White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany has plenty of sweetness and smiles, but don’t be fooled – since stepping into this huge role in the spotlight, she is arming herself for battle, prepared to defend the president. Lately, the Commander-in-Chief is facing criticism for taking the controversial drug, Hydroxychloroquine in order to prevent COVID-19.
“Yes, the doctor did prescribe it for him,” McEnany tells CBN News. “He took it after having several discussions with (White House Physician) Dr. Conley about its efficacy and Dr. Conley believed that the benefits outweigh the risks for the president.”
The criticism comes, in part, because the federal government’s Food and Drug Administration cautioned against using it and if so, only in a hospital setting. McEnany wanted to set the record straight. “I talked to (FDA Commissioner) Dr. Hahn about that,” she says. “First, this is a drug that has a long safety profile. It should always be prescribed from a doctor to a patient, but it has been shown to be safe. I explicitly asked him, ‘what about outside of hospitals?’ and he said, ‘yes, it’s okay if a doctor prescribes it to you in your ordinary point of care.’ That is an acceptable way to go about this.
McEnany says the media is stoking fear without providing necessary details and specifics on this issue. She’d actually like to know why the media isn’t asking more questions about what President Trump likes to call, ‘Obamagate.’
“It is a criminal offense to leak the identity of an individual like Michael Flynn, a private citizen, to the press after being unmasked so we know that a crime is committed,” McEnany tells CBN News. “Who did it is the question.”
When asked to clarify if someone in the Obama Administration committed a crime, her response was firm. “Absolutely, but there are a number of other questions that need to be asked. There’s more questions than there are answers in this and the lack of journalistic curiosity is really something intriguing.”
So does she hold the media accountable for doing the bidding for the Obama Administration on this matter? “When they don’t ask the questions, absolutely. Yes.”
The media has already taken aim at McEnany, saying, in their view, she lies from the podium, despite her pledge not to. Her critics have called her a liar, racist and birther. “I know the person I am, and I know what I stand for and I stand as a Christian woman, someone who believes in equality, in truth, in loyalty and honesty,” McEnany tells CBN News. “It’s the values I’ve lived by my whole life. It’s the values I’ll continue to live by. People will malign you, it comes with the job, but I know who I’m ultimately working for and it’s the Big Guy upstairs.”
McEnany sees the results. “This country needed someone to fight for life, to fight for religious liberty and I believe that President Trump was that person and he’s done that…there’s just so much that he’s done to fight for the Christian community so I certainly believe that he’s here at this moment for a time as we all are.”
This White House Press Secretary is surely not shy about her faith. During our interview at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, she became emotional when talking about the recent passing of famed Christian apologist Ravi Zacharias.
“It’s a huge loss,” she tells CBN News. “My dad said to me, that Billy Graham was the great evangelist and I think Ravi Zacharias is the great apologist.” As she continued, she paused, trying to collect herself. Her eyes filled up with tears, knowing the impact he made on the development of her Christian faith. “To have someone from an academic place, as an apologist, could equip you with those arguments where you didn’t have to check your brain at the door when you became a Christian, where there is the intellectual foundation for everything we believe… but his life continues in the next life. He is someone I’ll meet in heaven and rest assured his legacy will always be here and he will continue to change lives.”
(Excerpt from CBN News. David Brody article.)
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Kayleigh is a Deborah who rides boldly into battle, a worshipper prepared and sent by the God for such a time as this. Lord, we plead the blood of Jesus to cover and protect her and her family, and to cover and protect our President Donald Trump and his loved ones. Holy Spirit, continue to fill Kayleigh’s mouth with Your words, anoint her with Your Power. May Your Presence, Lord, be the shield round about her and stop the mouths of the enemy. In Jesus’ name.
What an absolutely breath of fresh air this young woman is! I thank the Lord for His preparation of her for this formidable job! She is in my prayers for provision, protection, supernatural strength and Holy Spirit power, guidance and wisdom. May she richly be blessed by our Lord, who goes before her and is her rear guard!
Thank You, Lord!
She is very impressive. We pray she will stay long in the public position. At least some will see the value she places in her Faith in God. Amen
Father Bless Kayleigh and her family , save her live in name of Yeshua amen.
Jesus we cover Kayleigh with your precious blood from head to toes, Saten can not cross that boundary line of prayers for her and our president, in Jesus name we pray.
Kayleigh is a White House press secretary who brilliantly communicates an evidentiary OFFENSE! A defensive posture cannot win battles. I always pray for her continued supernatural wisdom (a) and her confidence that the battle is the Lord’s (b).
a). Pro 21:22 The one who is wise scales the city of the mighty And brings down the stronghold in which they trust.
b). Jer 20:11 But the LORD stands beside me like a great warrior. Before him my persecutors will stumble. They cannot defeat me.They will fail and be thoroughly humiliated.
Their dishonor will never be forgotten.
Luke 21:15 for I will give you utterance and wisdom which none of your opponents will be able to resist or refute.
Lord, fill Kayleigh’s mouth with wisdom and fill her with the Spirit of truth and power. Be her shield and protector and the lifter of her head in Jesus name.
Praying for Kayleigh McEnany I recognized right away that she was a Christ Follower and takes things before The Lord.
Father in Heaven, look down on this beautiful woman who has been placed in this important position, whom you have blessed with great gifts of communication, Grace and pose. Please silence the voices of the false criticisms of the false demonic media. Please Lord God bless this woman with truth every day, and let her words be so full of Your Holy Spirit that even the far Left Demoncrats take notice and know it is truth. Bind and silence anyone who’s intent it is to destroy her. I. J. N. Amen
What a blessing she is to our nation! It just goes to show you what a believer can accomplish; even in a politically divided country. God bless her and God bless America.
Father God
I thank you for Kayleigh, she is a bold believer in the kingdom! We put the full armor in the word over her. Psalm 91 protection over her and her family!
When you have done everything to stand, stand firm in the word of God!
Father I thank you for her boldness in this season of her life, bless her mightily in jesus name.
I agree with the above prayer. In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ, amen.
Ms. McEnany is a woman chosen by God for this role at this time in history, as is this administration. She exudes the confidence of one who KNOWS her Savior. He will be in her words and heart to give her the confidence and words needed at any given moment. May God mightily bless her and her family. She is a gift from Him!
Lord, we come together in prayers for Kayleigh McEnany, the new White House Press Secretary. May she continue to stand firm in her faith,seeking you first in all she does and speaks. Give her safety and peace moment by moment. Thank for equipping her. In Jesus name I pray. Amen
I agree with this prayer, and quote Matthew 18/19– when 2 or more agree on anything on earth, it will be done in Heaven. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.