War: Confronting Confusion, Conflict, and Chaos
War: Confronting Confusion, Conflict, and Chaos
While all hearts and eyes are upon Israel, it is eminently clear that praying for the peace of Jerusalem involves praying for peace and stability in the Middle East and elsewhere around the globe. We understand that this is a spiritual battle. However, it can be helpful to identify some historical roots the Enemy has used to foment greater levels of confusion, conflict, and chaos on the earth.
Have you taken your place on the wall?
This month on Constitutional Corner, Dave Kubal and I discussed the difference between The Law of Nations (legal treatise, Emerich de Vattel, 1758) and international law. Our discussion began revealing how subtle the Enemy is in his ploy to derail us from the truth. The Law of Nations contextualizes the biblical establishment of sovereign nations coupled with the preexisting “Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God” to prescribe their interactions. This means that the objective standard of the will of the Maker as revealed through the holy Scripture is preeminent. Conversely, the phrase “international law,” first coined by Jeremy Bentham in 1789, implemented a new jurisprudence of utilitarian principle that applied a subjective analysis of happiness for the greatest number of people. If you find this distinction a bit confusing, I encourage you to listen to the October Constitutional Corner, in which we try to break all of it down.
The ultimate revelation is that even the slightest deviation away from absolute truth opens the door to manmade alternatives that carry the potential for volatility. No matter how well-intentioned humanity may be, our best efforts will never compare. This is to say, God’s ways always work — ours, not so much.
The framework of The Law of Nations holds that in times of peace, we should do as much good as possible in relation to neighboring countries, while in times of war, we should try to do as little harm as possible. In applying those principles to the situation with Hamas today, Israel, as the injured party, should be able to look to the country housing the “belligerents.” This means that the belligerents (Hamas) that violated Israel with their attacks on Oct. 7 should have been reprimanded by the country within which they reside. Unfortunately, due to a lack of proper civil sovereignty in the Gaza Strip (such disorder being occasioned by pressure from the international community), there is in fact no country to thus hold Hamas accountable. The created Palestinian State within that region has been controlled by Hamas since 2006, so its government is complicit, if not synonymous, with Hamas. As there can be no internal domestic means of sanctioning the wrongdoers, the responsibility to address the malfeasance of Hamas under the Law of Nations principles would then shift to Israel as the injured party.
Conversely, the current rules of armed conflict under international humanitarian law are not as clear. The established principles of military necessity, distinction (civilians versus military personnel) and proportionality (the percentage of deaths) are what dominate. If any country is viewed as having exceeded the minimum military force needed — as revealed in a disproportionate number of civilian deaths — then that country is said to have violated the rules of armed conflict: to be guilty of war crimes. Israel asserts that it has made every effort possible to protect Arab civilians. Yet, for numerous reasons, including Hamas’ refusal to allow those civilians to evacuate plus a closed-off Egyptian border, the numbers if civilian deaths remain tragically very high — and Israel is at times being castigated by segments of the international community. This exposes the underlying problem: While these principles may on their face seem laudable, not being tied to any objective standards, they nonetheless become open to interpretation, which results in divergent assessments.
One must wonder: If Israel had been allowed to defend its continued possession and control of the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, would these military incursions have continued? And had the international community supported Israel’s ability to maintain possession of the territory it won at the close of the Six-Day War, would we even be witnessing today the devastation of innocent Israeli and Arab populations? No question, the spirit of hatred is always birthed by the accuser of the brethren. But it would seem that the spirits of contention, strife, and instability in the Gaza Strip have been empowered by misguided international jurisprudence that wrongly looks to appeasement rather than to recognition of the sovereignty of nations.
Innocent Arab citizens, despite any political hardships, would arguably have been safer living within a Gaza Strip governed by Israel than inside a gerrymandered Palestinian territory ruled by a militant Hamas. Too often, well-intentioned philanthropy that uses misguided human principles will bring more harm than good. But one thing we’ve been able to witness clearly is that when the evils and hatred within human hearts are allowed translation to a collective evil from governmental control, it always leads to suffering, oppression, and devastation.
