I Prayed have prayed
Lord, guide us with Your Spirit of discernment and truth.
Reading Time: 4 minutes

Editor’s Note: We know that witches have called for hexes and spells on President Donald Trump, the elections, and our nation. These recitations aren’t just empty words. We must be aware of the satanic power they are invoking. But our God is stronger and the power of the blood of Jesus covers the evil that is being cast.  On top of the witches’ spells on our President and the election, we are also in a season of Halloween, where Americans unwittingly celebrate the occult.  Be sure to download the prayer guide seen below, helpful in this season where darkness is being celebrated.

Here’s more about witchcraft from Dr. Michael Brown…

On Saturday, many little girls and even grown women around the country will dress up as witches for Halloween.

But playing with magic and sorcery isn’t a harmless children’s activity. As CBN News reported, thousands of real witches have been gathering to cast spells on President Trump, and they’re planning to do it again on Halloween to cause him to fail and lose the election on Tuesday.  . . .


Minister and radio host Dr. Michael Brown says the rise of witchcraft in American is real and frightening. In his book titled Jezebel’s War with America: The Plot to Destroy Our Country and What We Can Do to Turn the Tide, Brown says that the spirit of Queen Jezebel, an incredibly evil and demonically-controlled woman from the Bible, is still operating in America today and is evident through the rapid rise of witchcraft and sorcery across the nation.

While doing research for the book, Brown, the founder and president of AskDrBrown Ministries and president of FIRE School of Ministry, found several headlines about witchcraft in modern America. Here are a few he shared with CBN News.

  • The U.S. Witch Population Has Seen an Astronomical Rise
  • The Fastest Growing Religion In America Is Witchcraft
  • Number of Witches Rises Dramatically Across U.S. as Millennials Reject Christianity
  • Report: Witchcraft Rising in the U.S. as Christianity Declines
  • There Are Now More Practicing Witches in the U.S. Than Ever Before

Brown cites several examples of how the spirit of Jezebel, the woman who’s known for her sorceries and witchcraft in 2 Kings of the Bible’s Old Testament, is thriving in America, including:

  • Americans turning away from the one true God to pursue idols
  • The massive spike in pornography and immorality
  • The militant, child-killing spirit behind radical feminism
  • The aggressive LGBT movement
  • The sudden rise in actual witchcraft.

“There is Jezebel the woman, the wife of Ahab and the daughter of a pagan king,” Brown writes. “That woman is long dead. And there is Jezebel the spirit, meaning the demonic power that acted through her and through her New Testament counterpart. Almost a thousand years after the death of Jezebel, Jesus himself referred to her again: ‘But I have a few things against you: You permit that woman Jezebel, who calls herself a prophetess, to teach and seduce My servants to commit sexual immorality and eat food sacrificed to idols’ (Revelation 2:20 MEV).”

“And the rise of witchcraft in America has Jezebel’s name written all over it—in all caps, boldly and clearly,” Brown said. “The dots are all connected. The picture is there to see. Ahab’s queen lives on.”

“As I was doing research for Jezebel’s War with America, I was stunned to learn that among Millennials, there are more witches than Presbyterians,” he said during an interview with CBN‘s Newswatch on Monday. “We cannot ignore what is happening spiritually.” . . .

“Even if you look at the fascination with sorcery, the most read books in America today, six or seven out of the most 10 read books in America today are Harry Potter books,” Brown said. “There’s a massive increase in tarot cards that people are talking about. And with witches, they’ve been gathering regularly to hex the patriarchy or to bind President Trump.”

“And yes, some of it may just be talk, some of it may be benign,” he admitted. “But you are talking about people gathering together, appealing to other spiritual powers and they are militantly against the Bible. They are militantly against Christian values. This is something that’s really happening.”

“So the window is wide open for deception to come flooding in,” Brown told CBN News. “You event have people professing to be ‘Christian witches.’ The spiritual warfare is real. We need to be equipped. We need to take on the spirit of Jezebel. It’s a real thing.” . . .

“First, let’s get educated. Let’s understand. And let’s realize we have greater spiritual weapons,” he explained. “Let’s clean house in our own lives. Have we opened the door in our own lives to the seduction of Jezebel and these alternative spiritual truths and deceptions? And then we give ourselves to prayer. It is the ultimate spiritual weapon.”

“We use the Word of God,” Brown continued. “We turn to God to turn the heart of the nation. Politics is important, but the only solution for the nation is found in the Cross, which is found in prayer and fasting. Repentance in the church, living this out we can take Jezebel down.”

(Excerpt from CBN News. Article by Steve Warren.)

What do you think of this witchcraft warning?

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Carole Ann Neve
November 12, 2020

Resist the Witch of Endor and the Jezebel spirit in our world. God wins and He prevails in America and around the world. Father God protect the President Donald J. Trump and his family from all evil and deceiving spirits. He is your servant and the intercessors are your servants as well. We love you Lord! The blood of Jesus protect us in Jesus’ mighty name.

Paul J Fishman
November 10, 2020

The Jezebel Spirit is a hybrid spirit of witchcraft and prostitution. Its manifestation can be shown in either part. For example Governor Whitmer of Michigan is a straight practicing witch covering and biding the state with her power to influence the people to have an increase in Covid-19 cases while under prison lockdown during the spring of 2020. Witchcraft always can bring on sickness and chronic infirmity. The other part of the Jezebel spirit is through the sexual venue of pornography, sexual addiction, the LGTBQ influence and the demonic transgender and transsexual bondage. It first started with Marilyn Monroe the sex prophetess and Hugh Hefner opening the door to the sexual revolution of the 1960’s through Playboy. Xaviera Hollander the Happy Hooker, the Nympho opening wide the door in the 1970’s to her famous book the Happy Hooker in details spelling out her powers of sex witchcraft. She was a bisexual who had sex with even animals. This gives you examples of how foul the Jezebel demonic power reaches.

Christina Ashton
November 7, 2020

Its nice to know that people are aware of these things in our country because alot of people dont believe in that.

Patricia Fair
November 6, 2020

Very informative! I agree in prayer that Jezebel will be brought down & defeated by the repentance & prayers of the God fearing & that all lies & wickedness continue to be exposed & dealt justly. Thank you!

    Linda Nunes
    November 11, 2020

    Agreeing in prayer! Believing in the power of the Strong Name of Jesus to defeat the enemies’ lies.

Mullins Laura
November 5, 2020

Yup, Dr Brown is right-on. My son hes proclaimed that he is “not male,” and has been growing breasts with the aid of hormones. He has posted very graphic photos of himself in satanic poses and dress and he has described ceremonies in the woods. Please pray for Jesse Benjamin.

    Linda Nunes
    November 11, 2020

    Father God, Jehovah Rapha, God our Healer and Creator,
    You formed Jesse Benjamin in the womb and established a good plan for his life.

    In the power of your Name, I rebuke you satan to be cast aside with your lies and control over this man.

    I pray, Heavenly Father for Jesse’s eyes to be opened to feel your love and call to turn away from this evil. I believe You, O God, are able to redeem Jesse from this pathway to Hell.
    In the Name of Jesus Christ, I pray.

November 5, 2020

Someone sent me this quote and it sums up what has happened to many churches, “I consider that the chief dangers which confront the coming century will be religion without the Holy Ghost, Christianity without Christ, forgiveness without repentance, salvation without regeneration, politics without God, and heaven without hell.”
William Booth founder of the Salvation Army
This nation is in need of revival, the problem starts when church leaders are not guided by the Holy Spirit and cannot speak about sin and repentance for fear of making someone uncomfortable, if they are truly preaching with the Spirit the Lord would direct their words. I believe the wolves in sheep’s clothing have put sin on the backburner or redefined it and believers don’t pray against evil like they used to. People don’t mature spiritually either. Lets all pray for repentance and revival in all churches that follow Christ. Precious Blood of Jesus wash over the churches. Lamb of God have mercy on us.

Judy Wills
November 4, 2020

Witchcraft in America is nothing new. The occult of games, music and books have drawn the attention of the millenials and youth for years. In the 90’s I taught a spiritual warfare class in Junior High. Many of the students had no idea how they drew evil spirits into their lives which began a life with some sort of witchcraft. I used a successful book by Dr. Neil Anderson (Biola University) “Seven Steps To Freedom In Christ. It will help you identify cult activity and a process of overcoming the enemy. All very Bibical. Dr Anderson is also affiliated with Freedom in Christ Ministries to help learn and teach about the topic.

Skye Alison
November 4, 2020

Lord Jesus, praise be to your holy Name. Thank you that you are even now looking upon all that is taking place. There is nothing hidden from your sight. God, may the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be an acceptable offering to you; Lord you brought this nation into existence. The devil hates all that it is – a sanctuary for religious liberty and human rights and for the preaching of the Gospel and commissioning of thousands of missionaries throughout the world and a stabilizing force in the world; So God, I pray Thy will be done on earth; may you send your angel armies to our defense and incite more believers to pray, sending up reinforcements to your divine cause. God, I bind the spirits of the enemy in Jesus’ Name and pray let truth and justice prevail. May your Spirit, the very Spirit of God hover over North America in a determined way so as to to bring order out of chaos. Let nothing prevail against your good will and sovereign purpose. May all that stands against your will in my life and in the church be exposed as the enemies of the cross and be laid bare, so your glory may shine forth. Help us see all things from your perspective. You said “Perfect love casts out fear”. Let us be afraid of nothing except compromise with sin. Give us true and faithful hearts to our God and by your mercies give us the victory over our enemies. In Christ’s name, amen.

Penni Bulten
November 4, 2020

Amen! It’s better to proclaim the light than curse the darkness. The Light of Yeshua will disperse the darkness.

November 4, 2020

One more thing I recently went to Sprouts my favorite grocery store and I saw a witch wear her I’m a witch and I hate christianity the shirt with all the satanic symbols I almost bumped into her she wouldn’t even look at me but can I fell I felt love in my her for her and pray he would find the truth I mean yeah at first I thought she might end up in hell with that attitude but after that she needs love. We have to reach them with love that’s the power that beats the breaks off of satan that and a personal relationship with Jesus 😇

Stephanie Howell
November 4, 2020

I also feel the need to say as long as these churches continue under their 501c3 tax status they will be combat ineffective this needs to be corrected you can’t fight satan when you’ve made him the head of your church churches can file a different tax status that takes power away from the government so they can’t use this status to control churches. And first churches MUST deal with the Jezebels in their congregation either change or LEAVE.

    Skye Alison
    November 12, 2020

    It takes real guts to confront wrong in a church. Chuck Colson in a book of his yrs ago advocated for discipline in churches… says a church that doesn’t do it is not a church. It is thoroughly biblical but rarely happens.

November 4, 2020

I also have seen alarming news articles about a large number of African American women who previously professed to being Christian turn around and start practicing witchcraft my heart broke they lost sight of the truth.

Joseph Edusei
November 4, 2020

We Cannot allow Satanists to rule and control America

Florida A Holbert
November 4, 2020

We proclaim Numbers 23 concerning President Trump. No one can curse what God has blessed! God for President Trump is greater than any witches curse! we must believe God’s word is true and that God is greater!!!!

