For the Lord delights in justice and forsakes not His saints; they are preserved forever, but the offspring of the wicked [in time] shall be cut off. (Ps 37:28 AMP-C)
I have felt the weariness of the watchmen on the wall. I have watched believers who were once ready to press through lose their zeal as we have seen delay during these election hearings. I have been warring in my personal life and in the spirit. It has been difficult, but I thank the Lord for the faithfulness of intercessors who have refused to back down. I thank the Lord for continuing words of encouragement and dreams coming to intercessors to share so we can pray.
Intercessor, thank you for holding the line. This is a critical moment we are in. Your intercession is vital and every prayer matters.
I sought the Lord for prayer focus in the beginning of December. I usually ask,” Lord, how do you want me to pray about this? What is on Your heart?” He spoke one word, “Justice.” I took it seriously because justice is who God is. The very character of God is justice and righteousness. During that week as I prayed for justice I felt the Lord say, “There is a shaking coming to the judicial system.” I wrote the word down as another prayer point. As the days went on, I pressed in and the Lord gave me three specific prayer points in one week. He mentioned prayer for William Barr, āThe 9ā (the Supreme Court), and the Department of Justice. Every person the Lord highlighted plays a part in our judicial system. I also am aware that these people are losing favor with Christians right now because of their actions.
I do not know what shaking is coming. Since the Lord asked me to focus on justice, I have been praying to see corruption removed from our judicial system. Here is how you can pray.
- Former Attorney General William Barr/Acting Attorney General Jeff Rosen
Barr has been in the headlines quite a bit and especially yesterday and today after resigning from the position of Attorney General. First we saw that he had kept the Hunter Biden probe out of the press to avoid election interference, and then we heard he resigned. We don’t know what went on behind the scenes, but he and President Trump had a friendly exchange and then nothing but positive things to say about each other. I know the Lord asked me to intercede for him, and I was obedient. I know the Lord said “shake up” and this is certainly a shake up! I will immediately begin praying for acting Attorney General Jeff Rosen. Will you join me in praying for Rosen to take a stand for righteousness and display courage?
So be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid and do not panic before them. For the LORD your God will personally go ahead of you. He will neither fail you nor abandon you.āĀ (Dt 31:6)
Father, we lift up Jeff Rosen to you. You placed him in this office for the exact moment we are in right now. We pray he would be filled with Your Spirit of wisdom and revelation. Give him strength to fulfill the job he has before him. Give him courage in times of adversity to take a stand for truth, righteousness, and justice. In Jesusā Name.
- Supreme Court “The 9”
The Lord has directed me, and many of you, to intercede for the Supreme Court for years. We canāt stop now. Ever since the swearing in of Amy Coney Barrett, Christians have been hopeful, and rightfully so. However, please do not let her presence on the court make you lax in your intercession.
We cannot presume to know how they will vote, but we can pray for God to touch the heart of each justice to vote righteousness. In light of the Supreme Court’s decision that essentially rejected Texas’s election lawsuit, many are confused. Let’s continue to pray for the Supreme Court in pursuit of justice. There is a heavenly courtroom where we can appeal. I am praying and believing for victory.
Then I will give you good judges again and wise counselors like you used to have. Then Jerusalem will again be called the home of justice and the faithful city.
Zion will be restored by justice; those who repent will be revived by righteousness. (Is 1:26,27)
Father, we lift up each justice by name. We lift up John Roberts, Clarence Thomas, Samuel Alito, Brett Kavanaugh, Neil Gorsuch, Amy Coney Barrett, Sonia Sotomayor, Elena Kagan, and Stephen Breyer. We appeal to the courts of heaven on behalf of the Supreme Court. Father, we pray that You would move over the heart of each justice to vote rightly. We pray against any compromise or fear of man. May each justice have a reverent fear of You Lord. We pray even for the hardest hearts seated in those courts, that You the God of justice would encounter them. How can we have true justice with a corrupted system? Shake the judicial system as You said You would. Remove corruption from the highest courts in our nation, down to circuit and district courts, until justice and righteousness are the foundation of America once again. In Jesusā name, Amen.