All of which takes us back to the very beginning. Let’s pray for the peace of Jerusalem, and let’s pray also that swords may be hammered into plowshares as human hearts are filled with the all-consuming love of Jesus for one another!
Share below your prayers for Christ’s peace in the Middle East and among nations.
Cynthia Dunbar is an attorney, an author, a constitutional scholar, a professor of government, a former law professor, and an IFA board member. She is co-host with Dave Kubal of IFA’s Constitutional Corner. Visit Freedom Focus to view Cynthia’s video shorts, or click here to arrange a speaking engagement for your next event. Photo Credit: Ahmad Hasaballah/Getty Images.
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Whatever accord the nations of the West come up with, it will be difficult to deal with Islamic aggression because it is actually written into their holy book! The only solution to them is for every person in all of the world to convert to Islam. But then THAT will not be enough – Sunni will battle Shite until one of them is vanquished. It is hard for non-Muslims to understand the HATE that Muslims carry. Also, they think it perfectly all right to lie to advance their ends. Therefore, there is no use in negotiating with them. Sadly, if they act up, which they DID earlier this month, sensible nations must POUND the affecting Muslim entity until it is destroyed.
Let’s think of the comparison between a Muslim and a non-Muslim person in the case of that person’s being the only person left. The non-Muslim will ask for terms of peace, but the Muslim will fight until dead.
Lord your Word tells us to pray for the peace of Jerusalem and we obey your Word. We pray for peace in the Middle East and give your wisdom to all of your leaders Lord. We pray for protection for families according to Psalm 91 and am so grateful for your Word Lord.In Jesus Christ of Nazareth holy name! Amen
Abba Father, we thank You for Your love that has changed us by the Blood of Your son Jesus Christ. We thank You that as we turn to You we become more like You. We pray for Your love to fall on Hamas. Your love to fall on Hezbollah. Your love to fall on Iran. Your love to fall on China. Your love to fall on Russia. We thank You in advance. This we ask in Jesus’s name Amen
Lord, I pray that thru it all Your glory & protection would be evident to all who watch all this go down. Please Holy Spirit flood Israel, & all who surround her, w/ Your powerful & life giving presence so that there would be miracle upon miracle constantly — as Israel is used to during times like these. Holy Spirit please comfort those who have lost family members & please orchestrate deliverance for those who have been made captives. Please lead them out of their prisons like u did Peter & the other apostles, in Jesus’ name. Amen!
May they both come to the Prince of Peace, Jesus Christ! He is the way, the truth, the life!
I agree with Mary Beth!!
AMEN! What Cynthia Dunbar says in this article is so true.
I ask O Lord for the Holy Spirit to grant us a humble heart so we can all pray together as Gods people. I am dismayed at the harsh remarks one to another over the Middle East. We can not fight in prayer without unity. Please give grace to one another. We are all seeking God and His answers to the Middle East. None of us knows it all. Some like myself are just learning to understand. I plead for unity among believers across the globe.
Father, i ask you to help the intercessors (and me) to intercede properly for a quick end to this conflict, to hear and obey the promptings of the Holy Spirit, lead us to helpful scriptures to pray, help us to tune out distractions and avoid praying in our own words or our own thoughts, opinions, etc. Help us to get in tune with you and stay in tune with you to pray your way in your timing, and to pray your will alone, may your will be done in Israel and in this war as it is in heaven, lead us and Israel not into temptation, but deliver us from all evil. May you move on Israel’s military decision makers to know your will and do your will, may Benjamin Netanyahu seek you and scriptures in prayer for wisdom and direction as King David and other Godly kings did. In Jesus name we ask and believe you to do all we have requested. Thank you.
Prayers 🙏 for Israel and for all
Peggy, I agree; read the Bible for context. Thanks for your powerful, biblically based examples of what is truly happening with Israel and the evil spreading throughout the Middle East. God’s holy word and promises provide navigation and understanding. Read the book of Isaiah. It is like a news report about what happened in Gaza on October 7. Descriptions of war crimes – Isaiah 13: 15-16 & 18 “Anyone who is caught will be stabbed to death. While they look on helplessly, their babies will be battered to death, their houses will be looted, and their wives will be raped……They will show no mercy to babies and take no pity on children.”
