We are at war with enemies of liberty, domestic and foreign. Domestic enemies are now pressing relentlessly. Why shrink from the word “enemy,” the simple definition of which is “one seeking to injure, overthrow, or confound an opponent.” Who other are these warmakers?
This war is much more than disputes over fraudulent elections, though that would be cause enough. The Democratic Party is a means. The new war has been imagined, developed, and phased in over decades by the left. It’s unconventional, asymmetric, and cunning. It’s insidious, and has been about stealth and infiltration more so than outright confrontation — until this year, when state shutdowns have been imposed to test the limits of tyranny… to gauge the level of tolerance of unconstitutional centralized rule over a free people. Targeted violence has been employed in cities to engender angst, a sense of helplessness, and, consequently, to demoralize us.
The left’s warfare — underwritten by coastal plutocrats, chiefly — is comprehensive. The target now are our politics. The aim is to capture our national and state governments. Dominating the means of government nearly ensures its ends, which have nothing to do with our freedoms. Capturing governments is an endpoint — the crowning achievement in the left’s long march.
What would follow leftist consolidation of power in the United States is the hoped-for realization of the leftist-globalist dream of a “Great Reset,” whereby the United States is subsumed in some oligarchic-Marxist transnational utopia. As the history of the last 100 years teaches us abundantly, the left’s quests for utopia resolve in hells. . . .
The new war has and is being waged principally against our culture — against our values, beliefs, and mores. It has been and is against the fundamentals of a healthy, free, and civil society. The assaults are against what’s organic to a vital society: marriage, family, and children, neighborhood and community. The tissue, bone, and sinew of American society must be separated and destroyed for the enemy to reconstruct society according to its perverse vision.
In the name of public health, our churches, synagogues, businesses, and schools suffer shutdowns at the whim of petty tyrants like Andrew Cuomo and Bill de Blasio. Tens of millions of Americans are injured as a result. All of us have been injured by degrees in assaults on our God-given rights. We’ve been forced to wear masks to “stop the spread,” but, in fact, to compel subservience.
Our voices are increasingly silenced in social media. The tech giants are imperious gatekeepers of speech; they’re eager facilitators of the gathering tyranny. Step out of line and face restrictions or cancellation.
Men and women who dare to speak out and dissent — or simply do their duties — are cruelly doxed. Cancel culture — another means of censorship and punishment for noncompliance — spreads like cancer into corporations and organizations. White Americans are unjustly branded racist. Demands for reparations and calls for reverse discrimination are commonplace among “woke progressives.”
Leftists, and even establishment Democrats, call for “truth and reconciliation” commissions to force patriots to repudiate their support for President Trump and express fealty to leftism’s strictures. Failure to comply will be met with punitive actions along the lines of communist China’s evolving — and sinister — social credit system.
It’s good to understand where the leftist-oligarchs draw their intellectual firepower and conviction. Three sources come readily to mind, all of whom have made critical contributions in modernizing Marxist war on America and Western Civilization.
The assaults, in part, are rooted in the works of Marxist Italian intellectual, Antonio Gramsci, whose thinking is summed up:
The defining Gramscian concept is that of hegemony. This denotes a level of political domination that extends beyond control of a state or a parliament into the realm of culture and ideas.
In the Frankfurt School — a school of thought — whose principals:
[snip] “are known for their brand of culturally focused neo-Marxist theory—a rethinking of classical Marxism updated to their socio-historical period. This proved seminal for the fields of sociology, cultural studies, and media studies.”
And in Maoism. Mao, who waged a pitiless Cultural Revolution using China’s youth as avengers. Per Andrea Widburg:
James David Banker’s article about the Cultural Revolution describes how schools were turned into places of propaganda rather than knowledge and how the indoctrinated students brutally turned on their teachers, their families, and their friends.
The new war being waged has less to do with a classic Marxist focus on economics and wealth disparities. It’s the totality of Western experience that’s in the crosshairs. The evisceration of the West is the goal. The left desires to strip away the protections a free society affords to rule our very souls.
Many of us have termed what’s occurring here a cold civil war. . . .