- Department of Justice (DOJ)
The DOJ are the law enforcers at the highest levels in our nation. Their job is to protect citizens from threats whether foreign or domestic. They are to uphold the law with justice and integrity with no partiality. The DOJ is now led by Acting Attorney General Jeff Rosen. Under the DOJ are several divisions such as the FBI, the DEA, countless U.S. Attorneys, U.S. Marshalls, and divisions covering everything from domestic violence, organized crime, civil rights and more. We do not have to look very far, especially in the last administration, to see how corruption filled many of these divisions.Ā If we are to see justice, then we must have people of integrity in these seats.
Father, we lift up the Department of Justice. We contend to see justice in our land once again. Prune the judicial branch of our government and remove every fruitless, dead branch. Expose corruption, bribery, extortion, and more from these high places of authority. Remove the unrepentant, who refuse to turn from their wickedness, from their position and increase the numbers of those who will uphold justice and walk with integrity in their place. This department was created to give us impartial justice. Father, we will not back down until we see that justice once again in Jesusā name, amen.
Justice reflects the character of God. The Bible tells us clearly that God does not overlook injustice and evil. He is a just God. However, timing is God’s and not ours. Sometimes we may grow weary or frustrated while waiting, but rest assured knowing that justice will be carried out. Isaiah 30:18 says, The Lord God is a God of justice, blessed are all those who wait for him.
While reading Luke 18 (the story of a persistent woman and an unjust judge) what really stood out to me was the persistence of this woman who refused to be denied. Nothing would stop her from the pursuit of justice. I love Jesusā reply:
āDonāt you know that God, the true judge, will grant justice to all of his chosen ones who cry out to him night and day? He will pour out his Spirit upon them. He will not delay to answer you and give you what you ask for.Ā God will give swift justice to those who donāt give up. Yet when the Son of Man comes back, will he find this kind of persistent faithfulness in his people?ā (Lk 18:7-8 TPT)
So be ever praying, ever expecting, just like the widow was with the judge. Justice will come to those who do not give up. We could be so close to the answer. Let’s not back down or give up now.
Author Gloria Robles is a passionate intercessor with a prophetic voice for today. For more from Gloria, go to Spotify or Anchor to listen to her podcast Something To Share. (Photo Credit: Unsplash.)
Share your prayers for perseverance in the comments below!
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Thank you for your pattern prayers. I so often can only cry out to God, not knowing how to pray. But I can stand in agreement with your prayers and pray after you. Thank you.
I am being faithful to consistently pray and intercede in behalf of our nation.
I appreciate your encouragement! It means a lot!
I will not give up and I will continually be in prayer and God is for justice and Gods word is true and justice will come to those who won’t give up, and I WILL NOT GIVE UP!!!
I decree and declare that justice is standing at the door. Listen! For it is knocking! It is about to come in like a flood. Even the demons are running scared. The mighty warring angels of heavenās army are pursuing. The Warrior King is riding on the clouds with His sword lifted high, coming to bring His justice upon the earth. No one can stand against Him. Nothing can deter Him. The snares that the wicked have laid for the righteous will be a trap that they themselves fall into. Hallelujah and Amen!!
“I will give peace in the land, and you shall lie down, and none shall make you afraid. And I will remove harmful beasts from the land, and the sword shall not go through your land. You shall chase your enemies, and they shall fall before you by the sword. Five of you shall chase a hundred, and a hundred of you shall chase ten thousand, and your enemies shall fall before you by the sword.” Leviticus 26:6-8
LORD there are harmful beasts in the land, by the power of Your name we tell them to leave. We chase our enemies; let them fall before us by the sword of the Spirit which is the word of God. Whether we are many or few, as Your Word declares; You are able to save! I ask this in the mighty name of Jesus.
“Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of His might.” Ephesians 6:10
Thank you, Gloria Robles, for these power prayers for justice! I am so thankful for IFA and the contributing writers that we can join with ,in agreement, to defeat the enemy!!
Thank you for your article, Gloria! Awesome encouragement!!
Great article. It gives me encouragement. I pray that this movement to pray and intercede will grow to numbers we couldn’t even imagine. Thank all of you who pray. Together, we will see justice. I won’t give up. Never, never, never.
Righteousness, Truth, and Justice is what I prayed as I walked around the Supreme Court building seven times in the Jericho March on Saturday, Dec. 15.
I basically pray the same at home. I make a vision in my thoughts of the places that need prayers. I walk around and pray. I command the evil and lies to be exposed.
Thank you for being there. God bless you.
We stand in agreement with the prayers of the saints in declaring that the Lord reigns in majesty and glory.
