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Open eyes and turn people from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan to God, in order to receive forgiveness of sins and a place among those who are sanctified by faith in Jesus.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Christian musician Bryann Trejo made viral waves on social media when he livestreamed walking out of The Addams Family movie. “Growing up we watched Addams Family and it was like costume comedy,” he said walking through the movie theater lobby. “The Addams Family right here, it’s inappropriate.”

We are inviting intercessors to SING and PRAISE the Psalms from noon on October 30th until noon on November 1st. Over this 48-hour period, we are inviting intercessors to open their Bibles as much as they can to sing psalms and hymns located in God’s Word. Besides the 150 recorded Psalms, there are great songs of deliverance in Exodus 15, Deuteronomy 32, and 2 Samuel 22. We believe that our corporate songs of praise have great power to confuse the enemy, nullify demonic schemes, and clear the way for the King of Glory to come in! Will you join in? Leave a comment.

“The first thing that startled me was that they had the voice of a demon growling,” Trejo said. “Second, the little boy in the cartoon started crawling up the wall, possessed. Strike three was when they pulled out the Ouija board.” At that point, Trejo and his wife walked out of the movie. “As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord. I know the kids are probably mad. But it’s our job to protect them from this stuff.”


Trejo has faced much mockery on Facebook for standing up for Christianity. Over 100,000 people shared the video and there are thousands of snarky comments. The most troubling are the ones from "Christians" claiming that he is wrong and has "weak faith" for not subjecting his children to demonic themes. Others insist that demons can't hurt them.

This is bad theology and the majority of Christian faiths are at fault for not teaching what the Bible has to say on the issue. Demonic possession and influence is well-documented both in the Bible and through the Church. The Catholic Church still employs exorcists and they are so overwhelmed by the need for their services that they are currently recruiting more. "It's only in recent years that the demand [for exorcisms] has risen exponentially," Father Pat Collins said. He added that anyone denying this is "out of touch with reality."

Recently, I've noticed within Christian communities a lack of concern for demonic influence including allowing kids to play with Ouija boards, consult mediums, and adults taking children to demonic-themed Halloween events. Jesus dealt with the demons in one way only— rebuke and cast out immediately. He did not entertain them, speak to them, listen to their arguments or in any other way appease them or use them for entertainment. He sent them to hell. He then gave His disciples the power to cast them out in his name.

To deny demonic possession and influence as a Christian is to deny the teachings of Christ. If demons do not exist, then Jesus was a madman. There's no in-between here. Christians who deny the existence of Satan and his minions of chaos are not Christians at all, but heretics and unbelievers.

As for me and my family, we will avoid The Addams Family movie and "hold fast to what is good," and "abstain from every evil" (1 Thessalonians 5:21-22)..

On a positive note, Trejo is making Christian rap that's actually fun to listen to (and my kids agree, which is the real test). That's rare.

(Excerpt from PJ Media. Article by Megan Fox.)

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Jeremias & Rufina
November 11, 2019

The bible says, to abstain,(hold oneself off, refrain, to keep distant from) the appearance (view, in fashion, shape, sight, form or kind) of evil. 1 Thessalonians 5:22. Though it was courageous of him to walk out after seeing the evil in the movie and commenting on it and addressing it, it would have been more honorable in his courage to tell his family and friends not go see this movie at all, because it displays and manifests all kinds of evil (Exodus 20:1-7; Galatians 5:19-21). He mentions in his article that he grew up watching the Adams Family on TV, so did we, but as Christian we should already be informed by the Word of God to flee the very appearance of evil. In every generation, Satan has blinded the minds of unbelievers, and even convinced some believers that to watch these types of movies is not an offense to God. (Isaiah 5:20) The prophet teaches us that men will call “evil good and good evil.” 2 Corinthians 6:17 says, Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you.

October 31, 2019

Thank u for that info. Its up to the parents to protect their children from this evil. People need to wake up. Satan wants to destroy the children. Jesus said they hated me & they will hate u because of me. We see that now. Christians need to stand together & we stand with Bryann Trejo & his family. Prayers to you.

