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France just took a big step toward governmental censorship and control of the internet. Will this be a growing trend?

From The People’s Voice. The World Economic Forum (WEF) has instructed major web browser company’s to begin blocking websites deemed “undesirable” by the globalist elites.

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The WEF-controlled nation of France is the first nation to issue a legal directive to web browser company’s to block all websites listed on a blacklist compiled by the Macron regime.

Calling the plan “well-intentioned yet dangerous,” Mozilla warns that Young Global Leader Emmanuel Macron is plowing ahead with plans to force web browsers like Firefox “to create a dystopian technical capability” allowing the globalist elite to regulate what people see online.

“Article 6 (para II and III) of the SREN Bill would force browser providers to create the means to mandatorily block websites present on a government provided list,” Mozilla warns. …

We are told that the government would basically feed a website blacklist to web browser creators like Mozilla and force them to encode a block that disallows internet users from accessing certain websites.

“If a capability to block any site on a government blacklist were required by law to be built in to all browsers, then repressive governments would be given an enormously powerful tool,” reports Tech Dirt.

“There would be no way around that censorship, short of hacking the browser code. That might be an option for open source coders, but it certainly won’t be for the vast majority of ordinary users.”

What do you think of this legal directive? Share your thoughts and prayers below.

(Excerpt from The People’s Voice. Photo Credit: Copyright World Economic Forum (www.weforum.org) swiss-image.ch/Photo by Remy Steinegger – flickr, CC BY-SA 2.0, Wikimedia Commons)

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August 17, 2023

This idea should be cast down to the pit where it and those who are trying to do it should be. FREEDOM OF SPEECH!!!

August 15, 2023

It just further shows that the Left is the fascist threat we are facing, not the Right. But, as Joy Reid says, the Right is Nazi, and free speech is white supremacist. She gets a salary to say things like that.

    August 18, 2023

    You want nazi? I would say this Schwab fellow with the WEF reminds me of someone who is shorter with a small black mustache from Germany in the 30s-40’s, and that worries me.

Rebecca L
August 15, 2023

It’s too bad that this “tool ” could not be used in a better way to prevent human trafficking and pornography. Otherwise, it is another way for tyrannical control. Praying for the people of France!

August 15, 2023

Dear Jesus, Please stop this!!

Frankie Hutchens
August 15, 2023

Lord, You have created us to be free and have us free will. Our Constitution provides us freedom of speech. I pray for the people of France that this law be reversed and kept out of any other country particularly the USA. We are free indeed. In Your Name, Amen.

Christine Kolly
August 15, 2023

Emmanuel Macron is a franc -mason , and his both élections was a fraud ! He was put as président to destrowed his Country of France ! But many Christians pray against evil and France 🇫🇷 will be saved like odders country !

August 15, 2023

Movies like “Logan’s run”, “ELYSEUM”, and books like ” 1984″ all of a sudden tell us what the governments want to achieve.
Will the “sheeple” allow themselves to be slaughtered?


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