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Father, we ask that You protect our nation and freedoms that we enjoy right now. May that continue and would you empower our nations leaders to stand up for what is right.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Americans need to let the media know we are not watching because they do not report all the news.

It’s past time that the major news networks know that Americans will not stand for networks that withhold information. Most of the major networks refused to report anything about the Hunter Biden story. This one fact impacted elections as polls show that many Americans would not have voted for Joe Biden if they had been informed of the unfolding Hunter Biden story.

Perhaps it is time that Americans let these networks know that we are no longer watching them. Their advertisers are no longer benefitting from our dollars and their ratings are going down.

If you are one of the people who are not watching ABC, CBS, CNN, NBC, and MSNBC then perhaps you will consider letting them know.

It only took 300 of Gideon’s men to secure victory by making their presence known as they broke the pitchers hiding their torches, blew their trumpets and let out a battle cry. God then sent the enemy camp into confusion, causing them to turn on one another, flee and be defeated.

Then the three companies blew the trumpets and broke the pitchers—they held the torches in their left hands and the trumpets in their right hands for blowing—and they cried, “The sword of the Lord and of Gideon!” And every man stood in his place all around the camp; and the whole army ran and cried out and fled. When the three hundred blew the trumpets, the Lord set every man’s sword against his companion throughout the whole camp; and the army fled to Beth Acacia, toward Zererah, as far as the border of Abel Meholah, by Tabbath.” Judges 7:20-22

At first Gideon did not see that anything he could do would be sufficient to defeat the enemy. But with God all things are possible.

Please take time today to email or call network leaders. Click Here to contact these news network leaders.

(Photo Credit: Unsplash.)

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December 16, 2020
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December 16, 2020

The vast majority of today’s lying media continued their consistency today by avoiding the coverage of the important hearings held today regarding election fraud and manipulation. The hearings itself refer to it as “irregularities” but that’s Washington DC – a known bastion of political soft words and terms unless the given individual(s) or party hate a sitting president. Then they use any language they want to emphasize and drive home the poison in their own hearts.
The media avoided the hearing today because there were a lot of facts. They avoided it because they want no one reigning on their “we falsely crowned Joe the king parade”. They were a lot of examples that America still does not know about. The common person listening to news has been lulled asleep by generic statements, personal opinion and bias and more so……..lies.
Today’s MSM news is a sham. They spew straight up lies, are not held accountable and even vomit out their acidic hatred as journalism. Its sad to watch truly. True journalists – the ones who know how to report actual facts and truth are hard to find. They still exist but they are drowned out by the limelight seekers who love to lift weights at their desk and talk about how they do such a great job. They lecture us on what we should be doing while NOT doing it themselves. They report stories about sexual depraved individuals getting away with horrible acts while sexual harassing their comrades at work.
If you disagree with them on their show, they mow you over while talking because they are the “journalist” and they will remind you that its their show and time – not yours. They care about the ratings they have – not about truth or facts. They are their own scientists, especially when it comes to COVID. According to many, they have a responsibility to “protect the public” even if that means inciting fear based on non-science. After all, they are the leaders of the free world….that suppresses speech, facts, science, the first amendment and anyone that disagrees with them.
Choose your news wisely. Today’s news can torpedo your faith in a very quick segment. Lies, falsehoods, hatred, etc. will do that to our souls if we allow it and today’s MSM is filled with those poisons.
Write your representatives, senators, etc. – Tell them to demand and pass legislation to ensure truth in media. Remove any liability protections for news corporations that refuse to immediately retract lies and issue long and apologetic corrections to the public.
And above all, pray relentlessly to bring down their walls. PERHAPS the next step of the Jericho March should be major news organizations. We know there is corruption in the form of lying, deception, bias, self-serving opinion and blatant disregard for bring forth truth. These organizations know what is true but REFUSE to report it, selectively editing it out to frame their own narrative agenda.

Michael Bajadali
December 16, 2020

I have become totally disappointed with what the news has become; they are to inform the people, not disillusion us.
Message has been sent, and thank you for making it so easily available for us to be voices that are heard.
May your cup runneth over!

December 16, 2020

We have a Genesis 3 crisis in our nation right now. God spoke to Adam and Eve. They listened. The devil spoke to Adam and Eve. They listened. After that they were lost and God said, Where are you? Then, they said we were naked so we hid. God said, WHO TOLD YOU…? This has become a monumental problem in our nation. Truth is no longer determined by facts. It is determined by who says it. I have watched over 25 hours of hearings in AZ, PA, MI, WI, since November 25. The “Democrat” playbook or the “communist” playbook or the “Soros” playbook or, … or…. I have identified the rules of the playbook, but am not sure who wrote the playbook and who communicates the rules to various entities. Let’s pray that the American people will listen to the TRUTH no matter who is speaking.