This enemy is formidable. It’s entrenched with tentacles that reach throughout the country. But we must keep in mind that American revolutionaries were up against a British Empire as formidable in its day. But for God and the French, the Revolution would have likely foundered and failed. Today, we still have God — and we have a growing righteous anger at the injustices being done us — but we await time and events to see if the equivalent of the French materializes. Yet, we can say this with confidence: “If God is for us, who can be against us?”
Military strategists will tell you there’s a tendency to fight the last war. It’s a disastrous error. To win this war, we must first accept that we are at war, that the enemy is real and homegrown, and grasp why and how it’s being waged against us. We must resist the temptation to believe that the full-blown tyranny described really can’t happen here. We’ve received no pass, no exemption. We face the most perilous challenge ever to our liberties. We must accept the reality of this fight and engage with steely resolve and vigor or perish as a free people.
As Lincoln once remarked, “America will not be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedom, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.”
Though we prize our individuality, we must, compelled by circumstance, unite, fighting as one. As Benjamin Franklin famously said, “We must hang together or, surely, we shall hang separately.”
Consider this: Perhaps the Good Lord, in His infinite wisdom, is allowing the threat of tyranny to arise on these shores precisely because we’ve been chosen to vanquish it. Are we David to the left’s Goliath? It’s also said that to whom much is given, much is expected. We are now expected to bear the coming burdens — to willingly accept costs and sacrifices — to defeat an ancient enemy newly disguised, thereby restoring the fullest measure of freedom to our nation, and to again provide a beacon of liberty in a darkening world.
(Excerpt from American Thinker. Article by J. Robert Smith. Photo Credit: Canva.)
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We all see these truths before us. I knew we were at war before 2020. The question is what specifically do we do? Who leads the resistance? I love God almighty and have salvation through Jesus but I am ready to fight! Faith and prayer without works is futile in war. God expects us to fight. We will pay if we don’t.
I am lifting my President and my nation up in prayer. Only God can give us the strength to us to do what is needed
White House Christian journalist Dr. Anthony Harper here asking for prayer as I am reporting on Voter Fraud and the principal lead investigative journalist exposing Anti-Semitism and Religious Freedom Violations. I am working on opening a news office in Washington, D.C. area January 2021 and will be reporting at the White House all that month regarding this spiritual election battle and beyond.
Dr. Harper, as I was thinking about how to pray for you I was reminded of Jeremiah eating a scroll When looking up the reference I also found the passage in Revelation of John being given a scroll to eat. The words are bitter and sweet. How Abba, we lift up Dr. Harper before you and ask for him to find your words and meditate on them. Abba, may your words become a joy and the delight of his heart, for he is called by your name, O Lord, God of hosts. (Jeremiah 15:16).
Abba, fill Dr. Harper with you Spirit and anoint his written and spoken words as he investigates and reports and exposes these violations – even if these words are bitter to his soul. “So I went to the angel and told him to give me the little scroll. And he said to me, “Take and eat it; it will make your stomach bitter, but in your mouth it will be sweet as honey.” And I took the little scroll from the hand of the angel and ate it. It was sweet as honey in my mouth, but when I had eaten it my stomach was made bitter.” Revelation 10:9-10
And he said to me, “Son of man, eat whatever you find here. Eat this scroll, and go, speak to the house of Israel.” So I opened my mouth, and he gave me this scroll to eat. And he said to me, “Son of man, feed your belly with this scroll that I give you and fill your stomach with it.” Then I ate it, and it was in my mouth as sweet as honey.
Abba, thank you for the work of Dr. Harper as he fights on the front lines of this election battle! Strengthen him in his inner man with might. Give him times of refreshing and great joy as he compiles evidence. Place the evidence on the solid Rock that it may not be moved with the winds of adversity. Keep him close to you as he prepares to move to Washington. Bless the words of Dr. Harper’s mouth and the meditations of his heart. Place a hedge of protection around him as he investigates and reports on these violations against your people and exposes the actions of the wicked. Give Dr. Harper supernatural wisdom, understanding, counsel, and might. Provide the scroll as you did for Jeremiah. As Dr. Harper meditates on the words you give him, may it be a sweet victory even if the violations are a bitter taste in his mouth. Bless all the work of his hands. May the transition to the new office go smoothly. May any adversity against him be used for his good and your glory. Use these reports to produce viable changes in our election processes and checks and balances for generations to come. The nations are watching, LORD. Use Dr. Harper’s work for your honor and glory and for the sake of your name. Not to us, O LORD, but unto you be all glory, laud, and honor. In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen and Amen.
