I Prayed have prayed
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A Trump loss the next election is too terrible to imagine. But even if he wins, we will desperately need a true revival in America. Tragically, the church doesnā€™t know the difference between true and false revival. Many of the things the church does today simply do not matter. They donā€™t point in the trajectory of revival. In fact they point in the opposite direction. Ā  Many things done by churches are impressive, even successfulā€”I am saying they will not save America

We know the times are evil.Ā  But what can we do about it?Ā  Thatā€™s the number one question I am asked.Ā  My answer is, ā€œWe need to stop toying, speculating, and paying lip service to revival.Ā  We need to seize a true revival.ā€

The real culprit today is false revival.Ā  There is untold damage done when we take a good meeting and market it as revival.Ā  To characterize a good meeting as revival is like filling a bath tub with salt water, and calling it the Pacific Ocean.

I am not telling you that your ā€˜good meetingā€™ is not true revivalā€”because history and our culture are both telling you it is not.Ā  History says revival overflows church walls and makes deep impacts on society, which is not happening.Ā Ā  And when our culture swats away our church meetings and continues to careen into deeper wickednessā€”it is telling us we are not in revival.

There is one thingā€”above all othersā€”that is stopping true revival: We donā€™t have a pure motive.Ā  We want it for all the wrong reasons. Ā If revival is our ticket to getting church growth, emotional experiences, self-promotion, formulas, and wealth, our prayers are like nuclear waste to God.

The most well known verse on revival begins with a huge ā€˜IFā€™:Ā Ā 2 Chronicles 7:14 ā€œIf My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.ā€

IFĀ you truly yearn for the miracle that would stop Americaā€™s slide into oblivionā€”IFĀ you wish for an act of the Holy Spirit so real and widespread that it impacts crime, injustice, addiction, and despairā€”then listen to this lesson from history:

In 1904, American leaders were enthralled by the revival that was then taking place in Wales.Ā  Hundreds of thousands were converted, and the morals of the nation were transformed.Ā Ā American church leaders wanted a revival like that here.Ā  But they tried to buy it.Ā These enterprising pastors and businessmen invested in massive campaigns.Ā  They were dismal failures.Ā  So much so, that the very concept of revival fell into disfavor.Ā Two years later, they realized their mistake.Ā  When widespread brokenness gripped the leaders, aided by a pure motive, they cried out and heaven heard them.Ā Ā  One of the catalysts to this awakening was a man named James Burns.

James Burns wrote a powerful book entitled ā€œRevivals, Their Laws and Leaders.ā€ In 1909 he wrote,Ā ā€œTo the church, a revival means humiliation, a bitter knowledge of unworthiness and an open and humiliating confession of sin on the part of her ministers and people. It is not the easy and glorious thing many think it to be, who imagine it fills pews and reinstates the church in power and authority.

ā€œIt comes to scorch before it heals; it comes to condemn ministers and people for their unfaithful witness, for their selfish living, for their neglect of the cross, and to call them to daily renunciation, to an evangelical poverty and to a deep and daily consecration. That is why a revival has ever been unpopular with large numbers within the church. Because it says nothing to them of power such as they have learned to love, or of ease, or of success; it accuses them of sin, it tells them they are dead, it calls them to awake, to renounce the world and to follow Christ.ā€

America, at last, had found a pure motive for revival. New York, Chicago, Los Angeles (at Azusa Street), and many other cities saw amazing things.Ā  Denver, Colorado, and Portland, Oregon, which are currently bastions of marijuana, atheism, and rampant liberalism, shut down businesses at noon so everyone could go and pray.Ā  Crime dropped to virtually nothing.Ā  Bars sat empty, and millions went to prayer everyday across America.

Until our knees buckle beneath the horror of our nationā€™s sin and the blasphemy of our cheap grace fades away, our request for revival will be denied.Ā But I still feel faith for the church in America to turn around. More importantly, God holds out great hope to us.Ā  Let me share two things that forever killed my doubts about revival.Ā  One was a scripture, Matthew 12:20: ā€œA bruised reed He will not break, and smoking flax He will not quench, till He sends forth justice to victory.ā€Ā Jesus will not snuff out the least flicker of revival. When anyone asks for revival from a pure heart, God says, ā€œYes,ā€ and begins the process. He takes you at your word.

The other thing that occurred was a revelation I received as I was standing at the beach and the gentle foam of the ocean lapped over my toes. The voice of the Lord said, ā€œThis gentle wave is the cousin of the tsunami.ā€Ā The smallest flame in the smallest church will not be quenched by Jesus.Ā  Given the proper opportunity, the Spirit of God will fan it into a raging fire of righteousness.Ā  The gentlest wave can grow into a tidal wave when anyone hosts within them the presence of God. But they must obey His step-by-step orders, and they must refuse to exploit what God is doing among them.