If we are indeed in the end times, is it biblically logical to pray for the peace of Jerusalem, according to Ps 122? Be aware of the false peace to come and that Israel has to be so distressed that it repents and seeks God.
God has a plan for Israel, but it involves tough love.
In Hebrew, hamas means violence. Israel is fighting hamas with hamas
Salem, in Jerusalem, means peace.
I prayerfully read the Bible daily. Everything I’m reading about end times indicates that the only peace Israel is going to experience during this time is the treacherous peace of the Antichrist. Is this what we’re praying for?
In Christendom, it’s “politically correct” to deem Israel as “good and godly” because they’re chosen. But twice God banished them from His land because they were polluting His land with sin:
Jeremiah 16:18: “I will first doubly repay their iniquity and their sin, because they have polluted My land; they have filled My inheritance with the carcasses of their detestable idols and with their abominations.”
Ezekiel 36:17: “Son of man, when the house of Israel was living in their own land, they defiled it by their ways and their deeds;”
Ezekiel 8:17 NIV: “Have you seen this, son of man? Is it a trivial matter for the people of Judah to do the detestable things they are doing here? Must they also fill the land with violence and continually arouse my anger?”
Judah has been exiled twice, for 70 years and then 2000 years for rejecting God’s laws. They are still polluting the land with violence and sin: abortion, prostitution, and immorality are legal. Tel Aviv is known for its pride parades. Proverbs 16 NIV: “Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall.”
Israel is a rebellious son that has twice been kicked out of His Father’s house. In his distress, he moved back home a third time. Father gave him his old “bedroom.” But this is Father’s house. God gave the land to Israel, but that land belongs to God. It’s holy land.
Israel is supposed to be a kingdom led by the Prince of Peace, not a democracy led by the people’s whims.
Jeremiah refers to Jerusalem as Sodom and Gomorrah. Revelation refers to it as Sodom and Egypt.
Jesus Christ is God, King, enforcer of laws they keep rejecting. The Savior they keep rejecting. The peace they keep rejecting. That’s major conflict between the people and the King of the land they keep rejecting.
1 Samuel 8:7 NIV: “And the LORD told him: ‘Listen to all that the people are saying to you; it is not you they have rejected, but they have rejected me as their king.’”
Matthew 23:37-39 NLT, Jesus said:
“O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, the city that kills the prophets and stones God’s messengers! How often I have wanted to gather your children together as a hen protects her chicks beneath her wings, but you wouldn’t let me. And now, look, your house is abandoned and desolate. For I tell you this, you will never see me again until you say, ‘Blessings on the one who comes in the name of the Lord!’”
Israel rejected their peace when they rejected Jesus. Jesus is their peace, their Savior. We can’t have peace without the Prince of Peace.
The war and misery is God’s way of getting their attention, according to Hosea 5:15 ESV: “I will return again to my place, until they acknowledge their guilt and seek my face, and in their distress earnestly seek me.”
Israel must acknowledge its guilt. Any peace that comes otherwise is false.
Also Zechariah 12:10 NLT: “Then I will pour out a spirit of grace and prayer on the family of David and on the people of Jerusalem. They will look on me whom they have pierced and mourn for him as for an only son. They will grieve bitterly for him as for a firstborn son who has died.”
It’s tough love.
Also, I don’t think God’ is going to fulfill His promise to Israel until the Millenium, not the current age. I think Ezekiel 38-43:4 supports my understanding. Currently, Jews reject Jesus. I John 4:1 tells us to test the spirits to see if they’re from God. According to 1 John 4:2-3 NIV:
“This is how you can recognize the Spirit of God: Every spirit that acknowledges that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God, but every spirit that does not acknowledge Jesus is not from God. This is the spirit of the antichrist, which you have heard is coming and even now is already in the world.”
