Pray that truth will be revealed and that it will be brought forth and dealt with in a righteous manner.
“For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open.” (Lk 8:17)
Was Watergate worse than the present scandal? Do you know what the crime was in Watergate?
It has been 46 years since the famous break-in at the Watergate hotel in June 1972. In sum, officials of President Nixon’s re-election campaign were trying to obtain information on what their opponents were doing, by bugging the DNC offices, in order to lessen any chance of losing the election. (One of the ironies is that the only working bug was on the phone of a mid-level staffer that revealed no useful information.)
Even though there were fewer than a dozen individuals involved in the original break-in, 69 people were ultimately indicted and 48 pleaded guilty or were convicted. Members of the Nixon team were able to co-opt a few current and/or former FBI, CIA and IRS officials to use their experience or agencies as a political weapon.
Mr. Nixon was very far ahead in the polls, and eventually won 49 out of 50 states in both a huge popular and electoral vote landslide. If the Nixon people had played by the rules, his vote total might have even been higher, because the original break-in by Nixon operatives was known by Election Day (but not the details of all of the other abuses of power).
Some who were involved justified their actions in a belief that the election of Nixon’s opponent, George McGovern, would have posed a great danger to the country. Sen. McGovern appeared to be hopelessly naive about both foreign and economic policy. Much of the Washington establishment was fearful of him, including many leading Democrats….
The current election scandal is motivated by many of the same impulses that drove the Watergate lawbreakers. Hillary Clinton seems to have had a desperate fear of losing, even though she was far ahead in the polls. Why else would she have engaged in the dirty tricks she employed against the Bernie Sanders campaign and used her own private computer servers in clear violation of the rules?
President Obama, although appearing confident of a Clinton victory, apparently feared a Trump win would undo his legacy — which is precisely what has happened — and thus it had to be prevented by whatever means….
The Russian-collusion cover story falls further apart each week. The Russians have been trying to mess with other countries’ elections for 100 years. Anyone who is surprised does not know history. The Mueller investigation is a sideshow, whose credibility will only continue to weaken as more people become aware that Mr. Mueller hired Democrat donors and hit men, and not serious objective investigators.
There are also many questionable activities in Mr. Mueller’s past — some of which have become known and others yet to come. Each day, as the “investigation” continues, Mr. Mueller’s reputation will diminish….
The most common offense was perjury, including lying about illegal campaign contributions and spending. As with all such past scandals, the participants turned on each other in order to obtain lighter treatment — and the current scandal is most likely to follow the same playbook.
The open question is, how many former Obama officials will be indicted? There are videos of a number of them where they contradict each other and even themselves — which is perjury. The final irony is that if both Richard Nixon and Hillary Clinton had played by the rules, Mr. Nixon would not have had to resign, and Mrs. Clinton would be president. (Excerpts from ‘s article in The Washington Times – Richard W. Rahn is chairman of Improbable Success Productions and on the board of the American Council for Capital Formation.)
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Thank you, Lord, that you are Sovereign over all things and your will be done in the United States no matter what deceptions, lies, and distortions take place to try and thwart your plans. May justice prevail and evil be exposed throughout our government. For your honor and glory, Amen.
I trust that it was the prayers of the army of God through repentance, fasting and intercession that America received mercy and the Lord put Trump in office as part of His plan for this country and the world. God has prepared and picked Donald Trump as His agent for our times and to use America once again to impact the world for Christ. What a glorious God we have. Once again, I believe that the Lord has set-up satan for another ambush to thwart his plans for global domination. How futile it is that the nations rage against the Lord as He laughs at them from heaven. We are in a spiritual war and must keep upping the pressure on the forces of darkness and evil through prayer, in God’s Word, fasting, and in faith. I believe we are in for great times in the Lord for America, but the enemy will not sit still against us. The Lord has called us Christians to action for this time in His kingdom on earth. Halleluiah!
Praise God that there are still some real Christians in the world. Those that are not controlled by their flesh. God looks into our hearts. Satan has blind many Christians to the word of God. It is a hateful heart that cannot see any good that has been accomplished. I pray for our President,Vice President and all that are in the decision-making business concerning our country because I understand the word when it lets us know that the prayers of a righteous man will accomplish much because the Lord hears. How can one call themself a true Christian and speak with such disdain against our president when the Bible says we are to pray for those in Authority.
Dear Lord in Jesus name expose the network of the enemies that stands against President Trump administration. Heavenly Father shake the network of the enemies and global Satanic strictures. In Jesus name.
We humbly pray that the Lord will continue to intervene in the affairs of our beloved country to unveil lies and deceit! He can work through flawed humans but firmly believe it’s only by His grace that Clinton was not elected.
God is exposing the enemy’s plots and schemes this hour. So much wickedness has gone on for too long and God says enough is enough. I am in agreement with the scripture: “For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open.” (Lk 8:17)
God takes the affairs of all men and women to bring His will to pass. I believe that His will is being accomplished today and will be done tomorrow and each day following. This is my pray that we will depend upon His Word, “We know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are called according to his purpose.” Romans 8:28.
I agree with Virginia Allgaier. She wasn’t honest or playing fair from the beginning and God just pulled the curtains back.
I don’t believe Hillary would’ve won,no matter what. God put President Trump in the white house.