Do not despair for when the darkness comes and when all hope was lost, even when everyone including the GOP Majority Senate Republican gives in. Even seeing Jesus hanging on the cross, reminds us that when all seem loss, the victory was decreed won but not revealed for we know that God hold the destiny of mankind in his hands and He is Never late.
Not by our righteousness, might, power but by the Spirit of the Holy God will this situation be overturn and the truth, justice, righteousness will prevail. For this battle belongs to the Lord and no one will rob God of the glory and victory including all the giants gathered together with the Democratic Party and their weapons.
We will travail until the Sovereign Lord comes and shake this world into repentance and revival breaks out.
President Trump will be re-elected come Jan 20 2021 and there will not be another 46th President until he completes his 2 terms in office.
Rejoice and see the beginning of the victory as the Lord moves in power just when the enemy is gloating over their stolen treasures.
In Jesus’s name we declare His victory . Amen
Thank you Terri for sending this to me. Thank you Jesus for looking over my family
Dear Lord Jesus,
We pray together for Justice in America. The devil & his minions of liberals are smelling blood as they think they will rein over us & the USA!
You are GOD! There is no one over you and you are a God of justice. We trust in you O God to save us & the USA & that President Trump will remain in office for 4 more years.
In Jesus Name, I pray.
For at least a year I have been declaring over the United States of America, that a standard of righteousness, truth and justice be raised up in the Federal judicial system and over every state judicial system; as well as praying and declaring this scripture:
2 Chronicles 19:5-7, 9-10.
5) He (Jehoshaphat) appointed judges in the land in all the fortified cities of Judah, city by city. 6) He said to the judges, “Consider what you are doing, for you do not judge for man but for the LORD who is with you when you render judgment. 7) Now then let the fear of the LORD be upon you; be very careful what you do, for the LORD our God will have no part in unrighteousness or partiality or the taking of a bribe.” 9) then he charged them saying, “Thus you shall do in the fear of the LORD, faithfully and wholeheartedly. 10) Whenever any dispute comes to you from your brethren who live in their cities, between blood and blood, between law and commandment, statutes,and ordinances, you shall warn them so that they may not be guilty before the LORD, and wrath may not come on you and your brethren. Thus you shall do and you will not be guilty.
God has heard our prayers/our cries for help and he is answering. Thank you, Father.
I think we should not be disappointed or upset with the Supreme Court (or God) for turning down the Texas case. God is still totally in control. He knows what He is doing and He does all things well. He may have a better, stronger case which will provide the way to get a ruling with broader influence and more punch.
When I read about the case being rejected, I felt within my spirit that Justice Barrett believed there was no Constitutional precedent but that she (and others on the court?) strongly HOPE there WILL be a case they can take that WILL have merit so they CAN vote on it.
Awesome words of wisdom and encouragement. I printed them out so that I can pray them during my time with God. Thank you for what you are doing and for being obedient to the Lord, mu sister-in-Christ.
I love this parable in Luke 18. Isaiah also refers to persevering in a similar way in Isaiah 62:6,7
I hope this encourages you as it does me, to never give up in praying for our country.
“I have posted watchmen on your walls, Jerusalem’ they will never be silent, day or night. You who call on the Lord, give yourselves no rest, and give Him (God) no rest till he establishes Jerusalem and makes her the praise of the earth.”
That whole chapter of Isaiah 62 is so encouraging at this time.
God bless IFA. What a work of God you are doing. It is so encouraging to join such a powerful prayer bulwark. I know I am not alone in praying.
Thank you so much.
I love that chapter too. š
When I read your prayer and especially the word bulwark. I had never used the word until 2 or 3 weeks ago when the Lord gave it to me in prayer. I had to look it up. Not knowing the meaning. God is good. Just more confirmation. In Jesus name Amen
Justice has long been a burden on my heart for our nation. The desire for it never leaves.
I’ve had to shift my desire from pure Clint Eastwood style movie justice in my heart and mind to God’s justice with mercy – in order to bring about, in those deserving justice a change of heart.
With justice comes prosecution many forms of accountability. That also means those responsible for prosecuting undergo increased pressure and stress and temptation. Courage can be sacrificed at the alter of conveniently “let’s move on”. Our lame justice system is rife with those who would rather keep their jobs vs. make the proper sentencing guidelines for serious crimes committed. Pray for them – they need courage in action brought forth privately and publicly like never before.