These two truths are resonating powerfully within me now.Ā  I want them to blow up in your spirit as well!Ā Do you truly want revival?Ā  Then what are you waiting for?

You will seek Me and find Me, when you seekĀ Me with all your heart.Ā Ā (Jeremiah 29:13)

Shared from Mario Murillo Ministries.

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Dr. Glen M.
July 23, 2019

Revival begins with a return to studying and following the life and teachings of Jesus Christ.

Walking With Jesus is a complete Bible Study series of EVERY event in the life of Christ as found in Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. Putting the Gospels together and studying verse by verse will help the student become more like Christ.

Go to http://www.wwj.bible to get started.

God Bless America in Jesus’ Name!

Dorothy Ter Horst
July 23, 2019

Lord, please confuse the strategy of the demonic realm underlying our churches. Make one lie prove another wrong until they kill each other and fall to the ground, in Jesus name. Amen.

Alan K. Veasey
July 23, 2019

Thank you Lord for your leadership and your word. Without both we are dead in the water. Provide the leadership Lord so that we meet the requirements of 2nd Chronicles 7:14. When we humble ourselves, and pray,
and seek your face and turn from our wicked ways, then you will hear and act. Thank you that your part in
this transaction of revival is absolutely sure. You will follow through; your love and character are certain.

May L. Scocco
July 23, 2019

We must not give up! America needs Holy Spirit-filled intercessors who persistently cry out to God for His kingdom to come to our cities and the nation. The Church’s job is to pray and obey God’s Word by faith and hope that He will bring forth His kingdom’s principles and restore godliness on the earth, beginning with the Church. Luke 18:7 NIV Mature believers-a growing number- expect revival in and through the Church are still ahead of us in this “age of grace.” Luke 21:36 NIV As we fast and pray, ask the Lord to give you supernatural ability to cry out to God for your life, your family, your community, and our nation.

Carolynn McLaughlin
July 22, 2019

Oh Mighty Lord God take these little flames, these bruised reeds, our little prayer groups that meet each week in faith for the salvation of our country. Come Holy Spirit turn us into raging Holy Spirit fire that fills this land. Get control of these pastors who are holding back your church, change them or move them out so true revival can be done in the land that we love

Annette `Hunt
July 22, 2019

Dear heavenly Father, I am humbled, I confess my sins, my working to tell people what is wrong with this country, e-mails sent, money sent to various campaigns, organizations and candidates with the hope of controlling my country’s slide into darkness. But Lord, I am powerless, I am not in control. You are in control, and Father I pray that you would have mercy on us, you would heal our land, you would send revival that pours out of our church pews and walls and brings many to repentance. I don’t pray this for selfish motives, for power or tingly feelings or good reputation for the church, but because my heart breaks for the young people lost in the grip of so many evils…for the adults lost in the grip of meaningless running after riches, status and prosperity…even for churches running after more members, reputation and carnal blessings. Heavenly Father heal our land please…In Jesus’name!

    July 23, 2019

    Yes Lord, break up our hardened hearts. Lord I pray for those behind the pulpits, leading their sheep astray, WOE to them who haven’t humbled themselves and continue to preach a false message of easy belivism. Lord, let us seek You, the God of the Bible, the Sovereign Lord that knows all from the beginning of time You created, the Alpha and Omega, the never changing God, the wrathful God of Old Testament, controlling the natural rolling, shaking and quaking of this Earth You created, the Lord that sent His Son as part of His plan to save every sinner from the depths of Hell b/c You are a Loving Father. Oh Lord, may so many lost souls accept Your adoption into Your kingdom, Lord remove the scales of the self deceived as I was for 15 yrs under false teaching. Father it is only You that can save us, not a raised hand, a decision or a bath of water, but it is You alone. May we love You and keep Your commands, seeking Your face in all ways. May we remember You, and remember the God of our Founding Fathers that created this unique nation, and may we remember that it isnt against people we war, but against the powers and principalities that control them, Lord would You draw near whom You will for Your will be dont on Earth as it is in Heaven and cast low those that are against You. May we all give You the Glory, pray without ceasing and may it be for our good. Thank You Lord for Your promise to never leave nor forsake us and for Your peace when the storms of life are upon us. Give us courage to battle for You, for Your laws as we choose the candidates to support in our communities, states and our nation and especially the school boards of our neighborhood. Lord this generation needs to hear Your good news, please dont let them take Your Word away by removing Your Holy Word from our public spaces, in Jesus name I ask this, may it be according to Your will and that it be well with our souls. Amen

Karen P
July 22, 2019

Lord, we are lukewarm, calling out to you while pursuing the world. Convict your people; bring us to true repentance. May we humble ourselves and earnestly seek your face. May we pray!!! Raise up prayer among your people. Raise up prayer meetings in our churches. May we truly seek your face and pray.

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