Israel and Jews deny that Jesus came in the flesh, and that makes them not filled with the Holy Spirit (who glorifies Jesus), but with the spirit of antichrist. According to Daniel, they will accept his false and treacherous peace.
The media is telling us to panic and be shocked. But Jesus said we’ll hear of wars and rumors of wars, and not to be alarmed. We can’t get emotionally caught up in a war that Jesus told us is coming. If we pray for the peace of Israel, I don’t believe it’s going to come until the Millenium, and we pray for this often: “Your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven…” To get caught up in pursuing peace during this late hour may expose us to being thankful and deceived by a false peace brought on by the Antichrist and the resulting tribulation/Jacob’s sorrow.
God has a plan for Israel, but I think it’s going to involve worsening birth pains without anesthesia. We can’t pray that away.
The people living in the holy land are not obeying the law of the holy land. That land belongs to Christ. The people want to banish Christ’s kingdom and have their own lawless democracy. Something’s got to give, and it won’t be King Jesus. Twice they’ve been banished from the land. There is no third banishment.
War is terrible, and we want it to go away. But the root problem is sin. War won’t go away until people repent and obey the law of the land and accept Jesus, Savior and Prince of Peace.
We must be careful we’re not deceived by the false peace that’s coming. The temporary relief from war is going to be the false peace of a deceptive Antichrist. Peace at any cost. Just make the war (the pain) go away! And it does! For the while. But Antichrist will deceive, and the war he wages on Israel and Christians is going to be even worse. Great tribulation.
The issue isn’t to stop the war.
The issue is stop the sinning. Embrace Jesus as God and King.
Please read Jesus’s prayer in John 17:6-26. Remember, Jesus is a Judean, He’s in Jerusalem, and He’s the Savior and King of Israel and the world.
Does He pray for the peace of Jerusalem? No. Jesus is a Biblical realist. He knows the scriptures. He is the Word. He knows the temple will be destroyed and Rome will wipe out Judea. So He prays for His disciples, and He prays for us, future believers.
I urge all to read the Whole Word of God. Not just cozy snippets.
I pray for Gods Peace ✌️ and love
Peggy, I would encourage you to consider that God’s Word has layers of truth and must be understood as dealing with both spiritual realities and natural realities. And sometimes prophecy applies to more than one era of time and is fulfilled in varying degrees in each era. Discerning these things is essential for correct application.
We are to pray for the peace of Jerusalem, just as Psa. 122 exhorts us to do. Since they, and we throughout the world, will only know a measure of natural peace in a world filled with “wars, and rumors of wars”, and will undergo increasing persecution – I believe the only peace we can experience on a consistent basis is spiritual peace. That only comes to those who have been conquered by and have submitted to the Prince of Peace, and therefore what we are really praying for is not a geo-political peace although that would be welcome. We should be praying and working for the salvation of Israel and the nations, so that “Of the increase of His government and peace there shall be no end.” Isa. 9:6 May we join Him in His zeal to accomplish this. According to Romans 10 & 11, when Israel recognizes Yeshua as Messiah, and the natural branches are grafted back in, it will be life from the dead – worldwide awakening!
No nation is righteous before God, including the USA. We are equally guilty of abortion, violence, etc. So should we desire grace for us, but retribution to Israel? Do we blame them for their day of disaster, but give ourselves a pass and blame the devil for our day of disaster? That is the stuff that replacement theology is made of. The institutional church has been guilty of defaming the name of Yeshua among the Hebrew people, something I consistently repent of substitutionally. May the ekklesia, those truly born-again believers, in this day love Israel in such practical ways that it allows Holy Spirit to draw them, and reveal Yeshua to them as their Messiah.
It is no “false peace” I am praying for – that will come in God’s timing without any action on my part. What I am praying for is the “peace that passes understanding” that Philippians 4:4-9 talks about – peace with God through repentance and obedience, and the peace of God who indwells us.
