We are thankful for your perseverance in prayer for this nation, for your faithfulness to God, and for partnering with us in praying for this nation.
We always thank God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, when we pray for you.Ā (Col 1:3)
What are you thankful for? Please leave us your comment.
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I am in agreement with you Kay!
Thank you IFA for loving Our Heavenly Father and Our Lord Jesus Christ as you do!
Thanking you for fighting the good fight!
Peace be with you!
I’m very thankful for all the information, material & help you supplied during the election. Thank you so much for being the Godly ministry you are. Bless you all. Merry Christmas.
When fear comes, when i am afraid, I pray and praise. thank you IFA for the fellowship of prayer, and the information to direct those prayers. Then Hope is released, and not just in me, God does a miracle with each prayer, it impacts the eternal and spiritual realm in ways we can not yet understand. We are an army of His making, to do His Kingdom work. Praise His name. I am thankful for each of you who prayer here, i am learning from you and i am encouraged by you. May God richly bless you, In Jesus name, Amen
I thank God for this great country we live in, and a President who is hard at work seeking to help this land recover from many of it’s ills. I thank God for more godly judges who walk in the fear of the Lord. I thank God for healing in our family ties. I thank God for freedom to worship and for seeing the revival has begun in this land. I thank God that He has not given up on the United States that have been dedicated to Him from the beginning and which God has blessed to send the Good NEWS of Jesus to the ends of the earth. And most of all, I thank God for sending Jesus to bring us back to God and right standing with Him and secure us eternal life. I love praying with friends for our country and our people and whatever God leads us to cover every week. God is Good.
I Give God My Praise
Lord, I worship You as the Creator of heaven and earth. All things
were made by You and everything You created is good. I praise You for all
of Your beautiful creation. You placed the earth on its foundation so that
it can never be moved (Psalm 104:5). Your right hand stretched out the
heavens (Isaiah 48:13). Thank You that You have blessed us with light and
dark, sun and rain, food and water, land and sea, trees and flowers, days
and seasons.āThe heavens are Yours, the earth also is Yours; the world and
all its fullness, You have founded themā (Psalm 89:11).
āWhen I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon,
and the stars, which you have set in place, what is a man that you are
mindful of him, the son of man that you care for him? You made him a
little lower than the heavenly beings and crowned him with glory and
honor. You made him ruler over the works of your hands; you put everything
under his feetā (Psalm 8:3-6 NIV). I know that āboth men and
women come from God their Creatorā (1 Corinthians 11:12 TLB).āHow
many are your works, O LORD! In wisdom you have made them all; the
earth is full of your creaturesā (Psalm 104:24 NIV).
O Lord, thank You that You created me and gave me life. āYou formed
my inward parts; You covered me in my motherās wombā (Psalm 139:13).
I praise You, āfor I am fearfully and wonderfully made; marvelous are
Your works, and that my soul knows very wellā (Psalm 139:14). I praise
You for every breath I take and thank You that I was created for good
things. Help me to be renewed in the image of You, my Creator (Colossians
3:10 NIV). I know You made me be so much more than I am now
and that You will help me become all You created me to be.
I praise You for the people You have created, each one unique and
valuable and carrying in their spiritual DNA a purpose that is distinctive
and priceless as well. I am grateful for the potential for good that You
have placed within each one. Help me to value others as Your creation
and see them the way You do. Thank You, Jesus, that You are āthe image
of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creationā (Colossians 1:15).
I am thankful for the faithfulness of IFA. In 1978, when I was 27, I first started receiving the IFA newsletter on a monthly basis. Forty years later, I continue to pray for our nation and ask the Father to overturn the strongholds that Satan has built. At 67, I have learned a measure of persistance, but also learned to press the issue at the courts of heaven. Elijah persisted in asking for rain. We are presisting in asking for the rain of righteousness.
I tune in for the first Friday calls, and am delighted in how God has enabled IFA to use current day communications technology to get all focused together at one time on one topic. If you have followed Mark Taylor, he talks about targeted laser focused intercession, starting with repentance, and then engaging in spiritual warfare. i am trusting God to manifest Himself in the midst of all this and demonstrate his power. This morning I read:
Psa 66:3 Say to God, “How awesome are Your works! Because of the greatness of Your power Your enemies will give feigned [H3584] obedience to You.
So, even if the obedience is “feigned”, every knee will bow before the Lord Jesus Christ, who said “all power is given to me in heaven and on earth”. Father in heaven, hear our prayer. Release angels to engage and defeat the principalities and powers the wage war against You and all of your purposes in the earth. We ask in Jesus’ name. AMEN!!
Praise God! I am thankful for the cross of Jesus Christ. I am thankful for God’s amazing grace and mercy. I am thankful for His Word. I am thankful for His unfailing love and presence. I am thankful for our family and for the body of Christ! I am thankful for this nation and the privledge to pray for Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done! Thank You Lord!
Praise the Lord for He is worthy of ALL Praise !!!šš»šš»šš»
I am thankful for God!
I am thankful for the Family He has given me!
I am thankful for His forgiveness!
I am thankful for His Grace and Mercy!
I am thankful for His Son, Jesus Christ!
I am thankful for His Holy Spirit!
I am thankful for all the beauty He has given us to enjoy!
Iām thankful for so many things!
Iām so thankful for IFA & all the resources they provide for prayer. So thankful for Godās grace & mercy & the fellowship of believers. Also thankful for family, friends, health & the many freedoms we have in this country.
Thank you for alerting us to current prayer needs. Thankful to God for His blessings on our country.
I have found the prayer guides, prayer requests and the prayers written by others an inspiration. Thank you IFA for taking the time to aid others in their prayers and for highlighting some areas that otherwise may have been missed. You have brought things to my attention that I did not know about. Thank you again and have a wonderful, blessed Thanksgiving.
I am so thankful for IFA, Dave Kubal and staff who lead us in prayer and faithfully fight the good fight of faith!