WASHINGTON – What would it take for you to leave behind acquaintances, friends, and even some family members, all in the name of politics? That’s what Brandon Straka did when he decided to walk away from the Democratic Party in 2017.
“Never lose faith that people can change,” Straka told the crowd at a recent Trump 2020 Campaign rally. “If I can change, anyone can change.”
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That is Straka’s story. Once a lifelong Democrat, he’s now an outspoken Trump supporter. “I live in New York City and I was a former liberal, a former Democrat my entire life,” Straka told CBN News.
He says things changed after the 2016 election. “I was just absolutely shocked and I think horrified and trying to understand how could anyone vote for this terrible person?” Straka said of Trump. “I was going on social media constantly asking this question and that’s when finally somebody reached out to me – January of 2017 – with a social media clip that very clearly demonstrated how CNN and some of these liberal media outlets had been so dishonest and isolated these moments out of context and created a narrative surrounding Donald Trump and his supporters which was completely untrue.”
After a year of reflection and research, Straka says he left the Democratic party and in 2018 started the #WalkAway grassroots movement.
“So I created something called the #WalkAway campaign, encouraging people to tell their own stories and create their own testimonials about why they, too, are walking away and what they’re walking away from and it just exploded.”
(Excerpt from CBN News. Article by Jenna Browder.)
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Thank you Lord, for Brandon Straka, for his courage and fortitude. For He and all those who see the lies and corruption of the DNC, i pray they also would see Satan behind this and no that a change of party is not enough. Cause them to hunger for you and the Truth that you are dear Lord. I was so broken that you gave me 2 years before you brought up making you Lord of my life, and i think too it would be this way for the gays. You love first, and then draw. Bless you Lord. May Brandon come to know you. In Jesus name, amen.
Thank you that this man was made aware of what is true about President Trump instead of the lies. In the same way, I pray that he would also be made aware of the truth of the gospel. Thank you that there are people who are seeking to know truth. Help them to find ultimate truth. I pray that all truth would prevail because all truth is of you and lies are of the devil who is the father of lies. May the truth about what President Trump is actually doing be made public so that people can make decisions based on the facts rather than on lies.
And thank you for blessing us with a president who has made many decisions that uphold your ways- religious freedoms and pro-life support like no other president since Roe v. Wade. Thank you for this window of opportunity . Please help us to do all we can for your glory and the sake of our children.
Love the # WalkAway campaign…but the church must stick to the gospel. As much as I disdain the DNC platform of death and sexualizing our children. Politics is not the answer. We Believers in Christ Jesus, were never called to share politics without the gospel.
As for this man being gay, he needs Christ like anyone else.
May the Lord touch him. heal him and deliver him.
Meanwhile, we must occupy until He, Jesus, returns. I often Express political views bc the right to LIFE is such an important issue and #WalkAway is a part of that fight. May God give them favor.
Intercessors of America should not be more blinded by politics over God’s desires. Kindly emphasize God’s love and desire to change this homosexual man. We need to intercede for his salvation, for surely leaving the Democratic party is nothing if you die and go to hell and take others with you because of bad example. Even as he is leading many out of the evil influenced Democrat party let’s pray this young man will see Christs light, know the truth, know Christ and be saved out of homosexuality and bring many out too. I am disappointed at Intercessors of America for not highlighting the spiritual need of brandon Straka. but putting him as an example without addressing his homosexual lifestyle. May God help us all to love and keep the main thing as the main thing. Jesus kingdom and his desire for men’s souls and sin free living coming from a place of deep agape love. May God save our president, Hannity, Tucker, Laura, candace O etc all those fighting for truth.pray for them always. May Christians arise and fight more as we are more equipped.
Heavenly Father,in Jesus mighty name, I pray that your people will reach out with support for those who “Walk Away.It must take as much courage for them as it does forthose standing up for Biblical principles. The dragon has been let out of his cage, and is turning to bite his captors!😁
Amen. May everyone who is deceived by the demonic, antichrist lies, deception, and witchcraft of the Democrat/liberal/socialist/communist cabal and all their allies in the media, academia, Hollywood, and wherever else wake up by the Resurrection power of the Holy Spirit and the Blood of Christ to see and sense the evil spirits operating in all these people and be shocked awake. And I pray also that this flood of evil will additionally push a massive hunger for Jesus’s Truth and Righteousness. In Jesus’s Precious Name and all for His Glory, Amen.
Dear Minister Musa,
I so agree with your cry to pray for these ones who are conservative and fighting for truth and justice; even though they might not have yet met The Master. Prayerfully their involvement in making good choices politically and speaking out will end in their salvation as they encounter Jesus through many they meet and interact with. God is faithful as we continue to pray for them all. I cannot speak for Intercessors for America. I do think the focus here is what we need to pray for; and thank God for how he is using many in our nation to stand for truth and righteousness; even though they might not yet know they are standing for truth and righteousness. The salvation of these precious people is another topic; albeit an important one.
Praying that more and more and more “see” the “light” and join the #Walkaway movement. It’s the equivalent of grabbing hold of a life ring that we are throwing out to them, and getting on to the life raft with us as we ALL escape the sure destruction of the Democratic Party that is attempting to sink everyone. Father may it be so. Open eyes and ears to see the truth of the Democratic Party as absolute evil that it is, and to “escape” it. Father may it be so, in Jesus name, amen.