The power of our prayers is only as strong as the agreement behind them, both with heaven and with each other.
Heaven is calling believers to a oneness of Spirit so rich and deep that our prayers and intercession will have immediate and profound results that can alter history forever. This kind of intercession can only come through the Spirit as we aim to have not only the same mind, but one mind. The Lord is urging us to participate with His Spirit in a bond of fellowship that is so intertwined we will actually think like one person — and on the same things!
So, if there is any encouragement in Christ, any comfort from love, any participation in the Spirit, any affection and sympathy, complete my joy by being of the same mind, having the same love, being in full accord and of one mind. (Phil 2:1-2 ESV)
The Apostle Paul seems to repeat himself and yet the “same” mind and “one” mind mean two different things. The word for “same” means being so closely linked, it’s as if it’s one person. The word for “one” is speaking of the numeral “1.” It refers to the number one priority required for true unity. Not only should we think “alike” but we should have the same priorities that God does. It’s this kind of agreement among believers that the Lord is calling us to. It’s only when we agree in this kind of oneness of Spirit, that our prayers are backed with heaven’s full authority.
The “participation” in the Spirit Paul was speaking of not only referring to fellowship and communion, but is also described as “intercourse” in Strong’s concordance! That is a deep-seated and intimate fellowship. And yet, think of the kind of spiritual authority that is available to us as a corporate Church if we pursued this “one mind.” I believe it’s this kind of oneness that has the potential to truly change things.
If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you. This is to my Father’s glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples. (John 15:7-8)
Even as the enemies of God try to divide and separate us as believers, we have the opportunity to come in oneness of heart and mind to agree on those things which are unchanging, eternal, and altogether true. The proverbial line in the sand is being drawn on a daily basis as people are given the choice to believe what they see in the headlines or stop and confer with heaven. We are just beginning to see the powerful impact we can have when we are all convinced of the same truth at the same time. The attacks against conservative values is so extreme, the Church is rising up with this kind of oneness to displace the lies and confusion. Just think of what other mountains can be removed with this kind of oneness?
Truly I tell you, if anyone says to this mountain, ‘Go, throw yourself into the sea,’ and does not doubt in their heart but believes that what they say will happen, it will be done for them. (Mark 11:23)
Interceding with this kind of unity can shift atmospheres, and even change history, if we come into true oneness of spirit and are of one mind. This was the heart-cry of Jesus and is to the Father’s glory!
[T]hat all of them may be one, Father, just as You are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me. (John 17:21)
Our challenge is to not allow the mainstream news outlets, social media, and second-hand reports determine what we believe and what we pray. It is only as we spend time in God’s Word, listen to the voice of the Spirit, and pray together that we will see beyond the fog for the clarity and vision we need. Just as Paul exhorted us, let’s purpose to be like-minded in the things that matter most, knit together by a oneness of heart that can only come from seeing through heaven’s eyes.
There are already some “mountains” calling our name…
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It is important to understand in our culture that a word like unity means ‘oneness’.
Unity | Definition of Unity by Merriam-Webster
Unity definition is – the quality or state of not being multiple : oneness. How to use unity in a sentence.
I have studied the meanings of ancient Hebrew words and ancient Hebrew letters, (for 6+years) and recognize shades of meaning are important. I look for meanings that are ‘related’ to the original meaning.
Taking that principle to the meaning of unity and ‘of one mind’, we find that the word ‘oneness’ is a good meaning and used in the dictionary meaning of the word ‘unity’–the word ‘unity’ and the phrase ‘of one mind’ are related and the word ‘oneness’ is a ‘function’ of those phrases.
I personally like to research a meaning before expounding one a word. It appears that both ‘Unity’ and the phrase ‘of one mind’ mean the same thing. Therefore if the word unity is used, is it also appropriate to convey ‘of one mind’. The two are functions of meaning of each other–closely related functions of meaning saying essentially the same thing.
Not by power nor by might but by My Spirit saith the Lord.
Unity is simply putting the Lord God first. It is the understanding that us and our agenda are as nothing in comparison to Him. When our love for him is supreme, the we put him first.
Then we are able to focus on His glorious objectives and count our own as trivial. Unity does not mean we think or feel or evaluate the same. Unity means we have the supremacy of God in our lives and thinking.
I so agree and Scriptures witness that Jesus prayer to the Father asks for us to be one and in complete fellowship!
Oh Holy Righteous Father we long to come into agreement, as Your reconciled children, with You! Keep delivering us from the corruption and lies that bombard Your children and attempt to ensnare us and ruin our testimony for you! Help us to recognize each other and be knit together in The Living Word, Christ Jesus, our Lord and Savior! We long for Your truth to prevail about abortion, lgbtq, sexual purity, true fellowship of the Body of Christ, community and justice! Equip us as Your warriors to fight the good fight of faith with Valor, stamina and evidence of Your presence, power, authority and Your glory! Expose evil in all it’s lying deceitful and manipulating ways! Keep unveiling the twisted lies that have ensnared our Nation and weakened our witness to this generation! Bring Your Revelations out and give clarity to what is Truth, Righteous and Just! For it is in You, by You and through You that we pray in Christ Jesus Name! Amen
Amen!There is a great symphony of voices rising up in unison from this earth to the throne of God.I pray that the Holy Spirit would cause our ears to hear and our hearts to understand the intricacies of His work & thru his body.
Father, give us revelation knowledge to pray your will in unity for our country. Help us to see positive changes in the leadership of our country.Put in the godly and take out the evil. Satan, you are a defeated foe. Jesus is Lord of all. Thy will be done. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.
LORD we become One as we agree with and line up with. your will and purpses. praying in the spirit according to your good pleasure in all things.
Therefore let us become one in the spirit and fight the good fight to HIS praise and glory. Amen