Dr. Harper here to thank you so much for your prayers. You can see my White House reporting on YouTube at my Chanel name of InterMountain Christian News Dr Anthony Harper.
2 Chronicles 20:15-17
15 He said: “Listen, King Jehoshaphat and all who live in Judah and Jerusalem! This is what the Lord says to you: ‘Do not be afraid or discouraged(A) because of this vast army. For the battle(B) is not yours, but God’s. 16 Tomorrow march down against them. They will be climbing up by the Pass of Ziz, and you will find them at the end of the gorge in the Desert of Jeruel. 17 You will not have to fight this battle. Take up your positions; stand firm and see(C) the deliverance the Lord will give you, Judah and Jerusalem. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged. Go out to face them tomorrow, and the Lord will be with you.’”
I felt the need to re-share a link that was in the ifapray article about what the prophets are saying. This ifapray article was written shortly after the election. This is one of the words that was shared via the link https://www.destinyencounters.com/news/2020/10/22/ge7qp52tlhdsbhac5fbq06citkmleq It stood out to me. We are standing firm on it and praying. Be blessed.
I heard the Lord say, “Watch Pennsylvania, yes watch and see what I will do. I say to the intercessors, stand as watchers and as pillars of the state and pray Pennsylvania through in the election for it will be the key that opens the flood gate for the nation to be delivered from destruction. For America hangs in the balance and I have placed upon the shoulders of this state the key to victory that will close the door to the enemy that seeks to destroy the land of liberty. I say look and see, I have laid a keystone within you America, yes a tested stone, a white stone, a precious cornerstone state, a sure foundation where the bell of liberty will ring once again. I will cause a sound to ring out from you, a sound of Triumph from my Trumpet. For you are my Key Stone that I have set in the hand of the church to take down the giant in this hour. The giant that seeks to devour this nation, but he will fall and his body will cause the ground to quake in the city of brotherly love. Yes the ground will quake in the city founded by the quakers. I will shake Pennsylvania by my power and corruption will surface for all to see, but the one who believes will be unshakable, the one I have set in place will not be moved.“
October 22, 2020-Prophet Charlie Shamp
In January 2020 I was given an assignment from God to lay down my life and pray and intercede for our country. At the same time I was connected with IFA. I am so thankful for IFA, I love it! I have fasted and prayed, most days until I can no longer form words! Then on November 6th, I got Covid and I have really been quite sick. The only thing I have been able to continue doing is fasting and praying! Then one morning I woke up, battle weary, weak and sick, when everything we were hearing was bad news, and I just felt without strength. I told Jesus I needed to hear from him. This is what He gave me and all my fellow battle weary Intercessors. It’s ll John 8, “Look to yourselves, take care, that you may not lose, throw away or destroy, all that we and you have labored for, but that you may persevere until you win and receive back a perfect reward in full!” That was all I needed to hear! This battle is fierce and intense! It will all be worth it because God is going to give us His victory! I want to thank all my fellow Intercessors for all your comments and prayers! I could never articulate so well your beautiful prayers. I am just so happy to be able to pray them with you. I wish I could meet all of you. I feel so much love for you! If God is for us, who can be against us?!
Sorry for your illness. I do hope u are feeling better. I’ve have done alot research and taking vitamin c , vit d inn5000 up to 10000k iu a day help prevent this m many respiratory virus m zinc .praying and fasting with you for America and God to heal the USA
Thank you Carrie, I’ve been doing all those things for quite a while. Yes, I am getting much better thank you! Jesus is my Healer!
Jehovah, we come to You in the name of Adonai, our Lord Who is over us; According to 2 Chronicles 7:14, we are Your people, we are called by Your name; we humble ourselves with fasting and prayer to seek Your face; we, Your people, turn from our wicked ways of neglect and timidity and taking Your abundant blessings of our land for granted; we ask that You forgive us and listen to our pleas for mercy and lift Your sentence of judgment that America will once again be the “City on a Hill” for Your glory! Specifically we ask that You will shine Your light on all the darkness that is covering our land that is perverting our constitutional selection of leaders to govern our land; We ask that You will cause to rise up powerful and expert witnesses to give truthful testimony regarding the potential abuse of the Dominion voting machines and software to distort and negate the will of the people in the 2020 elections. In Jesus’ name for His glory! Amen!
“Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of Me. Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you.”
Matthew 5:10-12
Upon arising this morning I opened a devotional that my grandmother gave me forty years ago.
It is not thinking of me but DWELLING with me that brings perfect fearlessness.
There can be NO FEAR where I am.
Fear was conquered when I conquered all Satanic power.
If all my followers knew this, and affirmed it with absolute certainty,
there would be no need of armed forces to conquer evil.”
We are in the midst of a mighty spiritual battles and war.
Lord, you are our general direct us in your ways of battle to complete victory!
God brought the following older song to my remembrance, it is perfect for this time we are in. And, below is a link to an awesome video someone named ‘Adam P.’ made, setting the song to scenes from the “Chronicles of Narnia” movies- “Let me hear your War Cry!!”
“God’s Got an Army” by Carman:
“God’s got an army, not afraid to fight
Soldiers of the Cross and children of the light
Warriors of righteousness with healing in their hands
God’s got an army marching through the land
Let me hear your war cry, HEY!
Let me hear your war cry, HEY!
We’re a people with ears to hear and hearts to respond
To spiritual needs of the nation
We’re a showcase of what He’ll do when we are strong
In Jesus, to a whole generation
The world won’t be the same tomorrow
Because we’re here today
The kingdom of hell is gonna feel sorrow
‘Cause our war cry is worship and praise!
God’s got an army, not afraid to fight
Soldiers of the Cross and children of the light
Warriors of righteousness with healing in their hands
God’s got an army marching through the land
Let me hear your war cry, HEY!
Aww, let me hear your war cry, HEY!
The apostles and prophets are speaking forth
The flames of revival -well, they are burning!
Like old Joshua, well, went marchin’ out to possess
And there’s no way our minds will be turning
There’s joy in the battle so we commence
To change this nation’s course
The kingdom of God is suffering violence
And the violent take it by force
God’s got an army, not afraid to fight
Soldiers of the Cross and children of the light
Warriors of righteousness with healing in their hands
God’s got an army marching through the land
Let me hear
Let me hear, hey
Hey, this means war, man!
I’m a soldier
(In the army of the Lord)
I’m a soldier
(In the army of the Lord)
I’m a soldier
(In the army of the Lord)
I’m a soldier
(In the army of the Lord)
We’re not afraid to stand and fight
(We’re not afraid to stand and fight)
We cast out demons left and right
(We cast out demons left and right)
We’re strong in battle, strong in prayer
(We’re strong in battle, strong in prayer)
We tell Satan, get out of here
(We tell Satan, get out of here)
Sound off-
Sound off-
(Is Lord!)
Sound off-
(Jesus is Lord)
I forgot to add this to my comment above- just wanted to re-emphasize that the battlefield is spiritual, on our knees against principalities and powers, and anything that exalts itself above God’s Word. Our enemies are satan and his evil minions, not un-belivers, not government officials or people of any particular political ideology, not our neighbors, co-workers, bosses, friends or family members!
Be wise as serpents when fighting with our spiritual enemy, be gentle as doves when dealing with the people around you!
God, you’ve given us a spirit to fight for truth, fight for our children’s future, fight for the purity of our land. Allow us to pursue every peaceable means possible. We ask for Your wisdom to do this, because it requires a spiritual nature to fight a spiritual war. The enemy does not play under rules or under fairness. That’s why your resurrection power is so incredible. We proclaim the enemy’s defeat. We proclaim Jesus’ victory. We uphold Jesus’ power to free, rescue, deliver, unchain , dispel the powers of darkness. Jesus, you’re seated and reigning. Call the shots. Under the sovereignty of the Almighty. Amen.
James 3:17-18 But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere. 18 Peacemakers who sow in peace reap a harvest of righteousness.