November 4, 2020

The spirit of jezebel is operating in many churches. You will hear “christians” using scripture in a misappropriation of its meaning, or weaponizing scripture to silence (effectively binding your voice). The wolves in spiritual cloaks are ravenous and loose. They love to tell you their ‘visions’ … false prophets. Those adhering to the true vine, Christ himself, will be given discernment. As the Rev. Ronald Roland remarked the Lord never abandons His own possession.

I remember being shocked nearly 30 years ago, as a new mother, to find books for children about spell casting in a store called “The Nature Company” which could be found in many US malls. If you simply google search spell casting books for children you will find a plethora of them. And they are in your child’s school library though you would scare find a Holy Bible there.

I hope and pray that our Covid shut down, which has allowed many parents to actually see what our public education system is indoctrinating our children to accept and believe , will spark a massive shift to Christ centered schools and Homeschooling. Lord have mercy. I have been on many a March for Life in Washington DC and I can tell you the baton has been passed – the Lord has raised up a pro-life generation that hungers for truth. Jesus is the Truth (and the way and the life). They need our prayers for protection, strengthening and our participation. Praise be to the Lord who worketh wonders in the name of Jesus.

Rev. Ronald Roland
November 3, 2020

America’s pattern is similar to ancient Israel. Her final downfall occurred because the blood flowed in the streets of Jerusalem – 60,000,000 abortions; rampant immorality – the promotion of homosexuality; and most important the proliferation of false gods on every high place and under every green tree.
America was never the nation church on earth, but was certainly founded and built under the Creator God’s guidance. Now our country has abandoned Christ – although we still have plenty of “gods,” what could go wrong with that. Since mankind does not have free will to turn to Christ on their own, it remains to be seen whether the remaining Christian influence can steer our country back onto a True Godly path.
The consolation of the Church is that the True God never abandons His Elect.
May Jesus bless your efforts,
Rev. Ronald Roland

November 3, 2020

It is real!

augustine truewell
November 2, 2020

ia and do believe that witchcraft is on the rise in the us and we as intercessors are to humble ourselves and pwhen we all stand togetherray and seek the face of god and turn from our wicked ways, then god will hear from heaven and heal our land.when we all stand together in prayer god will hear and thart the plans of the evil ones

Elaine Andrusisa
November 2, 2020

This is just shocking. I know that there is witchcraft in this country but to this extent shocks me and scares me. GOD’S Children MUST pray for him, has his Army of Angels surround President Trump daily and for his re-election and to break the curses that have been put on him. I am sure that Nancy Pelosi is heading this because President Trump calls her out on her lies.

Mel Teoh
November 2, 2020

Father God
Please help us the Church to be more aware of this and dare to stand for the Truth and reject and direct the path of these witches toward YOU. These witches are human being who need help to find the true power in Jesus. Help us to remember that the SPIRIT of GOD i.e. THE HOLY SPIRIT reside in each of the church as individual so we are more powerful than any spirit that is in the witch. Engrave in our mind so that we can remember at all time that the HOLY SPIRIT is in us. YOUR WILL BE DONE on everything that is happening on the earth. Let us not doubt and always hang on the small mustard faith to move mountain (big small witch) so that they can repent and know YOU. In Jesus name. Amen.

Jack Pattison
November 2, 2020

No weapon formed against Trump shall prosper. For you O Lord are a shield about him, the glory and the lifter of his head (The presidency).

Tammie B.
November 1, 2020

A few years ago, I listened to a YouTube testimony of a Mary Beth who came out of witchcraft and became a Christian. Her ministry is to teach Christians of the reality of witchcraft & spells. She said even when we hand out candy at our front door to kids in costumes we’re celebrating Halloween with the wiccans, etc. whether we realize it or not. She says what we ought to do is to close our doors, & use that time to pray with our entire family, against these powers of darkness that we so casually brush off as ‘fun’. Pray for the families & kids who will be walking your streets that God will open their eyes. Christians wake up! Israel was warned by God not to do WHAT WE ARE DOING! We cannot blend our faith with dipping into the hand of evil as innocuous & fun!!!
So – this is what we do now.

    November 2, 2020

    What we ought to do is not close our doors, huddle fearfully with our own, avert our eyes and pretend we do not see. This particular “holiday” used to be called “All Saints’ Eve” dedicated to remembering the dead saints (hallows), martyrs, and all the faithful departed. (Wikipedia) It belonged to the people of God. We gave it up without a fight. It is time now for us to redeem that day.

    Halloween is an opportunity to evangelize the children in our neighborhoods. This is the one day of the year when they will voluntarily come to you. No need to go ye into all the world. That one day of the year, a ‘world’ of little ones will come to you. Give them Jesus. Why would you pass up such a great opportunity to influence the heart of a child for Jesus Christ? What satan means for evil, we can work with God to turn for good.

    In years past, I handed out a fun Christian tract with the gospel message and opportunity to accept Jesus in their hearts attached to a piece of candy. If even one of the children who received it has their life or the life of a family member changed as a result, it will be worth the small cost.

    Tracts are available from Crossway, Good News tracts, Moments with the Book and Christian Book Distributors online. Candy (and the love of Christ which compels us) is available everywhere. It is too late this to do so year. But, next year, plan on it.

      Marlene Baron
      November 3, 2020

      Yes, I too, hand out tracts and have for years to dozens of children. I do not celebrate Halloween and stopped over 37 years ago once I understood that Jesus defeated the devil and his power along with death, hell and the grave at the cross and resurrection. Halloween celebrates fear and the demonic, but me handing a tract to precious children who think it is all fun, is NOT me celebrating Halloween. I am hitting back at the darkness with the POWER of HIS WORD.

    augustine truewell
    November 2, 2020

    amen to that tammie

    November 4, 2020

    The US exported and marketed ‘halloween’ to the world. Our schools begin the first week they open each fall with having the children draw pictures relative to the celebration of “the day of the dead”, reading witch stories to your kindergartener and first grader. I was excoriated nearly 30 years ago at my son’s public primary school for objecting. I told them my son hadn’t ever had a nightmare until being subjected to this (but then again I got rid of my television when he was born. I had ‘video’ only, lots of books, and creative hands on toys etc.) . Can you guess what the school did in response? The 8th grade english teacher whipped up the teachers, principal and PTA. The principal made a dossier on me and I was not allowed into the school without an escort (I lived one house away from the school property and walked my first grader to and from school). Because the school blew this out of proportion, saying I was a threat to my son’s teacher – having simply asked that my child be sent to the Library during such activities (offering to spend time with him in the Library) – the matter was brought before the PTA. Another Christian mother joined me to present to them the spiritual component of Halloween. We also asked them, if this is one day on the ‘hallmark’ calendar ; why does the school introduce, promote and practice all this. stuff from the day school opens? Do they do this for Thanksgiving ( a national proclamation day) ? Why is the focus on witches, spells, the dead? They love to tell you it is a day of fantasy where children can dress as a princess or something. To which we said children can dress up any day. If you proclaim Halloween to be All Saints Day, are you really remembering and honoring the Saints of the Lord? What was the result of going through this? Some parents had their eyes opened. Others dug their heels in and often word would get back to me how I was being mocked in conversation around town. My son was ‘marked’ for harassment by teachers, yes even the principal. Yet from some I gained respect. My family does not participate in halloween in anyway. That includes church activities that like to substitute a ‘fall festival’ where they let kids dress up and dispense candy etc. Isn’t that how the church goes down the slippery slope of co-opting pagan things? Don’t do it. Christians need to remember that God’s judgment will begin with the church. Lord have mercy. Acts 26:18 ” open our eyes and turn us from darkness to light from the power of satan to the power of God that our sins may be forgiven and we gain a place among those sanctified by faith in Christ Jesus the Lord “

      November 6, 2020

      Romans 14. The fact is, those who have put their faith in Christ are forgiven, of all sins, past, present, future. And we have the Holy Spirit living inside us to teach us and guide us into all truth. Our faith is a process. Some of us are further along than others. God wants us to love and accept one another regardless of the maturity of our faith. One believer may be convicted in an area of his life (to go against our conscience would be sin) which another believer has not been convicted of (there is freedom in Christ). It’s up to each one of us to come along side one another in love and speak the truth. But is it the work of the Holy Spirit to do the convicting. The goal for each of us is to have a clear conscience before the Lord while making sure we are not a stumbling block to another’s faith. Blessings

Cindy Ashlock
November 1, 2020

Lord, help us to take seriously this warning and to be aware of this spirit attacking our family and those around us. Help people to seek the Living God. Holy Spirit cover us, cause us to hunger for the Word, to know the Word and speak the Word. In Jesus Name

Sheila Neuburger
November 1, 2020

My Prayer TODAY…

REPENT Ezekiel 18
Turn from the path that is taking you away from G-d of Abraham*Isaac*Israel (Jacob’s name changed)
Isaiah 5.20 Woe to those that call Good Evil and Evil Good

Genesis 31.34*Exodus 7 nv 11 and the Plague Blood nv 14-24*Leviticus 20.27*Leviticus 19.26*Why? Leviticus 17.11*Numbers 22, It is not good to curse, what G-d has Blessed.*Deuteronomy 18.10-12*Why?1 Samuel 15.23*Witch of Endor 1 Samuel 28.3-25*1 Kings 21.5-16 Jezebel*What happen to Jezebel? 2 Jezebel…2 Kings 9.30-37*Isaiah 8.19-22*Isaiah 19.3*2 Chronicles 33.6*Galatians 5.19-21*Consequences… Revelation 2.20-22*Revelation 9.20-21*Revelation 19.21*24

Deuteronomy 1.16-18
Deuteronomy 17
Deuteronomy 19.15-21

New York has arisen the spirit of Baal, which is the god of the Babylonians that practice witchcraft. I pray the Darkness will come to the Light of the Truth of G-d and that we would Pray without ceasing for such a time as this! I pray the Rebellion would be broken!

November 1, 2020

“What do I see? They are terrified, they are retreating, their warriors are defeated. They flee in haste without looking back, and there is terror on every side,” declares the Lord.”
‭‭Jeremiah‬ ‭46:5

Marty Robinson
November 1, 2020

I pray for ALL who preach the Gospel, the true Word of God.
But, you need to know that there are very unimportant (at least to the world)
people like me, who spend all their time in the Word of God and prayer. The
same attacks come on us unimportant ones as well. The devil cannot be very selective
at this time because it is running out and he knows it. You pastors need to know about
this. Thank you for your prayers for us as well.

    Hazel ReVay Seifert
    November 2, 2020

    Every believer is important and loved by God. Each has a special place in the Body of Christ. Intercessors are always on the front line of the Battle! You are a blessed Warrior of God!

      Marty Robinson
      November 4, 2020

      Thank you very much for your supportive comments.
      It meant a lot to me.

    November 2, 2020

    There are no unimportant prayer warriors! Prayer is so urgently needed!! Thank you for not abandoning your post and just continuing to pray! God bless!!

      Marty Robinson
      November 4, 2020

      And my thanks to you as well for your comments.
      My description of being unimportant was referenced
      in the context of what the world
      might consider me to be. The Lord has made it very clear
      that it is the ones who pray quietly and unheralded
      that count the most with Him. Thank you again.