    October 31, 2019

    Good for you to walk out! I wish more parents were that protective!

      November 11, 2019

      Though it was courageous of him to walk out after seeing the evil in the movie and commenting on it and addressing it, it would have been more honorable in his courage to tell his family and friends not go see this movie at all, because it displays and manifests all kinds of evil (Exodus 20:1-7; Galatians 5:19-21)

Deborah Stevens
October 31, 2019

Thank you so much for posting this video about the movie “The Addams Family.” Lord, we agree with his prayer & for all people, big & small who may go to see this movie, that they will walk back out. We pray that they all be protected from the evil demonic influence that is emitted through the movie & that it will have just the opposite effect. That it will cause the people to run to Jesus for protection, salvation, & forgiveness of their sins. We thank you that You are the One who watches over all speak the Word Isaiah 54:17 over all people who ignorantly go to this movie right now that NO WEAPON FORMED AGAINST THEM SHALL PROSPER! And Ps 91, GIVE YOUR ANGELS CHARGE OVER THEM TO KEEP THEM IN ALL THEIR WAYS. Guide them back out of that theater I pray in the name of Jesus!

Ron Bangert
October 31, 2019

Don’t know Bryann Trejo, but I do now, thanks for the introduction! A Harbinger for the Church which is asleep in the Light. Gods protection over his family!

October 31, 2019

Our society has become so accustomed to demonic activity, that even the church is unfortunately desensitized to it. I applaud the Trejos family for taking this stand! Matt. 10:16 says “Behold, I am sending you out as sheep among wolves, so be wise as serpents and innocent as doves.” Thank you Lord for the bold witness of the Trejos family! Help them continue to exercise discernment in all that they do. Help them continue to be wise as serpents, and innocent as doves. Protect them as they continue to serve you Lord. In Jesus Name. Amen.

    Betty B WI
    October 31, 2019

    Yes LORD, thank you for Trejos family taking the RIGHT stand to protect their children and themselves by walking out of this movie. May we all be so bold to call EVIL evil. The old testament in Isaiah 5:20 says “WOE to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter.” As Christians we need to speak the TRUTH. If something is evil, don’t call it good. LORD, richly bless this family for their strong stand against evil. In JESUS’ name I pray. Amen

    October 31, 2019

    Lisa, I agree with you. As Christians, we have a responsibility to stand for righteousness and combat evil whenever and wherever we encounter it in the world today.

Lady Liberty
October 31, 2019

Praise God for parents that raise their kiddos with the truth & don’t tickle their ears with what they want to hear and watch! ABBA Father, bless this family for their courage to stand strong on the Rock, Jesus Christ! Raise up more parents to be bold in their faith & fear You and not what man can do to them! In Jesus mighty name, AMEN!

Dorothy Ter Horst
October 31, 2019

Lord, please confuse the strategy of the demonic realm; make one lie prove another wrong until they kill each other and fall to the ground, in Jesus name, Amen.

Rita Palomarez
October 31, 2019

Father, I pray for strength, courage and power over this family as these parents raise their children in the Lord! Father I thank you that you are raising up Godly parents and children to me mighty and powerful for your Kingdom in Jesus Name, Amen

October 31, 2019

Praise the Lord for the Trejos family’s strong stand for their faith! That more “Christians” would abstain from the things of Satan. As he stated, these demonic influences are real and we have no business having any part except to cast out. How can we expect revival in our nation when so many who claim to love and follow Jesus play with the devil? Revival starts in each individual heart. I pray that today, many across Americawould choose to abstain from anything to do with Halloween and seek the Lord instead. Amen

October 31, 2019

Father God,
We pray Your blessings over Bryann Trejo and his family. Put a wall of protection around each of them and keep his children from rebellion. Increase his ministry and make his Christian rap winsome to many.
Thank You, LORD Jesus, for gifting and equipping Mr. Trejo to advance Your kingdom.
We ask all this in Your holy name. Amen.

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