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Pray for the Warmbier family. Ask the Lord to watch over their hearts as they grieve the loss of their son.

“Fret not thyself because of evildoers, neither be thou envious against the workers of iniquity. For they shall soon be cut down like the grass, and wither as the green herb.” (Ps 37:1-2)

“The first time Otto Warmbier’s parents saw their son after he was flown back from North Korea in June, they were confronted with the sound of inhuman howling so terrifying Otto’s mom ran off the plane.

As they waited for the plane bringing him back to Ohio, Otto’s parents, Fred and Cindy, had held on to hope that with medical care in the United States, he would eventually get better. That optimism didn’t last long.

They instead saw the reality of torture at the hands of Kim Jong Un’s brutal regime: their son was now blind and deaf, with mangled teeth, jerking violently and moaning on a stretcher with a feeding tube coming out of his nose.

That’s how he would spend his final days before dying at the University of Cincinnati Medical Center on June 19….

Cindy told “Fox & Friends” she and her husband had been informed that Otto, who had been imprisoned for more than a year for allegedly trying to steal a propaganda poster from his North Korean hotel, was brain damaged.

‘So what we pictured, because we’re optimists, is that Otto would be asleep and maybe in a medically induced coma and then when our doctors here would work with him and he’d get the best care and love that he would come out of it,’ she said during the first interview the couple had given since their 22-year-old son died.

The reality of Otto’s injuries were much worse than the Warmbiers could ever imagine. . . .

‘Otto had a shaved head, he had a feeding tube coming out of his nose, he was staring blankly into space, jerking violently,’ Fred said. ‘He was blind. He was deaf. As we looked at him and tried to comfort him it looked like someone had taken a pair of pliers and rearranged his bottom teeth.’

He added: ‘North Korea is not a victim, they are terrorists. They purposefully and intentionally injured Otto.’

North Korea has denied it cruelly treated or tortured Otto, saying he was dealt with according to domestic law and international standards.

Warmbier’s parents said the country’s actions are “inexcusable” and it should be listed as a state sponsor of terror….” (Excerpted from Fox News.)

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October 6, 2017

My heart goes out to the Warmblers. It was nothing short of a miracle for Otto to be even sent home or that he remained alive until he was in the presence of his loving parents. My son is close in age and was living in a communist country at the time. I have prayed often with great compassion to the Father for Otto’s plight and for him to be released.
I am deeply saddened to know of his torture. I am thankful Otto’s parents know the truth but I ask you Father to comfort their souls even now in this knowledge. I think of another American in Iran who no one yet knows his whereabouts. This regime has been exposed to the world and the world has had compassion on Otto’s plight. Bring us all peace Father, in Jesus’ name, amen

Letitia Walker
October 4, 2017

Father we pray to not lean on our own understanding. Father this is not making sense to us as we think from the flesh. Your wings are twofold, one with passion and the other with compassion, fold us into the shadows of those wings, Oh Father we pray. Father send glory love to Otto’s family, friends and neighbors. Father we draw a line of authority around this family, show your covenant love towards them now we pray! The armies of Heaven are marching, be clear about this. Justice is on the wings of the Dove!


October 1, 2017

Dear God,
Please help the Warmbier family. Guard their hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. Lord, I pray against bitterness and that you would give them the peace that surpasses all understanding.

I ask you to bring justice.You love justice.Oh, that you would slay the wicked. Please restrain evildoers from harming others in this way.

September 30, 2017

Precious Jesus, I lift this family before Your throne of grace petitioning Your comfort and strength to cover this family. God, You are able to do exceedingly and abundantly above all we could ever think or imagine. I pray that this thing the enemy has done, I declare and decree that You will turn it around for good. I speak Your mighty love and direction will guide this administration and give them the wisdom to address this situation and North Korea administration will be more transparent about the details involving Otto Warmbier. May this family remember the happy times they shared with their precious Otto, and may You put in place new policies and practices to protect and prevent other families from going through this type of horrific ordeal. In the name of Jesus Christ our Lord.

Patty DeGroot
September 29, 2017

Dear just and merciful Jesus, The memories of Otto, mangled teeth, jerking motions, inhumane howling, deaf, blind with the feeding tube coming out of his nose are still fresh in Cindy and Fred Warbier’s minds. U are able to take this horror they have experienced and bring something good out of it somehow. God, help Cindy and Fred to turn the matter over to U–many times a day as it comes to their minds. Only U can bind up their wounds. Only U can heal their broken hearts. Jesus, U hear the outcry of the hearts of the people in North and South Korea. Please bring justice. U put people in power and U bring them down. Thank U that we have a President who will not kick the can down the road in his foreign policy regarding North Korea. War ships are heading to the Korean peninsula. Secretary of Defense, James Madis, is President Trump’s right hand man. Your timing is perfect. We must be courageous. Not our will but yours be done. We plead the blood of Jesus over this delicate situation. In Jesus’s name, Amen.

Kit Hackett
September 29, 2017

Precious Creator, our hearts weep with the horror this family has been through. You,
Great God, are a God without injustice, righteous and upright are You. Come Holy Spirit do what only you can do. Comfort the family.
We cry out for mercy and the removal of this evil government. Establish Your Kingdom. The people of North Korea are living under this tyranny. Many are suffering the same as Otto. Please do not allow the Enemy of our soul to continue in this destructive pattern, in Jesus Name we ask Papa!

September 29, 2017

I pray in Jesus Christ’s name that the Holy Spirit will put the Warmbier family in the bubble of His love and comfort. I pray that the Lord will strengthen you in the inner man. I pray that the the Light of Jesus Christ will be so strong to wipe out darkness and all the evil that darkness brings. I love you and will continue to lift you up in prayer.

September 29, 2017

Dear Heavenly Father, I pray for your comfort and peace over the Warmbier family. Guide our thoughts to appropriate action. Give us wisdom to stand strong effectively pushing back evil.

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