Father God, thank You for exposing the agenda behind the COVID-19 shutdowns, the unconstitutional centralized rule employed to demoralize us. However, we will not cower to a spirit of fear. We declare over our nation Your Spirit of power, love, and a sound mind, and rebuke the evil assaults against the foundations of our society: marriage, family, children, and community. We ask Your blessing and protection upon our marriages, our families, our children, and our community. Help us to be vigilant in prayer, covering these foundations with the blood of Jesus continually. Strengthen our faith, our values, beliefs, and mores with continuous revelation of Your will.
We rebuke, in the Lord Jesus’ name the tech giants, who in Your eyes are nothing. Although they have joined together with other socialist progressive organizations both domestic and foreign global forces with an evil plan using deception, targeted suppression and violence, election fraud, progressive education, drugs, “plandemics”, we decree that their plans will all come to nought, like the walls of Jericho. We declare a Great Reset, a Revival, a Restoration of our nation’s founding Christian principles and values by way of God’s abundant grace, pouring down from heaven like a cascade, flooding the hearts of all Americans, both young and old, from coast to coast, from border to border, all across our nation, moving us out of a state of deception into a full unmasking of the evil contrasted with a revelation of God’s holiness leading us to repentance from sin and acceptance of God’s full sovereignty over our lives, our families, our communities, and our nation. So that we all bow in humility asking for God’s forgiveness and favor for the healing of our land, the United States of America, home of the free and the brave, one nation under God, with liberty and justice for all including the unborn.
We declare our President Donald J. Trump, a man after God’s own heart for America, is confirmed as the legitimate presidential winner, serving You, Father God, for a second term, to carry out Your will for this nation, so that we are an example of Truth, Liberty, and Justice for all nations, and a friend of Israel. So that we are aligned with You to usher in the Great Harvest of souls, and the return of the Jews to their Messiah, as a prerequisite to Your Great Return to receive Your bride without blemish and stain.
We thank You for exposing all the evil, corruption, and election fraud, and resetting America back on track with Your will. We bind the spiritual wicked spirts behind the rebellion against America. And bring the people who have participated in the deception to swift judgement, and in Your mercy grant them the grace to humbly repent from their wicked ways in Jesus’ name, we pray.
I stand in total agreement with every word of this prayer! These are the exact words I will continue to pray – thank you for such an eloquent, inspiring, motivational prayer!!!
Thank you, Alma for that powerful and effective prayer!
I praise You, Almighty GOD, for your goodness and mercy and justice.
I thank You Father that nothing is hid from Your eyes.
Before the world began You saw all this happening.
I praise You LORD, that You have the solution to every problem that originates in hell or in the hearts of man, and I am watching to see how You will banish Your enemies.
In Jesus Name. Amen.
No doubt we are in a War with a formidable enemy from the deepest pits of Hell. He has many minions working in his behalf. It is easy for fear to grip us as we become battle weary. I was directed by the Holy Spirit to read Exodus 14:24-25 early this morning. V.24. And it came to pass , that in the morning watch the Lord looked into the host of the Egyptians through the pillar of fire and of the cloud, and troubled the host of the Egyptians. V.25: And took off their chariot wheels, that they drive them heavily; so that the Egyptians said, Let us flee from the face of Israel; for the Lord fighteth for them against the Egyptians. What I glean from these scriptures is (1) the Lord’s eyes were never off of His children. (2). As He looks at their enemy He is looking through His leading, the path He has chosen (pillar of fire and the cloud). He is watching their enemy day and night. (3) He knows that His children are in what seems to be an impossible situation as man sees it. All avenues of escape have been eliminated. They have no alternative but to keep moving forward. The waters of the Red Sea are lapping against the shore and no doubt frightening, yet they have to walk on trusting that God will deliver them. (4) God is never limited in ways to execute His will for his people. According to various translations of scripture He stopped the enemy’s pursuit by removing, making stiff, jamming, causing to break off, clogging so as to make them get stuck the wheels of the enemies’ chariots. (5). In His timing He stopped the pursuit of the enemy and obliterated them from the face of the earth (you shall see them no more). (6). We should acknowledge our enemy but keep our focus squarely on God. (7). God’s enemies were forced to acknowledge His power and that He was fighting for the children of Israel. I simply want to remind us that NO power, no matter how sinister, intimidating, or frightening can stand against God Almighty. Be encouraged. He fights for us and with us.