Cristina C.
November 1, 2020

God Almighty! here we are before you humbling, bowing, repenting and declaring that we are turning away from our wicked ways. We rebuke and bind the spirit of jezebel in our lives, family and our nation and release Your Grace, Your Peace and Your Love upon our lives, family and our nation in Jesus Mighty and Powerful Name! Mathew 18:18. We declare victory in Jesus Name!

Mary Olson
November 1, 2020

My eyes are opened to the need for more fasting and prayer on my part. We need to break the chains of bondage on America. In our marriages, families, churches, cities, states, and our world. Time is running out for the lost and we need to be serious about the harvest. God has chosen us for such a time as this and we need to be all in.

Marianne Berlinger
November 1, 2020

I command the spirit of Jezebel to be canceled by the blood of Jesus in her activities against President Trump & Vice President Mike Pence. The spirit of Jezebel are canceled in this election & in our country and our children and our Christian brothers and sisters who love the Lord Jesus Christ in Jesus name and by his blood I pray Amen & Amen

Christine Koppel
November 1, 2020

YeHoVaH God has impressed upon me that the Holy Spirit has left many churches a long time ago, and most people, including and maybe specifically the pastors (Jeremiah 23), do not even notice. Shekinah glory left Shiloh. When the ark was brought back to the City of David, it was not in the place of where the religious practices were done (on the hill of Gibeon). Church services many times are devoid of Holy Spirit power. They are entertainment centers, and seek not to offend anyone, nor even challenge sin or ignorance of Scripture. This drives many out of a lifeless church to spiritual power in evil places. It is frightening that what we have left void, the enemy comes in to fill with his power of destruction. WE must repent of programs, control, shallow teaching (we need to get back to understanding our Jewish roots and repent of replacement theology for one huge breach that is gaping in the church) and allow room for teaching the depths of God’s Word, spiritual gifts, speaking in the Spirit and so much more and always, always based on the solid teaching of the Word of God (Genesis to Revelation). We cannot fight spiritually without Holy Spirit power and many do not know what this is. Not by might, nor by power, but by MY Spirit, says YeHoVaH, Lord of hosts. zechariah 4:6

Liz Van Steenhouse
November 1, 2020


November 1, 2020

My local Walgreens used to sell audio Bibles. I noticed a few months ago they stop selling them. Now, on their book rack, they are selling a book titled: witchcraft in Illinois, a cultural history(paraphrased title). The font for the book cover looks like a harry potter book; very disturbing and disgusting.

Heavenly Father,
In the name of Jesus Christ I thank You for Your Holy Spirit.
Please bind up anything from the enemy, and from his victims, that is allowing him to gain ground and seduce so many into the darkness of witchcraft. Please review to these lost souls how much the enemy really hates them, and how much You love them, and that Christ died for their sins, that they might live for Him. All souls belong to You, and it’s Your will that none should perish. Please stop them on their roads to Damascus and open their eyes to see, and their hearts to understand the Way, the Truth, and the Life,
In the name of Jesus the Christ. Amen
Thank you Jesus! Thank you Father Yahweh!

Teresa Fazzolari
November 1, 2020

Between this and Islam we have our work cut out for us. Apparently the church is failing.

Reply Report comment moderated
November 1, 2020

People want control over their own lives. The original sin. They reject the thought of a maker whom they should honor and conform to. Is it any wonder that witchcraft is on the rise? We need a revival in the nation. It needs to include the church. I don’t know about you, but I would like it to start in the church. But is the church willing to conform to the teachings of Jesus Christ? That is my question.

November 1, 2020

I think we better get down and pray with the Word of God and the Holy Spirit. We are connected to t eh power of God as Elijah and many powerful patriarchs of history. I will not be afraid but declare the Word of the Lord. Witches are connected to satan, God is the creator and katana and his minions are connected to angles. We win. We must rise and apply the Blood of Christ our Great sacrifice, our Mighty God. I will not be intimidated, but seek Holy Spirit and petition the Holy God to send forth His forth great Reformation.
2 Corinthians 10:4-6 The Passion
Let us insist that every dark rebellous. unbelieving spirit bow in Jesus Name. He won the battle, so will we.

November 1, 2020

“Let the high praises of God be in their mouth, and a two edged sword in their hand; to execute vengeance up on the heathen, and punishments upon the people; to bind their kings with chains And their nobles with feathers of iron; to execute upon them the judgment written; this honor have all his saints…”
Psalm 146:6-9

Judy Peterson
November 1, 2020

For many years now, I’ve been against Halloween. It might have been fun for kids once, but I doubt it was ever healthy. Most of my friends think I’m crazy. Well, let them.

Elizabeth Schneider
October 31, 2020

GOOD will ALWAYS win over evil!!

In Jesus name we pray with your blood over ALL the evil in this world today, and over AMERICA!!! AMEN!!!

Suzanne Bachelor
October 31, 2020

Witchcraft and Satan are definitely real. For most of us our focus should be on Jesus Christ our risen Lord and Savior. Praising him and reveling in his victory will win the day!

Del Howland
October 31, 2020

If anyone listened to Albert Mohler’s “The Briefing”, yesterday, October 30th, on Albert Mohler.com, you would have heard much the same evidence as your article, “Witchcraft and Jezebel’s War With The U.S.”, concerning the prevalence and rise of Witchcraft in America. Albert Mohler is President of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary and absolutely brilliant and articulate, Monday through Friday each week, addressing current events and news from a Biblical World View. Witchcraft is real. God help us to fearlessly stand against this satanic enemy of Christ’s cross as we seek to advance the Kingdom of God everywhere we can. If you want the latest news from a Biblical World View perspective, tune in to “The Briefing”, by Albert Mohler. It’s a most rewarding investment of 25 minutes of your time, whatever day or days of the week you can.

October 31, 2020

Believing,declaring&decreasing this Jezebel spirit bound in the authority of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Kathy W-G
October 31, 2020

We were just praying against this Jezebel spirit today! We are praying for a mighty release of warrior angels to war in the heavenlies against the Enemy and his minions over our nation. May God protect President Trump, VP Pence and their families, as well as our nation during and especially AFTER the election. Greater is He who is in us than he who is in the world!! HALLELUJAH!!

De Bitah
October 31, 2020

The Jezebel spirit is all over the world. We see this in our own Nation, all the wickedness that the Bible talks about is still going on today.
Jezebel is one of the most intriguing women in the Scriptures, a bloodstained yet strong-willed, politically cunning, a conniving harlot, a murderer, a courageous woman who worshipped Baal and enemy of God. Jezebel may have been the most wicked, and the most corrupt woman who ever lived.
Her vile nature is also demonstrated in that the dogs refused to eat the spawning ground where her wickedness originated. All her wickedness was produced in her perverted skull. It demonstrated itself through her bloody hands and corrupted feet. “And they went to bury her: but they found no more of her than the skull, and the feet, and the palms of her hands.” 2 Kings 9:35.

2 Kings 9:30-37 talks about her violent death and why did the dogs not eat Jezebel’s hands, head and feet? It was prophesied that Jezebel would be eaten by dogs which is taken to mean someone who is greatly accursed. We don’t know exactly why, but in other parts of Scripture we know that the mark of the beast will be on the hand and in the forehead. Perhaps there is a connection here.

The dogs would not eat her skull. It was as if divine providence made it repulsive to them. Her brain was the incubator that hatched every form of wickedness and cruelty imaginable. It was there, she plotted the death of God’s prophets. It was in her immoral and twisted mind she established the worship of Baal. The dogs must have been repulsed at the skull that gave birth to the plot to have righteous Naboth killed, and his land stolen by her wicked husband, Ahab. Thus, against their nature, they refused to eat her wicked skull.
The second thing the dogs refused were her feet. Those feet were too vile for the dogs to stomach. Her feet had walked the path hundreds of times to where the “groves” stood, and Baal was worshipped. Her feet had led the ten tribes of Israel into total apostasy, and to forsake the true God or face death. Those feet led her soldiers to where God’s prophets were in hiding, and she had defiled her feet by having them executed. Elijah was also on her “most wanted” death list.
The third item the dogs could not stomach were her bloody hands. Dogs, who scavenged garbage dumps for any scrap they might find, were repelled at the scent of her vile hands. Those hands had signed, and falsified documents with orders to have the righteous put to death. She had lifted those hands in worship to the idols of Baal. God did not give a record of the extent of the wickedness those hands had committed. The dogs, themselves, testified to her wickedness.
Father we put on the whole armor of God so that we may be able to stand against the wiles of the evil one. We gird our loins with truth and sever every lie of the enemy. We put on the breastplate of righteousness of God. Our feet are shod with the gospel of peace. We take the shield of faith and quench all fiery darts of the wicked one. We put on the helmet of salvation. The sword of the Spirit is in our hands, and we are praying in the Spirit consistently.
Jesus, your name is a strong tower. We run into it and we are safe. All adversities, attack, catastrophes, calamities, emergencies, storms, disasters, dangers, slander, defamation, accusation, sudden arrows, traumas, and any other thing that comes to hurt us or our families and the POTUS, FLOTUS, the Administration, and their families are covered under the blood of Jesus. We bind the arrows that come by day and the terrors that come by night.
In Jesus’ name we come against the forces of darkness that are trying to cause chaos in our lives. We rebuke all witchcraft spirits that may have been leashed against us and our families and the POTUS, FLOTUS, the Administration, and their families. And to include all negative spoken words, word curses, they are now null, void, cancelled and we say IT is ALL broken off of us and our families and the POTUS, FLOTUS, the Administration, and their families, we declare all is under the blood of Jesus.
Father we pray for released of the spirit of Jehu to come to judge Jezebel.
We say Your kingdom come. Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. In Jesus’ mighty name we pray. Amen.

    Sharlene Royalty
    October 31, 2020

    I decree yes and amen to this prayer, in the mighty name of Jesus.

alvin hickling
October 31, 2020

LORD JESUS we plead and ask you cover America with you powerful Precious Shed blood, we speak Failure to witch craft and Satanism , and life and prosperity to rightouseness in America ! Thank you JESUS all power in heaven and earth is yours !

Sharon R.
October 31, 2020

“But let all who take refuge in you rejoice; let them ever sing for joy, and spread your protection over them, that those who love your name may exult in you.”
‭‭Psalm‬ ‭5:11‬ ‭ESV‬‬
Holy Father, be with this country, the President and all his administration. Forgive us for our sins and make us righteous again. Through the power of theblood of Christ Jesus. Amen

Linda Opt Hof
October 31, 2020

My daughter age 40 is practicing what she calls Wicca, she says she is a good witch. She got involved in college, where she minored in woman’s studies. I found a little pagan altar in her room and I destroyed it. But she’s still involved, even went to Salem, MA. On her honeymoon. So addictive. So dangerous.

    October 31, 2020

    Very Helpful are Kurt Koch’s books available from Amazon.
    Particularly “Occult Bondage and Deliverance”

      Praying mama
      November 1, 2020

      I researched the reviews on this book; please read below. I DO NOT SUGGEST GETTING THIS BOOK FROM THIS AUTHOR because of his beliefs. I would rather get a book from Derek Prince.
      This is an excerpt from the review about this book on Amazon…..