Pray for a new wave from God of perseverance for the people of the land who desire God’s will to be done. There are millions of non- believers who desire justice like we do. They don’t know Christ but they know our system of justice is severely wounded. Pray for them.
Give us hearts of endurance Lord, basing our hope on your word and it’s promises. We are frustrated and worn out, yet we know You have not abandoned our nation or the prayers of your people.
Grant us your peace in the midst of turmoil.
In your name we pray amen.
Amen, in agreement with you.
God, we are calling for the perseverance of blacksmiths, who forge instruments of offense and defense with intense heat and pounding force. We have horns of the deep state, big tech, media, and academia warring upon Your kingdom and the future of our children and their children. Let these blacksmiths rise and demolish these horns, “not by might, nor by power, but by MY SPIRIT says the Lord of Hosts”!!
Zech 1:18-21 “Then I looked up and saw four animal horns. 19 āWhat are these?ā I asked the angel who was talking with me. He replied, āThese horns represent the nations that scattered Judah, Israel, and Jerusalem.ā 20 Then the Lord showed me four blacksmiths. 21 āWhat are these men coming to do?ā I asked. The angel replied, āThese four hornsāthese nationsāscattered and humbled Judah. Now these blacksmiths have come to terrify those nations and throw them down and destroy them.ā
So encouraged by this scripture and your prayer. I add a Yes and Amen!
E Wong, for some reason, my comments are not posting. I have responded to you several times and will try once more.
I read chapters one of Zecharia, the imagery of the powerful work of blacksmithing took my breath. In Chapter two, the angel was told “Jerusalem will be inhabited without walls because of the number of people and livestock in it.ā And the Lord added, āI will be a wall of fire around it, and I will be the glory within it.ā This too takes my breath. So I add to your prayer, one that I have thought about since reading it yesterday…Father, I pray you would be a wall of fire around our nation and let Your Glory consume us all. Amen
Thank You for this information and the prayers to guide us. Admittedly I am weary but with these prayers in hand it helps the weary to continue on to be Strong & Courageous. Especially when the words don’t come but the groanings of the Holy Spirit do come. Thank-You Gloria I will print the prayers out and pray….
For Christ and His kingdom, Amen!
Father we pray believing that you will reign down justice on this country. Turn our hearts to the truth from you only. Give us ears to hear! We give you all the praise&glory.
Remember, those who persevere to the end will be saved. God’s promises that in His word.
Today I pray this hymn of praise:
Oh, the depth of the riches
both of the wisdom and the knowledge of God!
How unsearchable His judgments
and untraceable His ways!
For who has known the mind of the Lord?
Or who has been His counselor?
Or who has ever first given to Him,
and has to be repaid?
For from Him and through Him
and to Him are all things.
To Him be the glory forever. Amen. (Romans 11)
Thank you Father, thank you Jesus, thank you Holy Spirit for the faith you continue to build in us!
To those who have had no agony Jesus says, āI have nothing for you; stand on your own feet, square your own shoulders. I have come for the man who knows he has a bigger handful than he can cope with, who knows there are forces he cannot touch; I will do everything for him if he will let Me. Only let a man grant he needs it, and I will do it for him.ā (Oswald Chambers)
Lord give us perseverance in prayer and grant us encouraged hearts. I’ll admit, I have become a bit weary. Help us to realize that justice will come to those who will Not give up. I hold fast to Isiah 30:18 that says, the Lord God is a God of justice, blessed are all those who wait for Him. Thank You Lord, for that reminder. In Jesus name, Amen.
I, for one, am not giving up! Gloria, Is 30:18 is solid and true! We know all things are in God’s timing, so we cannot give up now. Christians must stand together in prayer.
Thank you for your encouraging words.
Thank you for not giving up.