December 16, 2020

I sent the email. Haven’t watched main stream news for a long time. Four years to be exact.

December 16, 2020

Months back, I quit watching all the echoing lies media … they all repeat each other. I assume that is their way of mind control.
I watching OANN now. Soon and very soon, I pray this empire including all social media are going to come crashing down like Jericho. We all need to blow our shofars on A certain day in January.

Barry Mariana
December 16, 2020

Great article Cynthia. I too have contacted the networks.

Lord have mercy.

Rebecca Bell
December 16, 2020

I have turned OFF the mainstream media lies.

Laura Dominick
December 16, 2020

I have contacted the networks. Yesterday I also subscribed to The Epoch Times as they seem to be doing a good job of reporting news. How sad that it is so difficult to find out what truth is! I am so thankful that the one place I can ALWAYS go to for absolute truth is God’s Word! When I open my Bible, I can feel all of the tension drain from my body as I hear truth from my Lord – thank You, Father! I am patiently waiting for Him to expose the lies and wickedness that have infected this nation – He is never late! Praise the Lord!

    December 16, 2020

    Laura I stand in agreement and see that God is giving his message to many intercessors. God gave me these words this morning, which I posted on another article…God is moving.

    Father God, YOU Alone are the Supreme JUSTICE. You are all knowing. There is NOTHING hidden from You.

    YOUR LIGHT is so much more powerful than this media corruption. YOUR LIGHT is brighter than the morning sun. Let it shine in the darkness to fully reveal this web of deceit and the perpetrators of this evil who are servants of the enemy.
    Lord let your TRUTH glow through the darkness… so that no one can ignore it…NO not even the fake news. May all the glory be yours, Father God.

    Lord, we pray for Pres Trump that YOU will give him Your supernatural wisdom, strength and courage to fight this battle. May Your Holy Spirit fill his heart and soul, and know that YOU Alone are carrying him to victory. We ask that You cover him, his family, and his legal team with Your impenetrable and mighty shield of protection.

    Abba Father, may this battle for the very soul of our nation, spark a revival of biblical proportions, bringing people back to YOU, saving souls, through your SON and our Savior, Jesus the Christ, Emmanuel. For we know that YOU Lord can turn the worst evil into GOOD.

    Thank you Father God that You have given us YOUR WORD, that You are with us and will never leave us. We give You all the glory. It is in Jesus name we pray this.
    Amen and Amen

      Laura Dominick
      December 16, 2020

      Amen, my sister! Thank you for your encouraging words! 🙋‍♀️❤️

December 16, 2020

Dear Heavenly Father, this is supposed to be a land of truth and justice, but now the very organizations that are supposed to expose the truth to the people have instead become the propaganda machines of dark forces that include both the political and the spiritual. Instead of giving us true news they instead seek to distort reality to bend us to the views of those they serve. Lord, please expose their evil, and open the eyes of all who they have deceived. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

December 16, 2020

The news on the Christian radio station here underplays the enormity of evidence of fraud and accepts the Biden presidency.

    December 16, 2020

    It is sad to see some Christians do not take truth and justice serious enough. They reckon God (Justice) in the OT was long gone and has been replaced by Jesus (Love & Forgiveness) in the NT. But we, the intercessors, believe in the same God in both the OT and NT. God is just and merciful. Christians who underplay truth and justice but think God will forgive people who commit electoral frauds without repentance don’t understand God’s redemption.

    Father God,
    Let me pray for fellow Christian brothers and sisters who take it as their faith that sinners can be forgiven without repentance. Father God, please speak to them directly so they know who you are, you are the God of truth & justice, love & forgiveness regardless of time, past, present and future. In Jesus name. Amen.

    Laura Dominick
    December 16, 2020

    Yes, I was very sad to read yesterday that Franklin Graham has accepted a Biden presidency. He should have waited to see what God is doing.

      December 16, 2020

      We can’t go by big names. Billy Graham was not accepted by the authorities when he started.
      Isaiah 5:20 Woe to those who call evil good and good evil …
      If we are in Christ and Christ is in us we hate what God hates:
      King James Bible
      A false balance is abomination to the LORD: but a just weight is his delight.

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