      As in his other books, Kurt Koch writes quite negatively about the pentecostal movement and the gift of speaking in other languages (tongues), claiming that the latter is usually demonic. This may be because when the book was written, some pentecostal groups were indeed unbalanced in their teaching. To get rounded viewpoint, it is worthwhile reading David Pawson’s book Word and Spirit Together: Uniting Charismatics and Evangelicals in which he produces evidence that Charles Finney, DL Moody and CH Spurgeon all spoke in ‘tongues’. If this is true, this would contradict one of Koch’s arguments.

      It is also worth reading Derek Prince’s They Shall Expel Demons: What You Need to Know About Demons – Your Invisible Enemies . Although the subject matter is similar, Prince’s book is more autobiographical and he writes about the importance of ‘naming’ demons, which Koch does not. Also, Derek Prince makes the point that the term ‘Demon Possession’ is not accurate, but is a bad translation of scripture in the Authorised King James Bible, carried into more modern translations, whereas Koch tries to draw a distinction between ‘possession’ and ‘obsession’.

    Sherry Mallory
    October 31, 2020

    Father, deliver this young woman from every form of witchcraft. Break off every demonic stronghold and soul tie. In the powerful name of Jesus.

    Catherine Taniguchi
    November 1, 2020

    My 30 year old daughter is also caught up in this. She found “Christian witches” on Facebook…. She was raised in a strong Christian home. She has 3 beautiful little girls and a son she is teaching these things to… these babies have horrible nightmares. I pray for their protection. Liz knows the lord but allowed a root of bitterness to grow and fester. Please pray for her, her husband and these 4 beautiful innocent babies (9,7,5,3yrs)

    November 1, 2020

    Father God I pray for Linda’s daughter who is a Wicca that you would take hold of her mind and heart and spirit and fill her with your Word, with Truth, with the name of Jesus. That she would only be able to see the name Jesus everywhere she turns. I pray that she would encounter things in witchcraft that would scare her, disturb her mind, and repel her. I pray that the truth of witchcraft would reveal its true colors, and she would run the other direction. I pray that she would run to Christ, and encounter your powerful word. I pray that you would give her a new heart, that loves truth and that loves the light of Jesus Christ. Do this work in her, all for your glory and to show your mighty power and what a great God you are. May many praises be lifted up to the name of the Lord Jesus Christ as she moves in another direction in his mighty name.

    Linda Opt Hof
    October 31, 2020

    We do not fight against flesh and blood. But with the whole armor of God. The only way to win over evil.

Rita Harl
October 31, 2020

Will be praying against witchcraft and all satanic works that are being proclaimed over our nation and elected officials.

October 31, 2020

Satan and his minions have been defeated! That was the reason Jesus came – to destroy the works of the enemy! We don’t need to fear the enemy, whether Jezebel or any other spirit in the earth today because Jesus gave us authority to tread on snakes and serpents, He gave us authority over all the power of the enemy, and also said that nothing would by any means harm us! Who do we believe? Jesus or Jezebel and a few witches? Paul says, ‘this is the victory that overcomes the world, even our faith.’ Jesus fought the enemy with the Word of God – let’s do the same! The devil is not the one with the power, Christ in us is where the power is on earth. Think about that!
I asked the Lord once, when I was in a desperate place, ‘Lord, can’t you do something?’ and His immediate answer was, ‘What more do you want me to do?’ Meaning He died for me, I just have to believe His Word – every bit of it!

    beverly woods
    November 1, 2020

    Absolutely right. We are the Righteousness of God in Christ, and those who know they are righteous will control satan and his minions. I pray for the Church to come into and embrace who they are; who Jesus has made them. This is our stand. That we have been made righteous, and we are placed in Christ, and all power has been given unto us. Amen

October 31, 2020

Praise God for delivering you out of the lies, deception and bondage.

Welcome to the family of God. You have been set free.

Praising Him!

Ruth Kruse
October 31, 2020

Witchcraft is very real and people have become so acceptible of things just because its for the kids. Beware people. The devil will use any thing he can to deceive us.

Monika Langguth
October 31, 2020

I know full well that witchcraft is so very prevalent in our land … I was a victim of the occult and never realized what I had been drawn into .. even after I came to Jesus .. thank GOD HE brought me through deliverance over 14 years ago and now my focus is to unveil the wicked agenda of the enemy of GOD and our souls .. remember the enemy is like a serpent stealthily he moves and we don’t even realize we’ve been bitten until the poison takes root!! THIS IS REAL.. and when I tried to escape Satan’s clutches he tried to kill me .. BUT GOD!! Please learn about your enemy and you will know how to combat him!! JESUS IS LORD!!

Marianne Strenger
October 31, 2020

I understand that the knowledge of witchcraft is increasing as we also must remember that as darkness arises in the earth so His light from us shall arise greater….. Faith in Christ in us is greater than he who lives in the world must be realized in experience by the church TODAY! We must not fear but have faith in the One who has called us from before the foundation of the world. We are instructed to hold fast what we have until He comes…… that is Holy Spirit within us….. For He is far greater and the Words He instructs us to pray and say against darkness is matched in the exceedingly greatness of His power towards us who believe…… Rebellion is as witchcraft…… Christ in us is the greatest strength of God we have….. We are not left alone with God ay up there but He is within us guiding us into all righteousness by His faithfulness in His love for us…. Be strong, body of Christ,….. He has equipped us all for the battles that are infront of us……Holy Holy Holy is the Lord God Almighty who was and is and is to come. This is the Truth that in which we stand and we are His. Amen

estella vergara
October 31, 2020

its real and I have personally been breaking and sending out those evil witches. I am glad that this is out and I pray that as christians we don’t hide but pray. Father God forgive us for our lack of knowledge concerning the evil things in this world. Satan’s attacks are real but God has not given us the power of fear but of a sound mind. and also the Armor of God. I pray along with all each and every day even after election. Our country needs us to stand up and show how Great our faith is and how wonderful and blessed our children are.

Dawn Ann Satsuma
October 31, 2020

The devil is trying desperately to win souls… witchcraft is all around..people in churches even there to disrupt..to break up marriages..to turn believers from the truth. We need to pray in unity against Satan and his demons..pray protection around President Trump and pray for his victory in the election.

Linda Jacobsen
October 31, 2020

Yes, our young people, many now Millennial’s are under the Jezible spirit! I’ve seen it with my own Grandaughter! She used to like Church as a child, but then her Mother introduced her to Harry Potter movies and books. I warned her that it was opening a door to the demonic but she just thought of them as good fantasy books! Now my grandaughter is 23 and has tossed her Bible aside and cherishes her Harry Potter books and occult books! Now she is into transgendering to a male! It hurts so much to see her so mislead and we’ve been told to continue to love her and warfare in the spiritual realm for her and I know our God is able! She came to live with us for awhile and we hoped to shoe her God’s love and healing but it’s very hard to break that spirit off her! While she was here I had so many restless sleepless nights! After she left and took all her stash of Harry Potter and occult books with her I found I could have a peaceful night sleep again! If anyone thinks these are just harmless fantasty books be forwarned, you are introducing your kids and yourself to a world of hurt and darkness!

    October 31, 2020

    Praying with you. The Lord let me wallow around in it and then came the Holy Ghost. Now I use all of it to bring occultists to Jesus. Trust Him. He may be training her for battle. When the Holy Ghost comes….

Dr. Janie
October 31, 2020

Revelation 12:11a kjv says we over ome by the Blood of the Lamb (JESUS) … let us plead the Blood of JESUS over President Trump, his family and VP Mike Pence family and their administration.

Rachel Robinson
October 31, 2020

I know all that you’ve said is true. And it’s not just that witches are cursing the president, they’re also invading churches. So much of the world and its morals have “crept” in, will we recognize a witch masquerading as a Christian? We need to remember that the enemy himself masquerades as an angel of light. We must always be clothed in His armor and we must increase in discernment.

October 31, 2020

I believe the acceptance of evil has slowly crept into our lives over many years. Gradually accepting evil through books, movies, our actions, thoughts, and more and allowing our children to be exposed and accepting of these things. Each generation taking it a little further in our acceptance. I am 62 and I have seen the desensitizing of people in regards to things of evil. Satan most of the times does not come with a show of evil, he sneaks in. We must be fervent in our prayers for our country to circumvent the evil that is prevailing in our country.

Candy collier
October 31, 2020

Thank hoky spirit that dr brown in his believer authority is speaking out and exposing this demonic principality J———— so many we see it’s nothing to play with. And those who temper with wicked crafts such as this will be destroy by such a spirit so in Jesus name get disinterested in this spirit and lesser one of devils in Jesus name

carol lifrieri
October 31, 2020

I know it is true. When my children were young on Halloween night in the woods they sacrificed cats.My children saw the fires in the woods.

Beverly G Patterson
October 31, 2020

Yes I believe our nation has let down their standard, especially Christians, I pray we will all take this seriously and repent and seek God’s great mercy. Witchcraft is in the Bible, I believe we have sought after materialism and not seen our need of God, our leaders are after power and gain, Seek ye first the Kingdom of God, and his righteousness and these things shall be added unto you. I believe we are being warned not by Satan but by God. It makes me sick to my stomach to see how men of God are being treated by people who are just plain evil, I know it makes God sick, to see how the Body of Christ has treated one another, we need to get back to teaching God’s Holy Word, and rebuke the Witches, blasphemers, the homosexual agenda, and killing innocent babies.

Ninamarie Shinta
October 31, 2020

I bind the spirit of witchcraft in Jesus’s name.

Lynda Campbell
October 31, 2020

Absolute TRUTH in this article. The church is not watching or praying. We must repent take this nation back.

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October 31, 2020

Thank you for the information about witchcraft and the spirit of Jezebel. We all need to be aware of the spiritual war that we are in as Christians, and be interceding for our nation. On this Halloween we need to be praying for the children (whose parents are not aware of this evil holiday) and who allow their children to participate in activities that are not pleasing to God.

    October 31, 2020

    In Jesus, Yeshua’s might name I agree with you, Beverly, Matt. 18:19-20 ..Where 2 or more believers are gathered together…
    Lord, bind the demons and evil, ungodly ones casting spells on people also. Amein. PTL.

Javern Carothers
October 31, 2020

I believe this whole heartedly. I was shocked within my own church to see how many mothers were taking their daughters to see The Twilight series movies. My grandchildren are not allowed to watch anything like that or the harry potter movies.
Our country, and probably the whole world, has fallen so deep into evil that it is unbelievable. We need the blood of Christ to cover our nation. We need a massive Holy Spirit revival in the United States of America. We need President Trump to be reelected and Christianity to have a revival that is on fire in this country.
We need to put God back in our nation, our government, our schools, our homes, our personal lives and the lives of our children and grandchildren!
May God forgive us all!

    October 31, 2020

    Yes, I agree for the pure blood of Jesus, Yeshua,to cover these innocent Christian children who have not been taught that it is wrong to participate in this evil event, in His name, amein.

