I Prayed have prayed
God, we pray that Christians and Jews would take to heart and action Your command to rescue those being led away to death. (Pr 24:11)
Reading Time: < 1 minute

This is a gripping video, longer than most we share but well worth watching. Let us know what you think. Leave a comment.


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Naomi Ruth Hassler
October 29, 2019

The church should sing loud praise to the Lord, but should not close its ears to the cries of the suffering. The church should sing loud praise to the Lord, but should not close its eyes to the evil in the world.

Janice L Gargasz
October 18, 2019

Heart wrenching and powerful. Wake us all up, Lord!

October 17, 2019

Very impactful video. This needs to go viral on social media and every church needs to show it. Thank you so much Intercessors for America for sharing it with us!

October 16, 2019

Father, forgive us for apathy. Thank you for those like these filmmakers and many other servants of yours who are spreading the truth. Unite our hearts, build a fire in our hearts to speak out with boldness and fearlessness. Together we can turn this tide of evil and destruction back on itself. Continue to open eyes and ears with the truth in every nation in every country. Thank you in Jesus name

October 15, 2019

Oh Lord, this is exactly where we are now, singing comfortably in our mega church building week after week, yet Monday through Saturday allowing politicians and clinics to continue in their acts of evil against Your creation. Father, we have leaders in this country strongly opposed to abortion, opposed to the persecution of Christian’s around the world, giving speeches before the UN speaking out against human trafficking, standing up for Isreal. And yet Lord, the evil one has divided us. Many that call themselves christian on sunday are standing against those that stand for Your righteousness, the enemy has placed blinders and more have lost hope, whether it be for pride, unbelief or just selfishness, and have chosen to go against Your will.
Lord You have a plan, You use all these trials to draw Your children to Yourself, and while I dont see the world as You do, I know Your Word gives us wisdom and discernment. And so Lord, may we turn off the media that has been used to divide, and may we open the book that will unite in Jesus name. May we again be One Nation under God. May Your name be declared for Your glory a for our good, from sea to shining sea.

Elizabeth Ganas
October 15, 2019

Lord help us to not be silent to the things that break your heart. May we know what you say and be obedient. God forgive us our sins through your son Jesus . Amen

Al Blue
October 15, 2019

So stands THE CHURCH, convicted of forgetting the least of these; homeless, fatherless, true widows, orphans, helpless. My struggle is this, I watched a video of the execution probable of 600 Uyighur muslim men held by China in one of the dozens of ‘reeducation camps’. The image is haunting as they are led away, blindfolded, head shaven, hands tied tightly behind their backs and bowed over. Is this then another Bonhoffer moment? I have patriotic service time and experience that enlives my intense dislike of all things muslim. This scend though seems to be one in which they are reaping as they have sown, YET deeply disturbing. I can not see how we as the USA can not act BUT the same is true of Nigeria where Fulani Muslims are wiping out whole christian towns, or NKorea where NO ONE is safe. GOD of Mercy and Justice grant us wisdom and integrity to act with flagging courage but ACT Courages to move against CHINA, North Korea, and Nigeria. Lead our Executive and Elected Leaders to act forcefully without relent against the evils of Child Killing, Ethnic Cleansing and to use of moral power and authority to fight this never ending war.

Brenda B
October 15, 2019

Amen!!!! Praying!!!

October 15, 2019

It is hard to comment; I am weeping too much. I will do what is suggested- and I will pray.

Mary Ann Canfijn
October 15, 2019

Thank you for sharing this video. The LORD God is speaking loudly today, and we must listen.
Evil stares us in the face, and we must not turn away but must confront it with the truth.
May I be one who dares to speak, to confront, to run to the battle rather than away from it.

June Darley
October 15, 2019

If this does not wake us up,God help us all.This needs to reach the ones in Washington.I did share it on my face book.I don’t have the funds but I do pray for this nation every day that we turn back to what made this Nation great and a light to other nations.Our believe in one God.