Thank you Deborah for sharing your encouraging word from the Lord. Amen to your prayer, may it be a mortal wound from God’s sword straight into the heart of evil.
5He shall receive the blessing from the LORD, and righteousness from the God of his salvation. 6This is the generation of them that seek him, that seek thy face, O Jacob. Selah. 7Lift up your heads, O ye gates; and be ye lift up, ye everlasting doors; and the King of glory shall come in. 8Who is this King of glory? The LORD strong and mighty, the LORD mighty in battle. 9Lift up your heads, O ye gates; even lift them up, ye everlasting doors; and the King of glory shall come in. 10Who is this King of glory? The LORD of hosts, he is the King of glory. Selah.
This informative article exposes the ideological roots of this enemy. We know their deceptive tactics and their weaknesses. Let’s unite as one body of Christ to resist and fight! The costs and sacrifices are temporary and worldly, but the reward is eternal and for His Glory!
Father, we go forward in the mantle of Jehoshaphat, that of praise as you go before us with angel armies to fight the battle. We march with songs of praise and interceding prayers in obedience to you.
Father, we come to you for help. Father help us. We know we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities, powers, rulers of darkness in high places and spiritual forces in the heavenly realms Eph 6: 12. We put on the weapons of our warfare which are not carnal but mighty in you and demolish every stronghold of the enemy against our nation. We demolish the strongholds of deception, delusions, lying, perversion and rebellion. We demolish all arguments and every pretension against God’s knowledge and truth in the USA. We demolish all arguments against our freedom, liberty, virtue and justice in Christ Jesus. We bring every thought of oppression, socialism, Marxism, control, pride, and all hidden agenda of the enemy captive and make it obedient to Christ. Father, in the name of Jesus, we rebuke the beast among the reeds and the herd of bulls among the calves of the nations. Whether it be the democratic party or any other gathering and agenda of wickedness against your people and this nation, we rebuke. Humbled, may the beast bring bars of silver in Jesus name Ps. 68:30. Whereas they may come against your children with the media and all other ideas, we come against the plans of the enemy in the name of the Lord Almighty, whose name they defy. The battle is the Lord’s. We proclaim that You are God over America. We loose Your love, peace, redemption, reconciliation and restoration on our nation. Jesus rain and reign over USA. Holy Spirit sweep through our land and the hearts of the people. Thank Father, because in You we remain forever victorious in Jesus name. AMEN.
Hallelujah! Our God is formidable. He is victorious. Thank you Lola for your power filled prayer.
Amen Sister! All this I pray and STAND in faith believing the Word of God is true. No political rambling or labeling: our war is against the enemy of our souls. Let us be encouraged to keep our focus on Christ and our spirits in tune with the leading of the Holy Spirit. Pray on. His mercies are new every morning and His faithfulness endures to all generations. This is not a new design of the enemy but rather it has been made prominent so that even the unbeliever can see the lies, deception, theft, fraud and subjegation of freedom. God hears our cries and is moving. Let God ARISE!!
Amen to your prayer Lola!
Yours is the spirit of FEARLESSNESS that we require at this time (see my post that I made after yours).
By coming humbly to God our prayers are VERY POWERFUL TO BRING DOWN strongholds and raise up the Spirit of the Lord against any enemy. Remember the amazing prayer that General Patton had his Chaplain write at Bastogne during WWII. It led to the utter destruction of the enemy and complete victory. KEEP WRITING PRAYERS AS THE SPIRIT LEADS. From Chris in Vancouver Canada. We face the same struggle here.
Psalm 91:9-11
“If you make the Lord your refuge. If you make the Almighty your shelter. No evil will conquer you and no plague will come near your dwelling”. We need and must have repentance and revival in our nation and we must put on the armour of God to protect in this spiritual battle if we expect to be victorious soldiers in our Lord’s army! The battle is the Lord’s and all glory is to be His but he uses us if we are willing to be the conduit through which He accomplishes His victory! We all need to step up to serve in this battle!
Let us arise, united with God in prayer, proclamation, praise, and worship for if God is with us and we are with Him no evil will befall us, but we will cause evil to fall. Thank you Barbara for your exhortation.