    October 31, 2020

    The Church in America has much to repent of. We are no longer salt and light, our churches are not houses of prayer, and many are in love with the world, as are those who corrupt their children with demonic movies. Repentance is more than asking forgiveness, it is a decision to TURN from sin to follow Jesus on His narrow path. Few desire this narrow path, but if we can find those few and commit to praying together and holding each other accountable by returning to the old paths, perhaps God will hear and have mercy. God have mercy on us.

Marjorie Huffman
October 31, 2020

Excellent article on the TRUTH. Be prepared to be hindered every way when we pray. Don’t quit. God hears and answers. Praise God out loud in your home.

Faithlyn Stewart
October 31, 2020

The church is being warned, and I sincerely pray would take heed. I think the true Ekklesia rightly knows and understands. God always has, and keeps a remnant for Himself.

“We must therefore pay even more attention to what we have heard, so that we will not drift away” – Hebrews 2:1

Joe Pass
October 31, 2020

Thanks for the reminder. As believers we tend to forget that many other forms of evil is against us, not just we experience around us daily. I will remember and pray against witchcraft also in my daily supplications before the Lord.

Rosemary Barkley
October 31, 2020

In the name of Jesus I reject Satan and all his works🎚

Carol Harris
October 31, 2020

I think you are absolutely right.
Some are worshiping the devil without realizing what they are doing. I PLEAD FOR KING JESUS TO OPEN EVERY EYE TO WHAT IS COMING AND PROTECT US AS WE DO BATTLE WITH THIS EVIL FORCE

October 31, 2020

Yesterday we listened to Lou Engle’s day 16 and day 17 of the 40 day fast Hinge of history. He talked about the Jezebel Spirit. Excellent if anyone wants to listen.

Rev. Juliet
October 31, 2020

Because Jezebel is bold and God’s people timid, she keep advancing. God is releasing the spirit of Jehu to judge Jezebel. It is her Eunuchs that threw her down. These emasculated people under her domain are rejecting her and exposing her. What do we see determines what rules. It is time for boldness from the church. The timidity is enough in my opinion.

Nancy Espinoza Galvez
October 31, 2020

Thank you for your insight on Jezebel and how present she is in the church. I see so many “Godly,” people who are aligning themselves with abortion, transgender rights and sexual immorality. They claim they are voting Christian values and the even say, “Let God decide”, as if we, the Trump supports are deceived. Thank you for this information

October 31, 2020

Let us send this to as many people as we can, WAKE UP AMERICA, WAKE UP CHRISTIANS AND

October 31, 2020

Lord you have all ready won this battle but Satan does not know he is defeated. Sweet Jesus raise up your church to pray with the authority you have given us, for we fight not against people, but the forces of evil that pull their strings. So we say Satan you are bound from completeing your task. We come in the name of Jesus and you have to bow. At the name of Jesus abortion has to bow. Same sex marriage has to bow. Trafficing has to bow. We pray that your kingdom will come and rule in this nation over the justic system and all goverments. Come Lord Jesus abide with your children and bring the enemy to his knees.

Michael Ledner
October 31, 2020

I appreciate Michael Brown‘s practical solution to defeating witchcraft:

1) HOLINESS: give no foothold for the enemy (Eph. 4:26, 27). Identify and repent of any rebellion, hatred or idols in our lives.

2) PRAYER (and I would add “PRAISE” too) – God hears and answers our prayers (individual and corporate) and pushes back the enemies advances (Eph 6:10-20). Also, our attitude and expressions of praise are warfare tools (2 Chron. 20:22).

3) THE WORD OF GOD: When the opportunity arises, to speak God’s word (light, clarity) into a dark situation (darkness, lies) and as we speak that powerful word, this will keep the enemy at bay (Rev. 12:9, 10; Matt. 4:1-11).

The battle is real and every believer, none excluded, is called to be a vigilant participator in this real battle (not a “whatever” spectator). Any Jesus follower who says in his/her heart, “no – I’m not called to holiness, to prayer and praise, to share His Word” is a sitting target for the enemy. It’s time, brothers and sisters. Aslan is on the move…and so is the enemy! We win in the end, but where the individual stands on That Day (reward or regret at the judgment seat of Christ), is totally up to that individuals response. My prayer for you is that you would have a great reward on That Day! Be courageous. Lose your life to find it in him. Don’t shrink back. He is with you, He is for you, and He will strengthen you as you, by faith put your hand to the plow and don’t look back. Greater is He that is in you than He that is in the world!

And “…do all things in love.” (1Cor. 16:14).

Fawn Jacobs
October 31, 2020

I’m trying to figure out what that is a picture of photo. This is very sad and real. We are in a real spiritual battle. Praying for our nation and whole world. One day Jesus will return for HIS OWN. He’s not willing that any perish but ALL Come to repentance. TOday is the day to prepare and accept. Thanks for standing strong and promoting truth and power prayers. God is in control and stands with those who honor Israel, God and Life. Prayers for Revival.

October 31, 2020

May God be a swift witness against the sorcerers. (Malachi 3:5.)

October 31, 2020

There is no evil spell, curse or hex that comes nowhere near as strong as God’s power. Father I pray that You will break the curses intended for this President. Father I know Your power is strongest. In Jesus precious name I pray, Amen.

Teresa Barnes
October 31, 2020

Informative. I understand this; because, I am a blood bought child of God. I have always said Halloween was the occult. It is time for Christians to join together and pray the evil, satanic, powers to be extingquished in our country and lives.

Gabriela Kolinski
October 31, 2020

I lift up President Trump and his family and all his stuff into the presence of the king of king! Our” Lord Jesus Christ” and cover them with His precious Blood! No harm and weapon will prosper against our president. God choose him to be our president and nothing can change that! And Hi will be victorious again!! In the name above all name Jesus Christ!!! Amen!!!!

Lois Taritas
October 31, 2020

Warriors and intercessors. Wanda Alger gives a prophetic teaching on how we pray through America our National Deliverance. Psalm 110:1 The Lord says to my Lord: Sit at my Right Hand until I make your enemies a footstool for your feet. Thank you Father we can sit and war with you from your heavenly place.

    October 31, 2020

    Most Holy God in Heaven, Your Word says ‘The Lord. The Lord will fight for you. Remain calm’ EX 14:14
    & Father we see the battle for good vs evil on Nov 3. We pray a calmness over our nation, we pray for peace beyond understanding as the votes are tallied, we pray for undeniable win for our President, for all of the candidates You are raising up and we pray they submit their lives and their will to You in service to their constituents. We pray for judges to be removed that go against Your standard of judgment and ask You to retain and raise up those that will serve as Deborahs from the bench. We pray for right outcomes to state questions and we lift up all of our local, county and state contests. Thank You Lord for what will happen in Your will Nov 3 and in Jesus name may we go forth to be your hands and feet at the ballot box. Amen

      October 31, 2020

      I am in agreement with Vicki Lord in Jesus, Yeshua’s name. You are in the midst as Scripture states in Matt. 18:19-20.PTL.

      October 31, 2020

      I pray in agreement with this Powerful prayer as this battle song rises up within me…. Our God is Greater, our God is Mighty, our God is Higher than any other! Our God is Healer, Awesome in Power! And if our God is for us, who then can win against us. And if our God is with us, who then can come against?!!
      Through the Mighty and Powerful Name of Jesus I pray and declare His Victory.

Ronda Orchard
October 31, 2020

Lord God, Ruler of the Universe, I submit myself to the Holy Spirit to inform and direct myself and your intercessors in the way we should speak and carry ourselves in this hour. Cause us to immediately discern the spirits of witchcraft and divination and to bind them, rebuke them and call them out of witless enablers.

I pray your Holy Spirit is even now confounding and routing every evil word spoken and intended against our President, his family, his cabinet and over our nation. May your good people rise up and rebuke the consternation of Marxist vigilantism this very hour.

I humbly pray that evil imaginations will be crushed and rendered inoperable in the name of Yeshua Hamashiach. amen

Epifania Marasigan
October 31, 2020

thank You for the Blood of the Lord Jesus Christ that covers Pres Trump. thank You Lord that You hold his heart in Your hands and directs it wherever You wanted. Thank You Lord that You are seated/enthroned in the white House. we believe Lord that nothing of the devil will prosper on President trump Your anointed leader for America. thank You Lord that as we unite in lifting him up to You Your glorious power will manifest. Thank You Abba that Your Holy spirit will convict us to always lift this nation up to You, as intercessors for America, in Jesus Name. amen.

    October 31, 2020

    Lord, I agree with Epifania in Jesus, Yeshua’s name according to Matt. 18:19-20 amein.

Joanne G Melear
October 31, 2020


Juliann Gregory
October 31, 2020

One of my clients hired a very reputable new employee who when after being hired informed her new employer, “you need to know that I am a witch and when I cast my spells stuff happens, so don’t do me wrong, but, I’m a good Catholic girl and go to church every Sunday.”
My client called me immediately, terrified. I dropped everything and went to her business. I anointed every door and window and Spiritually cleansed her work area. I then brought her license to her home and told her she was no longer employed.
In driving to her house I passed the Catholic church where she went every Sunday. I sat in my car and wrote a letter to the priest telling him he had a witch in his congregation who saw nothing wrong with being a ‘good Catholic girl’ and a witch at the same time. I hand delivered this letter to the priest and told him he needed to speak truth to all of the people sitting in the pews. You cannot be a good little Catholic girl and be a witch at the same time!

Karen Secrest
October 31, 2020

It amazes me that so many people think this is harmless just little kids playing “dress up”. I recall the drag queen at the library and then recall Hal Lindsey and his sister in law Joanna telling us 50 years ago in The book, Late, Great Planet Earth what fools we were to ignore this reality.
Thanks for telling us again that this is the time to be Wise, not fools who discern the times.

Leslie Calianno
October 31, 2020

I agree with this, 100% I have done studies on the Jezebel spirit, she possesses many people, not just women. She can’t be rebuked, like other demons…she must be handled differently. Our prayers are powerful, and we must release them, and call down the Holy Spirit to battle with us!!! I pray, in Jesus name that we defeat, rid, and protect President Trump from the evil that is being released.

    October 31, 2020

    I too agree with Leslie on her prayer and words in Jesus Christ, Yeshua haMashiach’s mighty name. Amein!

Regina Ford
October 31, 2020

The Lord does not want us ignorant. I would not allow Harry Potters books in our home!!! Yes I am fanatical for Christ. The blood of Jesus is real for the remission of sin and the atonement covering for divine protection. We take the sheild of faith into every battle because the just shall live by faith. I will be a Phineas in this battle. The Lord of angels armies are with us. Psalm says we have the victory!!! Thank God for revealing his word and a hunger is returning for Truth has returned to the Body of Christ. This is no game or entertaining event. Arise Church and that up the armour of God. Christ is the Captain of our salvation!!! Fear Not!!!