Excellent answer. You are so right about those of us in the United States being guilty of sin. And in fact , our nation is mirroring
Israel in our division, in our rejection of God, in our duplicity and in our deceptions. I am praying that He will bring truth, honor, and His glory both to Israel AND to the United States, as well as, to the world.
Yes, excellent, Mary Beth!!
Yes Lord Almighty, please bring peace to Jerusalem and Israel! As it is said in the book of Revelation, this chaos and turmoil is of no surprise to you. All growing pains before the Rapture! Until then, we are servants and prayer warriors 🙏!!!
We’ve heard for years to “Pray for the peace of Jerusalem” like a mantra when praying for Isreal. There’s no time like the present to really take that to heart with so many lives that were taken by Hamas. Father we do pray for the peace of Jerusalem, but more that that we pray God’s will be accomplished. The end times are unfolding before our very eyes. The Euphrates River is drying up preparing for Armeggedon. The birth pains of wars and rumors of wars is in our face with the next that could possibly be a war between China and Taiwan. As the Lord tells us not to be alarmed because these things must happen before the end. Friends talking to their prodigal sons preparing them for the rapture. There has never been a time in my life where the rapture is more tangible than ever. So I continue to pray may Your will be done. Psalm 91 talks about how with our eyes we will see the punishment of the wicked, but we will be rescued by the fowler’s snare. That God’s angels are with us to take charge over us. My prayer is that the United States will be rescued from the fowler’s snare and that because of the Ecclesia and remnant who are praying God will protect us, God will save us, God will be our refuge. That American will be the nation all come to for help and that lawlessness is only for a night but that joy will come in the morning.
Thank you King Jesus that you are already King and rule over the nations.
1 Timothy 6:15
he who is the blessed and only Sovereign, the King of kings and Lord of Lords.
You are who brings peace on earth and good will towards men. Thank you that through you ALL the nations of the earth will be blessed.
Galatians 3:8
And the Scripture, foreseeing that God would justify the Gentiles by faith, preached the gospel beforehand to Abraham, saying, “In you shall all the nations be blessed.”
Psalm 22:27-28
All the ends of the earth shall remember and turn to the Lord, and all the families of the nations shall worship before you. For kingship belongs to the Lord, and he rules over the nations.
We agree that and proclaim that they will turn their spears into plowshares and come against declarations of war, chaos and destruction even made your people caused by false doctrines. We ask you to restore the hope of the gospel, the restoration of all things.
We pray that once again your people would declare life and hope over the world instead of death and chaos and that you would shine through us!
Ephesians 3:10
so that through the church the manifold wisdom of God might now be made known to the rulers and authorities in the heavenly places.
Colossians 1:27
To them God chose to make known how great among the Gentiles are the riches of the glory of this mystery, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory!
“made your people,” should be made by your people.
Too soon for plowshares!
When Islam loves their sons more than they hate Israel, Christians, and un-believers…
Gazan youth are damaged and need Yeshua, like the son-of-Hamas in USA!
I definitely encourage all of us as God commanded, to pray for the Peace of Jerusalem and that Israel be delivered. As for praying that “swords be beat into plowshares,” Isa. 2:4, that prophecy will not come to pass until Jesus is King and the Tribulation is over.! We will then be enjoying the Millennium. Instead, it is time for beating “plowshares into Swords” from Joel 3:10 for God calling the nations to Armageddon.
I’m praying that God would defend Israel as in years past. Currently all nations, some include America with its present administration, are aimed at Israel. It would take a miraculous occurrence to deliver Israel right now. That’s what I’m praying for! The name, Israel, means, “God Fights!” Let’s pray together to that end..
Amen! This is War, not only Physical but Spiritual! We pray for Peace, and that being the Prince of Peace to come and fulfil all things!
I vote for the Law of the Nations! I wasn’t able to watch this discussion you had with Dave, so I appreciate this article, Cynthia.