Just this morning my sister and I–both intercessors–joined intercessors everywhere and held the line in prayer to push back the enemy and reclaim this election, and our nation. I found myself thanking God for the same type victory as David had on the day he felled Goliath with a foolish-looking slingshot and a ridiculously harmless-looking but nevertheless lethal stone. As he pulled back on the slingshot, preparing to release that all-or-nothing, nation-saving shot, David had to listen to the over-confident giant running his mouth incessantly. . .vowing the kill him, overrun the nation of Israel, then pillage it, blah-blah-blah, but when it came to blaspheming God by invoking his own small-g gods to intervene, well that’s where David drew the line. That’s where WE MUST DRAW THE LINE, AND HOLD IT! Every time the enemy whispers, “Too late–this election is lost and Donald J. Trump has no choice but to concede,” that’s the same as saying, “Even your God can’t pull this one off. . .” Not so!!! We must recognize a lie when we hear it, then REBUKE IT, and answer, as did David, “Who art thou, thy uncircumcised Philistine, that you should defy the armies of the Living God” (1 Samuel 17:26) As he did David, God has revealed to his intercessors his intent to intervene on our behalf and deliver us from the hand of the enemy. I fervently believe God has something special on the way for the enemy. . .and right on time, he will deliver unto us the exact right “stone” it’s going to take to fell the giant, and he will release it at the exact right time–the same spiritual “kill-shot” that He delivered into David’s hand to fell Goliath. “So David prevailed over the Philistine with a sling and with a stone, and smote the Philistine, and slew him” (1 Samuel 17:50)
End of subject!!!
Yes, weary–but just thinking about that passage in 1 Samuel invigorates me enough to go another round! Hallelujah!
GOD BLESS you and your sister as you hold the line praying Gods mighty victorious word back to Him! I’m on the wall asking the LORD for His justice. The enemy has stolen so much and it’s time for the LORD to rise and let His enemies be scattered!
Bless you!
Amen !Amen! Amen! Thank you so much for this encouraging prayer. I too have been so discouraged by all the discourse and hate and division in this country. I am really discouraged to hear fellow Christians denounce Trump and say that those who support him are under a spell called Trumpism. I find myself constantly asking the Lord why ALL of his children are not on the same page. This is what he showed me, that he told us to vote for President Trump because he would be like a Cyrus, who was not of the establishment but would lead because of his love for God and his love for our country. He also showed me that King David was loved by many also, because he loved God and loved his country. I pray for the Lord to intervene and to open blind eyes and deaf ears of all his children. Thank you Alyse for reminding us that we must stand knowing that the Lord is with us! God Bless All of Us!
Well spoken and true.
Perhaps not many have experience last minute deliverance from the Lord and that is way they despair and feel letdown.
The Lord is always faithful in my many years, often when all seems loss He comes through with simple amazing solutions and He is never late.
We think He is slow and not moving fast enough but the opposite is true because we do not have the FULL picture of the moving parts.
That is why Jesus says not to worry but pray.
Rejoice and thank Him for the victory because His saints and children repented and prayed and as a good father will never deny His children good gifts.
This generation will not be loss to evil deception and lies (young , teens, young adults, parents, church) for the Lord has heard the repentance and the cry of the people and the aborted babies cries out to Him.
Therefore this battle is no longer our battle but the Lord for His name is mocked and defamed.
Praise the Lord for his faithfulness. Amen.
I am hearing to rest and wait on Him. Interceded of course. By not to fret. We must believe He has heard and has answered. God still sits on the Throne over our world. He is still King. Praise His mighty name. In Jesus name Amen
Amen. I am waiting on the Lord to bring justice to all. He will give courage to those in authority to be righteous in all their decisions and to seek your face, to hear your voice, to know your Truth and way on behalf of this nation. Let their fear be only in the Lord who is the beginning of wisdomāwisdom to know and understand your will. Remove those who refuse to obey your word and bring in righteous men and women who will serve you gladly above all. In Jesus name. Amen.
Lord God we will not give up we will not give in but await on your Justice. You are a good good father and a just God. Have mercy on us and help us . You said you would never leave us nor forsake us. We cry out to you and believe that 400 years ago you created this nation to be a light to proclaim your Word through out the world
Forgive us for what we have made it, forgive us for our sins and for getting comfortable in our freedoms that you gave us. We ask for forgiveness. We love you and we love our country. Please give us strength boldness and courage to continue
To appeal to heaven. We are fighting so many things and we need to realize you are doing the fighting for us. We need to rest in you. You are already defeated the enemy
We look to the cross the ultimate Victory
Let us rejoice in Victory knowing it is done and finished !
Let us shout it from the mountain top Victory over Covid, this election, Victory for our President Trump victory over depression, illness, finances, jobs and every need we might have !!! Victory in Jesus !! Victory of blessings to the over flowing and out pouring that we cannot contain it. Blessings to be a blessing !! Thank you Jesus !!!