Angela M Meek
October 31, 2020

This is a very real warning. The church has as a former Pastor of mine said probably 10 years ago regarding this subject, “it is time the church quit playing Ostrich, burying its head in the ground pretending it doesn’t exist.” Growing up we make choices and choices are made for us that we cannot control. I have spent years healing from the choices that were made for me in this arena. I have experienced the assigned watchers in my past.
Lord, I know first hand Your power to release the stronghold that the Jezebel spirit/witchcraft can have on you. Nothing, I repeat nothing or no person, spirit or power is greater than yours. We stand in the Authority and the keys to the Kingdom of Heaven that you have given us Jesus to bind up every curse, hex and vex that those practicing in the demonic forces through witchcraft specifically upon President Donald J Trump and Vice President Michael Pence their families. We also bind all fraud, fake ballots on the election. Truth, only truth will prevail. Lord, the evil is running rampant today. Evil is good and good is evil. We ask you Jesus through the power of Holy Spirit to shine truth tonight through the blue moon aka Harvest moon, to do just that bring a harvest of the hearts and lives of those who are practicing this evil to a moldable pliable heart (Jeremiah 18:3-4) to come to you and your Kingdom. To denounce and cancel every curse, hex or vex that they have placed. Loose Your truth over this land, Lord we pray.

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    Angela M Meek
    October 31, 2020

    The Harvest Moon was Oct. 1st. aka Harvest Moon is to read as a Harvest Moon. Sorry for the typo I do not know how to edit once completed

    October 31, 2020


    October 31, 2020

    Angela, thank you for your beautiful testimony and powerful prayer! May God bless you abundantly and continue to use you in powerful warfare for His glory!❤️

October 31, 2020

We bind and gag the spirit of Jezebel in the Name of Jesus Christ!! We plead the blood of Jesus Christ over President Donald Trump and our Nation, America In Jesus Christ Name. Amen.

October 31, 2020

Tonight is a full moon, on Halloween and also a Blue Moon, meaning a full moon has occurred twice in October. There is also a time change, giving an extra hour to October 31st. This is a high holy day for the Occult. As I was asking the Lord how to pray, He told me to pray Psalms 19:1-4
“The Heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of HIs hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night. after night they display knowledge. There is no speech or language where their voice is not heard. Their voice goes out into all the earth, their words to the ends of the world.

    Angela M Meek
    October 31, 2020

    The extra hour I had not thought about. I echo your prayer, psalm 19: 1-4

October 31, 2020

In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, the Lord of Hosts, we bind the spirit of Jezebel today, in Jesus’ Name. We nullify her power by the blood of the Lamb who was slain from the foundation of the world. We unite ourselves together, acknowledging that He that is in us, is greater than He that is in the world.

We plead the blood of Jesus over President Trump, we plead the blood of Jesus over his family, we plead the blood of Jesus over his people in Washington DC and around the world. Lord, we plead the blood of Jesus over our election results. We declare the decree that that they are protected from the manipulation and distortion of the enemy. Lord, we release the Spirit of Jehovah in the election process. We release the spirit of wisdom, the spirit of knowledge, the spirit of understanding, the spirit of counsel, the spirit of might and the spirit of the Fear of the Lord. In the name of Jesus Christ, we forbid the enemy from retaliating against us in any way, shape, form or fashion. We thank you Lord Jesus that you have given us authority to trample on snakes and scorpions, and to overcome the power of the enemy, so that nothing, shall by any means, harm us.

Cindy Howard
October 31, 2020

Yes, witchcraft is real and present. I’d like more emphasis on how to defeat the powers of darkness with examples.
Also, dealing with the demonic in politics is the duty of Christians. Our faith must be salt and light in our culture. There is not a dichotomy.

October 31, 2020

I have a friend that was into witchcraft years ago. It is not only real, but they make it very hard to leave. She is a wonderful believer now, but the stories she has told me are hard to believe. So much so, I couldn’t listen to all of it, it was so evil. They have been going into churches for years…pretending to be something they are not. BUT GOD!!! The battle has been won, we just need to put our armor on each day as the days are evil. Praying for our country and that the evil spirit turn on itself and destroy itself from within. That no weapon formed against us/our country/our family/our president prosper in Jesus Name. Thank you Lord for loving us…forgive us and grant us your mercy and grace through this election.

    Angela M Meek
    October 31, 2020

    Absolutely agree on both accounts. The mind games that happen and those who are sent to follow can be most frightening . I know because I have experienced it. Day by day, step by step we all overcome by the blood of the lamb and the power of our testimony.

Lorraine Domingo
October 31, 2020

I woke up this morning with the words in my head, “Tearing Down the high places”. Those places where for some reason the kings let these altars be. I interceded first my city, counties, states, and country. How timely a prayer focus!

John Butler
October 31, 2020

Add witchcraft to Antifa and Black Lives Matter and you have a serious amount of evil. Only torrents of Christian prayer can stem this tide.

    Ronda Orchard
    October 31, 2020

    Right now all three mimic the trinity don’t they?

      John Butler
      October 31, 2020

      Dear Ronda Orchard,
      An interesting way to put it. They mimic everything we hold valuable.

October 31, 2020

I think it’s of critical importance for the body of Christ to understand not to ever live in any sort of fear when doing battle with the spirit of Jezebel. Battling against this spirit isn’t a “one and done” proclamation or a 1 day or 1 prayer war. The spirit of Jezebel resurrects it’s ugly self consistently and we are all witness to that in our nation through the various forms of deception Jezebel uses.
But rest be assured of one truth – our God provided the overall victory over every trick and deception of hell at the cross. The moment God cast Lucifer and his followers out of heaven and the moment Christ secured victory over death at Calvary should resonate within our souls that God has and always will be victorious not only over death and the grave but over every lying scheme that Satan and his followers have tried!! We are not to fear but to stand fast in the truth of God’s word, the covering of the blood of Christ and all that God is. God is all powerful, omnipotent and sovereign…no curse of hell or it’s followers will have greater power than what God has already established.
Let us Lord remember to live daily in the beauty of that truth and to publicly and boldly proclaim it.

    Angela M Meek
    October 31, 2020

    A very big AMEN!!!

    Ronda Orchard
    October 31, 2020

    I once worked for a company controlled by witches. I thought myself and a few Christian friends who also worked there could join together and overcome that spirit. Both of my friends are now passed on and I reached a point where I wanted to kill myself, I was severely oppressed. It took months to overcome that overwhelming spirit … so it is certainly not something to take lightly. Yet God is able to bring us through when we remember who we are and join with Him and the Holy Spirit to defeat all lies of the enemy.

      October 31, 2020

      Amen. Good word and excellent spiritual advice that we are never to take “hell’s commitment” to attack people (Christians or unsaved) in every manner possible in all walks of life.

Barbara Nelson
October 31, 2020

In Acts 19: 17-20 God tells us “17 When this became known to the Jews and Greeks living in Ephesus, they were all seized with fear, and the name of the Lord Jesus was held in high honor. 18 Many of those who believed now came and openly confessed what they had done. 19 A number who had practiced sorcery brought their scrolls together and burned them publicly. When they calculated the value of the scrolls, the total came to fifty thousand drachmas. 20 In this way the word of the Lord spread widely and grew in power.”
Our Father who art in Heaven, hollowed be you name, your Kingdom come, your Will be done in the U.S. as it is in Heaven. Let those in the U.S. who has / is practicing witchcraft, who consult mediums, who sacrifice babies at the alter of Baal confuses their sins. Open the doors of the church and send out your people to spread the word of God so that they may hear your word and confess that you are the true God. That they will worship the creator and not the created. I pray for a cleansing of this land that the U.S will become once again the salt and light of the world. I pray you bless Israel that they will come to know Jesus as their Lord and Savor. Amen

October 31, 2020

Genesis 9: Days of Noah – 300 yrs + build ark *wipe evil off face of the earth* succeeding generations filled earth = bad + worse.

Are current days similar to Noah = no way!
oh, the drama like chicken little….

Still Jesus sitting at right hand of God being GOOD Shepard + calling Stars by name + constant communion with Dad, been redeeming ppl from sin since dawn of time…. there’s a list of ppl to consider.

Mittie Green
October 31, 2020

If we notice the miracle of the blood could not be duplicated. So let’s plead the blood over our family,friends, our nation n our USA admistration.

October 31, 2020

Father, in the name of Yeshua, I pray you will awaken your church with prayer and fasting to battle against the onslaught of wickedness on our American shores. Have mercy, please. Amen.

M. Jeff Vulich
October 31, 2020

Yes and Amen!! I agree with the article and its content. I am a part of a church fellowship that prays with regularity against all powers of darkness.

Dorothy Cameron
October 31, 2020

Because you have said, “We have made a covenant with death, and with Sheol we have an agreement, when the overwhelming whip passes through it will not come to us, for we have made lies our refuge, and in falsehood we have taken shelter”; therefore thus says the Lord God , “Behold, I am the one who has laid as a foundation in Zion, a stone, a tested stone, a precious cornerstone, of a sure foundation: ‘Whoever believes will not be in haste.’ And I will make justice the line, and righteousness the plumb line; and hail will sweep away the refuge of lies, and waters will overwhelm the shelter.” Then your covenant with death will be annulled, and your agreement with Sheol will not stand; when the overwhelming scourge passes through, you will be beaten down by it. As often as it passes through it will take you; for morning by morning it will pass through, by day and by night; and it will be sheer terror to understand the message.
Isaiah 28:15‭-‬19
Father God, You have declared it! May it be so. In Jesus name. Amen

Chase Connor
October 31, 2020

I agree. This spirit knows that it has been exposed,studied and understood. My prayer to Our Father in Heaven is that the spirit of jezabel and all of those who follow it repent, for it’s days are numbered and is cast down and chained. My prayer is that Our Father in Heaven seal us with His Holy Spirit and deliver us from evil. It is written that what we bind on earth we bind in Heaven , so according to His word it shall be, and is done. Now we watch His work unfold.
Thank you for bringing attention to this subject. This is a spirit that I have personally struggled with for decades until I finally realized that the struggle and fight is not mine, because I am weak, thank G-d. We all are. I finally understand the dependency I have on Our Father and what a blessing it is.

Karen Valadez
October 31, 2020

Remember what happened to jezebel in the Bible. Pray for same outcome. Pray these spells are ineffectual their words fall to the ground as garble. No weapon formed against the President shall prosper. We shall see the enemy turn against themselves. We speak LIFE over America as we see God’s church arise and draw nigh to Him. Revival is their battle cry!!!

October 31, 2020

Believers must renounce and repent of even a WHIFF of occult activity they or others have done in their life – past or present, intentional or inadvertent, for real or for fun. Any of it opens demonic doors to attacks into your life UNTIL you RENOUNCE it. By doing so, you give the enemy the legal right to plague you. In fact, things done by my church-going parents in my childhood followed me into young adulthood, only much worse. Repent of any activity done to you or for you, renounce anything you did yourself, no matter how seemingly insignificant. Give your heart and life to Christ unreservedly. Clean your house of any materials or objects associated with the sin. Do this to give the Holy Spirit full reign in your life, that your prayers not be hindered. Whom the Son sets free is free indeed.

    Joan Kelley
    November 3, 2020

    Yes – those involved in the delverance ministry know that any involvement, including past experiences of which we were ignorant at the time regarding occult ties, MUST be renounced out loud. As believers know, the spoken word is powerful!! – this type of full renunciation along with repentance sends a clear message in the heavenlies –

    Thank you, bg – for bringing this clearly to the forefront!

