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I Prayed have prayed
Almighty God, we pray that we will each fulfill the allotted role You have for us in our nation, the United States of America.
Reading Time: < 1 minute

“A patriot is one who fulfills his allotted role in the nation in which God has placed him.”

This short teaching is part of a longer series, What is a Patriot? You can sign up to receive each of the 10 minute teachings in your email inbox for 10 days. This timeless teaching explains why America is in crisis and what we can do about it as believers. This first teaching deals with the lie of individualism and the truth of the need of right relationships in our nation, which is patriotism.

This requires a Christian to surrender his individualism (“I can handle this on my own.”) in order to find his place in the larger function of God’s people.


Response Opportunities:

  • As important as you are to God as an individual, do you recognize that you are a “part” of the work God wants to accomplish in and through the whole Body of Christ?
  • Do you often feel you are separated from fellow believers or that you are not working well with others or that others are not working well with you? Are you willing to invite God to change you?

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July 5, 2019

Lord, thank you for establishing this nation for your good purposes.

Thank you for your love and protection which you lavish on us, even when we do not deserve it or acknowledge you.

May all ours hearts be turned to you alone and may we let nothing stop us or slow us down as repent and we strive to bring honor to your name. May we serve you with our whole heart so that our children for many generations bring you honor and praise also.

Carol Hedrick
July 4, 2019

Father, I thank You that You had me to be born in the United States of America, I’m so thankful for it and I love You and this country very much. I thank You that You picked the nation and the state I would be born in and I honor and praise You for it.
I ask that You will bless President Trump and that You will strengthen him every moment of the day and give him the wisdom and integrity to lead this nation as You would lead it. I ask You to keep him, his family, his administration and their families safe and put Your warring angels around them to keep them safe from all of the fiery darts of the enemy that are shot at them constantly. I ask that You lift them up above all the evil intent that comes their way. Thank you for their protection, and safety.
Father, I thank You for giving us Donald J. Trump as our President, You have truly blessed us.
Now, Father I ask that Your people who are called by Your name will truly humble ourselves, repent and turn from our wicked ways, and seek Your face daily, that we will bring glory and honor to Your name. That we will be good stewards of all that You have given us to do. That we will have the back bone and the boldness to stand against the evil that is trying to overtake our nation. I pray for more of Your people to stand up and be counted and not to be timid when it comes to confronting what they know is wrong in Your sight but that it will be done in Your love and not with malice. I pray that You will give us eyes to see others as you see them, boldness to confront in love, when we see injustice no matter what it is.
But most of all I pray for boldness for Your people to stand against and to speak out against evil, no matter what it is going to cost us, even our very lives.

In Jesus’ Name I pray AMEN

Priscilla Bailey
July 4, 2019

Thank you Father for your great Love and Mercy. I lift up our great nation to you; standing in the gap and repenting for the sins of its people. Please continue to turn your face toward these great United States, and establish us in Your peace. I ask that you reach down with your mighty right arm and save our nation from the plans of the enemy. Dissolve his plan Lord; uprooting the sin and debauchery he has sown throughout our great land. Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your people across the land. Stir up an awareness and desire in each persons heart to walk in their God given destiny; such that we fulfill the roles you have for us, in your Kingdom and in our Nation. May the people of this land unite as the body of Christ and be the salt of the earth! May other nations look to us as a beacon of hope. And may these great United States stand once again, as a symbol/representation of faith in, and love for, You. I love you Lord, and as your daughter I humbly ask these things of you – In Jesus Name, Amen.

Ken Budz
July 3, 2019

Dear Lord God Almighty thank You for everything. Thank You for Your love and thank You for blessing this country. Please continue to provide for and protect America. May we repent and turn towards You Father. I pray this in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

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