā. Here you can draw near God Almighty [Ps 37:4 Delight thyself also in Jehovah; and he will give thee the desires of thy heart.]; you can now begin hearing what God Almighty wants you to pray, especially about yourself, and not just what your soul desires to pray; before this you were caught up in soul worship (guilt, shame, condemnation, unworthiness, embarrassment, self pity, self absorbed, pity party, introverted), you were self reliant & unable to repent & turn to God. Instantly turning to God instead of self will bring you to the place of overcoming [past obedience & surrender]. The spirit of fear of relying on God kept you in a different kingdom, instead of completely in the kingdom of light.
ā¢ Turn from their evil ways: After seeking Godās Favor you now have drawn close enough to turn from your flesh, the world, & the devil [James 4:7 Be subject therefore unto God; but resist the devil, and he will flee from you.], we see being subject to God is the step that allows you the strength to resist the Devil, without the nearness of God Almighty you canāt resist the devil.
ā¢ I will hear from heaven: you have now broken through the brass heavens, & your prayers are now being head, & you are actually repenting from your heart/spirit, & not just your soul or mind; your heat is opening up to God & man; your realizing your error; and your not blocking, or distracting from the truth anymore. Now, is the time to: Ps 32:6 pray to You in a time when You may be found.
ā¢ Forgive their sins: As you draw near God Almighty, & experience the grace of Jesus offers, you will begin to forgive God & all others you have judged including yourself; now God can remove the tormentors & forgive you, so that you can be sanctified [Matt 18:32-35
32 Then his lord called him unto him, and said to him, you wicked servant, I forgave you all that debt, because you sought me:
33 shouldnāt you also have had mercies on thy fellow-servant, even as I had mercy on you?
34 And his lord was wroth, and delivered him to the tormentors, till he should pay all that was due. So shall also my heavenly Father do unto you, if ye forgive not every one his brother from your hearts.].
ā¢ Heal their land: at this place what you have now bound on earth is also bound in the heavens, the āprince of the power of the airā is helpless, because as Jesus said, āhe has nothing in Meā; the principalities & powers are defeated, along with the world rulers, and God Almighty will begin building His kingdom! The unsaved will now begin feeling the power of God Almighty & healing will be normal, evil will flee the country, because the conviction of God is to strong.
ā¢ At this point, God has judged His house, and can begin judgment on the world ā1 Peter 4:17
17 For the time (is come) for judgment to begin at the house of God: and if (it begin) first at us, what (shall be) the end of them that obey not the gospel of God? ASVā; God has done what He promised in scriptureā Matt 13:41 The Son of man shall send forth his angels, and they shall gather out of his kingdom all things that cause stumbling, and them that do iniquity, 42 and shall cast them into the furnace of fire: there shall be the weeping and the gnashing of teeth. 43 Then shall the righteous shine forth as the sun in the kingdom of their Father. He that hath ears, let him hear. ASVā
Father, I am asking you now to shut the mouths and confound those with evil intentions for the United States. We repent God for our lack of action, for walking away from YOU, for not caring for our own and for those that are dying because of their faith world wide. Open our eyes Father, fill our hearts with a fire for you and your people. Bring revival to our land God and bring healing. We come against the spirits of Weariness and Heaviness that are attempting to stop the forces for good and peace in this nation. We order you back to Hell where you belong in the name of Christ!
God I ask you now to bring us supernatural energy, drive and a new sense of burning and passionate love for You, for Your word, for Your ways. Awaken your people and move them to action Oh Lord, move them to register and vote for righteous policies and candidates in 2018 and turn this nation around. Bring us back to you God, we need You, we are lost without You.
Praying for new governors who have not sold out to the NWO