LORD, we often look back at both our own mistakes, and the mistakes of nations and consider what those mistakes have cost us, and continue to cost us. In our arrogance, we too often trust our own ability to decide a course of action and then find that it was a mistake. We too often bow to pressures whether internal or external – “It’s too hard, even though I know what is right!” – “What will people say?” – “The cost is too high!” – “Did God really say ____?” LORD, help us to fear You sufficiently, that we choose to obey You and Your Holy Word regardless of those pressures to go our own way. It is always not just a mistake, but a sin to go our own way. “All we like sheep have gone astray, we have turned every one to his own way: and the LORD has laid on Him the iniquity of us all.” Isa. 53:6 Thank you for bearing our sin and shame, Yeshua. I repent for myself of going my own way far too often, instead of seeking You diligently and obeying Your leadership.
LORD, as this applies to Israel and the nations – may we learn from our past mistakes! Those who forget their history, are doomed to repeat it. (a quote, but unsure who said it!) May Israel’s leaders seek and follow Your divine counsel. Isa. 46:9-10 Guide and direct them, in order to accomplish Your will in the destruction of the evil regime of Hamas.
Oh God you spoke it on the Mount of Olives to your beloved disciples and we are grateful we have these prophetic words in your gospel! I pray oh father that your holy word will prick the hearts of those causing the evil warfare around the world and especially in Israel. Please bring discernment to the rulers and leaders and a work of peaceful restoration…Amen
Heavenly Father, we humbly come before you crying out for you to heal our hearts and our land Father. We plead the blood of Jesus and your shield of protection to cover Israel and Jerusalem and also the citizens of Hamas caught in the crossfire of the evil regime. Our hearts our broken for the destruction and devastation Lord for the loss of your children from these wars. Lord we call back the twisting of your word, the chaos, confusion and the destructions the enemy is causing to divide your people. We call for a flood of your cleansing to fall upon us so strong that it will shake the foundations Lord. I am praying for waves of spiritual awakening and eyes and ears to be opened to know Your TRUTH!!!! Call back our nations to a time that seeks, adores and worships You in all that we do! We need strong faithful men and women to lead in our government, our schools, our churches, our communities and our families. Come Jesus Come. In Jesus Name Amen.
Thank you for this article that lays the issue out very clearly.
Dear Heavenly Father we ask your protection over Israel, wisdom for it’s leaders and military, and victory over their vicious enemies. And we pray that every person whom you’ve blessed with the breath of life to enter this new day, be they Jew or gentile, that they would receive You as Lord & Savior right now and not ever spend another moment separated from you. In Jesus’ name, amen.
I appreciate this intelligent, yet approachable explanation of the complex factors underlying the conflict in the Gaza Strip and Israel. Joining with IFA in prayer for the peace of Israel and stability in the Middle East. Lord, help us!
Only the Lord will bring true Shalom. Only He can bring surrendered souls to peace. So we ask You for this, Abba Father! To draw Sooo many to Yourself. To bring deliverance to those who hate and want to kill the sons of Jacob. To bring forgiveness into them. To heal the trauma caused by the hate and murder. Abba!
We need a National day of prayer with Franklin Graham and Johnathon Kahn
Returning to the values OF FREEDOM AND PERSONAL
thanksgiving day!!!!!
Daniel Gardner Murray
386 679 7300
Lord. You know that the enemy perverts and twists truth. In Jesus name I decree truth and righteousness will prevail. That You will vindicate Israel and be their shield in the midst of lying and deception. Bless them with victory and bring others alongside to help.
Father please give us a mighty miracle and set those captives free. In Jesus Name.
Lord Jesus, may Your will and principles prevail in this unfortunate, terrible situation. Please redeem the time.
All we really need is love, love that Jesus showed while here in earth in a human body. He is the only answer to all this hatred.
Lord, I pray for the soldiers and operators who physically carry out your righteous judgements. May they not loose their humanity and become corrupt. Preserve their souls, O Lord my God.
Father God dear Jesus you are in control and we surrender before you humbly ask for your hand in this, May there be peace in Jerusalem and may you guide them and protect them from the enemy. We pray your mercy on the innocent and your Mighty hand upon the guilty. In Jesus powerful righteous merciful and loving name amen