Beautifully said Pat, thank you for this prayer.
I wonder how many of these judges and leaders are threatened by the mob? How many are receiving death threats towards their family? I wonder how many are scared of riots? We simply don’t know what is going on behind the scenes. First Barr says he is not resigning and will stay to help Pres. Trump, then bamb! He’s retiring. Shaking up! America is being shaken to the core.
I pray for America…I will pray for God’s will be done.
I myself have wondered the same thing Vicki. I believe many leaders want to take a stand, but are fearful for threats, and mobs, being doxxed and more. That’s why despite the actions, I’m committed to praying for them and trusting God.
I admit I’m very heavey hearted. I have a new grandbaby. I’m frightened for her….
I wish I could say I have the faith you all do…I really do in the Lord…but not so much the outcome you all do. Every court has dismissed the evidence, not even caring to see it. This shows that evil and corruption is so pervasive in our country. I did read the story of Gideon in Judges 6. I really wonder if that is what’s going on now. God is eliminating what Americans so much put their faith in, government, so that He will get all the glory? I want to believe this is so. I want too thou….I just know the devil’s wiles. So many are deceived. But I will pray…according to God’s word and that justice be done.
I understand you’re afraid, I think we’ve all been there before if we can be honest. I agree we are seeing corruption in very high places, but my appeal is to the heavenly courtroom. I agree with many things you said. Americans putting too much faith in government rather than God. You are absolutely right. God alone should get the glory. But I also remember that God created government. We have a responsibility to pray for our leaders. I do my best to be obedient to that. I’m just a woman of faith, just like you. Thank you for your reply and honesty.
Please pray for me. I have a new grandbaby…and not all my family is saved. It’s overwhelming…..what’s going on…thanks Gloria
Praying for you Vickie. Don’t be afraid to tell God you are scared and that your faith is weak. He will comfort you and give you the grace and faith you ask for. “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.”
Thank you. I will.
Oh God we come humbly before you with nothing in our hands but our faith in You. Help our precious nation, we need You! Revive us again, wake up Your church and bring justice to our land. Don’t turn us over to wicked rulers who want to rule over us, but bring us back to You. Lead our pastors and people to seek Your face and follow You. Remind us who You are and give us the strength to live in these days and raise a godly generation to follow us. We cannot do this without You Lord, please help us. We pray in Your Name, Amen.
Amen! Beautiful prayer Cookie. I stand in agreement with you.
Amen! I prayed these prayers and continue to stand with my eyes on the King of Kings! Hallelujah! He will not let your foot be moved (Psalm 121)!!! Stand resolutely, Church, and watch our Lord fight this battle for His glory! America belongs to the Lord by covenant of our forefathers!
Through God we shall do valiantly, for it is He who shall tread down our enemies. Psalm 138
Father, I prayed this prayer this morning, in the mighty and glorious Name of Jesus our Savior. You said that when two or more agree on anything it shall be done for them. We are trusting You, O mighty God, to pour out Your answer at the right time. Amen.
Gloria, thank you so much for these specific prayers. I am using them to pray mightily. I just asked the Lord this morning how to pray, what to pray. And here was an answer to my cry. God bless you and strengthen you in the days ahead.
Praying in agreement! Thanks so much!God bless you, all the prayer warriors praying in unity,and God bless America!
Amen! Thanks so much Gloria, I needed this. I needed help guiding my prayers. Let us agree for the justice of Heaven to marry our land!
Father, we praise You that you do not grow weary, you strengthen and revive us, you battle our enemies, you HEAR our cries, and promise to deliver us or protect us as we go through the fire. š„
We thank You for being the One alone who can restore and establish justice!
We are agreeing in prayer !
God bless you all and God help snd bless this land! Bless our president Donald Trump and keep him close to you! Praising the Lord in all things ! We are standing on your word Lord and praying in he name of your precious son , Jesus! You will be with us . We pray Lord , that this all be for your Glory!
Thank you, Gloria Robles for your passion for intercessory prayer, and your dedication to spreading the truth! Truly, you are a servant of Hioly Spirit, Who is Justice Himself! Not only will I be praying for our entire judicial system, but I will include prayers for you as well! God bless, and NEVER give up, or give I …
So grateful for this site! Thx for the honesty and prayer leadership. Never stop!! Thank-you!!
4 Ever a Prayer Warrior!!
Amen to these prayer points. Thank you for sharing.