Amen! Amen! Amen! What a complete description of what is going on in America! The best news however comes from Romans 8:31 What shall we then say to these things? If God be for us, who can be against us? And Isaiah 41:10 Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness. Saints we fight from a position of Strength because our GOD WHO IS THE KING OF ALL OF THIS UNIVERSE is fighting this battle for us! Pray scripture every day out loud; several times a day and watch GOD move! We must guard our words for we will “have whatsoever we say,” Mark 11:23! Romans 4:17 “(As it is written, I have made thee a father of many nations,) before him whom he believed, even God, who quickeneth the dead, and calleth those things which be not as though they were.” Start speaking total victory every day! Saints we are not only fighting for ourselves, but for all of those that love America and may not be saved yet! FATHER GOD we thank YOU for going before us and making the crooked places straight! Thank YOU FATHER GOD for sending YOUR angels to fight for YOUR heirs of salvation: us! We love YOU LORD and will not give in to the enemies of us and YOU in JESUS MIGHTY Name! Amen!
We must speak God’s words for they will not return void, but accomplish His will. Thank you Carol for the words of life you share.
and I would add and am praying that God would call Queen Esthrs to fast and pray, that the Hammons of this day be hanged on their own gallows; that the Mordecais of this day would be put in rightful position; that the King Ahabs of this day be cast to ruin; that God would remove his hand from his garment and destroy this enemy and not hand over the life if His dove to wild beasts.
and the Jeezebal’s betrayed by her eunuchs for her complete annihilation!
Thank you Elizabeth for you declaration of victory.
Oh Heavenly Father, you are our Rock , our shield, our guide and protector! America needs you now more than ever to show yourself strong to those who are against us and desire to destroy our freedom . A freedom which You have bestowed on us. We come against them in Your name and you will not allow them to dishonor You. Be our leader in this battle O God. We look to you for direction. Thank you for the sacrifice of your Son Jesus , in our place, for your mercy , love, and acceptance. You are so so good to us! We rejoice in you!!
Heavenly Father,
As the battle continues in the heavenlies, may those doing the footwork here on earth be encouraged. May they continue to work with wisdom and counsel that comes from You.
May this nation once again call evil evil and call good good!
Father God, bring Your honor to those who are fighting for Your truth, for those who are fighting for Your righteousness. Bring honor to those who are fighting for the life of the unborn child. Bring Your honor to those who are diligently working to expose the evil web that is causing election fraud throughout this nation. With Your might and power shake those mockers and scoffers with fear and confusion. May their web of destruction be unraveled and fall upon them so they can no longer hide behind their lies. As judgement falls on them, LORD, we pray for their salvation! May they, in godly sorrow and repentance turn to You and call upon the name of the Lord and be saved. Please raise up laborers into their field of harvest!! May a revival begin in Washington DC!!
In the mighty name and precious blood of Jesus bring down the strongholds of evil across this nation and release the captives, those who have been decieived through the lies of the media, so they will see Your truth.
We pray that Your Truth is what will set this nation free and we shall be free indeed.
“Now has begun the great setback of evil and the great unravelling of lies.”
Now may the God of peace who brought up our Lord Jesus from the dead, that great Shepherd of the sheep, through the BLOOD OF THE EVERLASTING COVENANT,
make you/us complete in every good work to do His will, working in you/us what is well pleasing in His sight, through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory forever and ever.
Hebrews 13:20-21 Amen
Thank you for your encouraging prayer!
Whoo hoo! Hallelujah! God is great! Thank Dorothy for this mighty prayer proclaiming victory!
I come into agreement with Dorothy and her prayer, in the mighty name of Jesus, Amen (Mt18:19).
Dorothy your fearlessness in prayer is what we need. Keep writing as the Spirit leads you. God is directing this battle and we the soldiers will be moved to different targets over time.
Praise the Lord! I sent this in after you today:
Upon arising this morning I opened a devotional that my grandmother gave me forty years ago.
It is not thinking of me but DWELLING with me that brings perfect fearlessness.
There can be NO FEAR where I am.
Fear was conquered when I conquered all Satanic power.
If all my followers knew this, and affirmed it with absolute certainty,
there would be no need of armed forces to conquer evil.”
We are in the midst of a mighty spiritual battles and war.
Lord, you are our general direct us in your ways of battle to complete victory!