Gayle Hostetler
October 15, 2019

The video does not come on for me

    October 15, 2019

    I found that I could not start the video until I clicked on the “read more” button. Hope that works for you. A very powerful video that calls us to stand up and protect life!

October 15, 2019

Selfishness or selflessness came to mind… Selfishness is rooted in fear. But God has not given His own children a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love and of sound mind.ā€™ 2Tim 1:7 Of Selflessness, Jesus said, ā€˜Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends.ā€™ Jn 15:13 Only the Spirit of God can overcome our self-centered flesh. May we all pray for Jesus to deliver us from our fears so that we may show His power and love to the world and exhibit sound judgements and decisions for righteousness sake … to be strong and have courage to stand for justice and protect those who need help.

October 15, 2019

Selfishness or selflessness came to mind… Selfishness is rooted in fear. But God has not given His own children a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love and of sound mind.ā€™ 2Tim 1:7 Of Selflessness, Jesus said, ā€˜Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends.ā€™ Jn 15:13 Only the Spirit of God can overcome our self-centered flesh. May we all pray for Jesus to deliver us from our fears so that we may show His power and love to the world and exhibit sound judgements and decisions.for righteousness sake.

Paul Cirillo
October 15, 2019

I appreciate what people are trying to do with this video, but I think it will be effective for only a small group of people. We have been hearing about the horrors of abortion for over forty years, and very little has been changed; in fact, in some ways the situation has worsened as some politicians now support abortion up to the moment of birth and others call for the legalization of infanticide.

My point is that guilt does very little to motivate people. Christians who care about this issue want and need hope that the situation can be changed. I think that more people will be motivated to help as you highlight what present day heroes are doing now to help the situation, (like what people do in crisis pregnancy centers or how others are helping to elect pro-life candidates), rather than focusing on the guilt of past inaction, although that might help a little.

I’m glad you care; I hope you never stop caring. I just think that you need to concentrate on showing people real, present-day solutions that are producing results rather than merely increasing “awareness.” In other words, use media to show people the right way rather than always focusing on what the bad guys are doing or what the good guys are not doing.

    October 15, 2019

    Ephesians 5:11

    October 15, 2019

    We need both challenge, which is how I viewed this video, and encouragement. As believers, weā€™re invited to abide in Him, who is Love Himself, since apart from Him we can do nothing (of eternal value). Viewed from the vantage point of being connected to the vine, I praise God who uses pictures, words, songs, dance, etc. to bring His Kingdom here on earth as it is in heaven. Therefore, I thank the creators of this powerful message thatā€™s intended to awaken a sleepy church and cause all of us to ask God to fill us with the knowledge of His will so we may lead a life that is worthy of the Lord and please Him in every way…see Col 1.
    And, as Zach Williams sings, ā€œFear is a Liar.ā€

October 15, 2019

Very sad and very compelling-
GOD. YHWH Adonai help us help them šŸ’–

October 15, 2019

I will stand with people like Rep. Bailey, and these others who CANNOT be silent, but must speak out against the evil engulfing our world. I pray that the Lord will enable us and count us worthy. In Jesusā€™ precious and MIGHTY name, Amen!

October 15, 2019

a powerful video. many are praying. the new Roe v Wade film still needs finances. it is a place to start to help, if folks want to. Check out Alveda King’s web site.

Christine Rathod
October 15, 2019

So where does turn the other cheek fit into this situation? How do you reconcile watching evil and do nothing but turn your cheek? Did Jesus not say if your cow fell in a ditch on the sabbath would you not help him out?If a brother or even yourself needs help to safety wouldnā€™t you help him out? To one who knows what is right and does not do it sins. If someone is being abused do we turn the other cheek or say no and take action to stop the violence as Jesus did when Peter cut off the ear of the soldier who came to take Jesus?
Where are we on this Church?

    Cindy Bailey
    October 15, 2019

    Powerful movie!!!! Thank you!!!! I will be sharing!!!!! As IL prepares to open the largest PP abortion clinic in Fairview Heights. My husband, whom is a State Rep. #109, are fighting tirelessly for life. God bless your organization and the impact it is making!!!

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