Sherman Thompson
October 31, 2020

Praying against the evil and darkness of the satanic witchcraft and jezebel that is spreading across America. We pray that all Christians will put on their spiritual Armor and stand firm, strong, and courageous and praying fervently continuesles for Gods divine intervention.
Let the light of our Lord Jesus shine through us by the power and Love of the Holy Spirit guide in us. In the ne of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. Amen

Peter Vaichus
October 31, 2020

Jesus the Messiah said to the seventy-two men he had sent out to preach the gospel:

“I saw Satan fall from heaven like a flash of lightning. I have given you the power to trample on snakes and scorpions and to defeat the power of your enemy Satan. Nothing can harm you.” Luke 10:18-19

We must remember that;
“ For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.” Eph 6:12

October 31, 2020

Lord, we cancel every plan, every spell in the name of Jesus Christ against the President and his staff, his family and all the people that are in his cabinet. We cover them all with the precious blood of JESUS!

Donna M
October 31, 2020

Clothed with full spiritual armor of the Holy Spirit, we declare to the Spirit of Jezebel that your sorcery and curses are renounced and blocked over the USA. The blood covenant of Christ gives us the authority over powers and principalities. The blood of Jesus Christ supersedes the blood sacrifices that you drink. We speak Life and Blessing over our nation, our President, our people. We intercede for those caught up in witchcraft and petition their deliverance, oh God. We ask for mercy, Lord, that the Church has coexisted with Witchcraft rather than dispelling it.

David camarillo
October 31, 2020

For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. Ephesians 6:12-13 please read entire chapter.

October 31, 2020

Lord, God, Creator of all things, we boldly come before Your throne and decree that according to Isaiah 22:22, we close the door, that no one can open, on witchcraft, occult, black magic, voodoo, santeria, all spells, incantations, and hexes, all words of death, cursing, illness, disease, oppression, depression, rituals, and enactments, coming against President Trump, his family, his administration, all the people of the United States of America, and our elections. We open a door that no one can shut (Isaiah 22:22) to nationwide repentance, Holy Spirit revival, and our nation’s return to our majestic, glorious, one, true, living God. Lord we ask for You to dispatch holy, warring angels to do battle with the principalities, powers, and rulers of darkness in heavenly places where all these occult activities are taking place. As Your holy warring angels emerge victorious, in these battles, our nation will once again be known as a righteous nation for the Lord of Lords. Awaken Your church, Your Body of Christ, to run to the battle with their clean hearts, and swords drawn. In Jesus’ magnificent name we pray. Amen.

    October 31, 2020

    Amen and amen!!!! “Restore us, O Lord, and bring us back to you again! Give us back the joys we once had!”
    ‭‭Lamentations‬ ‭5:21‬ ‭

October 31, 2020

God is stronger when the church quits sinning and returns to plan Jesus laid out for it, No Master Pastor, but everyone stays in the Spirit, 1 Cor 14:26

26 What then, brethren, is [the right course]? When you meet together, each one has a hymn, a teaching, a disclosure of special knowledge or information, an utterance in a [strange] tongue, or an interpretation of it. [But] let everything be constructive and edifying and for the good of all.
apostles with mighty miracles must lead the church: 2 Cor 12:12

12 Indeed, the signs that indicate a [genuine] apostle were performed among you fully and most patiently in miracles and wonders and mighty works.

Jayne Hayden
October 31, 2020

Most High God. King of Kings. Ruler over All. YOU are Master and Lord,You are the only God worthy of our praises and the only God who is ABLE. Able to do exceedingly abundantly more then we ask or think, able to deliver from the fire, and able to save. Humbly we ask you to turn the hearts of these wicked ones. Turn their stoney, ugly, hard, hearts to compassion. Open their eyes to the Truth and save them. But, if it be not, turn back their evil assignments upon the senders, return violence,chaos & hatred back upon their camps and cause the very grounds they worship on to QUAKE and TREMBLE. Swollow their idols and alters, rain fire into their spiritual territory, and cause them to fall.
Arise church for your time has come. We call upon the Captain of the hosts of Angels to bring justice swiftly. Church be diligent and fully armed! And let the REDEEMED of the LORD say so. We are victorious covered in the BLOOD OF JESUS, and Jezebel you are defeated.
Praise the Beautiful name of our Redeemer, Jashua. AMEN

Lori Meed
October 31, 2020

Dr. Brown is correct. Many in this nation are guilty of blatant idolatry and worship of pagan God’s. Many more are deceived into thinking that all these ‘religions’ are equal. I minister to women who come out of satanic ritual.sbuse and this time of year is torment to them. The church must wake up first and reject all alliances with witchcraft: Derek Princes definition is all manipulation, control, intimidation and domination. Once the Bride purifies herself we can hear Jehu and take Jezebel down!

Patricia Howell
October 31, 2020

Thank You Michael Brown this is why I’m adamant about this dabbling w the dark side will open the door. When I learned the truth I burned my astrology books tarot cards and now tell others how God opened my eyes years ago

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Michelle Nolan
October 31, 2020

We must pray the sleeping church wake up! Quit appeasing the people with some kind of “Christian Halloween” there is no such thing. Do not call evil -good! It’s time the “church” stand for Righteousness not a watered down Word!

October 31, 2020

Nic, thank you for being obedient to pray and intercede over DC. I pray Psalms 91 around you and that no evil will be fall you. I call forth angels to surround you more than you can imagine! You are making difference and for all of those who are out there with you i pray divine protection over them too. PTL!

Ken Budz
October 31, 2020

Lord You are our God, there are no other gods. Please Father open up the hearts and minds of people, call them to You. Deception is for those who seek it. Help people to find the Way the Truth and the Life. Amen.

    Lori Meed
    October 31, 2020

    Thank you Ken! You are absolutely correct! Church arise! Purify yourself!

October 31, 2020

May the troubles of this world be dismissed in the dawning light of Jesus’ Salvation.

October 31, 2020

Lord Jesus, none of this witchcraft activity takes You by surprise,as this is nothing new under the sun. We thank and praise You, that You are infinitely greater and mightier than these Jezebel spirits behind the witchcraft in our nation and world. We bind the Jezebel spirit in Your precious name. We loose the power of Holy Spirit upon these deceived folks to reveal Truth to them of who You are in their lives, and that You alone are their hope and provider. In Jesus’ name, we pray.

October 31, 2020

Thank you Dr Brown for this reminder. We know we are in a spiritual battle bc we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places. I did forget about those who were witches and warlocks —demonic evil spirits embodied in the bodies of humans. We your people who abide in you and you in us have greater power than the power that rose Jesus from the dead. Jesus has this enemy under his feet and therefore we too squash and demolish this Jezabel spirit and all the other spiritual forces: deception, intimidation, manipulation, tyranny, and domination under our feet in the Name of Jesus— I believe it and declare it ✅ done. Thank you Almighty Triune God for destroying the spiritual forces of evil, for sending your legions of angels to protect your President all who work with him to destroy the evil in this land— You, oh LORD our God, receive all the honor and glory— in Jesus holy name, Amen!!

October 31, 2020

Thank you for your obedience & diligence to this call of offensive prayer in your prayer walks! May God’s warring angels continue to be with you and His protective covering continue to be over you. We join you in Spirit!
Thank-you God for how you are strategically calling Your people to prayer & battle! Thank-you for informing us as we go forward in your powerful name!

Christine Stott
October 31, 2020

Excellent and revealing, educational for those who are unaware 🇮🇱🇮🇱🇺🇸🇺🇸👼👼

Mike Mills
October 31, 2020

This article is a very good one.

In my life time I have not witnessed what is happening in this our
Good is evil and evil is good👎🏻😡
I pray this…..Our Father who art in Heaven …..lead us not into temptation but delivery us from evil.
Forgive us our trespasses as we for those who trespass against us.

Faye Georgeo
October 31, 2020

This is right on. I am so glad to hear that this spirit is finally being called out. I read all the Harry Potter books and then realized I had to get them out of my house, that it watered down witchcraft and made it harmless, something to aspire to for millions of children. Jezebel MUST be prayed down!!!

Alisa Long
October 31, 2020

Through the authoity of Yeshua, I have commanded the elements, to rebel against all utterings of witchcraft.
God ordained all things to be under His own authority. May all curses. Vexed, hexes, voodoo,hoodoo, all unholy declarations be like Balaam’s, may all of them turn into blessings. May all creation be in perfect rhythm with Jehovah Sabathia.

Leah Bowser
October 31, 2020

Excellent reporting, when I found out 20 years ago the truth in the pagan holiday, I repented and broke off the curses on my children.We declare the Blood of Jesus over this wicked activity tonight and the children who will be out there. Send the HOST of warrior angels out to protect our President, his family in Jesus Name

Eliece Rybak
October 31, 2020

Thank you for the warning.
This is very real. As a born again Christian, I have encountered people, saved and unsaved, with the presence of demonic voices and ‘spirits’ that were certainly not of out Precious Lord.
We Christians are not keenly enough aware of the evil that is around us all the time, and we certainly do not ask the Lord’s wisdom and protection nearly enough to ‘stay away’ the evil in our lives and in America.
Thank You …this has been a great reminder.
God Bless You and God Bless America
Lord, protect our President from all evil.

    Rev. Marsha Lee-watson
    October 31, 2020

    It appears to me that there is still some confusion in the minds of Christians. “ Everything that glitters is not gold “ Its our Lord & Savior that sits high and looks low. I voted 🗳 prayerfully 🙏🏼 Knowing that what God allows to happen
    It will be a lesson within a Blessing. That He is with us always. Witchcraft Satan in any form can have no victory. I’m praying 🙏🏼 for the President that he will call on God to bring peace to this nation. To remove Race & replace it with Humanity.

Daniel Chapman
October 31, 2020

Pray the Lord shield our President. Pray about this proliferation of darkness – which the Lord Himself warned of in these days. Pray people be delivered, set free, and saved. Pray those touching this realm, out of curiosity or ignorance, be convicted and drawn by the Holy Spirit. Pray voters be loosed from demonic interference or any spiritual principalities influencing them. I strongly urge to NOT address Jezebel directly in spiritual warfare. This is an enormous principality over the Federal Government – and maybe more. Be not afraid, move in faith, but but be wise; thus is not just any demon. We say of our President: no weapon formed against you shall prosper and every tongue which rises against you in judgment you shall condemn. This is the heritage pf the servants of the Lord and their righteousness is from Me, says the Lord. No curse without cause shall alight. (Note that neither Elijah, nor Jehu, ever addressed Jezebel directly)

October 31, 2020

Thank you for being obedient and faithful.
Be encouraged that there is an army of angels covering you and many Christians praying with you!

David Pratt
October 31, 2020

You can’t curse what God has blessed. I pray that we continue to walk (the Church and president Trump) in the fear of the Lord and humility.

October 31, 2020

Awesome truth! The TRUTH sets us free. We pray not against people, but for people to be saved and set free of the deception. We pray against the evil spirits and powers of darkness! They have been found out and are scrambling, but they will never win! Their future is sealed in Hell. They have a place waiting for them! God has a home being built for us in Heaven! Hallelujah! Amen!

Sharron Wright
October 31, 2020

Father, in the name of Jesus, I fearlessly and confidently and boldly draw near to the throne of grace, that I may receive mercy and find grace to help in good time for President Trump and Vice President Pence and their families and staff.

Father, I commit to pray on their behalf, making up the hedge and standing in the gap before you for them, that Your mercy might triumph over judgment. Lord, You defeated the devil for them and we take back everything Satan has stolen from them. Father, we ask You to apply the blood of Jesus to any doors that those listed above have opened to the enemy that they are unaware of, and we ask You to reveal these doors to them so they can be closed forever.

It is You, Father, who delivers them from the pit and corruption of witchcraft,sorcery,Jezabel spirit,deception,and destruction. Father, You have not given them a spirit of timidity — of cowardice, of craven and cringing and fauning fear — but You have given them a spirit of power and of love and of a calm and well-balanced mind and discipline and self-control. In the name of Jesus, I stand in the gap for them until they come to their senses and escape out of the snare of the devil, who has held them captive. Because Jesus defeated principalities and powers and made a show of them openly, I stand against the forces of darkness, which have been assigned to them.  I pray Heavenly Father, that you deliver them from the authority of darkness, and transfer them into the kingdom of Your dear Son instead.

I decree and declare that the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made them free from the law of sin and death if they will receive it. I pray they shall no longer be of two minds — hesitating, dubious, irresolute — unstable and unreliable and uncertain about everything they think, feel, and decide. I pray they get rid of all uncleanness and the rampant outgrowth of wickedness, in a humble, gentle, modest spirit receive and welcome the Word, which implanted and rooted in their heart, contains the power to save their soul, mind, will, and emotions. 

In the name of Jesus, grace be to each one of these above and peace from God our Father and from the Lord Jesus Christ, Who gave himself for our sins so that He might deliver us from these strongholds and this present evil world, according to the will of God and our Father, to whom be glory forever and ever. In Jesus name,

It is written in John 15:7-8 KJV 7 If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you. 8 Herein is my Father glorified, that ye bear much fruit; so shall ye be my disciples.

    Sherry Mallory
    October 31, 2020


    Peter Vaichus
    October 31, 2020

    I am in agreement with your plea to our Father, Sharron. Thank you for sharing your faith in our Lord Jesus Christ all to the glory of our Father in Heaven. May God have mercy on us that the fear of Him would be upon our Country, turning us from evil to do good in His sight. We each need to remember that; “For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places.” Eph 6:12 and put on the full armor of God as we are directed to do…each day. Thanks again for your heart felt prayer.

October 31, 2020

Abba, we ask you in the name of Jesus to release the Elijah spirit – turning the hearts of father’s toward their children, the Jehu spirit – declaring You are God and God alone, the eunuch spirit to throw Jezebel out of her tower, and the dogs of heaven to devour this spirit to make it unrecognizable. Abba, deliver your people from Jezebel. Encourage us as you encouraged Elijah. Open the eyes of our understanding, open the eyes of our pastors and church leaders. Awaken your people. We ask for you to also bind the apathetic Ahab spirit. Embolden us, embolden me with the flames of revival! LORD have mercy. I also declare this to be Reformation Day – the same day Martin Luther nailed his 95 theses to the doors of the All Saints Church in Wittenberg Germany declaring the Word of the LORD. Reform the church according to your Word. May we have nothing to do with these works of darkness. Abba, write your word upon the tablets of our hearts, and may we declare them boldly. Pour out your Spirit upon us and revive us. Protect us and this election from Jezebel and the apathy of Ahab. Bring the dry bones of the church together, build us up, and breathe your breath into us! May all those casting evil spells today come to know you as LORD and Savior. Forgive ignorant parents who introduced Harry Potter and the likes to their children. Overthrow these books and works of the enemy and bring your Light into the darkness. May America be as a city on a hill shining forth the Light of your glory. Reform your church again and again and make us pure and holy before your return. We pray in Jesus’ name, Amen!

October 31, 2020

Thank You Jesus for raising this firebrand of the Lord up send Your angel armies alongside this warrior and we reading this give extra prayer covering for this battle too.

October 31, 2020

I know three people personally who, one was associate pastor, one was an elder, the other a worship dance leader, left the church, now full on practicing Witchcraft. I no longer attend that church either.

    Sherry Mallory
    October 31, 2020

    Lord, minister to their souls. Deliver them from darkness and witchcraft and bring them salvation. In the mighty name of Jesus

October 31, 2020

Thank you for your prayer over DC!

Sharion McGee
October 31, 2020

This all absolutely breaks my heart I’ve been sitting here weeping… I’m weeping for our nation, I’m weeping for our president, but more than that I’ve been weeping for the church of the living God… How it must break His heart that Jezebel has literally taken over the church. We went to sleep… Oh Lord God I repent!!! I thank you Lord, that you are a merciful God… And you cheer at the least inkling that we are turning around… That you do everything to capture our hearts!!!! we thank YOU!! WE THANK YOU!! Thank you for the remnant that never gives up and never quits fighting, for truth!!! We, the remnant… Stand fully armed, fully armored up, fully trained, ready to fight to the death……give me liberty or give me death!!

October 31, 2020

I too know that satanic rituals are real and present. And I am reminded “You, dear children, are from God and have overcome them, because the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world.” 1 John 4:4
We know we are in a spiritual battle and the battle has already been won by the blood of Jesus Christ our Savior! So we fight this battle in prayer, in His Name, by the power of the Holy Spirit! Amen

    Peter Vaichus
    October 31, 2020

    Jesus the Messiah said to the seventy-two men he had sent out to preach the gospel:

    “I saw Satan fall from heaven like a flash of lightning. I have given you the power to trample on snakes and scorpions and to defeat the power of your enemy Satan. Nothing can harm you.” Luke 10:18-19

Linda Lund
October 31, 2020

Eternally grateful for the weapons of warfare that God has equipped the Church with so that the gates of hell will not prevail against her. May we learn to wield them effectively through the power of Jesus Christ and the discernment of the Holy Spirit for the Glory of the Father in ushering in the Kingdom!

David Brollier
October 31, 2020

Although President Trump may not be a Christian (yet) he is God’s appointed ruler over this nation. If Christians will continue to repent and ask God to cover the President with His protection, any spells people attempt to cast upon him will fail. In fact, according to the Satanic Bible these spells shall come back on the heads of those who cast them times three. Any serious witch as great reason to fear casting a spell against God’s leader, covered by the prayers of God’s people.

Mary Steffes-Schmitz
October 31, 2020

Yes THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! I was at a Deliverance Training in 2018, and yes the Free Masons are a lot of this too. The New Age, Occult Stores popping up everywhere, Christian Bookstores closing the Occult at a rise. We MUST PRAY against this evil, and pray the BLOOD OF JESUS OVER ALL USA, population, every single person be claimed for God’s Glory.

Pat M
October 31, 2020

Witchcraft is real and pervasive. My 12 yo grandson knows I do not like “scary” things yet he told me for Christmas last year he got a ticket to Hogwarts School. I asked when. It was a secret; he could not tell me. Of course I had red flags go off but the threat is real for our children. My grandson is a vulnerable child but I suspect his parents want to give him something other children don’t have. I doubt he read the books but surely devoured the movie. Father we lift up ignorant parents and grandparents like myself who don’t like to “advise” their adult children of the dangers of Harry Potter, seen as entertainment but a lure cast in them to take an innocence that cannot be easily recaptured. Forgive our sin Father and heal our children and children’s children with Truth; His name is Jesus. Thank You for forgiveness but give us real helps to speak truth into our next generations, in Jesus’ holy name.

    Mary Steffes-Schmitz
    October 31, 2020


    October 31, 2020

    Yes and Amen! My sentiments exactly. I also once was blinded to these things and had a curiosity. May the LORD open the understanding of our adult children, their spouses, and our grandchildren! Deliver us and our families LORD from these worldly satanic deceptions by the power of your Spirit!

    October 31, 2020

    Wow! I used to work at a university with people from the Gen X and Millennial generations and they all were practically “breastfed” on the witchcraft of Harry Potter and it is deeply embedded in them …. it is their “first love” – where their devotion and worship are. So thank you for your prayers for the breaking of this curse and… Yes, Lord open the heavens over the Gen X and Millennials so that Your Holy Spirit can hover over their chaos, break it’s dark roots, shed God’s Light into the darkness and bring true order back to their bodies-souls and spirit so their hearts can open to their real and true first love, the Lord Jesus Christ. amen and amen.

October 31, 2020

This is real and it’s happening. We have to come against it. We don’t have to fear our enemy. We have to face our enemy from the offensive and not defensive side. The weapons of our warfare are mighty through God and blood of Jesus Christ is powerful enough to destroy all the weapons of Jezebel’s warfare and by the BLOOD OF THE LAMB OF GOD AND OUR DECREES OF VICTORY to win the battle. We DECREE the Lord goes before us and His ANGELS with double edged swords of fire to destroy the enemy and all the weapons of Jezebel’s army IN JESUS MIGHTY NAME.

Vina M Elias
October 31, 2020

Father God In The Name Of Your Holy Son Jesus cause that evil spirit of Jezebel to fall to the ground in defeat we as children of God bind that spirit and declare it null and of none effect in Jesus Mighty Name Amen and Amen

October 31, 2020

Father God,
I ask for Your perfect protection to cover our President, his family, and administration. Enable them to accomplish every plan and purpose You have for the United States of America.

Please forgive the church for not teaching Your people spiritual truths. Free us from deception. Open the eyes, ears, minds and hearts of every follower of Jesus Christ to have understanding and wisdom for the times we live in.
I ask this in the name of
Jesus whose blood overcomes every form of evil.

October 31, 2020

I kessie kummel praying for USA and Donald Trump election by our God. One Hindu fortune telling man said that Donald Trump wins but our christian prophecying since long time second time also Lord give the place to clean some things in America please during oath ceremony please dont allow aHindu or Muslim priesd should not allow them to recite satanic prayers which our God gave victors this victory is prayers of many christians not like first time dont show your democracy allowing this people during such precious time.

alvin hickling
October 31, 2020

JESUS please cover our president his staff and family and our nation with your Shed blood , Save us JESUS we look to you for our salvation ! Amen

Kathy Morris
October 31, 2020

I totally believe this; I know someone who is practicing witchcraft! I didn’t think of the election being around Halloween; another bondage to pray about! God is in control with all this; look what He did with the election in 2016; I believe He will do it again!! Will be praying all day! ✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️🙏🙏🙏🙏

    October 31, 2020

    Rabbi Jonathan Cahn has called for a day of prayer and fasting on election day.

mary bailey
October 31, 2020

I know that this is real I have tried to express this to others but they seem to just brush it off as me being off my rocker even pastors do this I was in Sunday school when a lay person ask about this very thing and the teacher who also is the pastors wife said that there was no such thing about this in the bible, It was a jaw dropping moment for me and I stopped going to this class because of that misinformation and thought that if you did not know about this you need to research it and find out plus you are the pastors wife and you should be taught better than this from him for it is him that I hold accountable. So when I read this all I had to say was IT’S ABOUT TIME and I HOPE that the shields of every-ones eyes who read this would realize that this is real and pray for our President his staff and our country for I know that He who is in us is Greater than he who is in the world. Amen!!!!


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